I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 398: That one……

The woman’s breakfast was always eaten less, and Catherine Bigelow quickly ate her simple sandwich, sipped the juice, and patiently chatted with Eric, who was still dealing with the ham sandwich in front of him. .

When Eric finished eating, Catherine said: "What are you going to do next?"

Eric pointed to the newspaper and documents next to it: "The New Business Office opened at ten o'clock, and I took the time to finish it."

"Then you look at it slowly, I am leaving," Catherine nodded politely toward Eric and stood up and decided to leave.

Eric did not retain it. For a woman with a strong personality like Catherine, the more eager the performance is, the more likely it is to cause resentment. It is the best choice to use a little bit of desire.

Watching the woman leave, let the waiter take away the tableware of the two, only to open the stack of newspapers next to it, first selected a "Los Angeles Times" to read it, and simply looked at the international newsletter layout, the joint * team has begun After the finishing work, nothing else was special, and Eric quickly turned to the entertainment version.

"Disney announced the joint production of "cutting the throat" with Robert Shea, set on June 28th."

Today is a good day.

Eric’s mouth hangs a touch of sneer, and he thinks.

He has been worried about what will happen to his plan, but things are still developing according to his plan. Disney has already fallen into the pit with Robert Shea, so that Chris can accelerate the absorption of Disney stock.

Although "cut-throat island" is not a film that specializes in special effects, such a large-scale production of more than 70 million US dollars of production, the five-month production cycle is short and short, not long. From the article. Disney and Robert Shay also invited Rennie Haring and Gina Davis as directors and actresses according to his arrangement, so the film is likely to maintain the original 'level'.

Disney and Robert Shea set the "cutting throat" on June 28, and the intentions of "Toy Story" and "Terminator 2" that slammed fireflies on June 21 and July 5 were obvious. I just don't know who killed who at that time.

Catherine Bigelow returned to her room. Simply packed up a look, put on a pair of camel long boots, picked up the bag and went downstairs again, she was going to a friend's party in the morning. When passing through the hotel lobby, the woman could not help but slow down and look in the direction of the restaurant.

Eric is still sitting in the original seat. Tilting his legs, slightly rubbing his lips, bowing his head and reading the newspaper in his hand, the whole person exudes a calm and quiet that is completely incompatible with age, if not a familiar person. At this point, I saw that the big boy’s first sight was hard to realize that he was only twenty years old.

Catherine walked to the restaurant and her eyes were about to be blocked. The woman’s footsteps paused, but she quickly walked outside the hotel.

Out of the hotel door, the cold air outside wrapped the woman up, and Catherine couldn't help but put her hand into the windbreaker pocket again. Standing on the side of the road waiting for a while, intercepting a taxi. The warm temperature inside the car with air conditioning makes the woman's thoughts come together again.

Thinking of the scene I just saw, the woman suddenly thought that Eric didn't seem to mention anything about "Saving Private Ryan."

During the shooting of "The Storm". He was very enthusiastic about letting her take over the project. The two had a lot of discussion on the script, but on the one hand, because "The Shocking Point" has not been completed, on the other hand, she did hesitate about this project. I didn’t agree to drag it down.

This little guy won't forget it?

But she immediately denied this conjecture. So a savvy little guy, how could you forget this? But why didn't he mention it?

Still, his time was just a whim. Then she realized that it was impossible for a woman to manipulate such a large-scale project and decided to deal with it coldly. After a while, the film was handed over to a more suitable male director.

Leaning against the window and looking at the snow that occasionally left on the roadside, Catherine soon felt that it might be related to "The Shock Point."

"Thriller" is now down, and the box office stays at more than 61 million. Catherine is very satisfied with the box office. At least this result has already caused the fireflies to recover the cost. The profit from the subsequent video distribution is pure. Profitable.

However, this achievement is far from the results of those films that Eric has made in the past. He must have stopped mentioning the project "Save the Ryan Ryan" because of this.

It must be like this.

This profit is a small profiteer!

The taxi stopped, and Catherine paid the money to get off the taxi. As the cold breath hits the whole body again, the woman's thoughts calm down and quickly throw away these messy thoughts.

Anyway, "Thunderstorm" has a good box office. If you find a project of interest, you will definitely get an investment. It is nothing to miss such a movie.

I cheered for myself, introspected something that I shouldn’t have suffered, and erected the collar of the windbreaker. The bag was hung in the arm, and my hands were again extended into the pocket. I stepped on the pavement with hard bottom boots. Go up the street to the left.

A cold wind blew, she shrank her neck and couldn't help but think that she should buy a scarf.

After several consecutive days, because both people are people with a strong sense of time, they can meet at the restaurant every morning.

"Suddenly, your life is really different from your age, which makes people feel unbelievable." This morning, the two sat in their usual seats, and Catherine couldn't help but speak.

Eric looked up at the woman and said, "What kind of life do you think I should live?"

Catherine made a meaningless gesture and said: "It shouldn't be like this now, it is against my common sense."

Eric smiled: "Maybe I am specifically trying to get your attention. You know, I am still very good at this woman."

Catherine squinted at Eric, but her cheeks couldn’t help but show a touch of red: "You won't, it won't really be like those newspapers, and that... that complex? I can be bigger than you... ... many years old."

"What kind of newspapers do you look at? Regular ones will generally boast that I am young and do not have to mess with these messy things."

"I also forgot my name, and I occasionally saw an article about you."

Eric thought about it and explained: "Let's say it, I prefer to get along with a woman of my psychological age. This will be more topical. You see that we have a good time talking, aren't you?" to be continued)

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