I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 399: anxiety

Catherine squatted and reluctantly admitted: "It seems, it is."

Because the topic was awkward, and had eaten his own breakfast, Catherine planned to leave early.

Eric stopped her this time, picking up the inconspicuous bag that had been placed at his feet and handed it to Catherine: "Give it to you, see you have been naked around the neck these days, I looked I feel cold."

Catherine opened the bag and pulled a white cashmere scarf from it.

When the woman hesitated, she said, "Thank you, but I don't like white very much, or..."

"Then put it here, I will wait for someone to throw it away."

"You..." Catherine had some helplessness and picked up the bag: "Okay, I took it."

Going back to my room, the woman walked to the bathroom and put the scarf on the mirror. Have to say that black is the most versatile color. The woman's black trench coat with a white scarf in the mirror made her look a little more feminine. This is something she can always avoid. As a female director wants to survive in Hollywood, she must try to downplay the gender difference, she has been doing this all the time.

However, it is not at work now, so wear it.

She quickly found a reason for herself, very reasonable.

When she passed through the hotel lobby, this time she stopped the ghost and went to the restaurant again.

Eric, who was reading the newspaper, looked up and saw her appearance and praised it: "It's beautiful."

"Thank you," she sat down opposite him.

Eric asked: "Is there anything?"

“In the morning, there is a charity exhibition in the Columbia Library. Are you interested in taking a look?” In the face of Eric’s gaze, the woman quickly said: “You are a big gold master. This exhibition is for a lonely If you don’t raise funds for the Disabled Children’s Fund, maybe you can donate more money.”

"This way, when I call a few calls, I will push things today."

Catherine immediately said, "If you are too busy, then forget it."

Eric ignored it. I took a mobile phone and made a few phone calls in front of Catherine, and looked up at the woman: "So, when do we leave?"

"Now, the exhibition begins at nine o'clock," said Eric, who stood up without hesitation. Catherine felt a bit of uneasiness, not the kind of uneasiness that was dangerous, but an inexplicable uneasiness in the crack of some kind of defense.

Two people walked out of the hotel side by side, Catherine was about to wave a taxi. A black Chrysler has already reached the front of the two.

Eric carefully opened the door for her, and Catherine hesitated and got into it.

"Is Columbia University right?" Eric sat down next to her and asked.

"Well... um," Catherine nodded, sitting there habitually straightening her waist and putting her hands on her knees.

Eric couldn't help but smile: "Let's relax a little, you make me feel so strange."

"My feelings are strange." The woman subconsciously blurted out.

The two men then laughed together.

Chrysler traveled along the Broadway, all the way to Columbia University in the Upper Town, and the two got off the bus. Eric sneaked into the bodyguards and didn't let them follow. He went to Columbia with Catherine because he was here for the first time, so Catherine introduced him to the surrounding scenery and allusions. The famous schools with more than two hundred years of history exude a strong historical heritage. Eric does not like the architecture where the classical atmosphere is too strong, so his residence is decorated in a modern style. But walking around the Columbia University campus, he did not feel a slight resentment.

I have been in the campus for more than ten minutes. Catherine took him to the library outside the charity exhibition.

“This exhibition is mainly European classical oil painting, but there are not many masters' original works. It is a copy of some artists' works,” Catherine said. She handed out the tickets and walked in with Eric.

Two people just walked into the library hall, and Eric saw a white woman in her thirties with her eyes greeted.

"Hey, Catherine, you are here," the woman greeted warmly and hugged with Catherine, but because she was less than one meter tall, she looked a little petite. When she embraced Catherine, she felt very uncomfortable. Eric couldn't help but smile.

After the petite woman let go of Catherine, she glanced at the white scarf on the neck of the woman, and her eyes flashed a little differently before she turned to Eric: "Wow, Catherine, no wonder you refused to live with me, this is... ...oh, so familiar, I seem to have seen you there, have I seen you?"

Eric smiled and reached out to the petite woman: "Hello, I am Eric Williams."

"Eric Williams," the woman repeated, screaming in a small, wide-eyed look up and down Eric: "That is that, the director of "Seattle Sleepless"?"

It seems that this woman’s taste is already obvious. Eric can’t help but think that the first time he meets him, he often mentions his work, and they tend to hang the favorite piece in his mouth. side.

"Yes," Eric nodded.

The woman whispered again and said with a sigh: "Hello, Eric, can I call you like this? Oh, my name is Becky Murphy, Becky, and the editor of the poison tongue in your movie. a name."

"Hello, Ms. Murphy," Eric felt that the woman was too enthusiastic. She looked at Catherine next to her eyes. The difference between the two people was too big. I don't know how to become a friend.

"Call me Becky, oh, can you give me a signature?"

"Of course, no problem," Eric nodded, glaring at Becky Murphy to find the gap between the pen and paper, and once again thrown a cry for help.

When Eric signed the name on the booklet that Becky Murphy handed over, Catherine said, "Okay, Becky, don't you need to be busy with other things, we are going to see the exhibition."

"Of course," Becky Murphy said: "Then you are free, wait until Professor Clark is coming over, I will go to the door to meet him."

After that, he greeted Eric and Becky Murphy turned and walked away.

Because the time was a little early, there were not many people on the first floor of the library that was temporarily placed in the exhibition hall. Eric and Catherine walked around in the hall. (To be continued)

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