Tsunade sighed helplessly and fought back!

To be honest, she didn’t want to go to war with Mist Hidden Village or anything.

“But isn’t the princess of the Hyuga clan in the Mist Hidden Village? If we rashly…”

“Tsunade-sama, it’s not just this problem now!”

Shikahisa looked at Tsunade, and he probably understood why Tsunade didn’t want to do it.

Because although the ninja of the mist had killed their Konoha advisor before, they were actually helping Konoha.

But this kind of thing cannot be said casually.

In return, Shiyu took Hinata, and Konoha tacitly accepted that Hinata was given to Kirihide Village as a reward.

But now this is a problem related to the village of Sunahi, and the problem of the village and Konoha has not been dealt with before.

This time, Sand Hidden Village chose to look for the help of Mist Hidden Village, and did not look for Konoha help, which means that Konoha has been completely abandoned by Sand Hidden Village.

In this case, if Konoha does not pay attention to it, then it is equivalent to being completely ignored.

“The previous invasion of Konoha by Shayin Village, this matter has not been properly handled, and now Shayin Village has turned to Wuyin Village!”

“This also means that even if we go to find Shayin Village to negotiate next, there is a high probability that we will be interfered by Wuyin Village!”

“So the confrontation with Wuyin is inevitable!”

With that, Shikaku came to the opposite side of Tsunade with his hands propped up on the desk. 160

“Naruto-sama! Even if you don’t want to oppose Wuyin, this is actually something that can’t be escaped, since it’s better to take the initiative to speak to Wuyin Village, so that you can occupy the initiative and make Yanyin and Yunyin have a deterrent effect! ”

If the current Konoha Village even Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village also stepped in, then the impact would be too great for Konoha.

At that time, it will not be just the problem of Shayin Village.

It’s a problem with the Four Great Ninja Villages and Konoha Village.

“Say it! What are you going to do? ”

Since Lu Jiu has said this, it means that Lu Jiu should have thought of a specific solution!

“Take the initiative and send a ninja squad to intercept the team sent by the Kirihide Village to the Sand Hidden Village, and then ask the Sand Hidden Village to give reasonable compensation and explanation for the invasion of Konoha!”

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, “The village sent a negotiating team to Shahide?” ”

“Ah! If nothing else, it should be! ”

“But Shayin Village now even has a wind shadow…”

Shikamaru frowned, “As far as I know, it seems that the son of the fourth generation of Kazekage, that is, the one-tailed human Zhuli who was captured this time, I Airo served as the new Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village. ”

“Five generations of wind shadows!”

Tsunade was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Even Shayin Village is so courageous?

Directly let a little devil serve as the wind shadow, I’m afraid that the strength of Ai Luo has not reached the level of the shadow level!

But it’s almost the same, it won’t take too long to grow to the level of the shadow level with my love Luo’s talent.

“Then send the ninja squad!”

However, Tsunade also had a concern: “That ninja squad should be sent!” ”

In this case, if a large-scale ninja force is dispatched, it is not friction but a direct war.

It may even anger the Misty Hidden Village.

“You must have absolute strength to be able to intercept the ninja squads on both sides of the Mist Hidden Village and the Sand Hidden Village at the same time!”

“Otherwise, if the interception fails, causing the two villages to officially start negotiations and reach some kind of contract, it will be difficult to save it at that time!”

Be absolutely strong.

Then it’s not just a matter of forbearance.

“Let Kakashi, Matkai, and Sunset Red come to see me!”

“In addition, let Hinata Ninji, Li Lok, and Tenten from the third class also come over!”

Three upper Shinobi, three lower Shinobi, such a ninja squad is enough.

It’s just that Shikaku doesn’t quite understand, Kakashi and Matkai are easy to say, but what is it to let Sunset Red come.

Sunset Red’s strength is not too strong in Shangninja!

“Tsunade-sama, why is it called Sunset Red, isn’t it…”

“Considering that the situation is different this time, if there is no ninja who is good at illusion, there may be some accidents!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tsunade is an all-encompassing consideration.

In fact, (aeba) Kamikaku’s best candidate should be Sarutobi Asma!

But he soon understood Tsunade’s intentions, and it was very easy for friction to break out into real battles during this period.

If there is any problem with Ape Flying Asma at this time, I am afraid that the Ape Flying family will really riot.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper have just died, and if there is any problem with the new generation of Ape Fei Asma, I am afraid that it is not only a problem of the Ape Flying family’s riot.

Rumors will also appear inside Konoha.

I want to completely overthrow the power of three generations and one lineage.

It had a considerable impact on Tsunade, the Hokage who had gone through many twists and turns to ascend to the position of Hokage.

So at this time, it’s better not to let Ape Flying Asma have any accidents!

“Understand, I’ll go and call them over right away!”

At the same time, the negotiation team arranged by Shiyu in Wuyin Village has also set off.

And this is the first mission of the Ninja Sword Seven.

“You are responsible for keeping the negotiating team safe.”

“Momochi no more chopping, dry persimmon Onisaki, Mino Cheng Akira, if the three of you have a problem with the negotiating team, then you will be too disappointing!”

Hearing this, he bowed his head heavily, “Lord Shi Yu, rest assured, there will definitely be no accidents!” Over my dead body! ”

That’s a good answer.

This is the first time that the Ninja Sword Seven has been officially entrusted with a heavy task, and the new Ninja Sword Seven is a new one.

But carrying the expectations of the entire Wuyin Village.

Watch the crowd go away.

Shi Yu returned to the Water Shadow office.

At the same time, the elders were also waiting for Shi Yu.

“In a short period of time, the situation in Wuyin Village has changed dramatically!”

The elder looked at Shi Yu with a satisfied expression.

Under the leadership of Shi Yu, Mist Yin Village will definitely become stronger in the future, not only the elder himself, but even many ninjas of Mist Yin Village are extremely convinced of this.

“Pick a time to hold it!”

“You become the official inauguration ceremony of Water Shadow!”

“The sixth generation of our Mist Hidden Village’s Eye Water Shadow!”

This day finally came, and for Shi Yu, it didn’t seem so exciting.

“What about Terumi!”

“She, after you become Water Shadow, she will also be responsible for the important affairs of Wuyin Village, and how to arrange it at that time depends on Lord Water Shadow herself!”

When he heard this, Yu was stunned for a moment.

The elder was obviously clear about Terumi and himself.

It’s up to you to decide.

Terumi has the strength of Water Shadow, but also has the ability to deal with problems.

Of course, she can’t be left idle, and she can work as her own assistant.

Now the assistant’s task is Yu Yuli, but Yu Yuli still lacks a little strength, so it is better to spend more time on cultivation.

After all, this is a thunder genius!.

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