“Tomorrow they will prepare, and after tomorrow, you will officially become the sixth Water Shadow of Wuyin Village!”

“Get ready!”

Saying that, the elder also left.

After the elder left, Shi Yu came to the bed and looked at the Wuyin Village that was under construction.

Being able to become a water shadow is also thanks to Tuanzo.

It was Tuan Zang who made Shi Yu understand that even if he was very strong, he had to find a place of his own in this world.


Could have been the best option, but that place didn’t need rain.

And now it seems that becoming a water shadow is no worse than in Konoha!

After becoming a water shadow, Shi Yu also needs to make some arrangements.

The first is the problem of the Mist Hidden Village, and the friction with Konoha should be unavoidable, and even the negotiation team sent this time may not be able to reach Konoha safely.

Something will definitely go wrong during this time.

It depends on whether Konoha’s reaction is fast or unfast.

But overall, the rain still doesn’t feel too much of a problem.

Friction erupts between Konoha and Kirito, but it’s a good warm-up event for Kirihide Village.

The Xiao Organization also wanted to deal with Wuyin Village.

And they will not immediately attack the Misty Hidden Village, they should try to capture the tailed beast as much as possible.

So Shi Yu should start preparing now.

Come to the roof of the Water Shadow Building.

Shi Yu changed the clouds into the appearance of white doves.

More than 20,000 white pigeons scattered from the sky above the Mist Hidden Village and flew towards all parts of the Ninja Realm.

At the same time, the thirty-six pairs of cloud eyes were also all arranged in various places in Wuyin Village.

Although the Xiao organization will most likely come to deal with the Wuyin Village after capturing the other tailed beasts.

But I don’t dare to guarantee that there will be no accidents, in case I take the soil desperately and want to fight with myself!

Shi Yu didn’t want to be inexplicably invaded by the other party like the first time.

Therefore, Shi Yu needs to ensure absolute monitoring of Wuyin Village.

The reason for this is also because the rain needs to hurry!

“The ability development of surgical fruits must be grasped urgently!”

Although relying on the great sage, the ability to calculate the fruits of surgery is only a matter of time.

But Shi Yu wanted to speed up the process.

So he was ready to cooperate with the Great Sage’s calculus, but this time was different from before, Shi Yu did not want the Great Sage to control his body.

Instead, he told him all kinds of things that needed to be done and he would do it.

In this way, it can also have the effect of cultivation by the way.

Otherwise, if it is only the great sage calculus skill every time, then Shi Yu will not get much growth.

Shi Yu needed to spend time cultivating on his own, striving to develop the ability to develop two or three surgical fruits before the Water Shadow Ceremony was held.


“Let Terumi come! The matter here is left to her next, and I am going to prepare to develop new ninjutsu!” ”

Hearing this, Jiuji suddenly came to his senses: “Lord Shiyu, is it that time and space ninjutsu?” ”


Shi Yu nodded, “You’re right!” ”

Suddenly, Kuji’s whole person was extremely excited.

“I hope everything goes well with Lord Shi Yu!”

“Come with you, too! Maybe I still need your help! ”

Jiuji looked at Shi Yu with a look of honor, “It is my honor to be needed by Lord Shi Yu!” ”

Come to the island for cultivation.

Shi Yu directly enclosed the surroundings, and the smoke cage opened.

People from the outside world should never want to know what happened here.

And Shi Yu’s cultivation began.

Outside at the same time!

Sand Hidden Village.

While controlling the sand, I Ai Luo looked at the scorpion in front of him, and after changing the body of the puppet, the scorpion now transformed the corpse of the three generations of Wind Shadow Lord.

Let yourself completely dominate the body of the three generations of wind shadows, and use it as your own body.

“You killed three generations of Kazekage-sama?”

Scorpion: “Strictly speaking, he should have been killed by me for his own problems!” ”

“Your own problem?”

“Ugh!” The scorpion nodded: “This is the third generation of wind shadows, the strongest wind shadows in history, how can it be killed by me so easily!” ”

No matter how the scorpion does it, I Iroh controls the sand and collides with the sand under the scorpion’s control.

Although the sand iron of the three generations is very strong, after all, the scorpion himself is not a ninja of the Blood Succession Limit, and can only control the three generations through puppetry.

So his attack looks dumb.

And to fight with me Ailuo is to adapt and explore more ways to control magnetic escape!

“Your idea now is to enhance the ability of puppetry by controlling the ninja of the Blood Succession Realm?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That’s right!”

The scorpion smiled and looked at Kankuro on the side.

“Puppets we can control, then everything should be just a puppet in our eyes!”

“It shouldn’t be limited to puppets, puppet art is the ninjutsu of control!”

“If you can control a living person at will, and use his power to attack the enemy, then the puppet art will become very terrifying!”

It’s a good idea, but it’s not easy to achieve such an ability.


Suddenly, I Ai Luo looked at the scorpion, “What do you think should be the mode of getting along between Shayin Village and Wuyin?” ”

When asked this question, the scorpion smiled: “Haven’t you already decided?” ”

Hearing this, I Ai Luo nodded: “The current Shayin Village needs shelter, and this Shelter Mist Hidden Village can provide it.” ”

“So you want to use Wuyin Village to help Shayin Village get through the dangerous time!”

“That’s right!”

“But the price paid is not small!” The sand gold paid by Shayin Village this time has greatly hurt the vitality of Shayin Village.

And it’s not a one-time sale, it’s permanent.

Shayin Village provides a fixed amount of sand gold to Wuyin Village every year.

“You can set a number of years, and the negotiation team of the fog will come soon!”

Kankuro on the side who heard this was a little worried.

“There may be movement on the Konoha side!”

Scorpion: “Not possible, but there should have been action!” ”

In Konoha Village, Kakashi, Matkai, and Yuri Red set out from Konoha with Ninji and were heading towards the place near the sea in the Land of Wind.

Their mission is to intercept the negotiating team of Kirihide Village, and after successful interception, pass Konoha’s negotiation requirements to Sunahide Village.

Use their strength to tell Shayin Village that they can’t ask anyone they want to help.

And at the same time.

Xiao organized in the base.

After Nagato listened to Xiaonan’s analysis of Shi Yu’s ability, Nagato’s expression could not relax.

A solemn face.

“If it really is as you say, this person’s mastery of ninjutsu is simply terrifying like never before!”

“And he is also a ninja of the Blood Succession Limit, a place like the Land of Water, if you want to attack him, then you will naturally be in a weak position!”

Nagato said, Obito on the side sighed helplessly, “It seems that I should have paid attention to this little devil earlier!” ”

“Let’s catch the tailed beast first! There are also four-tailed, five-tailed, two-tailed, and eight-tailed outside, and Konoha’s nine-tailed also does not know the end, but it should be with Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi, and it is not easy to start the factory! “。

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