Su Yi has a new harvest.

It's just that Christine hasn't completely succeeded yet, and she's still in a rather awkward stage.

Su Yi also knew that it would take some time for Christine to figure it out.

During this time, Christine needs to be given a little more care.

A few days passed, and Christine was still struggling, but not as decisive as at first.

Next, there is one important thing to do, which is to ascend to the sky.

Su Yi has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Going to space can better absorb the energy of the sun.

In addition, Su Yi also has a bold idea, which is to play games in space.

Definitely not Space Werewolf, but another interesting game.

It was precisely because of this game that Daisy chose to agree.

Su Yi brought Daisy and Jane to the building and got ready.

Reed also spent a lot of time, and finally prepared well, and today is the day to set off for outer space.

All the personnel were present and boarded the spacecraft going to space.

Su Yi is extremely looking forward to, the mysterious and vast universe, this is the goal that many people yearn for.

In the world before traveling, there was no such technology.

The process is also extremely simple, and Su Yi can still get used to it, that is to say, Jane and Daisy, it is inevitable that they are not used to it for the first time.

Su Yi took care of the two of them until the spacecraft left the atmosphere and officially entered the universe.

The condition of Jane and Daisy has also improved a lot. They stared outside blankly and saw a corner of the universe.

Looking at the universe and looking at the planets from this angle, it feels completely different.

Both Jane and Daisy are astronomers, so it is amazing to have such an opportunity to see the world.

"It's amazing, the starry sky, the universe, so wonderful."

Daisy was also amazed, "Fortunately, I decided to join, otherwise I would have missed such a beautiful scenery."

In fact, with her own speed, Su Yi can already reach the sky by herself.

However, Su Yi has not done so, after all, too conspicuous.

Taking advantage of this opportunity today, Su Yi decided to find an opportunity to leave the spacecraft and the space station and go outside to absorb solar energy.

As for the problem of not being able to survive in outer space, it is no longer a problem for Su Yi.

The three most deadly factors in outer space are, first, inability to breathe; second, ultra-low temperature; and third, various radiations.

Su Yi had earlier obtained the ability to resist various radiations, and this problem was solved.

Ultra-low temperature, Su Yi can actually use an energy barrier to consume energy to maintain his own temperature.

For breathing problems, Su Yi also found a solution from the system.

The spacecraft flew towards the target, and soon flew to the target space station.

The docking was smooth, and everyone easily entered the space station from the spacecraft.

"finally reached."

Daisy was very surprised, "Are we going to live here next?"

Susan explained, "Yes, we will live here for about a month."

Daisy was mentally prepared and prepared many ways, just hoping it wouldn't be too boring.

Definitely, there are backhands.

If it doesn't work, let Su Yi teleport to bring him back.

It is also impossible for Su Yi to stay in outer space all the time, after all, on the ground, there are still many people who need time to take care of them.

Therefore, Su Yi can leave a duplication to confuse Victor and others here.

Just keep doing your own thing.

The room was allocated quickly and we checked in successfully.

The rooms are not big, especially the bed.

"It's too small, I feel that I can't use it when I feel it."

Su Yi just made complaints about it, but it doesn't matter.

At that time, you can completely expand the battlefield, you can't limit yourself.

After entering space, Reed and the others immediately started working.

The first is to check the space station to ensure the normal work of the space station.

This task is not easy, don't look at everything is normal now.

If something goes wrong, it is very dangerous.

Therefore, this investigation work may have to last for a day.

As for the next installation of testing equipment, it can only be postponed until tomorrow.

Anyway, there are still about ten days before the arrival of the cosmic storm.

There is still enough time for them to install testing equipment outside the space station.

After all, Reed and the others are experienced astronauts with experience working in outer space.

Su Yi, Jane, and Daisy are relatively free and familiar with the space station.

The space station is really not small, it is divided into work area and living area.

Even in the living area, it is not crowded with 8 more people.

While Susan and others were working, Jane also started to get busy.

Jane has always been interested in astronomy, and this trip into space is already a close encounter.

The opportunity was rare, so Jane took the camera and frantically took pictures.

And some simple instruments, start to observe the phenomenon you want.

These will become important research data.


Before I knew it, I had already lived in the space station for a day.

After eating some simple food and chatting for a while, it's time to go back to each room and get ready to rest.

Tomorrow, there are new tasks.

Through the induction of duplication, Su Yi also knew that it was time for her to play.

After a while, Jane and Daisy came to Su Yi's room together.

"Su, is this you?"

Su Yi said with a smile, "definitely it's me."

Both Daisy and Jane know that Su Yi has an ability of energy duplication.

This Ability looks no different from ordinary people, but in fact, it just looks like it, and it is useless at all.

Daisy looked at Su Yi and said with a smirk, "No, I have to verify first."

Su Yi naturally knew Daisy's verification method, "Do you want to verify now? Don't you wait for Susan?"

Daisy has already started to act, ready to verify her authenticity.

Su Yi is enjoying it, so how can she stop it?

Susan was in her bedroom, after resting for a while, she still decided to go find Su Yi's plan.

Susan knew that this plan was bold, even crazy.

But, I have to say, this is a brand new attempt.

After all, this is space, so it must feel different.

Susan gently knocked on the door of Su Yi's bedroom.


Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the bedroom door is really good.

After Su Yi completed the first plan, it was time to move on to the second plan.

"It's time to try absorbing solar energy."

Su Yi's progress in absorbing solar energy on the ground was very slow, and it was only after absorbing the energy of the nuclear integrate experiment that he broke through to lv8.

Now, the sun is just around the corner, and Su Yi is going to ask for energy from the sun.

"I don't know how much energy is needed to reach lv9. If you look at multiples, the energy required to reach lv9 is thousands of times the energy required to reach lv8."

Su Yi left quietly, and a teleportation appeared outside the space station.

Flight against the light!

At full speed, there is no need to worry about accidents caused by too fast speed.

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