I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 198 You Are Not On The Moon, Where Did You Hide?

Su Yi quickly flew in space. Although this speed is not as fast as the speed of light, it is already amazing.

Su Yi's goal is very clear, that is to fly in the direction of the sun.

Unfortunately, Flight is a bit slow.

According to scientists' calculations, it takes about 8 minutes for light to travel from the sun to the earth.

Su Yi's current speed is a little bit worse than the speed of light.

It will take a long time for Su Yi to fly near the sun.

After more than half an hour of flight, Su Yi stopped.

Seeing that incomparably huge sun, Su Yi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At first, people thought that the sun was in the sky, and as long as they were in the sky, they could get close to the sun.

People in the sky know that the sun is still far away from them.

This distance is still elusive.

"I thought I was already very strong, but I didn't realize it until now. It's still not enough."

"At least, compared to Superman, it's a bit worse."

"Why don't you try teleportation?"

Su Yi tried to teleport again, this speed was much faster.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yi has come near Venus.

Su Yi teleported again and appeared near Mercury.

In front of Mercury is the extremely dazzling and huge Fixed Star, the sun.

Mercury is extremely small in front of the sun.

And Su Yi, this little human being, is even more like dust.

Watching this scene, Su Yi couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

It is beautiful, incomparably beautiful, indescribable.

"Praise the sun!"

Although Su Yi is far from the sun, there is still a long way to go.

However, Su Yi already felt the heat.

Going forward, I am afraid that my physical fitness may not be able to persist.

Su Yi was bathed in the sunshine, feeling that the energy nearby was extremely abundant.

"Just here, enjoy the sun."

The energy has reached lv8, and if he wants to reach lv9, Su Yi probably needs to spend half a year in the sun here.

However, there is still a benefit to increasing the energy attribute, that is, the energy attribute can feed back the body.

In other words, now, with Energy Absorbing, Su Yi's strength and speed will also be slightly improved.

Su Yi just absorbed the energy for half an hour, so he didn't intend to continue.

"Hey, Superman charges for three minutes and is immediately invincible."

"I have absorbed energy for 30 minutes, and the energy attribute is still at lv8, and it is still far away from lv9."

"If you want to reach lv9, you need at least 3 months of continuous exposure."

Su Yi couldn't help sighing, Superman is really too buggy.

Losing interest in continuing Energy Absorbing, Su Yi intends to leave.

But, where to go next, Su Yi has no idea yet.

"Next, should we go back like this?"

Su Yi suddenly thought of a good place, that is the moon.

Su Yi plans to go to the far side of the moon.

In the comics, there is an observer on the far side of the moon.

The race of observers has a wealth of knowledge and extremely powerful technology.

Originally, they intended to use these to help other civilizations in the universe.

They picked a civilization and offered help.

As a result, with the help of such a counterproductive way, this civilization went to self-destruction, and even destroyed its own planet.

Since then, the race of observers has decided not to interfere, but to record what is happening in the universe as observers.

The observer responsible for observing the civilization of the solar system is named Frog Tu, who lives on the back of the moon.

Although it is called the Observer, in the comics, Frog has shot many times to help superheroes such as the Avengers alliance.

Therefore, Frog Map also has an additional nickname, called Interferer.

As a member of the Observer, Frog Map has extremely high intelligence and super technology.

Definitely, his originally Abilities are also quite powerful, including augmented personal attributes, time and space manipulation, molecular manipulation, energy projection, and expansive psychic powers.

Even, shuttle multi-universe.

Su Yi teleports back to the spaceship, then uses the Teleport Ability again, and lands directly on the moon.

Landed on the surface of the moon, suspended in the air.

Su Yi had a sudden thought, "Is this the second person to walk on the moon?"

Thinking of this, Su Yi decided to be naughty.

Landed slowly, leaving his own footprints on the moon.

"That's one small step for Su Yi, one giant leap for mankind."

However, this was not enough, Su Yi decided to leave a word.

"Su Yi is here for a visit?"

Just when Su Yi made a move, he fell into hesitation again.

After all, Su Yi is not an unqualified person who scribbles and destroys everywhere.

"Writing a sentence on the moon should not be considered sabotage."

"Maybe one day I will be hit by a meteorite, and my words will disappear."

After thinking it over, Su Yi decided to do it.

However, instead of leaving his own name, it was another name.

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven is here for a visit!"

Looking at her masterpiece, Su Yi is very satisfied.

Maybe people in this world can discover this sentence.

Su Yi is looking forward to the reaction of countries around the world.

After the prank, Su Yi set off again.

Stick to the ground, quickly fly, and fly in the direction of the back of the moon.

The far side of the moon, that is, the side of the moon that always faces away from the earth.

Because it always faces away from the earth, scientists cannot observe it.

Everyone has a lot of speculation about the back of the moon.

Su Yi came to this area and looked around, but didn't see any buildings.

However, Su Yi did not give up and planned to continue watching.

After all, this area is still very vast.

Stay vigilant and listen with super hearing, but as a result, you don't hear a little bit of movement.

Using energy perception ability, there is no perception of abnormal energy.

Su Yi is in this area, using Flight and teleportation Ability to search around.

As a result, Su Yi didn't find any trace, which made Su Yi very disappointed.

"What's going on, what about the Intervener Frog Map?"

Su Yi stood where she was, staring blankly at everything in front of her.

After finally wasting so much effort, I came to the back of the moon and found nothing.

"Frog map! You're not on the moon at all, where did you hide?"

Still no response.

Su Yi stood where she was, lost in thought.

Not only does this universe not have a space-time administration, it even has no observers.

Just then, the system gave an explanation.

[This world belongs to a special parallel universe, which is protected by a special energy barrier and is independent from other parallel universes.

Only by using the power that affects the entire universe can the protective barrier be opened!

Only when the protective barrier disappears can the Time Management Bureau and observers discover this parallel universe! 】

A force that affects the entire universe?

Isn't that Infinite Gems?

"That is to say, only by using Infinite Gems can we open up passages to other parallel universes."

【Yes! 】

"I see, I understand."

Su Yi came in high spirits and returned in defeat.

It's not a bad thing to not be able to find the Interfering Frog Picture.

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