I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 280 Hydra's Last Struggle

Steve led the members of the Avengers alliance to destroy the secret base of HYDRA.

It's going fast.

Also because a lot of HYDRA secret bases are abandoned, empty and empty.

These HYDRA's are either hidden, or have turned to the last hope of HYDRA, Stekra.

SOKOVIA, the secret base of HYDRA.

Baron Stekla, gathering most of HYDRA's remaining forces, prepares to confront the Avengers alliance led by Steve.

It's just that he also knows how powerful the Avengers Alliance is.

During this period of time, the Avengers alliance was in full swing, easily eradicating several secret bases.

As a last resort, Stekla decided to gather a large number of HYDRA members to fight to the death.

Now, this secret base has a large number of HYDRA members.

There are also many new weapons developed by Stekla.

The most important thing is that there are two aliens created with the blood of the Cree.

Stekla is ready to use his last strength to fight desperately.

After several battles, Steve and the others got acquainted and were able to cooperate with each other.

"There is only the last secret base left. According to the clues, there will be more people in this secret base."

Johnny wasn't afraid at all, "It doesn't matter how many people he has, just rush over there."

Steve would definitely not let Johnny do this, after all, the other party had a lot of people.

If people like myself are like reckless men, they will definitely suffer heavy losses, and may not be able to conquer this secret base.

"Johnny, take it easy."

Steve looked at Tony, "Tony, how's your investigation going?"

Tony immediately provided a general topographical map, as well as the distribution of bunkers near the secret base.

Steve looked at the terrain, and there were so many bunkers, and felt that the situation was not good.

"So many dark castles must be disposed of."

Steve quickly had a rough battle plan.

"We set out from here to attack the secret base."

"John, and Tony, you have the air mobility ability."

"You find a way to destroy these dark castles!"

"Antonia, Linton, you use special bows and arrows to destroy a bunker!"

"Hate, you just charge forward!"


While gesticulating, Steve talked about the general battle plan.

It didn't take much time to outline the battle plan.

After all, the situation will change rapidly at that time, and it is still mainly based on adapting to the situation.

Steve looked at the terrain, feeling a little apprehensive.

He knew that this battle was HYDRA's final struggle, and the counterattack would definitely be extremely fierce.

Steve was also ready for a tough fight.

After resting for the night, the next day, after making preparations, Steve set off with the people.

Tony and Johnny took the lead, and the two of them flew in the air, attracting enough firepower.

The two also followed the plan, focusing on destroying the bunker.

These dark forts are extremely concealed and have fierce firepower.

If these bunkers are not removed, it will be difficult for Steve and others to break through this line of defense.

Tony aimed directly, then fired a small missile, ready to fly into the bunker.

Just hearing an explosion, a bunker was pulled out.

Johnny will take some time.

After all, the protection of the dark castle is so good, Johnny must release the flames into the dark castle to have any effect.

The two moved forward quickly amidst the hail of bullets.

The others were not idle, and Hate took the lead, roared, and rushed out.

Facing the firepower, Abomination jumped directly towards a bunker.

It landed steadily near the bunker, raised both hands, and turned them into sledgehammers.

Slamming down with both hands, the bunker was smashed to pieces.

Ke Linton and Antonia are always looking for opportunities.

As for Natasha Romanoff, because of her stealth ability, she sneaked in secretly.

After coming to the vicinity, directly use the dragon spell, lava blasting, easily destroy the bunker, and move on.

The members of the Avengers alliance showed their talents, pulled out the dark fort, and headed towards the core area of ​​the secret base.

However, it's not that simple at all.

Stekla has long been waiting for the arrival of Steve and others. From the direction of the secret base, high-tech armed vehicles drove out one after another to attack the Avengers alliance.

The vehicles cooperate with the bunker to form a firepower network that is extremely terrifying.

Both Tony and Johnny had to duck and rise into the air.

A secret bunker with only one opening naturally cannot attack the sky.

But armed vehicles can, and not only that, but there are special anti-aircraft guns designed to deal with Tony's flying people.

Tony and Johnny evaded in the air while attacking the ground.

The offensive mission was blocked just like that.

Such ferocious firepower was also expected by Steve.

The members of the Avengers alliance fought independently and cooperated with each other to eliminate a group of armed vehicles of HYDRA.

Finally, in the first confrontation, the Avengers alliance won a big victory.

However, the next area will definitely be more difficult.

This time, there is no time to pull out the bunker first,

Armed vehicles combined with a dark fort, such an offensive, even if it is abomination, it is difficult to advance.

So, Steve also knows, don't be in a hurry, don't be reckless.

"Don't rush forward, first deal with the enemies that can be dealt with in front of you."

Under Steve's command, the members of the Avengers alliance slowly advanced.

Seeing his own people being slowly wiped out by the Avengers alliance, Stekla was very anxious.

At this time, the two super-ability users who completed the transformation immediately took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"Let's go fight the Avengers alliance members?"

Stekla knew that the abilities of these two people were not weak.

However, the Avengers alliance has more members and different abilities.

The two went, and it is estimated that they would not be able to stop Steve and others.

Stekla hesitated for a while, and gave the final instructions.

"Destroy each one, find the weaker ones, and eradicate at least two members of the Avengers alliance."

The two experimental aliens immediately replied, "Hi, Hi Claw!"

These two aliens were not in a hurry to join the battle, but came to the vicinity, observed the situation, looked for the single Avengers alliance members, and prepared to defeat them one by one!

They also discovered that the weakest players, Linton, Sharon, and Antonia, were all at the back.

These few people report to the group relatively closely, and it is not very easy to do it.

Johnny and Tony are in the air, and it's not easy to do it.

The strength of hatred is too strong to be an opponent.

After some planning, the two decided on Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff, Black widow from the Red House.

He is obviously an ordinary person, but now he has several super abilities.

Invisibility, lava explosion, they can also deal with it.

Most importantly, Natasha Romanoff is alone.

The pair have already set their sights on Natasha Romanoff.

Unbeknownst to Natasha Romanoff, the danger was approaching.

Just after disposing of a bunker, suddenly, two experimental aliens popped out.

One of them, directly using energy to bind Natasha Romanoff, is ready to deal with Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff didn't panic, and responded calmly.

However, they didn't know that Natasha Romanoff was also very powerful.

To the shock of the two, Natasha Romanoff broke free.


Natasha Romanoff didn't wait for the opponent to react, and used the rabbit charm to move quickly, and quickly completed the counter-kill.

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