I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 281 The Way To Completely Eliminate Hydra

Natasha Romanoff didn't wait for the second person to use the Super Ability, and directly completed the counter-kill.

Seeing this scene, Stekla was blown away.

The experimental alien that I finally cultivated is so vulnerable?

He also didn't expect that Natasha Romanoff could break free from energy constraints and move quickly.

Natasha Romanoff had too many cards to lose.

The two experimental aliens were given the speed of light for free, which also means that this secret base can't last long.

Still, Stekla isn't worried about HYDRA's total demise.

Chop off a head and grow two!

As the slogan of HYDRA, this sentence is not just words.

After the failure of Alexander's insight plan, Stekla immediately launched the fire plan.

Cultivate a new batch of HYDRA members as the backbone of future reconstruction of HYDRA.

Not only that, Stekla also left behind a lot of valuable technology.

Definitely, Stekla also prepared a new hole card.

This hole card is also enough to change the world.

Stekla waited for the arrival of Steve and others.

In the end, the extremely tight defense still failed to stop the Avengers alliance's attack.

Steve and others rushed into the castle and saw Stekla who was waiting for them.

Seeing how calm Stekla was, Tony couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You're so calm when you're dying?"

Stekela didn't panic at all, "Cut off one head, and grow two heads!"

"You will not be able to wipe out HYDRA."

"One day, HYDRA will appear again!"

Steve said firmly, "Even if it reappears, I will eradicate it again!"

Stekla seemed to have heard a joke, "When you grow old, when you are gone, when HYDRA is stronger than you, who else can stop us?"

Steve said without any hesitation, "I believe that no matter when, someone will stand up and destroy you!"

"Steve you are so naive."

Steve dismisses it. "Naive? Maybe."

Natasha Romanoff said, "Take him back, I have a way to make him talk."

Just then Stekla said suddenly, "Hi, Hi Claw!"

After finishing speaking, the whole person died.

Natasha Romanoff hurriedly checked Stekla for signs of life, but there was no response.

"Before we came, he had already swallowed the drugs."

Natasha Romanoff said so, which means that Stekla is completely hopeless.

Even with the power of a spell, it shouldn't be able to save him.

Natasha Romanoff said regretfully, "There should be some HYDRA hidden. Perhaps, as he said, when HYDRA develops and grows again, they will appear again."

Steve is very confident, "Their secret bases have been wiped out by us. In a short time, they should grow quietly and will not appear again."

Tony said, "It seems that this is the only way for now."

Steve also knew that the successive battles exhausted everyone physically and mentally.

Now, the known secret bases have all been wiped out.

They can't do anything about those unknown secret bases.

"Tony, go and see if there is any information."

"Others, in groups of two, investigate and see if there are any hidden HYDRA members in this secret base!"

Everyone take action.

Tony looked at Stekla's computer and found that all the data had been destroyed, and even he couldn't restore it in a short time.

"Wait, there is a self-destruct program here, run, get out!"

Steve reacted immediately when he heard Tony's words.

"Everyone, run out of the castle quickly."

Fortunately, retreat in time.

The explosion in the castle was quite powerful, but fortunately, no innocents were hurt.

"Damn HYDRA, damn Stekla!"

Steve, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help but swear a few swear words.

"Pay attention to the language!"

Steve was very helpless, and he had reminded Johnny before that he should stop swearing.

Unexpectedly, it is now being used by everyone to make fun of themselves.

"It's all over."

Tony couldn't help but said, "It's time to go back, I'm already missing my comfortable bed. After I go back, I must have a good sleep first."

Steve looked at the ruins, "Although there are still some HYDRA hidden, but I believe that one day, these HYDRA will be completely wiped out."

Tony is not so optimistic, after all, these hidden people are not so easy to be found.

"Will it be completely wiped out? I think it is impossible to achieve. Unless, we have the technology to identify HYDRA members. Otherwise, they will hide and gradually grow stronger."

Tony is also thinking about a question, how to completely eliminate these HYDRA,

The best way to monitor the world.

Only in this way can traces of HYDRA be easily found.

But to realize this plan, it cannot be realized by oneself alone.

Tony thought of a way to build an Iron Legion.

Build an Ultron robot that protects the world, let the robot protect the world, let the robot monitor the people of HYDRA,

Only in this way can HYDRA be eradicated completely.

"It's time to go back!"

Steve and others were successful, eliminating all known bases of HYDRA.

After coming back, the first thing, definitely is to celebrate.

The venue for the celebration was Hellfire Club.

Su Yi was extremely excited when she heard the news that Natasha Romanoff and others were coming back.

Finally, the task was completed and returned safely.

Su Yi was also worried that something might go wrong, and she might have to help.

It's just that I haven't waited for a call from Nick Fury, the braised egg man.

Su Yi also knows that no news is actually the best news.

It means that everything is going well, and there is no need to do it yourself.

After all, with such a lineup, if something goes wrong, it's really not a small problem.

Avengers alliance et al, join the party.

Su Yi also ran over to join in the fun.

During the conversation, we talked about the matter of completely eradicating the hidden power of HYDRA.

Tony revealed his plan to build Ultron robots, as well as the Iron Legion, to monitor the world and protect the world.

This plan was directly rejected by Steve.

This behavior of monitoring the world is not so free.

Of course Steve couldn't bear it.

As for the little HYDRA, it doesn't matter.

As long as it reappears, just eradicate it again.

Tony was still not convinced, so he asked Su Yi to comment.

"Sue, what do you think of my plan?"

Although Tony does not have a psychic scepter, it is really uncertain whether he will come up with an Ultron.

To be on the safe side, it is true that Tony cannot be allowed to carry out this plan.

Speaking of personal considerations, Tony went too far in building the Iron Legion and monitoring the world.

It is unacceptable that the individual is above the world.

"This plan can indeed eliminate HYDRA, but it is not a good plan."

Speaking of completely eradicating HYDRA, Su Yi also has a way, which is to snap his fingers with Infinite Gems.

This is the real once and for all, never future trouble.

However, Su Yi was just thinking about it, and against HYDRA, there was no need to be so overqualified.

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