Su Yi and members of the Avengers alliance had a party and had a good time.

After HYDRA is destroyed, there are not too many villains in the Midgard world.

As for the complete elimination of HYDRA, it seems a bit uneconomical to snap your fingers.

Su Yi didn't think too much about it, HYDRA couldn't make any troubles anymore.

Just when everyone was happy, Nick Fury also came.

It wasn't a surprise that Nick Fury showed up.

Now, HYDRA is gone, and S.H.I.E.L.D has no meaning of existence.

Before long, S.H.I.E.L.D should also disappear completely.

"Congratulations, you have wiped out many of HYDRA's bases."

"However, there is another bad news to tell you, Dr. Zola has escaped!"

Most people look confused and have never heard of the name.

Only Steve was just curious.

Bucky was frozen by HYDRA and has lived until now.

Is this Dr. Zola also frozen?

Steve clearly remembered that Dr. Zola was caught by himself.

"What's going on? Who is Dr. Zola?"

Steve looked at Nick Fury curiously, "I remember I captured Dr. Zola and handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D. He's still alive, can he escape from prison?"

Nick Fury explained, "Dr. Zola and some HYDRA researchers were recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D, hence the HYDRA invasion."

"Dr. Zola uploaded his consciousness to a computer because of cancer."

"Dr. Zola has been abandoned for so many years."

"So, we also forgot about Dr. Zola."

"Until not long ago, HYDRA detonated Zora's base."

"After investigation, we suspect that HYDRA took Dr. Zola away."

Su Yi was a little surprised that HYDRA actually took Dr. Zola away.

"Why did they take Zola?"

Nick shook his head, "I don't know either."

Su Yi also couldn't understand, what's the use of taking Zola away?

Zola is indeed a genius scientist, but compared with Stekla, Su Yi thinks that Stekla is more powerful.

After all, Stekla lives in modern times, and the knowledge he learns is more advanced.

It's also possible that Stekla used himself to attract fire and help HYDRA hide.

There are no better scientists than Stekla.

In order to train a new generation of HYDRA members, an intelligent scientist is needed.

That's why I chose the unobtrusive Zola.

Or, after Zola uploaded his consciousness to the machine, his knowledge improved and he was smarter than Stekla.

Or, HYDRA is to use the particularity of the digitalization of Zola's consciousness.

He intends to use Zola to invade the network and obtain the key code of the super weapon to destroy the world.

In addition, Su Yi has a bold guess.

In the "What If" episode, infinite Ultrons battle the multi-universe.

The assembled team, using Dr. Zola, acts as a virus to invade Ultron's mechanical body.

So, is it possible for the HYDRA of this world to use Zora to create a Zora robot?

Su Yi is just guessing boldly, Su Yi is not sure about the specific reason why HYDRA took Zola away.

Su Yi is crazy about things, and many plots have deviated from what Su Yi knew.

Now, the general direction of the story development is still the same.

But many of them have already changed.

For Su Yi, Zola's escape was just a small deviation, and Su Yi didn't take it seriously.

If Zora is hidden like other HYDRA, Su Yi can't find it either.

Unless, Zola will appear to cause trouble.

"Zola should be hiding with the rest of the HYDRA members. Since Zola can formulate a vision plan, maybe HYDRA needs him to come up with more evil plans."

"It's possible."

"Su, do you know where Zola and the others will hide?"

Su Yi shook his head, "I don't know either."

Tony deliberately pretended to be surprised, "Really? Is there something else you don't know?"

"definitely, I'm not omniscient."

"That's right, if you are omniscient and omnipotent, then you are God."

"Forget about this Zora, whatever plans he has, we can defeat them."

Everyone continued to drink and continue to have fun, without paying attention to Zola's matter at all.

Su Yi also had a great chat with the girls.


The time is approaching the end of the year, and Christmas in the West is the most important festival.

We all have our own lives, and after finally ending the HYDRA business, we must relax and relax, and it’s time for the holidays.

What Su Yi didn't know was that her guess had come true.

In a secret base of HYDRA, Dr. Zola uploaded his consciousness to a mechanical body with the help of outsiders.

Dr. Zola has his own body again.

"Welcome back, Dr. Zola, how does your new body feel?"

Zola looked at her body, felt her body through the machine, and was still a little uncomfortable.

"I haven't had my own body for many years. It's still a machine body. This feeling is very strange."

Zola got used to it. Although she was not used to it, her body was strong enough to do many things.

After Zola fully adapted, the assistant at the side immediately said, "Dr. Zola, now, you are the supreme leader of HYDRA."

"Next, what are we going to do?"

"The Avengers alliance sabotaged Project Insight and wiped out our secret bases one by one."

"We suffered heavy losses, and even Baron Stekla gave his life!"

"We must destroy the Avengers alliance and let HYDRA rise again!"

Dr. Zola naturally had the same thoughts about the news.

Regarding the future development of HYDRA, Zola already has plans.

So, Zola said, "I already have a plan, and I named the new plan the eternal life plan!"

The assistant was very puzzled, "Eternal life plan?"

"Yes, I plan to transform everyone into a robot like me, no, to be precise, it is a robot that is stronger than me now and transforms into a perfect robot."

The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars?

Does this make everyone lose their lives?

The assistant felt a little uncomfortable thinking about becoming a robot, unable to eat, drink, and pass on the family.

Zola seemed to see the assistant's mind, and continued, "The current mechanical body is not perfect, we still need to continue to study."

"In the future, the immortal body will definitely be stronger than those with super abilities."

"Yes, Chief Zora!"

Zola looked at her body and couldn't help feeling, "Sentinel, it's really a great idea, but it's a pity that Stryker is dead."

"His plan will be realized by me."

"Next, we will secretly capture Mutant for research."

The assistant on the side immediately replied, "Yes, Chief Zola."

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