Thor held Mjolnir, but lost the original feeling.

You know, Thor can already sense Mjolnir, and he can control the hammer with his thoughts.

At this moment, he couldn't perceive Mjolnir.

Thor already had a little worry in his heart, but still couldn't believe it.

Odin, his father, even took back the hammer.

There is no way, but to use the oldest way, to lift the hammer with strength.

He raised it lightly with one hand, but the hammer did not respond.

Thor still doesn't believe in evil, so he can only continue to increase his strength.

If one hand is not enough, use the other.

Using both hands together, it can even be said that the strength of the whole body has been exhausted.

Thor still can't shake Mjolnir, not one iota.

Thor looked at his hands in disbelief, feeling wronged and painful.

My love will never be lost, and my eyes will be broken!

Thor yelled at the sky unwillingly, wanting to question Odin why he did this to himself.

In the end, he could only kneel powerlessly in front of the hammer.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Daisy turned into a Tucao machine, "Looking at him, he seems to have lost his love. I'm right, he is the god of hammers."

Phil Coulson breathed a sigh of relief. "He didn't lift the hammer."

However, Phil Coulson was not at ease, "Su, so, what should we do?"

"Thor Thor, and this hammer."

Su Yi ordered, "It's fine to have someone protect the hammer, but there's no need to be too exaggerated."

"For Thor, just follow us, and you can continue to learn from him."

"It won't be long before there will be new changes."

Phil Coulson was a little worried, "What changes?"

"His younger brother, Loki, the god of intrigue, covets the throne, what do you think will happen?"

Jane was full of curiosity, but she didn't ask too much, and planned to find a time to have a good chat with Su Yi.

After listening to Su Yi's explanation, Daisy became even more curious.

"It turns out that mythological characters will also compete for the throne, and the TV dramas are all real. Gods seem to be no different from humans."

Su Yi and others came to Thor, looking at Thor who was distraught, Su Yi reminded, "Thor, this is Odin's training for you."

"When you learn how to be a human being, how to become a god, you will gain Mjolnir's approval."

"That's when you can regain your power and become the real Thor."

"Now, you need to learn to reflect and learn to grow."

Although Thor listened to it at the moment, he was immersed in sadness, and he couldn't get out of it for a while.

Su Yi looked at Mjolnir, lost in thought.

In the cinematic universe, there are only a handful of people who can lift a hammer.

Odin, Thor, Hela, Captain and Jane Foster.

In the comics, slightly more, Natasha Romanoff, horse-faced Thor, and others have all lifted the hammer.

Su Yi said to Jane, "Jane, do you want to try to see if you can lift this hammer?"

Jane was a little surprised, "Water? Sue, what are you talking about?"

"I want you to try."

Jane blinked, unable to believe it.

But with the encouragement of Su Yi, I still gave it a try.

Holding the hammer with both hands, Mjolnir seemed to sense something.

Su Yi noticed that Mjolnir had a very slight reaction.

But in the end, Jane still couldn't lift the hammer.

Jane smiled, "This hammer is too heavy."

"This is Odin's incantation. Noble virtue is required to be recognized by the hammer."

Jane asked rhetorically, "You think I can lift a hammer?"

"Perhaps not now, or in the future, you may be a female Thor."

Although Thor was grieving, he couldn't help but speak out at the moment.

"Mjolnir is no ordinary hammer. You mortals are not qualified to lift it."

Su Yi didn't intend to argue with Thor, maybe the time hadn't come yet, and Jane didn't have that kind of determination, so she couldn't really lift the hammer.

Daisy retorted, "You, Thor, don't seem to be qualified either."

"I, I just..."

For a moment, Thor couldn't think of a good response.

Su Yi surrounded Mjölnir, ready to try it herself.

Su Yi also has a doubt in his heart, that is, whether he has such qualifications.

Su Yi thinks her three views are quite normal.

In this world, we are also working hard to protect this world.

Let's talk about the determination to give up yourself and save the world.

There are still Su Yi, but not many.

What's more, wouldn't it be better to save the world while ensuring your own safety?

With such doubts, Su Yi decided to try and see if he could lift Mjolnir.

The moment Su Yi held Mjolnir, Su Yi seemed to see his own heart clearly.

Every question has an answer, an answer from the heart.

Will you protect the world?

Although this is not my hometown, my home is here and my lover is here. I will firmly protect this world!

If possible, I hope that the universe will be peaceful.

If it was really a last resort and you had to sacrifice yourself in order to save the world, would you do it?

Many people's faces flashed in Su Yi's mind, Gwen, Mary Jane, Betty, and Jane Foster.

Although Su Yi has the idea of ​​playing for the sake of fate.

However, when treating them, Su Yi also gave a little sincerity and reaped their sincerity.

For them, Su Yi is definitely willing to work hard and do her best.

If possible, Su Yi will be fully prepared to deal with possible crises.

But if it really exceeds her expectations, Su Yi will also do her best for the sake of the world and her confidantes, and even more.

The answer in Su Yi's heart was approved by Mjolnir.

In just a split second, Mjolnir began to gather the power of thunder.

In the sky, the situation suddenly changed.

Thor looked at it all in disbelief.

I am not qualified and cannot lift Mjolnir.

And a mortal has actually been recognized by Mjolnir.

"No, it's impossible."

Thor is devastated that he is inferior to a mortal.

Although Phil Coulson didn't know what was going on, it seemed that something was wrong.

"Go, let's get out of here first."

Jane was extremely worried, "Will something happen to him?"

Daisy knew Su Yi's true identity, and she also chose to believe Su Yi at this moment.

Pulling Jane away, "Jane, trust him."

Everyone retreated one after another, and Thor was pulled aside as if he was an old soul.

Several people watched this scene from a distance.

In the sky, dark clouds gathered and thunder landed on Su Yi.

However, Su Yi was not injured.

These thunders seem to crown Su Yi and cast a set of thunder armor for Su Yi.

Su Yi hurriedly put away the symbiont battle suit to avoid damage.

Far away in Asgard, in Bifrost's control room, Heimdall quietly observed all this.

Thor couldn't lift Mjolnir until now, Su Yi got Mjolnir's approval, all in sight.

Odin, who had just quarreled with Loki and fell into eternal sleep, seemed to sense it too.

Someone has been approved by Mjolnir, and this person is not his own son, but an ordinary mortal.

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