Thunder Forged Armor, Su Yi put on a new set of armor, which was born from Thunder.

After a while, Su Yi landed from the sky and landed in front of Jane and the others.

Jane immediately flew onto Su Yi, and was hugged by Su Yi with one hand.

"Su, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just got its approval, and it shared part of the thunder power with me."

"Then you are the real God of Thunder now?"

Su Yi shook his head, "I'm not interested in being Thor at all. I just want to accompany you and spend my life. I want to protect the world and make it safe."

Thor couldn't believe that such a mortal could be recognized by Mjolnir.

"How is this possible? Why would Mjolnir recognize you?"

"Thor, you don't even understand the responsibilities of a god. Let alone fulfill them."

"When you really understand, you will be recognized by Mjolnir, and I will return it to you."

"Mjolnir is yours, and I won't take it. But it will be disappointed if you don't deserve it. So, Thor, think hard and reflect on yourself."

Thor was very depressed, and seemed to be touched.

However, these are not enough to make Thor fully awakened.

It can only be said that Thor has started to use his brain to reflect, which is a good thing.

Su Yi also dissipated the Thunder Armor, revealing his original clothes.

"Phil Coulson, it seems that there is no need for protection here."

"I took this Mjolnir first, and when Thor is recognized, I will return the hammer to him."

What else could Phil Coulson say?

He could only smile politely, "This doesn't belong to us in the first place. If it can be returned to its original owner, that would be the best."

Su Yi continued, "Phil Coulson, there is one more thing. In the near future, there may be some changes here."

"You send some people, ready to transfer the people in the town at any time."

Phil Coulson was extremely worried, "Do we need to send more people?"

"This is a battle in the realm of the gods. Ordinary people may not be able to handle it. Just leave it to Thor. If he can't take on Thor's heavy responsibility, leave it to me."

"I will fix the problem, but I need your help to reduce the damage."

Phil Coulson suggested, "If necessary, I can move the towns now."

"It's not necessary, so don't let everyone panic. I will control the scope of influence and avoid unnecessary losses."

Phil Coulson did not refuse, "I have to ask my superiors."


Su Yi led the people back to the town, and then, Loki showed up.

Thor is still thinking, but doesn't have an answer yet.

Su Yi is also a little helpless. It seems that after becoming Spider-man's guide, he will become Thor's instructor next.


In the royal palace of Asgard, Loki temporarily replaced Odin and became the king of Asgard.

However, Loki wasn't satisfied.

Because it's only temporary, not permanent.

Loki wants to be the real king and wants Odin's permission.

So, Loki started his own plan.

Eliminate his opponent Thor, and Jotonheim by the way, so that Odin will recognize his Ability.

Only in this way can the throne be firmly established.

To this end, Loki made a series of plans, and then started to act.

Everything is as Loki expected, but Loki doesn't know that Su Yi has lifted Mjolnir.

After preparing everything, Loki came to this world by night.

However, no trace of Mjolnir was found.

Finally in a nearby town, Loki spots Thor.

Thor is alone in his room, thinking about life, when Loki appears in front of him.

"Loki, why are you here?"

"I have to come and see you."

Thor sees that Loki seems to be hiding something, and feels bad.

"What happened?"

"Tell me, is it about Jotonheim? Let me explain it to my father."

After this period of thinking, coupled with Su Yi's teaching, Thor has initially realized the problem.

However, metamorphosis is not complete yet.

"Father is dead."

Loki's words were astonishing, and Thor fell into boundless grief.

Lost the hammer, now, even his father is dead, but he can't see him for the last time.

Thor couldn't believe it, "Walter?"

Loki continued to deceive Thor, "The expulsion of you, the threat of war, is too much for him to bear."

Because of losing one after another, Thor is only now beginning to realize his stupidity.

However, Loki does not intend to let Thor go like this, he wants to continue to destroy Thor's heart.

"I know you love him, and I have persuaded him, but he won't listen."

"Now, I take the throne."

All hope was lost for Thor, only a little extravagant hope, "Can I go home?"

"The condition of the truce with Jotonheim is to banish you forever."

"Mother doesn't want to see you either."

"I'm here to say goodbye to you, big brother."

"I'm very sorry."

Thor was devastated, but could only suffer in silence.

At this moment, Thor took another step on the road of growth.

"No, it's all my fault."

"Thank you for coming to see me."

"Take care of mother, and Asgard."

Loki's acting skills are superb, and he easily fools Thor.

It's also because Thor is a fool, and he doesn't know what his brother's virtues have been for so many years.

With a few words, I was deceived into a daze.

"Father also threw Mjolnir over. You know, this is an item from Asgard, and I have to take it back."

Thor thought of Su Yi and was about to speak.

Su Yi pushes the door open and enters.

"Do you want to take it back?"

Loki looked at Su Yi holding Mjolnir with ease, a little surprised.

However, seeing that Su Yi is just a mortal, Loki doesn't care at all.

"You are just a mortal, how dare you contaminate the gods?"

Su Yi put Mjolnir on the ground, "If you can lift it, you can take it back."

"You're smart."

It was just that Loki, after a brief attempt, found himself unable to lift Mjolnir at all.

Su Yi looked at Loki, recalling the famous scene where Loki was thrown around by Hulk, couldn't help laughing, "puny god!"

Laughed at by Su Yi, Loki couldn't bear it anymore.

Show your true body and yell.


"Humble mortal, I am a god, kneel down!"

Loki's attack had no effect and was easily blocked by Su Yi with the power of his hammer.

Loki suddenly fell into impotent rage, "I will let you witness the wrath of God!"

Su Yi looked at the angry Loki jokingly, and started spoiling.

"Loki, do you think you can claim the throne by defeating Thor?"

"It's really stupid."

"You two probably don't know it yet. In fact, you have a sister."

"Goddess of Death, Hela!"

"She's stronger and more conquering than Thor."

"So, she was banished by Odin long ago."

"The powerful valkyrie at the beginning was to stop Hela, and was completely wiped out by Hela."

"If Hela shows up, can you still defeat her?"

Both Thor and Loki are shocked because neither of them has heard of this.

"Mortal, do you think I will be deceived by you?"

Su Yi said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask your mother."

"Loki, you are indeed clever and full of tricks."

"It's just that they are all clever. In the face of absolute strength, they are as ridiculous as children playing house."

"To become the real King of God, you need great wisdom and great strength. You also need to have a long-term vision and have the Nine Realms in mind. You simply can't do this!"

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