I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 139 Planetary Devastation! Seal Uranus!

There is such a clear white light outside the window, that the people of Dressrosa can no longer sleep peacefully,

They all got up ignorantly, looked out the window in unison, and even ran out of the door, even more shocked by the scene in the sky.

Even the soldiers who have been planted in the streets of Dressrosa,

The first reaction is also to look at the sky stupidly, looking at the thing that is beyond the scope of cognition gives birth to a heart of worship,

The depression you feel when you have not looked directly at it has been calculated,

When those of them who are not strong or have no strength at all really look at the light above their heads,

The deep sense of despair wrapped them so much that they couldn't breathe, and their whole bodies were numb and couldn't move.

The cadres of the Donquixote Family quickly reacted, and quickly remembered Kaido's words,

The order to pacify the scene and prohibit riots was brought below, passed to the mouth of the squad leader, and then to the streets.

Even with the pacification of the soldiers of their own kingdom, none of these people can feel a sense of security,

Only a complete brain blank until death comes.

But in that white light,

They saw a figure slowly ascending, its tall back carving a huge shadow on the Dressrosa.

Countless people looked at the back, the familiar purple fluffy cloak, the long horns at the top of the sky, and the mace weapon. 490


"What is he going to do?!"

"Is he protecting us?!"

"What kind of enemy is he facing?!"

"Are we going to die tonight........ If Kaido-sama fails..."

"Hey, don't be so pessimistic, that's the strongest Kaido in the world."

"But this feeling of dead silence has exceeded the feeling of looking at Governor Kaido..."

"Kaido-sama...can you really resist that thing?"

For a moment the whole Dressrosa sobered up and talked about this unheard and unseen sight.

And worried about the figure that rose into the air alone, and the fate of himself and the kingdom.

And then I saw Kaido-sama in action.

I saw Kaido raise a hand high and open his palm to the behemoth high in the air,

A faint word spread directly throughout Dressrosa and reached the ears of the people,

” Planetary Devastation。”

Yes, that's what he found in that three-star skill reward,

Uranus is the last threat the world government can bring him, not only the sudden and imperceptible mystery, but also the danger of destroying his forces in case the other side breaks the net

So as long as it is abolished, the whole world will not be left to be slaughtered by him?

So he found such a sealing technique, buried it completely, and cut off the last weapon of the world government.

"Planetary Devastation (Hokage World) (balanced)"

"Description: When you select and lock on to a target, you continue to expend your stamina to activate this ability, which will attract everything around you to the object to trap, seal, and eventually become a huge spherical seal."

After Kaido calls out the name of the move,

The lasers accumulated on Uranus' sixteen barrels flickered twice, and then suddenly began to fade.

Turning it into a powerful attractor changed its own magnetic field, disrupted its own way of working, and made this shrewd weapon suddenly passive.

The whole Dressrosa also began to shake, as if it had caused a major earthquake.

Unable to stand still, all swayed completely with the island, countless items were scattered on the ground, and the broken property was unknown.

Then someone immediately noticed the movement of the surrounding sea,

The sea is tumbling! It's roaring!

Huge irregular waves flutter like the legendary Kraken, as if to break through the seal of the sea, and climb into the sky with open teeth and claws.

But when the waves reach a certain height, they will always suddenly fall apart, turning into pingless water and falling back into the sea again.

The cycle of this (bbac) is repeated, outlining a picture of a group of demons dancing with seawater.

Suddenly, something gradually rose on the bottom of the sea.

Burst out of the water in the eyes of countless people!

One huge stone after another quickly flew into the sky, like a meteor shower emanating from the sea in the reversal of heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, the stones that appeared from under the sea turned into a starlink, and the other end was already attached to the case of the giant.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

The boulder buried Uranus from three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends,

As time passed, the light of those sixteen barrels became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared,

Countless stones were directly topped, filling the barrel tightly.

Soon the outline of the sphere appeared,

And it quickly completely covered Uranus to the point of invisibility.

And then in the eyes of the entire people of Dressrosa,

In the sky, a sphere the diameter of an island is formed!

The seal is complete!


Kaido manipulated the sphere to move a short distance, but still hung directly in the air, like a real moon.

"This is: ............”

"The power of Lord Kaido..."

"It's already exaggerated beyond description..."

"No wonder we don't need to be nervous, it turns out

"He's already confident."

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the entire kingdom.

This miraculous power many of them already know when they see The fish men island flying.

But this time it was even more exaggerated, and countless stones rose directly from the bottom of the sea to bury the island into a ball!

No one doubts that it is a real god-like power.

And Kaido is slowly descending from the sky,

Tezzolo, who was looking at the camera phone bug next to him, asked

"Have you taken all the pictures?"

He asked what Uranus looked like.

He's just been waiting for Uranus to accumulate a laser for himself, to emit the light that illuminates the island and expose itself.

So that he can photograph Uranus' appearance and spread it around the world with real evidence.


Tezzolo looked at the rock ball high in the air not far away, swallowed his spit before nodding,

"Shine down."

"Go inform Morgans, I need to borrow his power." Kaido said with a faint bow of his face without changing color.

"Yes..." Tezzolo immediately retreated, still retaining lingering feelings in his heart.

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