I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 140 Win Morgans! News Of The Sun God And Uranus!


The most top-secret location in Pangu City, under the Void Throne

Five Elders was on his knees, waiting for Lord Im's orders.

However, after a short time, I only heard ~ the man on the throne say,

"Go and gather the world's Marine and prepare for battle.

Although her tone and voice are not different,

But as soon as he said that, Five Elders understood that things had once again exceeded expectations.

If Uranus had really destroyed Kaido and Dressrosa,

What they should do is to completely erase the news of both,

Just like Rocks and Valley of the Gods more than thirty years ago,

Under the absolute control of information, people's memories are stripped out and extracted.

Make the people and islands that died under Uranus act as if they had never been in the world.

But now we have to prepare for war,

Naturally, it can only go to war with the living.

"Lord Im, is something wrong with Uranus?" Five Elders said worriedly.

The other four shared the same confusion.

Uranus has not had a problem for 800 years, pointing to where to hit, the blow will be destroyed.

No matter how strong Kaido is, it can't resist Uranus?

However, Im's answer surprised them.

"Uranus is sealed by Kaido and can no longer be controlled."


"By... Sealed!"

"What kind of ability is this!"

"Haven't we lost our last weapon..."

"Things are completely chaotic."

And Im on the throne circled his eyes a little heavier and said

"Go get ready and destroy Kaido at all costs."

"Even if you fill in all the marines and sacrifice all the kingdoms, you must kill Kaido completely!"

"His life is the biggest threat to the world government!"

"There will be absolutely no failure this time!"


Five Elders immediately buried his head deeper and said in unison

"Yes!" *5

One night passed,

Tianming's Dressrosa has countless people working with dark circles,

It seems that I was so shocked by last night's movement that I couldn't sleep, and even the after-dinner chatter today and a few days later would be surrounded by this topic.

A large bird dressed in a gentleman's outfit has also arrived at the palace of Dressrosa.

Morgans spread his beak and fanned himself wildly with his wings, holding twice as much boiled water in his other hand.

He stared at the boulder in the sky outside the window, constantly estimating its size and imagining how Kaido could pull up the rocks on the bottom of the sea to make a ball that wouldn't fall apart.

And Kaido sat in the largest seat, did not block his behavior, only spoke up,

"Morgans, do you know the most critical person who spent the blank hundred years eight hundred years ago?"

Morgans was looking at the stone in surprise, and was paused by such a question,

"So that's the news you're going to give me that will shake the world?"

"A little rumor about a historical figure?"

"IMHO, although I am personally more interested."

"But this maybe, no, it's not enough to shake the world."

"Or do you know about the great events that happened in those hundred years?"

He turned his head with eager gaze to meet Kaido's calm gaze.

Kaido still looked cold and said

"I don't know, and I don't care."

"But you remember cutting off the live broadcast at the World government on Sabaody Island?"

Morgoth nodded and said, "Remember, it was the straw hat boy who just transformed...


"Could it be that the straw hat is?!"

His eyes lit up instantly, a historical figure may not be noticeable,

But relying on hot topics such as Kaido and straw hats will definitely detonate the world!

"Ah. That's what Joey Boi looked like eight hundred years ago. Kaido affirmed, and then said something that made Morgans excited.

"The name of the Devil Fruit eaten by the straw hat is Paramecia, Rubber Fruit, as recorded in all Devil Fruit books.

"But that's a way the World government did it to cover up the facts."

"The real name is the Fruit of Man Phantom Beast Species, Form.

At this point, he did not continue to say,

With Morgans' good knowledge of intelligence, the relationship quickly comes to mind.

As he expected, Morgans turned and thought with one hand on the bird's beak,

"Nika? The name of the legendary sun god?!"

... Ask for flowers...............

"Joey Boi is also the powerhouse of this fruit? No! He's the sun god!"

"The straw hat boy inherited the mantle of the sun god? Liberated fighters! Revolutionary Army?"

"No wonder the World government was not in a hurry before, and the picture of the grass singing transformation cut off my live broadcast every day."

"So it was.........."

Morgans nodded and cleared his thoughts, stringing together a series of pieces of information to get a rough idea.

It's just that, although this is shocking,

But it was still far from the shocking news he had hoped for.

After all, breaking the sky is just hiding a Devil Fruit, and you can be an ordinary talking point if you don't know what happened.

And then Kaido put a couple of pictures on the table.

............... 0

Morgans flicked his eyebrows and walked over to look at it.

In just an instant, the pupils had already contracted into needles, and he was shocked

"What is it?!"

The photos perfectly capture Uranus' appearance, and also have a long-range view that includes both Uranus and Dressrosa in the camera, which is already the reaction of the Dressrosa people.

That thing is the size of this island!

Those sixteen barrels made him chill even through the photos!

Suddenly, his bird body trembled, as if he thought of something,

Immediately ran to the window and stared at the ball in the sky with wide eyes, looked at the photo in his hand, pointed to the sky in disbelief and said

"That's this thing?!"

"That's Uranus, one of the Ancient Weapons, what Celestial Dragons call a national treasure." Kaido said directly, frightening Morgans.

“ Ancient Weapon!!!"

"Celestial Dragons National Treasure!!"

Morgans exclaimed, hard to believe that Uranus was controlled by the Celestial Dragons.

It's even harder to believe that the island's big thing was sealed in the rock by Kaido.

"This is the strongest weapon in the hands of the World government."

"How about it, can it set off the storm of the world?" Kaido looked at Morgans' gaffe and said with the corners of his mouth rising slightly.

"Much more than that, Governor Kaido!" Morgans looked down at the photo in his hand, his eyes full of frenzy.

He wants to dig out all the secrets! Report it out! It's spread all over the world!

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