I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 14 Go To All Countries, All People Emission!

After hanging up the phone,

Flying Hexacytosis shivered.

They can already think of how angry the queen who created a country with her own hands was,

I also know how terrifying this monster woman is to get angry.

His own boss Kaido seems to be ready to rush over and grab it hard...

At this time, even how to penetrate into the enemy's base camp is a problem,

The nations are an archipelago of 34 islands, with the Queen's Castle Cake Island in the center,

If they want to break in, most of them will be stopped on the periphery.

At that time, Kaido will face the firepower of BIGMOM and its top cadres after going deep alone.

This is a grossly unfair war.

Once started,

Their boss, Kaido, might win.

But the troops in their regiment will definitely be killed and wounded,

Even if they fly the six-power, it is impossible to be completely unharmed.

"Do you have to fight?" The youngest, Peggy Wan did not yet understand the need for war,

In his eyes, since the war situation is unfavorable, it is best to find another way,

Driving Eli is not impossible to talk about.

But Fuzfer, Sasaki, Maria perfectly understand,

"Nonsense, we absolutely have to be on the front line."

They understand that Kaido, as the captain, must carry out the orders he gives and fight with his life for it.

has nothing to do with the so-called battle situation, timing, and everything else,

This is a necessary sacrifice after they recognize Kaido as their eldest brother.

"No, you don't need to make a move this time. I will go by myself, and you will make the one in your hand in advance. ”

Kaido's eyes were deep, and his words made Fei Liukong stunned,

The five suddenly felt a sense of distrust.

Fuzfer looked a little anxious, opened his arms, and said

"Big Brother Kaido?! Do you dislike us as a burden? ”

Sasaki's two rows of fangs also closed a little, and said excitedly

"Since the war has begun, it is also our business! How can you take it alone? Our lives are all given by you, big brother, and we will never back down on the battlefield! ”

Mary buried her head and stroked her white arm,

"It is a great dereliction of duty to let you face tens of thousands of troops alone, no matter what, please let us follow in your footsteps!"

Runti also wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kaido, and could only look at him with resentment.

"Alright! I've decided! Kaido's voice reached everyone's ears clearly and was an absolute command.

The five people wanted to stop talking, but still wanted to dissuade,

Kaido got up and walked outside, bowing his head sideways and ordering, "Your tasks are just as important, and I hope to see the results when I return." ”

After speaking, do not give them a chance to refute again,

In an instant, it turned into a green dragon and went straight to the sky, and there was no longer a flame cloud under his feet,

And so he left in full view.

The remaining flying six and five people looked at each other, worried,

It's like a thousand needles still hanging in my heart.

This task must be completed as soon as possible! Otherwise, there really won't even be a chance to follow the eldest brother out of the station!

Four Emperors meet, grab people,

It looks like the war of the century, and it's a pity that you can't play in person!

And if Kaido goes alone,

In the face of the opponent's massive forces and ambushes,

A complete winning streak is not certain.


A few hours ago, it was just dawn.

The five flying hexans who had just finished the banquet and had not yet had time to sleep were called to the top floor.

Kaido is teaching the top armed colors and giving him new tasks.

“ Emission?”

"Flowing armed colors?"

"Able to inflict powerful damage from the inside out?"

The five stood in front of Kaido, feeling like they were listening to some fantasy story,

Full of question marks, I couldn't imagine that there was such a thing.

Could it be that Kaido's big brother drank too much and went insane?

Kaido's next sentence made them hear and their fighting spirit soared,

"The only wound on my body is from Kozuki Oden's use of that technique."

The five looked at Kaido's abdomen, the knife wound that ran through his chest and abdomen!

"Huh? It's true?! ”

"Then I want to learn what I want to learn!"

"Just taught us... Are you alright? ”

Runti is raising her hands and cheering,

Suddenly distracted by Sasaki, so he pouted and looked at him,

Fuzfer also thought of this question and asked worriedly,

"Or forget Brother Kaido, the less people know about this kind of thing, right?"

Well, the other four also nodded,

They understand it perfectly and don't want to teach it.

Being able to inflict damage on Kaido is enough to show the power of this technique.

Attractive enough for them too.

But if only if a traitor appears among them to spread this thing ...

Isn't that strengthening the enemy in disguise and forcibly weakening Kaido.

The gains outweigh the losses.

Unexpectedly, Kaido scoffed and did not approve of their idea,

Unconsciously, the momentum is high, showing a confident color, and more disdain for the little ones.

"The Four Emperors have not stood to this day by hiding threatening things, and those who dare not even use their strength will never become emperors."

"If anyone thinks that he can defeat me with this power and just let him go, Laozi will naturally let him die an ugly death."

"Moreover, you must not only learn this thing, but also be responsible for teaching the big kanban, the real fighter, the numberer, and even the ordinary soldiers."

"Make the pirate group strong as soon as possible, otherwise those who lack strength will not be able to follow me to the end!"


The five people felt Kaido's monstrous battle spirit and fierce momentum,

The warm blood in my heart seemed to be mobilized and warmed my whole body.

That's the spirit of Kaido-sama!

In order to improve the strength of your subordinates, it doesn't matter if you expose your weaknesses!

Respect and worship from the heart, and have a firm gaze!

Their importance of Kaido is growing! Even more than their own lives!

Be sure to contribute all your strength to Kaido!

They don't know what Kaido means by fighting to the end.

But it must be important!

Big Brother Kaido will definitely need them!

So, don't worry,

Being strong is the right path!

"Then ask Brother Kaido to teach us!" Flowing armed color! ”

The five people clenched their fists and were determined to follow Boss Kaido until the last moment!

Kaido looked at the few people whose morale had been adjusted and was satisfied,

The breath of armed color movement faintly appeared on the fist,

While showcasing, he said: "Listen, the so-called power of flow..."

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