I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 15: Still Treat Me As Your Good Brother?

A few days later, the waters of the world.

The sky is clear, only a few white clouds hang, and birds travel unbridled through the sky.

The cool breeze blowing from the north swept up a large field of dead leaves and tumbleweeds, and the rooted Homiz showed a fierce expression of resistance.

Baron Egg, who was standing vigilant in the open field, sobered up a little with cold trembling, and raised his vigilance,

By the way, I glanced at the impenetrable vigilance around me,

The waters around the archipelago are full of countless small boats searching, and the large ships are all leaning on the shore waiting to attack,

Two people stood on each watchtower, carefully observing the anomalies of the sky and the sea with binoculars,

Even on the seabed, there are fishmen and mermaids to prevent boats from coating and taking the waterway.

Thinking that even the "strongest creatures on land, sea and air" can't break in under this protection,

Suddenly my heart was full of security,

He also muttered, "Come on, Kaido." Let the Charlotte family rise on your corpse..."

Inside the castle hall,

The atmosphere here is quite relaxed, and many cadres gather here to wait for the opportunity,

As a result, Cake Island is a hundred times safer than other places, and even many non-combatants are hiding here in search of tranquility.

Many people paid attention to four of the top cadres,

The eldest son who reads the newspaper in his hand with his big tongue is offered a reward of 700 million Charlotte Perospero.

Sitting with his legs crossed, his eyes were gloomy, as if he was worried about whose second son, Charlotte's supreme masterpiece, the head of the three stars, Charlotte Katakuri, who offered a bounty of 1,057 million.

Charlotte Cracker, the tenth son who hides among the cookie soldiers and is one of the three generals, offers a bounty of 860 million.

Charlotte Smuggie, the fourteenth woman drinking a strangely colored drink, one of the three stars, offered a bounty of 932 million.

They and my aunt are the true pillars of this regiment, filling the confidence of others at any time.

What Kaido?

Can you survive with such a lineup?!

Suddenly, dark clouds swept in, and heaven and earth seemed to become dark.

The rain poured down,

The accompanying dazzling lightning seems to have become the only light source in the world,

The sound of the rushing water washed the whole earth, and the successive rumbling thunder seemed to be the anger of the heavens.

The sound of huge raindrops hitting the windows of the castle is crisp,

With electric light, the dim exterior is covered with a silver-white veil.

This extreme weather is coming?

Everyone in the castle felt an indescribable strangeness.

But it was just the weather change, and I didn't pay much attention.

The power supply of the hall is activated, and the hall is illuminated by a shining chandelier,

What should everyone do?

A moment later,

A young Charlotte son couldn't help the itching in his heart and raised doubts that he had been holding for days,

"Why does Mom and Kaido seem to know each other?"

He had not heard anything like it since he was born, so it is likely that the two had only been in contact many years ago.

As soon as this question came out, more people listened,

And they were also very curious about what the two Four Emperors had done.

Isn't it a joy to see...

But he saw Katakuri in a calm voice,

"This is not something you can understand, it is better to restrain your curiosity so as not to be killed by it in the future."

He was born in the days of Rocks, who was ten years old when he died, and he remembers a lot of things.

But he remembered that after the incident in the Valley of the Gods, he never heard any news from Rocks and the Island of the Gods, and even his mother kept his mouth shut,

That's when he understood that don't ask anything about that thing!

The person who asked the question returned with a lecture by his beloved brother.

Others didn't dare to ask anymore.

The torrential rain and wind outside are even stronger, and the sound outside cannot be heard at all indoors.

The murmur of the howling wind, the ticking of rain and the collision of debris,

and increasingly frequent thunderstorms.

The electric light in the sky is so frequent that it hurts the eyes a little,

Someone used to close the curtains and stopped looking outside.

At this time, Perospero also put down the newspaper,

Grabbing this rare opportunity to sing red faces in front of his family, he said

"Don't be so serious, Katakuri, things at that time have long been buried, even if you say it, no one will care."

"Right mom."

He looked at the bloated and happy mother on the throne,

"Mama~ What can't be said." With a kind and happy face, the aunt withdrew her cream-stained hand from her mouth, said indifferently, and then went to grab the next piece of cake.

Katakuri frowned and thought that this was not good for his younger siblings,

But Perospero got his mother's permission and he couldn't stop it.

Perospero continued: "Many years ago, my mother stayed in the same boat as Kaido, and the two met there, but the pirate group was finally disbanded, and Kaido and my mother formed their own pirate group. ”


"Mom is actually in the same boat as Kaido?!"

"I dare not imagine! What kind of captain can gather these two people! ”

The crowd was amazed, they could not have imagined that the monster who was also the Four Emperors would spend time in the same boat!

Shouldn't it be that you built your own pirate kingdom from the time you went to sea?

Then the aunt seemed to recall, holding her cheeks in her hands to remember the past, and gradually said.

"I remember when Kaido's little devil was still my subordinate, and I treated him like my own brother at that time."



"Can Kaido only be a younger brother in front of his mother!"


Those who have not experienced the old times exclaimed,

The thought that Kaido can only call his brother in front of his mother makes him feel more proud in his heart.

Until the next moment, a deep magnetic voice came from outside the door,

"At this time, I am actually turning over old accounts, old woman."


The gate was hit hard in an instant and flew inward, but Katakuri moved quickly and blocked it with sticky cake in time.

Everyone recognized this man at a glance,

“ Kaido!!!”

"Why are you here!!"

"What about the people on guard?!"

Until a bolt of lightning streaked to illuminate the field, countless corpses lay on the ground,

Kaido also carries a white chicken in his hand.

Baron Eggman was caught!!

People with low combat ability suddenly scurried around like ants on a hot pot,

Scrambling to run away in reverse, hiding in a corner.

"mama~ even if I turn over old accounts, I'm not wrong" The aunt stood up holding the throne, looking at the dead and wounded of her men, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on her face, "Are you going to come to me again?" My..."

Those two words have not yet been spoken,

The eyes of the two met in the air and burst out.

Purple-black and pink lightning crackled around the two people's bodies, and two surging momentum burst out instantly,

Invisible cyclones collide in the air, lightning intertwins and collides with each other and whines,

The curtains of clothes all fluttered, and ceramics and glass instantly collapsed and broke,

The weak people all fainted in a coma, and even the three generals were blue in the face.

"And treat me as your good brother?"

Kaido laughed wildly, and the momentum on his body became more and more high, further pressing towards the aunt!

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