I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 63 The Difference Between Heaven And Earth! Admiral Awakens!

"I can't escape~" Kizaru said, looking at Kaido with his head down.

"Die here!" Green Bull growled with laughter.

Kaido sneered and grabbed Kizaru with his left hand,

With his right hand, he used his mace to swing a blow into the sky,

Kizaru's eyes flashed,

The Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand changed direction and slashed at Kaido's big palm.

He wants to limit one of Kaido's hands!

Plus the other hand is limited by Fujitora's meteorite,

Now, the Green Bull Wild Pasture has the best time to attack!

"That's the price of looking down on me!" Aramaki shouted, "Forbidden Sensei!"

Countless fist-shaped trees rose in unison, covered with pitch-black Armament Haki rushing towards Duoduo.


A flash of light even flashes out of range.

In the green bull's field of vision, his countless trees surrounded Kaido, hitting Kaido three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angles,

He couldn't help but show a hint of joy,

Now even if you are hard, you should always get hurt!

The meteorite in the sky was then pierced by Kaido's rod and turned into countless pieces of rubble falling like shooting stars.

"Are you giving Laozi a massage?"

Suddenly, surrounded by countless fists, Kaido's voice came out.

Ara Mu couldn't help but change his face slightly.



The trees were violently torn apart, and the Kaido inside destroyed all the surrounding wood.

In the green bull's panicked and nervous gaze,

Kaido jumped tens of meters into the air and fell towards his position holding his mace high.

"Descend III, Innarok!"

With a terrifying power on the mace, the green bull didn't want to get hit,

Hurriedly summoned another shield from his own grass and wood domain,

"Iron Grove!!"

Rows of trees bend and rise again, which is a tree species that far exceeds the hardness of ordinary steel,

Attached to this is his powerful Armament Haki, who believes that no one can break his defenses.

But the next moment,

Wood chips splash!

Kaido burst out of the shield, and the mace struck straight into Aramaki's face, whose eyes were about to bulge.

The barren pasture of the people who are still tree people was suddenly smashed into the ground,

The trunks and wood chips all over the body were splashed, the branches above his head were broken, and even the hands that turned into Fujiwan directly lay down weakly.

Kizaru watched Aramaki fall directly to the ground, his calves flashing golden light and flew to Kaido's side again,

With murderous aura in his eyes, he asked solemnly

"You... Ever been kicked at the speed of light? Kaido-san"?"

Kaido's body was not retracted, Kizaru's lightspeed kick had already kicked, and he had to turn his head to look,

The two sides looked at each other, Kaido suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and a storm gushed out of his mouth,

"Bad wind!"

Kizaru was illuminated by the cyan light, making it clear that his face changed dramatically.

However, the wind was so fast that he couldn't hide.

Countless wind blades burst out on Kizaru at almost zero distance,

The wind blade penetrated the body, and scarlet blood splattered in the air,

Kizaru's kick has not yet arrived,

The whole person was carried upside down by the strong wind, covered in wounds and bleeding.

"Gravity Knife Whale!"

Fujitora actually broke through the earth from under the ground, with a powerful anti-gravity from the bottom up,

One picks up and cuts at Kaido's crotch.

At the same time, he dragged stones to catch Kizaru, who was flying upside down.

Kaido twitched out of the corner of his eye, and also slashed at Fujitora from bottom to top.

And Fujitora seems to have expected it, closing the knife as a block,

When receiving the huge force of Kaido, he retreated tens of meters by relying on that force,

Take it with Kizaru and the green bull on the slate.

"Are you two all right?" Fujitora listened carefully to their voices,

Fortunately, he could hear the heartbeat and breathing of the two men.

"It's the old man who is careless." Kizaru's body was bleeding too much, making him pale.

"I..." Ara Mu plunged one hand into the ground, and the flowers and weeds of the entire island began to wither,

However, Aramaki's own injuries are improving rapidly.

"No, not careless." Fujitora interrupted him and shook his head, "It's that he is too strong, and we will definitely not be his opponents if we bring two out alone." "

"Even if you come out alone... The gap in strength will be like the gap between heaven and earth.

"Virgo was right to ask the three of us to come together."

"We have to get rid of Kaido today, otherwise he'll be stronger in the future..."

"The consequences are hard to imagine."

.” Aramaki clenched his teeth and unwillingly accelerated his recovery from his injuries.

"It's really terrifying~ he defeated BIGMOM in a few hours with this power." Kizaru, who was pale, still had the strength to make a smooth tone.

Both of them agree with this view, after all, they have just competed with Kaido,

They can't even catch Kaido's frontal blow in normal form.

It really makes their Admiral identity a little embarrassing.

"Use all your strength, otherwise there is no hope." Fujitora said again.


"It's terrible~"

Green Bull and Kizaru both agreed to come down, and the three got together,

Looking up at Kaido, who is slowly walking to bring them a sense of life and death,

With solemn eyes, the momentum on the three people began to sublimate, and said at the same time

“.. Awakening"*3

Suddenly, the golden light between heaven and earth shone, burning Kaido's eyes hurt,

The visibility became less than ten meters, and at a glance it was full of golden light,

And the feet become loose and soft, look down,

The ground under his feet was originally a ruin of rubble and debris,

A layer of dirt has grown, and the soil is covered with green grass and flowers of different colors.

"Logia's Awakening....."

Kaido squinted slightly,

If nothing else, it is to change the surrounding environment forever and turn it into your main battlefield.

Suddenly a dangerous warning stimulated Kaido's brain,

Seeing and hearing the color of the future to launch instantly,

The head immediately tilted to one side, and the pupils were firmly fixed on his side.

And a shining sword passed through the void he had made,

The scorching temperature and sharpness above made his face ache.

After passing through, it was like a long rainbow, disappearing into the golden light in the distance (good promise).

Is that Kizaru's Sky Cong Cloud Sword?

The earth under his feet suddenly cracked again, and a thick and long wooden spike rose rapidly,

However, Kaido instantly turned half-dragon, and the spike hit Kaido's Adam's apple, and he couldn't score half a point.

After awakening, you will only play sneak attacks.


Kaido carefully sensed the breath of the three,

Even if you are blind in this golden light, the bright and shaky breath is the best target.

Got it.

Kaido looked straight at a local committee with his eyes,

And Kizaru, who thought he was hiding well, suddenly saw Kaido turn his head,

With a feeling of apprehension in his heart, he looked at Fujitora beside him.

Fujitora gripped the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed through the air.

Instead of slashing out sword qi such as Slash Wave, he used the awakening of gravity fruits.

Gravity is not a direction at this time.

Suddenly, forces from all sides restricted Kaido, as if to tear him apart!.

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