I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 64 Like A Fly! Admiral Lost All! !

Kizaru saw the moment and emitted a thick flash in the golden light.

This mechanism is a hundred times thicker than the laser in his usual hand, and it can almost completely cover Kaido's huge body.

With a high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees, it shone on Kaido's body at the speed of light.


The explosion that far exceeded his ordinary laser appeared on Kaido's chest, and the force of the trembling atmosphere made him take a step back.

However, Kaido ignored the tears on his body and swung his mace forward.

His body is extremely tough, not to mention the fact that it is now covered with dragon scales,

This explosion could not have hurt him at all.

The sound of gas explosion was impressive, and the air shook,

The smoke generated by the laser was opened in an instant, and a strong impact in the middle exploded.

Kizaru's body quickly lightened, instantly turning into a golden light straight line and flashing to the side,

Fujitora, who was in place, swung a knife with gravity,

A knife was cut out, and the powerful force of gravity exploded in front of him,

It turned out to be evenly matched with Kaido's stick, and neither side took advantage.


A huge Wooden Golem almost tens of meters high standing up behind Kaido at some point,

The huge fist slammed straight into Kaido's back.

Kaido squinted sideways at the iron fist that struck from high in the air behind him,

There is coldness in the eyes,

"One and two endlessly, like a fly."

The momentum on the body instantly gushed out, and Emission and the bully were entangled,

The vigorous momentum made the surrounding air tremble, and even the awakened environment of the two Logia was suppressed,

Kizaru 333 people seemed to feel that breathing was difficult, and the color became more and more solemn.

Kaido kicked his legs, the large stratum under his feet collapsed, and his body appeared with air bursting clouds,

After spinning in the air for a circle, hold the mace with both hands,

A sweep slammed the mace into Wooden Golem's fist.

Wooden Golem suddenly exploded his fist and flew wood chips,

And the aftermath has been transmitted from the arm to the shoulder, and the cracks are constant, as if they have exploded from the inside.


Wooden Golem's body was heard with a scream of pain.

This giant wooden golem turned out to be his own.

Kaido's eyes shrunk,

The eight fasts in his hand immediately gushed out concentrated flames from the rod,

With a sharp swing, the Ultimate concentrated fireball was blasted towards the Wooden Golem.

The fireball arrived in the blink of an eye, and the moment it touched the wood, a huge explosion occurred.

The fireball instantly expanded, completely enveloping the barren pastures.

The barren screams even more.

"Damn!!! Ah!!!!"

The light flickered, and Kizaru appeared again with the Sky Cong Cloud Sword in Kaido's waist and abdomen,

Coming towards him, he said lightly in his mouth,

"Revealing flaws ~ Kaido-san~"


At the same time, Fujitora descended from the sky and hurriedly said to Kizaru,

Kaido's gravity in place was extremely high, especially the right hand holding the mace was difficult to lift, and even his (bbdd) flight ability was greatly suppressed.

That's almost a thousand times the gravity!

Kizaru swept his sword again, seizing the opportunity given by Fujitora, and in his opinion, Kedo had been completely limited by Fujitora.

However, Kaido's face was expressionless, his vertical pupils moved slightly, the blood boiling and transpiring throughout his body produced a large amount of mist rising, and the skin under the dragon scales seemed to be red,

The muscles of his whole body are high and bulging, and his already thick arms are even bigger,

He waved his mace abruptly.

Before Kizaru could react, the mace had already waved at him,

The Sky Cong Cloud Sword made by the light element is as fragile as glass under Kaido's attack,

In an instant, he was smashed to pieces, and with undiminished power, he struck Kizaru's wrinkled face.

The air detonationd, and a golden flash flew upside down at several times the speed of sound,

It can be seen that Kizaru, who is flying upside down, has his arm twisted and broken, and his shoulder blade is sunken downward.

The facial features on his face were hammered flat, and the blood was ugly and ugly.

Fujitora, on the other hand, felt cold in his heart, and his hand once again controlled gravity to increase.

Kaido glanced sideways, and forcefully Conqueror's Haki all rushed towards Fujitora alone.

Even if his strength is strong to the realm of Admiral, he can't help but make his whole body cold, trembling in an instant, and the gravity is slightly weaker.

But a split second is enough for this level of competition to determine the winner.

Kaido burst out of the air, broke away from Fujitora's gravity zone and turned in the air, heading straight for Fujitora.

Then it strikes from the bottom up like a game of golf

Fujitora sank his head, the gravity of the knife doubled, and he returned fire at the oncoming mace.

Bang!! Bang!!!

The other party relied on strong gravity control to fight Kaido a few moves without falling down.

Both of them quickly waved their weapons in their hands,

The air around the body is visible to the naked eye and the ripple space is almost ready to be made.


The knife and rod hold each other, since there is no touch in the middle!

However, this is not a battle of bullying.

Fujitora's knife was wrapped in deep purple energy, pushing Kaido's mace with immense force.

Spatial concussion ripples appeared, and endless air currents erupted from the weapon, blowing both of their clothes flying.

Just when the two were facing each other,

A small sapling once again emerged from the dirt below, and it quickly grew and grew into a new tree man.

Green Bull Wild Mu's hands and feet were deeply inserted into the soil, and a cone-shaped tree suddenly grew within a radius of hundreds of meters,

The same place stabbed at Kaido from below.

Above the golden sky, a powerful golden light giant sword was held in his hand by the unrecognizable Kizaru,

Laser rays emanating and gathering all around, falling vertically towards Kaido,

The sense of oppression of these three people together has exceeded the original BIGMOM!

Kaido can't break through the gravity of Fujitora's awakening.

Condensing his face, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the palm holding the eight fasts touched a little tighter.

Eight fasts instantly transform, not dragon non-rod, dragon companion stick.

The handle of the mace has not changed, but its body has expanded and expanded, the dragon scales are possessed, and the head is rolling like a dragon's head,

The entire mace has more than doubled in size, and the spikes on it are sharper and slender.

Fujitora tilted his head slightly, he was blind and could not see the changes in front of him.

Suddenly, he felt the change in the force in his hand, and his face changed greatly.

Only Kaido's contemptuous voice was heard.

"Eight Trigrams!!!"


The purple gravity energy was instantly burst, and Fujitora's body was completely exposed to Kaido's attack,

The stick touched his body, and in an instant, Fujitora's whole body was shattered and his internal organs were damaged.

Haki, who destroys inside, rages inside his flesh, seemingly completely turning his body into a mess.

Fujitora instantly burst into flesh and blood, and flew out softly.

"Laughing brother!!!"

The barren herds on the ground couldn't help but shout in worry.

However, in an instant, Kaido was holding a huge number of wooden thorns and shooting out a sky full of wood chips.

Break through to him again,

Seeing that his attack was completely ineffective again, Green Bull's face turned red, and he cursed ineptly and furiously,


"Die honestly!!! Kaido!!!”

All he received in response was Kaido's understated gaze and the mace getting closer and closer in front of him.


Wooden blocks burst !!!

Hands and legs broken!

The trunk of the tree was even pierced, and a large hole was punched in the wood, and the branches above his head were all broken into powder.

It was as if it had been shaved into a wooden bone, leaving only a bare and badly damaged torso, and a big rolled eye.

No longer care about the barren herding that is slowly turning into human form.

"And one more."

Kaido raised his head and raised his left hand,

Just caught the huge lightsaber stabbed from the sky,

The high temperature and sharp blade representing Ultimate are firmly held in the palm of his hand,

Spots of light are constantly pumping out of his palm.

Kizaru's beaten, blood-stained face was extremely pale.

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