I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 70 The Expectations Of The Murlocs! In Exchange For What? Loyalty

The army slowly approached,

The leader is huge, taller than Kaido.

However, he is bloated, fat, and has thick body hair, far less than Kaido.

Orange fluffy hair and curly beard, holding an intricately carved trident in his hand, and wearing a ~ crown on his head to show nobility.

Impressively is the king of the fish and mermaids, Ni Pouton.

Seeing their own king coming, most of the local mermaids stabilized their minds,

Curiously look not far away.

Kaido slowly raised his head after hearing the voice, looking at the incoming army, surprised,

Oh? I actually came to pick up the car.

"Looks like she's already told you." Kaido said, staring straight into Neptune's eyes.

"BIGMOM has indeed reminded us." Neptune couldn't help but be a little scared when Kaido stared at him like this, and his palm holding the trident was unconsciously wet with sweat.

"Go to the Dragon Palace to talk." Kaido's face was flat, and he bowed his head to signal Neptune to lead the way.

"Yes." Neptune bent down and bowed his head.

Then he turned around and waved his big hand, and hundreds of mermaids behind him got out of the way and opened a road.

Yu Guang glanced at Kaido and Yamato, and his eyes even stayed on Yamato for two more seconds before continuing to move forward and heading towards the Dragon Palace.

However, the expressions of the mermaids around are a little wrong,

Why their king ...


And the uneasy look in his eyes is too worrying.

And they are not to blame.

The fish men island has a huge population of 5 million.

Most of the fish people have never been seen on land, because they are afraid of being caught by humans to stop the slave trade.

That makes most of them fishes and fishmen prefer to live their lives on the island in peace,

And the geographical location is special, and the news is difficult to deliver.

As a result, the news intelligence ability of ordinary people is almost zero.

And Neptune as king,

Naturally, he knew about the heinous crimes that Kaido had committed outside.

With that unparalleled and unrivaled mighty strength,

and the horrific rumor that Kaido has recently wiped out an island every time he visits.

Neptune was worried all the time the moment he received the news from BIGMOM,

Worried about the lives of millions, worried about the future of The fish men island, worried about the future of the mermaid man and mermaid race.

"No need to worry so much, Neptune. I'm a lot better talker than you think. Kaido said with a grin behind Neptune.

“...... Yes, Lord Kaido...," Nip replied tremblingly.

Seeing that Neptune was so nervous, Kaido was not interested in talking to him in this situation, and everything would wait until the Dragon Palace to talk about it.

And on the way, it naturally became Yamato's naïve and curious home,

Always exclaimed and marveled at the beauty of the island,

Neptune was relieved a lot, proudly introducing her to her own island.

Wait until you arrive at the Dragon Palace,

Kaido took his seat.

"Lord Kaido, may I ask you to come to The fish men island for..." Neptune asked as soon as he sat down.

"You know that The fish men island is my territory now, right?" Kaido asked lightly.

”...... Know under . Neptune replied with some embarrassment.

As the king of a country, he was even said in front of pirates that his own territory was someone else's territory, and he did not dare to refute it, and he had to hold back more and more grievances.

But he's seen so many pirates that they almost match the population of The fish men island.

So he rightfully thought that Kaido had also come for the riches and treasures of their island, he said.

"Please rest assured that the treasure that was originally handed over to BIGMOM every year will now be handed over to you."

However, Kaido does not play his cards according to his common sense, and does not care about the so-called treasure at all.

Ask directly, "Is your daughter still alive, Neptune?"

This frightened Neptune, thinking that Kaido was going to kill Shirahoshi, and immediately excitedly Kaidō

"Kaido-sama! My daughter has never been out of this island and has even been locked up in the tower for ten years!"

"Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

"Neptune, I know exactly what she is."

Kaido's words at the end of his head made several ministers around Neptune look confused,

Yamato doesn't care to savor the world's best desserts produced locally.

Only Neptune was alone, his body was as stiff as a stone, his pupils contracted instantly, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and his heart was cold.

There is only one thought left in the brain,

Kaido Poseidon "came!!!

And with Kaido's next words: "Otohime's dream, I can help you fulfill it."

Neptune's eyes suddenly trembled, and his body shook violently, both excited and frightened,

Otohime's dream...............

That is the dream and concept of almost all peace-loving mermaids who yearn for true sunshine.

Peaceful coexistence with humans and no more slave trade, allowing fish people to move away from the deep sea to live in the sun and on the continent.

Even almost succeeded back then!

It has reached the last moment, but it was destroyed by the shameless villain hidden in the dark!

Ask for flowers...

The villain shot Otohime in the crowd! As a result, their signatures were interrupted and their status of peaceful coexistence with humanity was interrupted.

This, of course, is also an ideal that Neptune hopes to continue and successfully achieve as a king and as a husband.


His daughter, this year's Poseidon Poseidon.

Only 16 years old!

After thinking extremely complicatedly, he gritted his teeth and said,

"But this still has nothing to do with the little girl."

"It doesn't matter? From the moment she was born, she stood on the world stage, Neptune, don't be stupid. Kaido said frankly with a frown.

Neptune lowered his head, his hands clasped fiercely on the armrest of his throne, and bruises appeared on the back of his hands.

"Then I'll ask another way." Kaido added, "If I bring The fish men island to the sea, I will put you under my protection."

"Let you no longer be kidnapped, trafficked, discriminated against, so that you can always feel the real sun."

"How do you thank me?"

"This is a rare time for me to be reasonable, and I can answer me again when I want to, Neptune."


Neptune opened his mouth slightly but said silently, not knowing how to answer for a while.

A moment of silence,

He asked, "Although your name will keep my race from suffering............. But discrimination is still unavoidable, even if..............."

Kaido interrupted directly, saying bluntly: "The only way to eliminate deep-rooted discrimination is to start a war to rebuild the world."

"Otherwise, you have been discriminated against since 800 years ago, and you will not change in 800 years."

"Change is never as easy and beautiful as Otohime imagined."

"As a king, you should understand."

Neptune was silent again.

He understands.

He always understood.

I just don't want to get involved...

But since Kaido has almost put the choice on the table,

Even if he doesn't choose, Kaido will help him choose.

And he thought about what Kaido had been doing lately.

I can't help but think, could it be that Zou and the fur clan were exterminated..... Is it also for similar reasons?

He fears that he will be exterminated by Kaido for refusing.

He sighed, as if he was half-pushed and half-impressed by Kaido,

Extremely complicated inside, he said, "I will settle the murmur in the country and offer you the loyalty of all."

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