I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 71 The Fish Men Island Finally Sees The Light Of Day! Millions Of Murlocs Cry!

"Including Shirahoshi?" Kaido asked flatly.

"Will you hurt her.....," Neptune said with a complicated look in his eyes.

"As long as she can obey my orders and play her due role." Kaido said coldly.

"...... I will persuade her. Neptune showed a hint of helplessness, and then added, "But in the past ten years, people have tried to attack Shirahoshi, so I had to protect her in the tower so..."

"I know, you don't have to worry about it anymore." Kaido nodded.

"But....," Neptune didn't understand why Kaido said that.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation and commotion outside the Dragon Palace,


"Black dragon!!"

"He killed two fishmen!!"


Neptune instantly got up, held his mace, and looked at the door,

Ask the people around you, "What's going on outside?!"

The gate was instantly slammed open with a bang, and the two bloody corpses were thrown directly onto the "nine eighty-seven" board on the ground.

He also rolled a few times on the ground, making two long blood marks until he crashed into Kaido.

A huge dragon head was stuck outside the gate, and a pair of golden vertical pupils with black silk threads swirled around a few times,

Until he locked Kaido's calm and unhurried figure, he blinked,

A dragon body and dragon tail were used in front of the door before flying to the mid-air above the palace and staying.

"Eight fasts?" Yamato, who was changing meat, said while chewing his cheeks, muttering suspiciously, "When did you run out?"

Neptune hadn't sat down yet, but looked at how calm it was in Master.

I was shocked.

That's a dragon!!!

Why do dragons have two ?!!

And secretly killed these two people and sent them here, and the lord of his country did not notice it!

Kaido bowed his head and asked him to look at the two corpses in front of him instead of looking at him,

The two who died, one with a pale yellow hat, had four legs, but at the moment the legs were all sawn off from the root and bleeding,

One is fat, with a rounded belly and tattoos on his arms, and his throat is cut open only to the bone.

"Vanderdyken, Hody Jones." Kaido looked at the two corpses calmly, "One is a threat to Shirahoshi, and the other is Otohime's murderer. I'll dispose of it all for you.

What the?!

A Vanderdyken IX, who hid in the shadows and couldn't do anything about him for ten years, became a corpse just for a while....

And Otohime's murderer! Didn't Hody claim that humans killed it?! How could it be himself?!


Neptune's cheeks twitched, it didn't show how incompetent he was as a king...

But how did Kaido determine that Hody Jones was the murderer?

Neptune turned him over with a trident, just to see what clues Hody had,

But I saw a large number of capsules in his mouth.

"Murder medicine?!" Neptune's eyes froze.

Whether it was Otohime's murderer or not, Hody must have bad intentions.

He also chose to believe what Kaido said, because even if Kaido did not do this, he would have already made him submit, and he could not think of a reason for the other party to deceive him.

Neptune shook his head and sighed,

I didn't expect Otohime to die at the hands of our own people in the end...

"The damned people are already dead. I'm going to let The fish men island surface today, what do you think?" Kaido got up, squinted at Neptune and said.

"Today? So fast............. This......" Neptune panicked, he was not ready for anything, even his most important citizens did not know.

"If it's no problem, it's today, give you two hours to remove the problems of the people." Kaido turned to see the mermaid on the side, Neptune's eldest son, Shark Star, and said to call Jinbei. "

"Uh....... This" Shark Star looked at Neptune with a confused look.

Neptune nodded at him, then bowed his head slightly to Kaido,

Hurriedly took a large number of people out to prepare to inform the people of this unknown good or bad thing.

Hours later.

The fish men island shook wildly, and the super-atmospheric cover that wrapped the island appeared layer by layer, and the bubbles as small as particles were washed away by the sea.

The fish people standing on the island land seemed to be unable to stand steady, and many people fell to the ground shakily.

The buildings on the island seem to have suffered an earthquake, and a few rubble have fallen from the ceiling.

The female soothsayer named Shyarly silently looked at the crystal ball in front of her, her eyes overflowing with concern.


"It's like an earthquake..."

"Is it really the island moving?"

"Look at the sky!"

"The sun moved!!!"

Many people are shocked by the drastic changes in the entire island,

In particular, the sun in the sky, produced by the sunshine tree Eve, was moving rapidly in a way they had never seen before.

Many people also immediately reacted, not that the sun was moving,

Instead, the whole island is moving.

Above the Dragon Palace, a green dragon and a black dragon are arranged in parallel,

They all do the posture of the dragon's claws in the air [their eyes look out at the dark sea.]

Countless flame clouds, large or small, appeared below the island, layered on top of each other, making the entire island look as if it was larger from the outside.

Moving slowly between the bottom of the sun tree and the land under the sea,

If you are not careful, the bubble that covers The fish men island will be burst by the sun tree or a boulder, and the island and five million people will be completely exposed under the deep sea.

Facing the fierce and unrecorded underwater rapids:

Fortunately, Kaido and Bahano's hands were steady, and The fish men island was moving out of it little by little.

Until the light emitted by the Yang Tree became smaller and weaker in the field of vision of countless people, and then disappeared.

The entire island was plunged into complete darkness, with no light in the deep sea for thousands of meters.

The fear born of the darkness makes the people on the island panic.

"We're going to be fine, are we?"

"Probably not........... Huh?"

"I hope that Princess Otohime's spirit in heaven will allow us to reach the surface of the sea safely..."

"Princess Otohime didn't say she wanted pirates to help! Have you forgotten how she died?"

"Calm down, we're about to see the real sun!"

"I just don't know if it's good or bad to be completely exposed to the human world. .........”

"Isn't this exactly the day we long?!"

"Humans dare to bully us again! Let's follow Kaido-sama and go to war completely!"

In the noise, Kaido moved quickly with the island.

With the help of Eight Fasts, the speed is much faster than him alone.

Gradually, the dark and dark deep sea gradually became blurred,

From reaching out and not seeing five fingers to being able to see the faces of the people around you,

And then to the clear blue water around it,

The sea water overhead gradually became transparent, allowing them to see countless rays of light above.

Countless fish people and mermaids stood in the open air,

Staring blankly at the sky, his face shining with the sun.


The fish men island rises from the bottom of the sea!

4.0 Huge waves are pushed away by bubbles.


The island is completely surfaced, and the bubbles that have shrouded it for thousands of years are instantly separated.

The sky was just clear, and the sun was completely shining on everyone's body.

The air on the island is completely diluted and exchanged with more air, becoming fresher.

Countless people touched their cheeks with tears in their eyes, feeling the warmth,

And deeply greedily inhaled the air now, as if it was even sweeter.

"Huh!!! This is the sun!!!

"We are finally on the surface of the sea!!!"

"We don't have to live at the bottom of the dark sea!!"

"Whew........ This is the day that Queen Otohime wants to see. ”

"In the future, the fish people will no longer have to live under the false sun..."

"The dream of the Fishman for thousands of years.......... It's finally done!!! Woohoo~~~

"It's really.......... Thank you so much!! Kaido-sama!!".

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