I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 201 Writing Donghuang Taiyi, Reading It As Labor And Capital Is The Best!

Donghuang, the east is the head of the five directions in the southeast, northwest, and middle, and the meaning of Donghuang is the meaning of the most noble emperor.

Before the Jade Emperor, there was a god in Taoism, the East Prince, who was the official consort of the Queen Mother of the West, and the position of the East Prince was actually the Emperor of Heaven at that time, ruling the three realms of heaven, earth and human, but this position later became the Jade Emperor. He became Emperor Donghua.

And Taiyi is even more awesome, Taiyi has the meaning of Yuanshi returning to one, Taiyi is Taiji Hunyuan, and Taiyi can also be called Taiyi, the Tai of Mount Tai.

As we all know, the biggest celebration ceremony in the ancient Chinese dynasty was Fengzen!

And there are many kinds of Feng Chan, the most powerful one is Feng Taishan!

Mount Tai is the ancestor of all mountains. According to legend in ancient times, the heavenly court is on the top of Mount Tai, and the entrance to the underworld is also at the foot of Mount Tai. Its importance can be imagined.

Therefore, anyone who really understands will understand that the four characters Donghuang Taiyi are written as Donghuang Taiyi, and they are read as labor and capital!

And it is such a most powerful god who has become a three-legged golden crow and a sun god in some prehistoric novels.

"Dong Huang Tai Yi 760?"

Diablo was stunned for a moment, and then searched his memory for a long time, but he couldn't find the corresponding god, as if this god appeared out of thin air.

But how could there be a god king who suddenly appeared.

In the entire Marvel world, there are only a handful of god-kings on earth, and there are no more than ten in total.

Odin, Yawei, Zeus, Ra, Brahma, Sakyamuni, Haotian and Amaterasu!

There are four in the east and four in the west. There are quite a few so-called quasi-God-Kings or Level Sub-God Fathers, such as God-King candidates like Athena and Thor, gods like Hades and Poseidon. Brother Wang, Lucifer such an outstanding work.

However, after millions of years, there are only eight god kings in total, which has already explained the problem. The birth of a god king is not so simple to be strong, but a kind of inheritance of power.

For example, if Thor wants to become a god king, he must inherit Odin's (bebf) testis.

And now, suddenly another god-king appeared, and it appeared out of nowhere, not by some candidates they knew well, quasi-god-kings.

"So, Donghuang Taiyi, what do you want to do?"

Diablo suppressed his anger. He knew very well that he was not Levi's opponent. In fact, in hell, the closest god king was Lucifer and another existence that suppressed hell, Ksitigarbha!

And these native Mephistas are not even as strong as those guys, let alone the heavenly fathers who are aloof.

At this moment, Diablo's thoughts changed sharply. He was ready to escape at any time. Once Levi wanted to kill him, even if he lost some power, he had to find a way to escape. This is not duplication, this is his body , if something happened to his body, something really happened to him.

It will be reduced to the same fate as Zatanos who was sealed in Johnny's body!

You don't even have your own freedom!

"Have you seen any of them?"

Levi didn't talk nonsense. Seeing that Diablo had calmed down, he directly transformed the images of Natasha Romanoff and others.

Natasha Romanoff and others disappeared, and Diablo appeared. The two cannot be unconnected, so Diablo is most likely to know where they went.

"Uh, I haven't seen it."

Diablo said very bluntly.

He really hadn't seen it.

"Then you go to die."

As soon as Levi raised his hand, a blazing small sun appeared in his hand, ready to destroy this land and Diablo.

"Wait a minute!"


Levi narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Diablo, who was huge and like a mountain, with malicious eyes.

"Well, although I haven't seen them, I know where they went."

Feeling Levi's undisguised killing intent and the power of the fireball in his hand [Diablo's heart beat wildly.

"I was summoned there, it seems that they were studying summoning magic, and when I arrived, they also opened another magic circle, but the person at the other end of the magic circle is much stronger than me, so the summoning The array in turn brought them in. And I know that guy's breath.

"who is it?"

The fireball in Levi's hand skyrocketed again, and the burning flames licked upwards, looking like a huge amounts of pineapple.

"It's Lucifer, it's definitely Lucifer! There are only two people in hell who are stronger than us, Ksitigarbha and Lucifer. Ksitigarbha's power is full of light and Buddha nature, so it's easy to tell, so that guy must be Lucifer. "

Diablo shouted [I'm afraid that Levi can't wait and smash the big pineapple in his hand.

"I hope you're not lying, otherwise, you won't be able to escape. Where is Lucifer's territory?"

Levi took back the big pineapple in his hand, looked at the shivering guy with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Over there, his territory is easy to find, just the one with a bunch of fallen Angels."

Lucifer is not only one of the most powerful lords in hell, at the same time, he also has legion strength that most demon kings do not possess.

When he left from heaven, he took a third of the Angels with him, and then they turned into Fallen Angels with him, and stayed in hell forever.

And at the moment, in a place of light and Sanskrit sounds, Natasha Romanoff and others sat cross-legged on the futon. In front of them, a benevolent old monk was pouring tea from a pot with a smile on his face. .

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