I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 202 Lucifer, You Have Offended The Real King Of God!

Flying in the direction Diablo pointed, Levi was surrounded by light, searching for everything in this world.

However, this is an endless space comparable to the universe where the earth is located. It is the kingdom of the dead, and as many as there are living people, there are as many dead people, so you can imagine how vast this place is.

Even if Levi travels at the speed of light and uses his own light to explore the surroundings, it is just a drop in the bucket.

But he has other means.

Dangdang, humanoid searchlight Ghost Rider!


Levi slapped Johnny's head with a slap, and a burst of flames shot out from his eyes. He glanced at Levi suspiciously, but heard the unscrupulous god king say with a smile.

"Lead the way."

Following the trajectory of the most powerful dark breath, Levi took Johnny to escape in this space at a speed exceeding light, and his speed was no longer limited to the scope of light.

Because the sun has a more important function.


The sun is the most primitive timekeeping tool. Before people have minutes, seconds, hours and years, they already know what a day is.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, from today's rise to tomorrow's rise, such a cycle, this is a day has passed.

A day is the earliest concept of time, not even one of them.

The sun god definitely has the power of time, and speed is just a way of expressing the state of motion under time.

In the case of peeking into the time domain, Chenwei's speed has gained unlimited room for growth.

For example, Quicksilver, he is not his own speed, but to get himself out of time and make himself into another time track.

But his power acts on the real world, which makes him seem faster than imagined, and now, Levi has thousands of times more control over time than he does.

The powerful dark aura is very approaching, even if Johnny doesn't say anything, Levi can still feel the dark power that he has never experienced before, but there is only darkness

Compared with the evil of Diablo, the dreadlord, this power is dark and pure, but evil?

It seems that there is no such thing.

Definitely only the Dark Lord, the Fallen Angel Lucifer, can possess this kind of power.

The gurgling dark breath was like the tide of the ocean, suddenly surged up, gathered into a ball, and a handsome man who was extremely handsome, handsome and not like a mortal, suddenly appeared in front of Levi.

"Wow, when will there be another sun god on the earth, hey, the one in front, stay away from me, I can't see the light."

There was a smile on Lucifer's mouth, looking strange and evil.

"Hey, Vengeful Spirit, it's been a long time since I saw that guy's little toy, did you rely on him to find me?"

Lucifer's eyes looked at Johnny, he who had been the first Angel naturally recognized what this was.

After all, if you really want to say it, the Vengeful Spirit is actually a draft before the birth of a creature like Angel.

Definitely, this Angel refers to Angels other than Lucifer, Michael, and other big Angels. Those Angels do not have gender, and their strength is even poorer. They are not so much Angels as they are robots.

It is a complete biological weapon.

And they are the true sons and daughters of Yahweh who have expended the energy of egotism to create.

"Tell me, Fallen Angel, have you seen them?"

...asking for flowers...

Levi didn't pay attention to Lucifer's nonsense, just turned into the image of Natasha Romanoff and others and asked.

In the dark country ahead, there seems to be no sign of them, especially, Athena's strength is not inferior to Lucifer, she is the goddess of war who can defeat Poseidon and Thor.

Even though Lucifer is the most powerful among the quasi-god kings, Athena is also the most powerful female war goddess.

"Oh, these are really beauties, but I'm sorry, they are not here, if they were, I would definitely invite them to stay and have a cup of coffee together.


The light surged like a raging wave, and Lucifer's frivolous words offended a true King of God.

"It seems that Yahweh hasn't taught you enough, even though you are in the abyss, you still like to show off your flamboyant words.

Lucifer is not a good existence. According to the Bible, when Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, the jealous devil turned into a snake and induced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, causing them to be expelled from the Garden of Eden.

It is Lucifer's natural ability to use words to confuse others.

It is the first skill he mastered after becoming Fallen Angel.

But it seems that Yahweh knocked him into the abyss, but he didn't let him understand that some words should not be said indiscriminately.

"Who do you think you are? Do you want to teach me a lesson? That depends on what level of power you have."

Lucifer still had a smile on his face, but as the sun became stronger and stronger, when the light, which was enough to penetrate his bottomless darkness, appeared, his face suddenly changed.

"Kicked to the iron plate!".

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