I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 79 Money Can Turn Ghosts And Make Nick Fury Limping~

"Mr. President, as long as you decide to dismiss Nick Fury and choose to join us, we can guarantee that you will still be able to sit here next term.

Gideon Malik, a member of the World Security Council, a HYDRA smuggler who was picked out by Levi.

However, in the eyes of the public, or in other words, on the bright side, he is still the speaker of the world's top consortium, a super-large investment institution, and Tifeng Group.

And how terrifying is the Tifeng Group?

According to Marvel's official figures, the Typhon organization controls nearly 17% of the world's wealth!

That's an astronomical number, and it's no longer a question of how many zeros there are after one.

Politics is ugly, especially when it comes to money, politics becomes dirtier.

Nick Fury soon received word from the White House.

"They want to dismiss me, and even the entire Heavenly Sword Bureau."

There was a wry smile on Nick Fury's face, he rarely lost his composure and his emotions were out of control, but at this moment he really felt this way.

But helpless, he couldn't think of any other way to break this trick.

"In view of the bad influence of the recent actions of the Tianjian Bureau, which caused a large amount of damage to public property, and received serious protests from the public, after discussion, the Tianjian Bureau was dismissed, and at the same time, the former director of the Tianjian Bureau was ordered to go to the White House to report immediately. , make a mission report!"

Looking at the fax document in his hand, Levi shrugged, what should he say?

Already guessed all this?

This can be said, but what is the use?

Nick Fury can play politics, but right now he obviously doesn't have the time or the mood to play tricks with the politicians.

It's war, big brothers, you are fighting on the front line, you are tearing down the house behind!

But, again, what's the use of that sentence?

People use money to open the way and have already bought the level. As far as Nick Fury and this new Tianjian Bureau are concerned, as a government agency, the only thing they can do is to obey orders, and then disband on the spot!

How did S.H.I.E.L.D in the movie disappear?

Isn't that how it disappeared?

In the movie, the snake head of HYDRA died too quickly, and made big news again. The three Helicarriers aimed at their own citizens, and even directly killed the people in the White House. No one would openly support HYDRA.

But, it is different now, although HYDRA’s crimes have been made public, and Nick Fury has also handed over to Congress and the White House, but the people don’t know about it.

People don't know what HYDRA is, they don't even know what S.H.I.E.L.D is, there is no New York War, no Avengers yet.

As a result of all the information released, people may blame S.H.I.E.L.D a little more.

After all, speaking of it, HYDRA was able to grow up, seemingly led by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Moreover, will people in the new era really pay attention to the war between the two spy intelligence organizations?

And if they don't pay attention or care, then no one will care if the president bans S.H.I.E.L.D or Tianjian Bureau at will.

He simply did what he wanted to do.

At most, he needs to convince the Congress and the congressmen, but, again, is it difficult to convince them that there is money to open the way?

It’s not in the movie, HYDRA is up and hung up, and the influence is too bad, everyone boycotted it, now even if they collude with HYDRA, someone has to arrest them.

"My job is coming to an end, what about you?"

Nick Fury looked at Levi with self-knowledge. He knew very well that once the Heavenly Sword Bureau was really going to be disbanded, then the X-Men would probably leave directly.

Because Nick Fury will lose the ability to fulfill the promise.

But Levi is different, Levi has already received the payment for the goods, and Levi himself has a grudge against HYDRA, Pierce will not let Levi go, so the next part of the battle is basically handed over to Levi.

"My job, my job is to make films, to solve HYDRA, it's just for fun."

Levi laughed heartily, and then a projection screen appeared in front of him and Nick Fury.

"This is?"

Looking at the earth on the screen and the lit up punctuation marks, Nick Fury was a little surprised.

"This is a satellite, every point here is a satellite, you are not willing to fail? Then do it one last time, give me your authority, I will let people directly hijack these satellites and start a comprehensive search mode, don't worry , as long as Pierce, as long as those HYDRA are still on this planet, they will never escape."

After Levi finished speaking, he looked at Braised Egghead again.

"But your struggle is not over yet, although as the head of the intelligence organization, your mission is over, but I think you can go there and play with them!

Levi pointed to the White House papers in his hand.

"What do you mean?"

Nick Fury was a little surprised.

"Participate in politics!"

Levi's mouth curled into a small smile.

As he said before, if you want to get a lot of movie box office, it is not enough to provide good works. You also need a stable social environment, not only stable, but also a social environment with rapid economic development. 320

Because movies originally belong to entertainment projects and belong to the category of entertainment consumption, and if people want to consume for this, they must have money in their hands.

Know the etiquette in the granary, and know the honor and disgrace if you have enough food and clothing!

The ancients of the Celestial Dynasty have revealed everything about the relationship between economic development and the construction of spiritual civilization!

If you can't get enough to eat, who do you count on to go to the movies?

When someone is robbed as soon as you go out, who do you expect to go to the cinema?

"Nick, you are a very capable person. I believe that you are at least stronger than the people sitting there now. If so, why don't you go to politics? Elected as a member of parliament

I will solve HYDRA, and what you have to do is to join the next election with a strong enough identity to become a wise enough and strong enough president, and it is also the first black president!"

Next year is 2007, and the year after is the general election year. According to history, in that year, the United States will indeed have an unprecedented black president. Levi thinks, perhaps, he can find a better one?

It was cold and my fingers were stiff.

Hiding under the covers and secretly coding...

It would be nice to crowdfund flowers to replace the air conditioner ^^).

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