I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 80: You Still Need Fill Money To Beat The King Of Gods!

Comrade Ao Guanhai is a good comrade, but for Levi, he may not be regarded as a capable and promising comrade, definitely, compared to President Twitter, he is still good.

However, Ao Guanhai also did not bring America to the road of prosperity. During his reign, America was still going from bad to worse, and the national debt was increasing day by day.

According to data, when Comrade Ao Guanhai took office in 2008, the national debt of America was about one hundred and sixty-nine trillion. When he left office, or when President Twitter took office, the national debt had soared to 195,000. More than seventy billion.

The growth rate is astonishingly 86%, and the national debt has increased by 9 trillion U.S. dollars.

And, aside from America, Levi doesn’t just want this country to be strong, how many people does America have?

Insufficient population means that the box office market is insufficient. If it is only for the market of this country, he might as well go to the ocean. At least there are more than one billion people there, and it will become the world's number one box office in the future. market.

Levi's focus is global.

A cut-down version of Apollo's divine power would cost 1.5 billion, and based on the starting price of a god of 1 billion, adding a function would add 50 million. If Levi wants to dominate the heavens, at least, he can The strength of guys like Zeus and Odin must reach their level first.

And in the system's exchange list, Zeus' price is five billion!

Yes, you read that right, five billion points.

Zeus, who appeared in Hippolyta's story scene, has a price tag of five billion.

This should be the price of the God King, the same price as the Fire Seed Source, which carries the entire Cybertron civilization.

Or it is the same price as Cybertron's God King Yuanshi Tianzun and the universe emperor.

Five billion is exchanged for one god king, if you want to hang the hammer god king, no matter what, you have to add another god king, that is ten billion.

Don't ask why you don't redeem Superman, or Kryptonian blood.

The Superman set by the Man of Steel costs two billion. Could it be that the Superman of the Silver Age will be cheaper? Let alone the founding superman, golden superman and thinking superman.

The system evaluates the price based on strength. In theory, the price is the same if the strength is the same, so there is no difference between exchanging for Superman or exchanging for divine power.

At most, the focus is different. For example, Superman is stronger in the body, while divine power is more omnipotent.

The point is, Superman has many weaknesses in the early stage, not only kryptonite, even if there is no kryptonite in this universe, while Superman has an invincible body, he also has many other weaknesses.

For example, the red sun!

For another example, Superman had negative magic resistance before Jin Chao.

Superman's spiritual defense and magic defense are not without, but his is negative.

It's true that his armor is fully stacked, but Levi has to deal with beings who are good at playing magic.

There is no one with full physical attack value on the earth. Darkseid, who is professional in staring at people, is not here, and Thanos originally is also a master of magic. Don’t forget that he cursed Deadpool’s record of never dying, he If you can curse Deadpool to never die, can't you curse a person with negative magic resistance to die directly?

Moreover, if the exchange is for the Superman of the Man of Steel, Levi feels that there is a high probability that he can't even beat Thor, and he will be directly electrocuted!

So, after Levi's calculations, the more almighty divine power is more suitable for him, the body of Superman and so on, let's think about it later when he has more money!

But don't say 10 billion, even if it's 5 billion, Levi has to make at least five movies, and each of them has to have the box office-sweeping ability of Wonder Woman.

But is it possible?

In 2018, there were only thirty-six films in the billion dollar club. Is the quality of other films not enough? So what is the thing that won the Oscar for best picture?

The real reason is that the thickness of everyone’s purse is limited. According to Levi’s calculation, the grand event of buying a movie twice and three times will happen once a year.

Then, to exchange the power of a god king, Levi can only rely on quantity besides quality.

Three movies a year, each with an average box office of more than 500 million, then in three years at the latest, he can have the strength of a god-king.

Definitely, there is another way, that is to thicken everyone's purse.

When everyone has money in their hands and lives affluent, they will naturally watch more movies. For favorite movies, it’s no problem to watch them twice.

This may seem far-fetched, but it is true.

Tianchao became the world's largest box office market not suddenly, but after the 2008 Olympic Games, the rapid economic development has made people more financially rich.

Although they say that they can’t afford a house, in fact, it can be found that people’s material living standards are actually rising steadily, and housing prices have been maliciously speculated. This is an inevitable process of economic development. All developed countries in the world All countries have gone through this step, without exception.

However, in other places, the manifestation of economic development is very obvious, but the moistening of things is subtle, and people can't see it.

However, according to the (good king's) statistics of the proportion of food consumption, which is necessary for life, to people's total consumption, it can be seen that the change in everyone's living standards has a term called Engel's coefficient. In 2017, the Chinese people The Engel coefficient of China is already lower than 30%, which has reached the level of developed countries.

In the final analysis, it is the improvement of economic development that drives all this.

Therefore, instead of thinking about further improving the level of film production that may have reached the bottleneck, it is better to think about finding a capable president to improve the economic development of America [and even the world.

For the former, where is the base of movie audiences, those who should go will go, and those who don’t will still not go, but the latter, by soliciting votes from billions of people, turns people who do not have the ability to go to movies into become your own audience. .

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