I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 81 Nick, You Go To Be President! —— Levi (Serious Face)

"You go to participate in politics, and I'll take care of the funds. As for your contacts, you've been the intelligence chief for so many years. It's very difficult to get some contacts? It's really not possible. Threats. There are so many senators and congressmen. I don't believe you don't have their handle. Besides. Already, when we wipe out HYDRA and come on stage with a big victory, I believe your popularity will never be low, people like strong talkers, isn’t Mao Xiong’s president also a former intelligence agent, look how powerful he is!”

Levi said with a smile.

Indeed, Nick Fury has a lot of advantages. He has a tough style and is quick to handle. The battle between S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA will inevitably bring many things to the table. So, if Nick Fury stands up at the moment and shows himself to the world, he can almost For sure, he will definitely win a lot of fans in the hearts of the people of America.

"Besides, you are still black, Nick, don't you want to stand up for black people? The black brothers all over the world are suffering so much, and they need someone to stand up and lead them. I believe you have also been discriminated against. How is the life of black people at the bottom of the United States? , I believe you also understand, why not be brave, who said that agents must hide themselves? Assassination and intelligence can certainly maintain national security, but you also saw that when the 520 people in the White House spoke , you can't do anything, so why don't you live in the White House by yourself?"

Levi is guiding the agent king in front of him. This is a genius idea. In fact, it is strange to say that in the Marvel comics, Captain America has been president, Tony has also been president, and even Green Goblin and Norman Osborn are He has been a president, but this agent king has never been a president.

It's definitely not that his Ability is insufficient, on the contrary, Levi guessed, it may be that this guy's Ability is too sufficient.

As a result, the screenwriter thinks that if this guy becomes the president, many things may become too simple, and some problems that will arise when other people become the president will not arise here, otherwise it will be corrupted person set.

Rutong, he is too kind. Although he has a good reputation, many problems cannot be resolved, so he has no choice but to resign.

And when Tony was president, he was too arrogant and idealistic, which caused many heroes to turn against him.

But in the screenwriter's setting, this one-eyed corned egghead has almost no weakness in character except for lack of strength.

Be decisive, resourceful and decisive, have your own views and ideas, and have a firm determination and will to implement them.

Well, it's the same as Mao Xiong's KGB-born emperor.

Listening to Levi's words and the prospects he described, Nick Fury was a little dazed. At first he thought that Levi was teasing himself, and even took the proposal as a joke.

However, after listening to those words, he suddenly discovered that it seems feasible?

No, it is definitely possible to do it, the question is, is he willing to do it?

He suddenly remembered his original intention when he joined the army before and then transferred to the intelligence department.

Contribute to the country?

Or serve the people?

For justice?

Or to prove yourself?

"What do you want?" (beee)

After half payment, Nick Fury suddenly asked.

That one good eye is staring at Levi closely. As the king of agents, he has already seen through people's hearts. He understands that there are no selfish people in this world, but it is absolutely impossible to appear in front of him.

Even the captain of the United States, who is branded as a saint by the United States government, also shows in the information that Nick Fury saw that he is also an emotional animal, but his selfishness is less than that of most people.

And the person in front of him, the director on the surface, actually has the ability to subvert the world, he is definitely not that selfless saint.

"I want world peace!"

Levi said seriously.

What he said was the truth, it couldn't be truer!

But he knows that sometimes no one believes the truth.

"Listen, I don't know what your plan is, but I believe you are not the kind of crazy criminal, maybe you really want to do something good, I will consider your proposal, but all this is waiting Let's finish with those nasty HYDRAs."

Nick Fury shook his head, he couldn't figure out what Levi was thinking, just like he didn't know that in thirteen years, a mature purple potato would snap its fingers and wipe out half of the life in the universe.

Making movies can earn box office, box office can gain power, and the better the international environment, the more box office you can get, and thus gain more powerful power. Then, after thirteen years, Levi will be able to kill that itchy hand and like to fight Refers to the purple sweet potato essence.

Definitely, this logic, no one will believe it if you say it, that is, there is no Arkham with a lot of talents here, otherwise Levi feels that there is a high probability that he will be arrested for saying such things.

"Maybe there will be a wretched Professor Yang calling me?"

The battle in the Tianjian Bureau was shrinking, and Nick Fury was not able to resist the orders of the White House. In fact, he himself was in some trouble.

After seeing the military take over the Sky Sword Bureau, Levi left with the Decepticons he summoned, accompanied by "a team of elite workers that Nick Fury entrusted to him at last.

After all, he still has to rely on Levi's record to come back.

Otherwise, let alone run for president, it would be nice not to be caught and thrown into prison.

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