I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 97: Tony: What Does Stark’S Sin Have To Do With Me, Iron Man?

"Damn, how dare anyone plot against Superman, he's so good! Iron Man is also a superhero, why does he have to target Superman?!"

"To prevent Superman from turning bad, just kill him before he turns bad, right? What kind of bullshit logic is this? I think he was scared by the nightmare! Or to avenge that Vess!"

"I turned from a fan to a hater of Tony Stark. So he created Ultron in the previous video to maintain peace, and Superman is a threat to the world if he is stronger, right? What kind of American hegemony?!"

"Tony Stark is exactly the same as the United States official! As long as you are stronger than me, you are a threat to world peace. Although the artificial intelligence I created almost destroyed the world, it was also born for peace! The original intention was good... laugh to death!"

"To put it bluntly, the people he cared about died in the battle between Superman and Apocalypse. Although Apocalypse was the culprit, Apocalypse is dead, so he puts his revenge target on Superman. Isn't this just venting anger! Don't blame the murderer for killing people, but blame the hero for coming to save people too late!"

" If Tony Stark is such a person, then Wanda, who lost her 18-year-old brother and parents, has every reason to take revenge! After all, Stark can vent his anger on Superman who saved the world!"

"Yes, Superman was not created by Superman! The missile that killed Wanda's parents and Ultron that killed Wanda's brother were all created by Stark. Wanda's revenge is much more legitimate than Stark's!"

"If you ask me, according to these people's operations, even if Superman really becomes evil, he is forced to become evil by them! I support Superman to take out his heart to see if it is black, like in Stark's nightmare!"

"That's right, Superman is too wronged, it makes me feel depressed! In my opinion, these people should kill them all!"

"Why do humans dare to judge Superman? Because he may destroy the world [Then why don't humans judge Superman? Because Superman has the power to destroy the world!"

"Those who unscrupulously slander Superman in the video, judge Superman Superman, handcuffed him, and even openly insulted Superman. The reason they dared to do so is actually because they knew Superman's kindness very well! They knew that Superman would not do anything to them! If it was Apocalypse, I guess no one would dare to say anything!"

This short plot made countless viewers furious! They cursed at the people in the video, and they wanted to go in and stab those hideous people! Many people even went to Tony Stark's personal account to scold him for being inhuman!

Even the official website of Stark Industries suffered!

This forced Tony Stark to speak out and make a just cut with himself in the video!

Tony Stark: "The content of the video is all parallel universes. The characters have different experiences and naturally different personalities. I don't like the behavior of Tony in the video. Please distinguish the difference between reality and video. He is not a human being. Why should I bear the blame?"

The United States official and military accounts liked and forwarded at the speed of light, using Tony Stark's words to calm the public anger, and by the way, make a just cut with the parallel world!

Unfortunately, Tony Stark At least some people are willing to believe what Stark says, but the United States official military said that they are more noble than the United States official in the parallel universe, and no one believes it.

In the end, they are still scolded.

There are disturbances in the outside world, but all this does not affect the continuation of the plot on the sky:

[Tony Stark, who got the Superman cell sample and the Stone of Longinus, finally made several special weapons after repeated research and experiments.

A retractable spear with an Adamantium gun barrel, the tip of the gun is completely carved from the kind of dark green Longinus Stone, named the Spear of Longinus!

There are also smoke bombs made by breaking the Longinus Stone into nano-scale powder using high-tech instruments and adding metal lead shells.

The last one is similar to the smoke bomb, but it is fired by a grenade launcher.

In addition to the three killing weapons against An Lan, there is also a set of newly designed heavy armor, as well as some other conventional weapons and equipment.

In the underground secret base, Tony Stark picked up the assembled Spear of Longinus, looked at the flashing spear tip with a cold face, and whispered: "I'm ready... Superman, what about you?"

The next moment, the scene jumped to a base, Colonel Stryker used a small syringe to extract some translucent liquid from the back of a stupid-looking Mutant's head, and then came to another laboratory table, on which a female Mutant with blue skin and red hair was tied.

"Heroic Mutant who stopped Magneto and saved the commander-in-chief, Mystique... I need you to do me a favor, okay?"

Mystique gritted her teeth: "Damn guy, you'd better pray that you will never be discovered by Superman, otherwise he will... ah ah ah ah!!!"

Before she finished her sentence, the sharp needle pierced her neck, and the translucent liquid was injected into it.

Mystique screamed, her eyes quickly became dull, and then she regained her voice again.

"Mystique, I need you to do me a favor." Stryker opened the mechanism that bound Mystique. Mystique calmly got down from the lab table and said, "Please tell me... 罒

The next second, the picture 727 turned.

In Xavier College, Hank walked into the professor's office with two cups of coffee: "Charles, what are you busy with?"

"Nothing, just improving the design of the brain wave amplifier." Charles took the cup with a smile and took a sip and said, "Did Qiang and the others visit the orphan director today? Are they back?"

"I don't know, but they probably won't be back. " Hank smiled and said something that shocked the professor.

" Hank, you............" The professor opened his mouth, closed his eyes and fainted.

Then, Hank took out a syringe with a translucent liquid shaking inside and injected it into the professor's neck.

Soon the professor opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other. Hank pushed the professor's wheelchair out and went to the location of the brain wave strengthening device rebuilt underground.

After verifying the pupil and fingerprint, the professor put on the brain wave strengthening device after entering the gate.

At the moment, Hank's body changed, revealing the appearance of Mystique, and ordered: "Everyone in the school should get some sleep!"

The professor nodded slightly, and the next moment, a strong mental force swept across the entire campus. The students who had just finished dinner and were walking or chatting around the college all rolled their eyes and fell to the ground. 】.

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