I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 98: Susan And Martha Are In Danger! Superman's Wrath!

[Outside Xavier College in the evening, several military helicopters quickly flew over and landed on the lawn.

Then, fully armed soldiers got off the planes, quickly grabbed the Mutant students lying on the ground in various places in the college, put them in cages with special magnetic fields, and finally took Mystique and Charles and quickly flew into the sky, leaving an empty campus.

When the helicopter disappeared, in a dedicated meditation room deep underground in the college, Wanda opened her eyes with sweat on her face and breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn fraudster, you still refuse to give up after so long... But I won't let your spirit have the opportunity to enter this world again!"

After whispering to herself, Wanda glanced at the circles of magic protection arrays nested beside her, and then closed her eyes tiredly, and Jiuping fell asleep instantly.

The next moment, the scene switched to another street, the new orphanage rebuilt two years ago, and Dean Martha, whose hair was almost completely white, took care of the children after dinner, and then carried a bag of garbage to the trash can on the corner to throw it away.

However, just after turning the corner, a white handkerchief covered her face.

The old man almost lost consciousness and fell to the ground before he could react to what happened.

Two mysterious people wearing masks appeared behind her and quickly helped Dean Martha into a car nearby. Then the car suddenly roared and quickly left the vicinity.

When the car disappeared in the distance, the picture jumped again.

After doing good deeds for another day, Susan changed her uniform and hood at her friend Gwen's house, put on her daily clothes again, and then hid the uniform in Gwen's closet, waved her hand: "Goodbye Gwen, I'm going back."

"Are you still together tomorrow?" Gwen, who had just changed out of the Ghost Spider battlesuit, asked with some anticipation.

"Well... No, if Lan has nothing to do tomorrow, I want to go to the movies with him々"!" Susan thought about it and declined.

"Okay, then contact me again!" Gwen said goodbye reluctantly.

After leaving Stacy's house, Gwen looked at the time and went to the subway station.

However, the subway station was already quite deserted at this time, with only some sloppy homeless people sleeping on the ground, occupying a large area of ​​space.

There was a short and fat black woman sweeping the floor slowly near the platform, and ten skinny women in wheelchairs waiting for the train.

A moment later, the subway arrived. After the door opened, Susan looked at the skinny woman trying to push the wheel with her thin arms to get on the train. She looked at her with pity, then came to the back of the wheelchair and put her hands on the handles behind the wheelchair.

"Madam, let me help you."

"Thank you, kind person..." The woman in the wheelchair stretched out a hand, passed by her shoulder, and gently slapped Susan's hand.

The moment their bodies touched, Susan was shocked and suddenly opened her mouth, but she couldn't make any sound. She stood there with a slight tremor, her movements were frozen in place, and her face quickly turned pale.

At the same time, the skinny woman in the wheelchair slowly bulged her muscles, and her skin regained some luster.

Ten seconds later, the woman let go of her hand, and Li stumbled and fell to the ground.

The black woman who was dawdling nearby hurried forward and carried the unconscious Susan on her back, saying loudly: "She seems to have fainted from hypoglycemia, I'll take her to see a doctor...

When the black woman carrying Susan disappeared, two men in black suits came out from the corner and pushed the skinny woman out of the subway station.

The next moment, the scene switched.

On the top of the newly built Osborn Building, on the helipad nearly a thousand meters above the ground, a young man was looking at the helicopter flying in the distance.

The helicopter slowly landed on the helipad, the cabin door opened, and Susan, who had just woken up from a coma, slowly walked down the plane under the aiming of the pistol of the opposite soldier, and looked at the young man who smiled at her.

"Are you the Harry Osborn who has been slandering Superman?"

"Yes, Miss Susan Stone." Harry Osborn's hair fluttered in the strong wind brought by the helicopter propeller, revealing the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. He smiled and said: "I want to ask you to do me a favor... Help me call Superman over.

Susan sneered: "Although I am also a fan of Superman, don't say that Superman doesn't know me. Even if he does, I won't help you find him!"

Harry Osborn laughed: "Okay, Miss Susan Stone, I recognize your acting skills, but I want to tell you that I know Superman's true identity, and you don't have to pretend for the second year. "

Susan's expression remained unchanged.

Harry Osborn continued: "I have to say that Superman's ability is very strange. He has never covered his face or put on makeup, but no one in the world has ever linked him to An Lan......"

"." What should this ability that distorts cognition be called? Super Hypnotic Ability? Or consciousness modification?"

Susan finally changed her expression when she heard An Lan's name coming out of the mouth of the person in front of her.

"Many people are looking for Superman in circles, trying to find him, but I think they are all using the wrong method. You know, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. "

"And in the matter of finding Superman, I think you, Miss Susan, are the shortest straight line!"

As soon as the voice fell, the place where Susan stood suddenly tilted downwards and turned into a slope!

Susan, who was caught off guard, screamed and fell down the slope, falling from a height of nearly a thousand meters!

"Damn it!" Susan tried to stabilize her body in the air and stretched out her hand towards the wall of the Osborn Building, but the silver light gathered, but it seemed very weak [not enough to form a connection between her and the wall of the building!

"Lan! Save me!" Susan, who tried in vain, finally called out An Lan's name.

Hundreds of meters passed in a flash, and the ground was getting closer and closer. When Susan was about to fall to the ground, suddenly a man wearing a red cloak and wearing black and blue battle clothes appeared. The strong figure of suit appeared below her and caught her gently.

The high speed of falling hundreds of meters suddenly stopped, but it did not cause any harm or discomfort to Susan. She suddenly hugged the man in front of her.

After bringing Susan to the ground, An Lan patted her back, put her down, and said softly: "You rest here and wait for me."

After the voice fell, An Lan looked up at the top of the Osborn Building, his face suddenly gloomy, his eyes flashed red, and then he flew into the sky!]


PS: Thanks to Kai Tongxie for the 588-point reward.

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