I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 112 Return

"Mad... ah... vomit... vomit -!!"

Li Pan held the elevator with his hands, bent over, and vomited blood. He was really bleeding from all his orifices.

Now his head was no longer pricked by needles, it was as if it was being fried in a pan. The entire skull was boiling, as if the entire brain had melted, and brain matter was spurting out from the eye sockets, nostrils, and ears.

Yes, this time I was pretending to be crazy, but I also suffered a serious crime.

Cheating is indeed very enjoyable, but using power that is not your own must have various invisible costs.

What's more, the cost of being a 'monster' is obvious. Even with Li Pan's superhuman physique, it would take three to five days to recover with just one handkerchief transformation. Throwing the sword pill once will cause a headache that is worse than death and cannot move within twenty-four hours.

But it has only been more than two hours since I went to work today, and all kinds of 'monsters' have taken turns to fight. Li Pan also knows clearly that his body is definitely not going to work. It has completely exceeded the limit of carrying capacity. Now he can't even take drugs, and his body tissue and bones are... Muscles and all cells are on the verge of collapse, and bleeding is occurring all over the body. If it weren't for the Zhen Qi internal energy that forcibly protects the internal organs, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to withstand it now.

If there was no need to reset the filing cabinet, he might not be able to survive until eight o'clock tomorrow morning. No, it might be difficult to even get out of the building...

Li Pan gasped, sat down against the elevator, took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his face.

This time, I couldn't hold it back and used force in front of the prince. Ye's group of fools who couldn't understand the current situation probably wouldn't let it go.

But now Li Pan really didn't have the strength to resist. He wiped his face with a handkerchief. His skin and flesh were like melted wax blocks, and large chunks fell off. He wouldn't use any of the elder blood beasts later, just send one at will. The knight can bring him to justice.

But Li Pan really had no choice.

He really tried his best, but the life and death of a plane actually depends on how stupid the ruling group can be. This is outrageous enough in itself.

Tired, just destroy it. Whatever you like, he can unplug the network cable anyway. At worst, he will go back to the Zhen Guan Alchemy Furnace.


The elevator door opened.

Li Pan lay there with his eyes closed for a while, but he didn't wait until a large group of heavily armed night knights rushed in and dragged him out to lock him in a small dark room.

"Sir, sir? Are you okay? Are you exposed to gamma rays? The gene chain is broken..."

Li Panqiang opened his eyes and saw an old man in a white coat and beard standing at the elevator door, holding his glasses to scan himself.

Li Pan looked at the old man's badge.

Science Ethics Committee

scientific ethics committee

Why are people from the SEC here... Oh, by the way, the Ethics Committee also has an office in the Tower of Night...

"I, it's okay...can I call a taxi from this floor?"

Li Pan could hardly stand up. He gritted his teeth and activated the anti-gravity device to float up. He felt like someone was pulling his spine upwards, as if the muscles and sebum on his back had been torn off.

The old man probably had nothing to do, so he casually summoned a sweeping robot to mop the floor, and also asked a smart person to help Li Pan up.

"Turn left, and there is a tarmac at the end. The network in the city is currently under control, but if you have medical insurance, you can call the emergency team to pick you up."

"Thank you... don't stay on the surface. There are still twenty hours. The superiors will implement the solemn agreement."

The old man seemed a little surprised, but he nodded and thanked him.

"Thank you for informing me. I will return to Europa after I finish the report."

So Li Pan parted ways with him temporarily, blocked his bleeding nostrils with a handkerchief, flipped through the chip address book, found the three-month medical insurance experience card issued by Paradise Group, and called for rescue directly.

Don't mention it, although Ye Shi has also blocked communications on the local QVN network and blocked public networks. However, the emergency first aid channel of medical insurance is an underlying rule that directly affects the public safety system. As long as there is a network signal, the link can be called.

So when the smart man supported Li Pan and wobbled to the apron, a medical emergency team had already arrived on the apron waiting for him.

The big men in orange SBS uniforms rushed over at a speed of 100 meters, picked up the weak Li Pan, threw him into the medical cabin filled with LCL, and carried him away. At the same time, they inserted a bunch of cans into him and injected him with various artificial serums. , antibiotics, boosters, and immunosuppressants, finally stabilized Li Pan's critical signs temporarily, and the headache was temporarily relieved.

The Ye Group upstairs didn't even send anyone to chase him. Maybe they abide by the basic tacit understanding of Zhutian Company not to take action against the medical insurance emergency team. Of course, it may also be that Li Pan's operation of killing more than a dozen elders in one second and tearing the prince in half and holding it in his hands to curse really changed the whole situation. The parliament must have been frightened.

Although Li Pan tried hard to stay awake, his physical and mental exhaustion was not affected by his own will.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them again, the system prompted that six hours had passed.

Oh fuck...

Li Pan quickly pulled out the tube and sat up from the LCL solution.

Then he found himself transported to heaven by an emergency team.

Ahem, it's not really heaven, it's a hotel suite owned by Paradise. He is soaking in the swimming pool of the luxury suite. At this moment, the LCL solution is stained red by the blood seeping from under his skin.

The emergency medical team performed first-aid repairs, and at least he was able to hang Li Pan on the verge of death. At least he was able to wake up, and his whole body was not festered and disintegrated on the spot, but he could only barely mend it and maintain his human shape.

The emergency team has sent him a critical illness notice, and the hotel has thoughtfully customized funeral services of various specifications. Family foundations, inheritance lawyers, and even customized services for reincarnation in various scripts have been arranged for him. As long as Once the customer's payment is received, they can be reincarnated in another world and restart their lives!

Li Pan took a look and said,

Oh shit, reincarnation in a different world actually costs 10 billion! Who the hell deserves to die!

Li Pan felt that he could save a little more, so he quickly called the disabled assistance robot, stood up with the assistance of the robot's exoskeleton, and dialed the number to call Eighteen.

Ye Shi is still blocking communications and cannot log into the Internet. However, looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Paradise Group hotel, a large number of shuttles are taking off from the clouds, like a large meteor shower, breaking through the clouds from the surface and flying straight into the sky. .

Obviously at this time, the cosmonauts and sky people of 0791 had also reacted and began to run away at full speed.

Well, after all, it’s not uncommon for corporate wars to turn the earth into a scorched earth. So much so that the manufacturers that now produce shuttle spaceships have a complete set of doomsday emergency plans. Once the crisis of annihilation is triggered, the shuttle will pick up the customer's family and dog, break through the atmosphere, go straight to the Milky Way, and start... A brand new journey for survivors of the apocalypse.

In short, even if the earth is destroyed, there are still many space station colonies in 0791. Even if tens of billions of people die on the surface, there are farms on Mars and large space colony space stations, which are enough to support millions or even tens of millions of human beings. .

What's more, Terra has a complete set of mature technologies for transforming habitable planets, as long as local companies are willing to spend some time and money to rebuild the earth. No matter how the surface is shaped, it can be restored.

So although it’s fucked up to say this, in this day and age, human life is really worthless.

Eighteen are connected.

"Boss! Wait a moment! It's quick, it's quick! We'll take care of Tokugawa soon!"

Li Pan was also unable to complain.

"...Fuck, I've already slept and you guys haven't finished it yet??"

Eighteen, "Oh! They resisted fiercely when they heard that they were about to have their belly disemboweled! But we should have found the real owner. The target was blocked underground, and the reinforcements from outside rushed over like crazy! All four Tokugawa kings came with them The elite are coming to the rescue! As soon as possible, as soon as possible!"

Li Pan, "Still resisting? It's really hopeless... Are there any casualties on our side? How about other teams?"

Eighteen, "Let me ask, oh, Aqi is okay, Kotaro can't hold it anymore, Shiki can hold on for a while, there is no news from Shiranui, there is no news from Yamazaki, 01044 is ready, and it has arrived in the Pacific area now, no The problems can start at any time, oh, the husky has diarrhea.”

Li Pan, "...what?"

Eighteen, "I heard that the food in the motel in the garbage area was not very clean. The husky had diarrhea after eating, so Lao Liu took him to get an intravenous drip."

Li Pan, "Okay... let's go... I'll go to the company to help everyone get back to normal, you guys just hold on."

Eighteen, "Boss, hurry up! Another king is here! No! Why are there five of the four promised kings?"

So Li Pan took the hotel's special car and went straight to the top floor of the company.

On the way, he tore off the half-detached external spine and the skin on his back. He also took out the prosthetic eye in his left eye and attached it to the eyeball. After removing the two level-6 prostheses, he went directly to the personnel department and used the filing cabinet. A wave of reset was given to all members.

Resurrection with full blood on the spot!

Li Pan rubbed his shoulders and looked at the filing cabinet with lingering fear.

I have really fully recovered, my head doesn’t hurt at all, and my eyes have grown again.

What on earth is this ‘filing cabinet’? He was so rotten just now, and his private medical insurance issued a death notice, but he actually came back to life where he was?

Is there really no cost... huh? Gone!

The two level 6 plug-ins I just put on the table!

The orange prosthetic body he specially removed!

Such a big spine and prosthetic eyes! Why is it gone?

"Damn, what's the point of this broken cabinet! I obviously dismantled it in advance!??"

Li Pan searched for a long time and found nothing.

Okay, this round of losses is huge. I actually lost two level six prosthetics because of my pretense!

Orange outfit! ! Damn it, please give me back my orange suit! !

What a big loss...

Li Pan almost wanted to cry. Of course, not only the two orange suits, but also all the chip-brain-inserted ballistic auxiliary prosthetic bullet-proof armor on his body had disappeared...

Ah... So this is the 'price' of filing cabinets...

Um? What's this……

Li Pan looked at his hands, rolled up his sleeves, and found that his skin vaguely showed a light gray color with black, scale-like cuticles at the tips.

At the base of this layer of scales, the gray part is a little soft, but the black tip is very hard, as if the entire skin layer is mutating.

And it still has a smell.

Li Pan smelled it carefully, damn, it smelled bad!

The smell of sweat emitted by a man after strenuous exercise was multiplied a hundred times. The strong male hormones, accompanied by the blazing body temperature, and the steaming bursts of heat, were emanating from the gaps in the scales of his skin!

So he quickly went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and found that not only large areas of skin on his body were mutated, but his eyeballs were also discolored.

The human pupils, which were brown and black before, have now turned into golden pupils, just like the eyes of a snake.

Well, there are gains and losses. The enhanced implants on the technological side are cleared, but the mysterious side will not be affected.

Maybe it’s because I’ve killed a lot of ghosts recently, and my Nine Yin Refining Form is almost at its fourth level.

However, although the physical strength has increased a bit, this body odor... sniff... will my girlfriends dislike it...

Li Pan shook his head. The earth will be destroyed in twelve hours! No time for random thoughts!

Now that it has returned to its prime, the ‘Handkerchief’ and ‘Sword Pill’ can be used again, so hurry up and use them again!

On Tokugawa Nagamatsu's side, there are Ashiya Shiki and Fengma Kotaro who have recovered, as well as Spider Shiba and Aqi, so they should be able to handle it.

But just in case, Li Pan made a call.

"Crooked? 0113012? Are you here?"

0113012, "The entire fleet is on standby."

Li Pan, "Our team is being besieged by the Tokugawa Army. Can you provide support? Without using nuclear warheads and trying to avoid causing casualties to friendly parties?"

0113012, "Target identified, support with shipboard orbital defense gun fire is available if authorized by you."

Li Pan, "I authorize. Annihilate the Tokugawa Army."

0113012, "Confirm authorization, confirm firing unit, confirm start of strafing."

Li Pan had just hung up the phone when he saw thunder starting on the horizon. Blue lights appeared one after another in the distance, and patches of lightning fell like raindrops.

This is an alloy projectile from a shipboard point defense turret. It is shot out under the acceleration of Gaussian magnetic rails, tearing apart the charged particles in the air and exploding arcs.

At this moment, it was as if the gods in the sky were angry and were launching divine punishment, knocking down waves of thunder around the city of night!

Lightning and thunder roared, the sea of ​​thunder surged, and between the sky and the earth, there was a dazzling blue flash, just like ghosts and gods roaring, releasing ferocious anger.

The Tokugawa Army probably had many armored divisions, but the company had one dreadnought.

The military alloy armor equipped by the army cannot stop the bombardment of starship-class naval guns.

With this order, probably hundreds of thousands of people will die, right?

But what can Li Pan say?

He had done all he could and even took a nap. After six hours of delay, the Tokugawa troops still refused to lay down their weapons and surrender. What other results could there be?

They were obviously just slaves, but they still tried their best to save their master, so what else could Li Pan say?

I can only give these loyal dogs a thumbs up and then slaughter them all.

Li Pan didn't waste any time, boarded the company's shuttle and headed to the Pacific area to meet up with 01044.

01044 was holding a large luggage bag and standing in an abandoned parking lot in the Pacific District. She was surprised when she saw Li Pan's new look.

"You actually took 'Snake Fruit/Dragon Blood'?"

"'Snake Fruit/Dragon Blood'?"

01044 explained,

"It's the name of our plane. You can hear this word. It seems that there should be this monster in the local company's warehouse.

This is blood collected from 'Nidhogg/Dragon'. It is full of powerful power. Taking one drop can turn a temporary worker into an Advent-level apostle. "

"Oh...I remember..."

The landline number was mentioned once. The local number 0791 is called ‘Hip Wine/Dragon Blood’. At the beginning, the landline recommended that he take this medicine to fight Ah Qi...

'Dragon blood'... Could it be that there are also 'dragons' in the 0791 plane? Ned...is it something similar to the Candle Dragon? When you have time, you can take it out and take a look. Everyone is a 'dragon', maybe they are also relatives? Anyway, he has already become like this with his hands in his mouth, so he might as well improve his combat effectiveness...

However, Li Pan didn't want to talk about his trump cards with the other party, so he casually changed the subject.

"Why isn't Rama here?"

01044 smiled and said,

"I arranged for him to guard the altar, but that kid's strength is still a little lacking.

Oh, don't worry. In fact, Belia is not that difficult to deal with. Even if it comes, I can handle it by myself. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to take care of him at the same time.

But since you, manager, have specially made such preparations, this time it is naturally foolproof. So let's get started. "

Li Pan nodded and looked at the abandoned shopping mall not far from the parking lot.

"Okay, let's get started."

So 01044 opened his luggage bag, took out a ring and put it on his hand. The ring seemed to be just an iron ring, but there was a pink gem the size of a dove egg on the iron ring. If you look closely, it seemed to be some kind of fluorescent amber. The amber was clearly wrapped with fiercely burning 'qi'.

"Is this the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Not yet, because there is not enough preparation time, these are just preliminary refined semi-finished products, only valid for one night, so they are just for use.

In fact, I think the company is really serious this time. This site may be abandoned by ACA, but be prepared..."

01044 handed Li Pan a hammer with a Philosopher's Stone embedded in it.

"As long as one hit hits, the magic energy will be poured into Belia's container, which will be enough to cause heavy damage and drive it out of this plane."

01044 waved his hand, the ring flashed, and a door suddenly appeared in the parking lot.

"It's a magic barrier. Outside is the altar, and inside is the collector's station. If you get separated, you can get out with the silver key."

With her hands in her pockets, she opened the door and walked in as leisurely as if she were shopping.

Li Pan also followed with a hammer.

The moment he stepped through the door, a Western-style castle appeared where the abandoned shopping mall had been. The shadow of the dreadnought disappeared in the sky, revealing the dusk sky.

"This is a gap in the plane, a space constructed by magic, and a workshop made by Belia. Seal the gap first, and then go out and destroy the entire altar."

01044 snapped his fingers, and a giant eagle with a wingspan of more than four meters fell from the clouds and circled the castle.

Then she turned her head, one of her eyes turned into an eagle's eye, and said to Li Pan,

"That's my familiar. Leave it to monitor the perimeter of the gap. We can just go straight into the site and sweep it."

Li Pan nodded and followed her towards the castle. Along the way, he noticed that 01044 was snapping his fingers in an irregular rhythm. Every time he snapped his fingers, the ring on his hand would emit a dazzling light, and then a series of streaks would unfold in front of him. Layers of magic arrays offset some kind of hidden invisible magic trap.

When the energy in the ring ran out, she replaced it with a homemade alchemy tool inlaid with the Philosopher's Stone. It's probably like she said, this kind of task can be handled by one person.

And 01044 is not a minister, just an ordinary cadre of Monster Company, right? This kind of strength... is so reliable...

01044 suddenly said,

"0791, do you think 001 is a little unreasonable this time?"

Li Pan shook his head hurriedly,

"I'm not! I didn't! I respect 01 very much! Don't accuse me unjustly!"

01044 laughed, but he was not stingy with his skills. He gave guidance to the younger generation and said,

"Really, actually I think you might be wondering whether the company's response to collectors is too drastic, but in fact there are reasons for this.

From the company's standpoint, the most important thing is to maintain its monopoly position in the market and maintain technological leadership. Naturally, it will do whatever it takes to eliminate competitors.

From a business perspective, the most annoying thing is that competitors really have the ability to interfere with your plans, sabotage your actions, and take away the monsters you have.

It’s not like no one has tried to challenge the company’s monopoly in the monster market before, but this time it’s different…”

The two walked to the castle, and 01044 pressed her hand on the castle door. A light flashed, and circles of light spread out from her fingers, unfolding the secret pattern circuits on the door layer by layer, lighting them up, and unlocking them.

At this moment, 01044 suddenly turned to Li Pan and said,

"Actually, before 0791, there were already three subsidiaries that were liquidated or merged by collectors."

Li Pan couldn't help but be stunned.

"What...really? They are so powerful...wait! You mean annexation?"

01044 nodded,

"You should understand that the company cannot be without a general manager.

Even if all employees of the company die, the company will automatically choose a new manager.

Theoretically, it is impossible for a plane to exist without a company or a manager.

So we suspect that the original collector, the first collector, was actually the manager of the company.

It’s really unexpected... Someone actually found a way to break the ‘Ark/Archive’...”

She muttered to herself and turned her head, pushed open the castle door and walked in.

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