I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 220 Similar

It seems that working in Monster Company really highlights a regular employee who can neither survive nor die. He has been through life and death hundreds of times and is too embarrassed to come out and say hello to the newcomers.

Li Pan secretly unlocked a blood seal, burned the essence and blood, and glanced at Maria.

The corpse of Azhen in front of her exudes a strange pink light, and there is a pink light belt around her neck, hanging her head like a sling. At first glance, the shape looks like a sunny doll.

Looking out along the pink light strip hanging from the ceiling, she could see that the entire apartment had been constructed into some kind of lair, or in other words, a magic workshop. The ceiling, floor, and walls were all painted with strips of light. These strips of light were bundled together like silk ribbons hanging from a willow tree, forming a strange magic circle. Finally, they gathered together and converged on the crystal that 01044 had given him. In the ball.

Li Pan tried to reach out and plucked the magic net on the wall, smelled it, turned to look at the white bones on A Zhen's body and the boiled flesh and blood in the bathtub, and roughly guessed what the material the other party used to 'cast spells and draw formations' was. what.

"Hey! Don't make my apartment look like a murder scene! What are you doing!"

Maria chuckled, her face was so full of laughter that she used her vocal cords to make a sound, she tore off a piece of flesh from her arm, twisted it, and created a flame, which burned the flesh and blood and collected the light.

"Just think of it as exorcizing the undead. I finally resigned from the company, but I don't want to fall into hell again.

I temporarily borrowed your apartment to use with my friends, made the phylactery, completed the undead transformation ritual, and then I tried to leave this world. "

Li Pan crossed his arms and looked at him,

"Oh, resign? If I remember correctly, you didn't resign according to the formal procedure, right?

What, is the treatment at the headquarters very poor? I think 01 takes you seriously, right? So many people have been sent to bury you.

Moreover, that thing, the Ark of the Covenant, can also help with archiving, resurrection, and immortality. Isn’t this amazing? Why jump to collectors?

Could it be that you can't stand the company's behavior? Or do they owe you wages? "

Maria continued to tear at the meat, giggling.

"The treatment is not bad at all. At least compared to the organizations I have worked for before, the company can be said to be trustworthy and reasonable.

However, I am a scholar after all, not a businessman. My wish is to explore the unknown and study mysteries. I chose to join the company in order to study monsters.

But the company's attitude towards monsters is more about collecting, keeping and selling them. Even if the technology department will conduct limited research, it will focus more on ‘future utility’ rather than tracing ‘past roots’. Therefore, maybe a research institution like the SEC that explores the origin and principles of things is more suitable for me.

As for the collector... Haha, you have a deeper relationship with the collector than me or the general manager, right?

The thing that came at that time could kill me once, which is definitely not something you can handle. If you hadn't reached a deal, how could you still be here?

Don't worry, I won't delve into these things. I have seen too much, and too much that I cannot understand. And if I hadn't relied on that friend's help, I probably wouldn't have been able to escape the company's control. "

Li Pan hesitated for a moment.

How much does 01044 know? Do you want to kill her to avoid future troubles?

Although this apartment is already filled with unknown magic circles, at first glance, it seems that all it takes is to break the crystal ball, some kind of phylactery.

But the question is, does she really have this one life left... If the company finds out that she is still alive, what measures will it take?

However, if 01044 really goes to the collector, it may be a good thing, at least it can throw the blame away...

So Li Pan thought for a while, blinked, suppressed the blood in his eyes and smiled,

"You misunderstood, I have nothing to do with the Collector. I just escaped with my life due to good luck.

Now that Miss Maria has decided to leave, I won't gossip any more. I wish you all the best and don't be caught by the company working overtime again. "

Maria also leaned forward and nodded,

"Thank you for letting me live. I will repay you when I get the chance."

"That doesn't matter. We don't have any grudges. In the final analysis, it's just a colleague who switched jobs. It's none of my business..."

Li Pan waved his hand and was about to turn around when he suddenly stopped, turned his head and pointed at her curiously,

"Oh, by the way, Azhen, did you kill him?"

Maria shook her head,

"No, this body is stored in the apartment downstairs, but this body does have extraordinary potential. Although it is dead, it can still resonate with my soul, so it not only awakens my sleeping consciousness, but also responds My magic summons can also be used as material to make a phylactery, which is really rare.

It's really a pity. With such a rare qualification, if this girl had not died, she would have had the potential to become a magic apprentice. "

"Yeah, that's right...she also lives in this building..."

Li Pan was silent for a while,

"Is there anyone else? Someone with something in this building, someone with magical potential? Someone who can answer your call?"

Maria shook her head,

"The magic network here is in tatters. It's no longer a magical world. It's my luck to find someone who can coordinate with the magic network. What about you, have you seen many similar people?"

So isn’t this what we are looking for... similar...

Li Pan shook his head,

"Then I won't disturb you. I'll lend it to you temporarily. Just clean the apartment for me before you leave."

Maria nodded, "Thank you very much."

Li Pan left the apartment and went downstairs silently.

Not only him and Huang Dahe, but also the dumpling girl Azhen downstairs is actually an ‘extraordinary potential person’.

There are not one or two, but maybe three Whisperers in this building.

So, will there be a fourth or fifth one...

He walked from the fire escape stairs, passed the corner of the stairs filled with feces, urine and garbage, and stepped over the homeless people, drug addicts, and bankrupts lying on the ground, exuding filthy stench.

Are there any of his kind among these people?

No, what are you thinking about? In fact, everyone is the same kind, right?

He, Li Pan, should have died in this building, but he just got lucky and got an opportunity to climb out of this cesspool.

Shaking his head and stopping his random thoughts, Li Pan walked all the way into the parking lot and scanned from a distance with his prosthetic eyes.

Remote access is prohibited and the door is locked. It is not civilian garbage. Although it is outdated, it is indeed a military system.

Did you kick in through the front door to catch someone? But after all, it was a clue that was found with great difficulty, so you have to be cautious.

Better sneak in.

Li Pan's communication connection calls PONY,

"PONY, come to work."

PONY, "Boss? I'm on Titan now, and port access is restricted. If you want technical support, just call me."

Li Pan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that HAYABUSA was under bombardment at that time, and PONY had also linked up with the cruiser to assist in the calculation. So now I am also doing repairs on Titan, which is a bit of a headache for a while.

Company.Eighteen and PONY.Eighteen,

Both of these are Shiba's personality backups, and they also share the same uploaded AI memory cloud archive. But there are some differences. In addition to the difference in single-machine computing power, PONY is actually the private money stored in Li Pan under the name of Li Pan, which is a backup of her own personality.

After all, as the company's property, Shiba's personality was formatted at God knows when. But as long as Li Pan doesn't open his mouth to delete PONY's personality, it can be regarded as saving Shiba's life. As long as he backs up the cloud archived memory, it is similar to 01044, and it can be regarded as a kind of cyber exile's resurrection.

Therefore, Li Pan now has private affairs that he does not want the company to know about, such as Panlong's business and the Whisperer's affairs, which are all handled through PONY.18. PONY naturally will not share relevant memories to cloud archives to let the company know. Although the company's 18th branch has various equipment support and stronger capabilities, after all, the authority is in the hands of the head office, and the background log records can be checked at any time.

"This is private work... I need to search for scripts in hidden files, lurking Trojans, or golems that extract memory archives. Do you have any other reliable channels?"

PONY also understood. Knowing that Li Pan was doing private work, he directly sent the deepnet chat address.

"Look for him, Mr. Pizza, I know him."

Well, they are really acquaintances, PONY sent Mr. Pizza’s physical address and ID card. Li Pan also recognized it.

"Elinio...wait a minute, isn't this the college student who was recruited to steal the Holy Grail last time? Didn't those three hackers get dealt with?"

PONY, "Of course I dealt with it. One memory was erased, and the other was roasted into an idiot. But this guy from Pizza is very good. He saw through the Trojan horse and missed my bait. He also faked his own death and wiped out the traces. So I let him go." The company closed the case.

But now that he knows that he has been cheated by the company, he has quit his job and is studying to be a full-time hacker to make a living by speculating in black coins. Boss, please take care of his business. This guy also lost a lot of money in the stock market. He has three meals a day. Eating the expired pizza downstairs, I don't think I need to worry about him, I will die of malnutrition. "

Li Pan, "Also..."

Okay, let’s find a wild hacker this time.

Needless to say, hacking software that actively invades the system, and those Golem scripts are illegal. The Security Bureau has a special nine, Cybercrime Investigation Division to catch hackers. They are all elite cyber cyborgs and have no control over the system without logging in. Illegal hackers can be killed on the spot, especially private hackers without the protection of large companies. If they find out about your physical network, they will break in and shoot you with an RPG.

After all, these days, in a world where everything is controlled by the QVN cyber network, cyber hackers are the most straightforward, direct and dangerous lawbreakers and challengers to order.

Although companies also frequently use cyber warfare and electronic warfare, hackers who are hired by companies are at least just seeking money, and cyber attacks are just their job. But there are indeed some chaotic and evil lunatics in this deep web. Their cyberattacks have no political or economic purpose. They simply want to burn the world to ashes and prove how awesome their technical skills are.

And those privately written illegal programs leaked from the deep web have God knows how many viruses and backdoors hidden in them. They are very, very, very unsafe.

But there's nothing you can do about it being unsafe. Although AG's intelligent system is first-rate, it only sells ICE firewalls and anti-virus programs. It won't illegally provide 'original hacking software'. Even if you want to buy it, you have to find a middleman. Gloves to avoid being fined for company routines. Moreover, the price of any magic doll is sky-high. After searching for a long time, Li Pan could only buy a virtual machine service script that was activated for a fee.

This script means that you spend 10 million per month to start, refresh the smart system, and unlock virtual machine support for you, so that you can install private software that is not officially certified by AG. And if you plug in the magic puppet Trojan and get poisoned, you will not be able to install it. The core code of the intelligent system will be lost immediately, and AG's firewall will also have the opportunity to directly format and delete your virtual machine, clearing it together with the memory backup.

So Li Pan chatted with Mr. Pizza, paid 4,000 black gold, and bought a privately written illegal hacking toolkit from him. In this way, he used a virtual machine to automatically connect to the garage monitoring system, transmit the golem, and crack the Use the combination lock to open Victor's garage and sneak in using optical invisibility.

The garage was filled with various civilian garbage prostheses. There was a dirty operating table in the room inside. Victor, the prosthetic doctor, was lying on the operating table, logging into the QVN network using a network cable. Looking at the port data in the background, he should be watching the explosive ball game from the live broadcast perspective of the contestants on the live broadcast website.

Li Pan didn't bother him for the time being, and directly used the puppet to invade, invade the local server, and download his data files.

Don't tell me, the script written by Mr. Pizza is indeed not bad. He is indeed a master who can survive eighteen people. The puppet quickly deactivated the local ICE and retrieved a large amount of customer information saved by Victor. .

These customer information were nominally medical files for prosthetic surgeries. However, when Li Pan pulled up the files of himself, Huang Dahe, and Azhen, he discovered that there were a large number of hidden data backups, including various Fingerprint and voiceprint, iris identification, data analysis curve, and personal mental value deviation report.

Yes, it was all recorded by that elevator!

OK Victor! It turns out that you are the culprit of the elevator downtime!

Li Pan briefly browsed through the files. Everyone in the building was monitored and backed up, especially the teenagers in their twenties. Many of them had played explosive ball with him in the past, and they also had similar records and reports to them. .

But these people have two things in common. First, except for him and Huang Dahe, almost all of them are dead now.

Is it an accident, an experiment, or an awakening...

As for the second thing they have in common, it's probably that their parents basically all have experience working in Gao Tianyuan's military industrial enterprises or the army.

But this is not a problem. After all, this suburb and this apartment building are all veterans' assistance projects and resettlement houses for war orphans. Moreover, it is difficult to erase military resumes. It is said that those who directly join the army and fight in committees will find it difficult to find a job. But if this group of veterans were placed together and the original Whisperer project participants were allowed to sneak into this group of people, it would indeed be difficult to tell them apart.

But if you put it this way, this suburban slum is more than just this apartment. Are there surveillance cameras in other pigeon buildings as well?

Maybe, the scale of this Whisperer project is much larger than imagined...

"Ah! Ah!!!"

Li Pan was checking the report when he suddenly heard a scream behind him. He turned around suddenly and saw Victor on the seat already screaming, smoke coming from his mouth, and his brain felt like it was on fire!

Dry! Where did the hacker come from!

Li Pan ripped off the virtual line between Victor's brain and computer and disconnected him from the Internet, but flames, blood, and dried brain matter had already emerged through his mouth and nose. It seemed that the intracranial chip had been destroyed by the devil. Remote overload completely burned out my brain. At the same time, the server also made a sizzling sound of electricity, crackling, sparks and lightning, and the computer screen went black.

Li Pan had a sullen face, "Fuck it!" That pizza man is not good at his craftsmanship! Has anyone discovered it?

Well, Pizza actually tried his best. After all, Li Pan also saw a lot of information, right? But no matter how powerful the hacker is, he will leave an intrusion record, and some information is set to be destroyed after reading, and the police will be called when opening it. Li Pan was worried that if he kicked in through the front door and someone would simply burn the information, he went around in a big circle and conducted a sneak search, but unexpectedly it still failed.

Tsk, as expected of Takamagahara, who could fight with the committee for twenty years without showing any signs of cheating. They really can't beat them in this secret agent game.

That can only be cheated.

So Li Pan picked up Victor's body, climbed up to the forty-fifth floor, and knocked on the door of his apartment.

Maria, "What happened again?"

Li Pan pointed to the charred corpse in his hand, "You can drive the undead, right? Can this one be resurrected? At least let me ask a few questions?"

Maria stared at Victor for a moment, nodded and shook her head.

Li Pan frowned, "Okay or not?"

"Resurrection won't work, but asking a few questions will do."

Maria motioned to Li Pan to place Victor's body on the sofa, and then used her finger bones dipped in blood to draw a magic mark on his forehead.

"My strength has not been restored yet, but he has just died, so I can ask...five questions."

Li Pan frowned, "He won't lie, right?"

Victor turned his head violently, "No."

Li Pan was stunned, "Huh? Is this the beginning?"

Victor, "Here we go."

Li Pan was speechless, "Wait, wait, let me think about it... uh, who killed you?"

Victor, "I don't know."

Maria couldn't stand it, "There are only two chances left, don't ask him questions he doesn't know."

Li Pan, "Fuck! You should have made it clear earlier so I can prepare! Okay, okay, how did you hand over the information you collected to the contact person?"

Victor, "I watch the Explosive Ball Tournament live every month. The local server will also be online at this time. I will be contacted at the summit to submit files and investigate and confirm the situation."

That's tonight! No wonder! This is not an intrusion under someone's nose! Why the hell are you so unlucky!

Li Pan thought for a while, and looked at Victor, whose eyes were burnt to death and still bleeding, and thought about many questions.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if he is the one behind the Whisperer project and arranges for a retired veteran to work on a confidential project for twenty years, and can burn him to death without hesitation to avoid future troubles, then he will not risk letting him know too much. What valuable information. And I am afraid that I am fully prepared to completely cut off the connection on this line.

So after thinking for a long time, Li Pan finally asked,

"Victor, do you have any last wishes?"

Maria raised her eyebrows.


"I have a daughter whom I haven't seen for many years. I left her a sum of money and some relics at Ye's Bank. The key to the safe is hidden in an electric ball. The password is HANNA14AP2107."

Li Pan nodded, "Okay, I'll hand it over for you."

So Victor threw his head back, lay on the sofa, and died.

Alas, Mad, the clue has been lost again...

Li Pan also sat down on the sofa, sitting side by side with Victor, looking up at the dirty ceiling.

"Hey, Maria, don't you know how to tell fortunes? Have you heard of the Whisperer? Can you help me tell my fortune?"

Maria looked at Li Pan and shook her head,

"0791, I don't want to get involved in your affairs, and to be honest, you are not suitable to work in the company."

Li Pan rolled his eyes,

"What are you doing, trying to persuade me to change jobs?"

Maria looked at him;

"When working in a company, you must always be prepared and make decisions before taking action. This jungle is full of hunters and traps, and there is no room for magnanimity and carelessness. Just one mistake and you may lose your life. And in a company, You won't waste too much resources and energy on a loser.

I just knew that I was not the material, so now that I had the opportunity, I took the initiative to quit. You can also choose now. Your involvement with the company is not deep yet. You are still just a temporary worker. There is still a chance to escape now. "

Li Pan chuckled, raised his hand and patted Victor beside him on the shoulder.

"Hey, get away, just kidding, look at him! He'll die in one electric shock! Look at me! I'm wearing an RS7! I can carry a nuclear bomb!

Do you know how much this outfit of mine is worth? Do you know how much money I have earned since joining the company? Get away! Depend on! "

Maria looked at him quietly,

"You know what I mean, does money matter? Working for TheM, the troubles are never-ending, and the good luck always runs out.

On that day, no matter how much credit you have made for the company, no matter how many worlds you have been praised as a hero, brave, or savior, it will be useless.

By the time you realize that you might lose once and lose everything, it will be too late to regret it. "

Li Pan listened to her words, was silent for a while, spread his hands, projected his bank account, and used the system to broadcast it to the public.

"...Citizen Li Pan should repay a loan of 14012.14 in the next period, and the total debt is 289430.26."

Maria was a little confused.

Li Pan looked at the account numbers projected on his hand.

"Three hundred thousand, three hundred thousand is not enough for me to buy better anti-virus software now, but with this money, I can have a sheltered roof in Night City, and I have been able to survive for twenty years. To this day...

Do you know why I don't pay this debt?

Because I can’t bear it! Do you know how hard it was for me to apply for the 300,000 yuan? Do you know how many offices I went to, how many eyes I got, and how many people I begged to in a low voice?

So I kept the debt! I want to keep this house! Because I want to remember it for the rest of my life! My special code is never to be a poor man again! I never want to come back! Come back and live in this shithole! "

Li Pan smashed the sofa with one punch, took a deep breath, smoothed his hair, stood up with Victor on his back, and walked out of the apartment.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I won't lose."

Maria sighed and stopped trying to persuade her.

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