I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 221 Divide the money and break up the gang

"This is the NCHK Night City News Broadcast for you, the evening news. Today's news content is as follows.

The 24th Spice War officially broke out. Huayuan Group and Zhutian Petrochemical held their first fleet battle. Both warring parties held a press conference, accusing the other party of violating the security agreement and opening fire first, and stated that their side had won the battle and has now won the battle. Twelve committee companies have issued declarations of participation in the war...

The old friend and good partner of the citizens of Night City, the Municipal Administrator Ryan Broly, who had served the Public Safety Committee faithfully for twenty years, died due to a sudden myocardial infarction, and rescue efforts failed. After an emergency citizen election process, the administrator, Prince Cornelius, appointed Paul Rhodes, director of the fire department of the administration, to temporarily act as the director of the Night City Administration. This station will broadcast the entire inauguration ceremony of Director Rhodes for you...

There is a pandemic of cyberpsychosis. NCPA reminds that cyberpsychosis in the Night City is in a pandemic state with multiple, frequent and explosive outbreaks recently. General citizens are advised to plan their travels and try to avoid the area where the Zhutian Petrochemical Sales Department is located in the near future...

In view of the recent explosion of security system deviation value fluctuation records in Earth 0791, the public security system has raised the deviation value baseline, and the minimum baseline insurance coverage for ordinary citizens' personal insurance will be increased by 12 percentage points...

Please listen to the detailed report below.

According to Huayuan News, at 3 a.m. local time today, Huayuan Group and the armed forces of companies directly affiliated to Zhutian Petrochemical held their first fleet battle at Star Gate 0674. The two sides broke off contact after four hours of fierce fighting. According to incomplete estimates by the public transportation system, the two sides lost 1,433 ships in the war zone, including 18 Dreadnought-class warships and 12 super aircraft carriers. The total amount of battle damage It is expected to exceed 100 billion..."

"Please, please let me go, I'll pay, I'll pay, ahhh!"

"Shut up, the news can't be heard!"


Li Pan grabbed the hair of Zhutian Petrochemical Manager, inserted a mantis knife into his mouth and stabbed his lungs, then strung his whole body on the hand knife, raised one arm upside down, and threw him out of the skyscraper from the floor-to-ceiling window.

Then he turned around and glanced around. The office was empty and bloody. There were company dogs chopped into pieces everywhere, and there was no life signal. He picked up the whiskey on the manager's desk, rinsed his mouth, and raised his feet. Stepping out of the window, leaning forward, he lay down on the comfortable and soft suede cushions of the AA-RS7, which was optically invisible outside the window.

"Listen to a different song, something more soothing."

The supercar began to play classical music that Li Pan could not name, while Li Pan ran a self-test of the prosthetic body while replacing the blunt mantis knife blade. Then he lay on the seat and stared out the window at the neon lights of the night city in a daze. Clean up messy memories and thoughts.

After helping Victor clean up his affairs and asking NCHC to burn it into ashes and put it in a jar, Li Pan immediately took the key and went to the bank to open the safe.

Victor is pretty good at saving. He must have saved more than 8 million in twenty years, and he has cleaned up all of it. Underground prosthetics doctors don't make that much money. They probably get paid for monitoring the Whisperer project.

It’s just that there is very little information about his daughter, not even the citizen ID number to log in. In addition to the bank account password, there are only birth certificates, physical examination reports, and a few images of infants and young children, so that Li Pan wanted to tell Vic There is nothing that can be done about sending so many remains and legacies to the other party.

However, Li Pan also found a war orphan adoption report and a silver nail from a Martian girl, and he probably guessed that these were clues left by the other party.

Although there was very little information, Li Pan could also see it.

This physical examination report was also made by Takamagahara's team, and the format was the same as the one Maeda gave him.

To put it bluntly, for someone like Victor who is an insider of the project, his own daughter is also a Whisperer.

However, Victor did not keep her by his side to monitor her. Instead, he gave her to his former Martian Marine comrades to raise.

He hid his daughter from the "Whisperer Project"...

Why? The SEC also said that the awakened Whisperers can live up to twenty-five years old?

Since my daughter is a Whisperer, I will not leave her with so much money unless I keep her by my side to take care of her, unless...

Unless Victor knows very well that the Whisperer will not necessarily awaken, let alone die young.

For the most part, Li Pan figured it all out.

The 'Whisperer Project' in that apartment is probably not in a 'refrigerated' or 'latent' state, but in an 'activated experimental state'.

Yes, the Whisperers obviously did not awaken spontaneously. Otherwise, it would have been 20 years since the SEC could not have caught anyone and not even a single successful experimental sample.

There must be medicine...and other awakening catalysts, as well as the experimental steps for recreating the Whisperer's awakening...

It's not just the elevators that are being monitored. I'm afraid they are still in a long-term experiment when they eat, wear, sleep, and live in the building.

Unknowingly, various catalytic drugs will be injected to induce the occurrence of the 'Whisperer State' and enter the awakening state in advance.

So Li Pan went to the military academy, picked up trash, and rarely came back to live.

Therefore, my mother always works overtime, either attending night school for tutoring, or Huang Dahe working in the virtual cabin.

So they were the only two who had nothing to do, or in other words, they had less chance to be influenced and catalyzed, and their awakening was slower.

So everyone else died early.

So Li Pan felt like he was deflated and angry. As soon as he left the bank, he went to the nearest navigation and robbed a business department of Zhutian Petrochemical. Then he managed to vent some of his anger and calm down.

But even though he had regained his composure now, Li Pan's head started to hurt again.

The Whisperer's clues have been interrupted again, and now he has nothing to do.

Mars girls who can hit silver nails are elite veterans, super sergeants, and special forces whose identities are strictly confidential. They need to take this silver nail to Mars and go to the fleet's encrypted database to check their retirement information.

But now that Li Pan has just snatched four trillion worth of goods from the fleet, for the time being, at least for three months, he really doesn't dare to go to the universe.

And even if I find Victor's daughter, it might be of no use. Victor is not a good guy, and in order to protect his daughter, he kept it in the underground garage for twenty years. He protected her so well, I'm afraid the other party will whisper to her. The person also knows nothing.

I'm afraid if the two lines of sister-in-law Erin Regan and Iron Queen Vajira are not connected, and the five-star favorability unlocks the subsequent plot, then the plot of the Whisperer will probably not be able to be pushed forward.

At this time, 0113007 contacted me.

"General Manager, in view of the heavy losses of our company 007 and the failure of the rebirth ceremony, we are currently severely short of manpower. Daily business has also been seriously affected."

Li Pan was not angry either, so he started video communication and showed him the blood all over his body.

"What do you still want from me? You don't see that I'm working overtime day and night to kill monsters, okay?"

0113007 frowned,

"I mean we have to recruit more people...but general manager, why are you staring at Zhutian Shihua?"

Because they took action first. The boat I just bought cost 9.5 million, and it was gone without even taking a single ride...

Li Pan took a deep breath, wiped his face, and explained with another excuse,

"If you are fighting in a group, of course you have to kill one of them first. Moreover, the five families have to fight sooner or later, so there will always be one who comes first and then the last.

As for recruiting people, hey, our Human Resources Department has never stopped recruiting people!

But our company's process and treatment, well, let's not mention it... just hire them if you can. I don't mind if you hire more people. "

0113007 nodded,

"Okay, thank you for your authorization, I will arrange it. In addition, since you chose to start with the Petrification of the Heavens, I suggest you use some more effective tactics, such as continuing to attack the opponent's biggest weakness."

"Oh? For example?"

0113007 sent a photo of a sissy with oily hair and pink face who dyed her hair lavender.

"This person is the first-level agent of Huayuan Group in 0791. He is in secret contact with Zhutian Petrochemical and plans to sell a batch of spices."

It's packed with spices, right... But that's right, ships without spices these days are just like airplanes and tanks in ancient times without fuel, equipment can't run, and wars can't be fought at all...

Li Pan also frowned.

"The man from the garden? Is he crazy? Selling spices to his rivals? Just now it was reported on the news that their two families burned a hundred billion in one night, right?"

0113007 actually laughed,

"Businessmen have no enemies or allies, only objects of trade. Once the money is in place, everything can be discussed.

I'll send you his location and ask you to talk to him and secure that batch of goods in advance. Even if you don't get it, at least try to sabotage the rival company's deal. "

Li Pan glanced at the information roughly. With the background supplement provided by Shiba, we can roughly understand the cause and effect.

In fact, the people in the garden were not so arrogant as to engage in corruption and collude with the enemy during the war.

But the problem is that this purple-haired sissy is not technically a gardener.

Saburo Takenaka, executive officer of Flora Co., Ltd., general manager of Takenaka Perfume Trading Company.

To put it simply, Huashen Co., Ltd. is a joint venture subsidiary of Huayuan Group and Gao Tianyuan Group, specializing in the local spice import trade in 0791. Takenaka Perfume Trading is a first-level agent under Flora and has been responsible for the perfume management rights in the Kansai region.

But now the owner of Takamagahara has changed. This Takenaka Saburo, his father is Hashiba's confidant and a direct descendant of the Hashiba clan. Therefore, he has also risen with the tide. Not only has he directly obtained the management rights of the entire Eastern region, including the Night City, but he has also been promoted to a higher position. The new executive officer of Flower God has joined the board of directors to hold shares and has voting rights. He can be regarded as Gao Tianyuan's new representative to Flower God. He is a popular second-generation official and a Sky Man.

So now that your garden and Zhutian Shihua are in a bloody battle, what does it have to do with Takenaka Takamagahara Saburo?

And with the spice war now underway, the price of spices on the black market has increased from the peacetime internal fleet price of one billion per kilogram to nearly seventy-five billion per kilogram!

So much so that even if those imported perfumes that have been properly declared and filed for customs and taxes are converted back into spices, the profit from selling them already exceeds the premium of the famous brand itself!

The 420 billion that Li Pan earned made not only Zhutian Shihua jealous, but also Takenaka Saburo.

So of course, Saburo Takenaka, who had the goods in hand and had people behind him, could no longer sit still when he saw the soaring prices. He secretly contacted Zhutian Petrochemical in a private name and tried to sell the inventory in his hands, including Make money with tears and blood.

Yes, although imported perfume has always been a hot commodity, what comes in is what goes out, and the ladies of Gaotianyuan still have to queue up, but as a first-level agent and official channel, Takenaka is indeed a thief and has to hold down a batch of inventory for old customers. . It was originally stocked as a habit, used as favor gifts to curry favor with the wife of Mr. Takamagahara, but now it is probably the largest source of goods on the market.

If this batch of goods is taken out, I'm afraid it won't be enough for Zhutian Petrochemical to launch a big battle with tens of billions of damage.

The priest really found seven inches of the snake at once...

Indeed, what could be more irritating than destroying four trillion spices and turning the heavens to stone?

Of course, I'll get another batch of them.

And the batch in Takenaka's hands is probably worth more than four trillion...

But is that so? No wonder Li Pan ransacked his house everywhere in the past two days, but Zhutian Shihua didn't let go of a single fart. He allowed his office to be beaten violently and didn't make any retaliation.

I am afraid that the opponent is accumulating strength and is not willing to waste it on such trivial matters now. This is because he is fully prepared and uses his combat power to ensure the supply of the most critical spices.

On the other hand, Takenaka, the second-generation ancestor, is related to Hanazono, Takamagahara, and the God of Flowers. He has also monopolized the perfume business in Kansai for generations, and his men must have guns.

If you want to rely solely on robbing this time, you can imagine how difficult and dangerous the operation will be. Li Pan alone is definitely not enough.

The last time we snatched that batch of goods, hundreds of ships jumped in the face, and three Dreadnoughts fired their main guns. Panlong Construction almost failed to completely annihilate it. Even Li Pan literally had all his tanks fully activated, but he was still destroyed and perished. .

But this time Zhutian Shihua simply cannot afford to lose. The opponent's defenses will only become tighter and their counterattack will only become more ferocious.

So after quickly calculating the current actual combat power comparison between the enemy and ourselves, as well as the external moves on the pendant board that could be used, Li Pan also made a judgment.

You can’t play without cheating!

Call someone! Call someone!

"Brother? Brother? Are you there, brother?"

"Hey! You're crazy! Don't stick your head into the crematorium!"

"Get out of here, brother! Brother! Come out and see me, brother!"

"Made is crazy..." "Forget it, didn't you hear that he is looking for his younger brother? How pitiful..."

The Uzumaki Gang watched for a while, then shook their heads and left.

And Li Pan was helpless after crawling in and out of the Whirlpool Gang's crematorium for a long time, but couldn't get into his brother's cave.

The blood jar of the cult of God is still in the furnace, but the door cannot be opened.

It shouldn't be his problem, it's Duan Kecheng who closed the cave tightly, seeming to be in a state of retreat to practice and thank guests behind closed doors.

Gan oh, are you in retreat at this time? Maybe you thought that after helping your elder brother to refine a super magic weapon of the Ten Jue Formation level, you would finally be foolproof and you could go into seclusion and hibernate?

Who knew that your eldest brother would be beaten so badly that his equipment overturned the next day...

The biggest hang-up is closed! So what the hell should I do?

Everyone knows that when this kind of immortal retreats into seclusion, it is calculated based on the number of jiazi.

As soon as you open your eyes, as soon as you close them, hundreds of years have passed. Not to mention that the day lily is cold, I'm afraid it's your eldest brother and I will be cold too!

Li Pan banged the corpse cremator and screamed for a long time, saying that it was not working every day, and called his brother to answer. He really couldn't open the door and had no other choice. He had to leave a blood container with his blood and said, "Brother, your eldest brother, I have been killed." Come and avenge me! He temporarily left the Whirlpool Gang and rushed to Panlong Construction to help. After all, there's still a ding-ding-dong-dong-dong sound going on over there.

Well, North District, it was originally a ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong fight, but it used to be the Whirlpool Gang vs. the foreign gangs, and now it's become the Panlong vs. the mercenary group, and the NCPA doesn't care. , NCHC did not come to collect the bodies, so both sides had no restrictions on weapons or interference, and they started fighting randomly, turning everything into scorched earth.

There are still sporadic exchanges of fire at Panlong Factory, but the most difficult days have passed. The besieging mercenaries had also gone through continuous high-intensity battles and were regrouping and resting, without much defense. As a result, Li Pan just accelerated casually, chopped off the head of a company, and successfully broke through three checkpoints, successfully broke through the siege and arrived at the factory.

Fortunately, the situation was okay and there were no major casualties. The veterans in Wangshan are still rich in experience, and they know that being trapped is not a problem. With the support of Company 18, they organized veteran elites several times to cooperate with the NIMS-X14F "Blood Moon" to push out and defend against counterattacks to repel the enemy's attacks. After besieging and clearing the surrounding factory area, and establishing outposts and sniper points, we were able to use the terrain of the factory area to block the mercenaries of Zhutian Petrochemical on the outside of the intersection.

However, it was possible to temporarily repel the opponent's all-out attack mainly because Zhutian Petrochemical sent these. They are all cheap cannon fodder. They basically have no heavy equipment in their hands, let alone strategic-level fire support. They can cause damage with sniper rifles alone. Effectively suppressed.

But the terrain of the North District factory is full of flat roads and open factory warehouses that are convenient for trucks to enter and exit. After Zhutian Petrochemical secured the spices, they freed up their hands to arm the company's elite, armored aerial vehicles and mecha drones. Come here, I am afraid that as long as a group attacks, we can break through the sniper blockade, break into Panlong's headquarters directly, and kill the group again, right?

Even a new recruit like Li Pan can see this kind of tactical disadvantage, and the veterans naturally know it clearly.

"That red SMS only needs to be charged once after taking ten steps. It is of no use at all! When will those excavators you bought arrive?

All the ammunition in stock is gone, we need supplies! Need a bandage! Need strengthening pills! Drones needed! SBS is required! You still need to assign people to your idiots, how to shoot without wasting ammunition! "

When Wangshan saw Li Pan, he started yelling.

"No, all the howitzers have been fired? I remember there were 400 rounds in the library..."

"What are you talking about! That fool named Husky dropped the grenade at my feet and blew out my eardrum!!"

"I said...Oh, I said OK! I'll buy more!! The excavator, I think it can be delivered next week..."

"Next week!? Wait until next week to collect the bodies for us!"

"Gan, can't you hear me..."

In short, fighting costs money. You have to buy equipment, ammunition, supplies, and you have to pay bonuses. Otherwise, who would be willing to stick their head in their belt and fight with you?

And even though Li Pan was throwing away money for a while, giving out tens of millions, and giving 100,000 yuan to everyone who participated in the war, there were still many people, at least half of them, who immediately terminated their contracts without any organization or discipline after receiving the money. Ran away.

Well, when we went to the moon, the company came out in full force and assembled a cannon fodder infantry brigade of hundreds of people, right? Among them were not only temporary workers recruited by Li Pan and Panlong security guards, but also a large number of mercenaries from Yamazaki PMC.

And after these rabble were defeated on the moon, they were sent all the way to Panlong Construction. They thought they were going to settle their wages, but they were besieged for a few more days. They were fed up. Now that there was a temporary ceasefire and the money was received, a large group of people immediately escaped from the road where Li Pan casually entered and dispersed in a rush.

The people in PMC were originally mercenaries, and they would naturally disperse after making money, but among them, some temporary workers were also included.

Well, there are also thirty temporary workers in the company's logistics department. They were all recruited by the Lover Gang's pastor to help Li Pan. This time they were also forcibly recruited by the company's general mobilization. Fortunately, the company's SBS armor they were assigned was level five bulletproof. , but no one died, so they took advantage of the chaos, submitted their resignation letters and ran away.

After all, the conditions are different from what everyone agreed on at the beginning.

These are specially selected, honest people with families. For 2,500 dollars a month, the job they are looking for is eight hours a day, as inspectors responsible for warehouse maintenance, water and electricity maintenance. How could they expect to participate in the corporate war? Are you going to carry out combat missions on the moon? Want to learn SMS infantry-tank coordination in a hail of bullets?

I can't bear it, I can't bear it. It's so hard to make two thousand five hundred yuan for your family. If one of you is accidentally killed by a stray bullet, what will happen to the rest of the family? And if they had been willing to earn such hard-working money, they would have joined the Lovers Gang long ago, at least it would have been close to home...

Li Pan didn't force it, and transferred an additional 60,000 yuan to each of them, which was regarded as overtime allowance for the past three months, and the pastor's face was decent.

After distributing money and dispersing, Li Pan counted the people on the communication channel and found that the last remaining people in the factory, except for the thirty-two veterans on the Wangshan side who were holding sniper rifles and locking the intersection, were a few of his subordinates in the company. A temporary worker, and the little pets raised in Panlong Construction.

Qun is just like Li Pan. Apart from the company, he has nowhere to go and is homeless...

0113007 is right. We really need to recruit new people. There are just these few people, and they are not as many as he casually hacked to death today. They are not enough to fight a corporate war. What if a company's BBA fell from the sky and a wave of mantis knives rushed in and took them all away...

In short, Panlong will definitely not be able to defend it...and...what is there to defend in this poor place?

It's just a warehouse. It's just a temporary stronghold used to avoid taxes. Now the ammunition has been used up, the warehouse has been blown up, and the factory is rented. If there is nothing left, what can we defend...

So Li Pan stood on the roof, glanced at the battered factory, made a few phone calls, and then notified everyone on the channel.

"Does anyone still want to resign? If you want to resign, just resign. You have persisted until now.

The road I came from was unguarded, and while there are still snipers covering it, I'll give you an extra month's salary.

there is none left? no yet? Is it really gone? Okay, everyone, hold on a little longer, support will be here soon. "

Immediately, less than ten minutes later, the company's transport plane arrived under the escort of the Yasha mercenary group.

Li Pan immediately gave each of the remaining people 500,000 yuan.

"Get out, get out! Blow up all the trash you can't take away! Go back and get new ones! Go to Hakone! Team building! I'll pay!"

Wangshan also shouted loudly on the communication channel,

"Fake! What a risk! I almost ran away just for a month's salary!"

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