I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 394 Magic Meter

Li Pan wiped the corners of his mouth and calmed down.

Leng Buding was taught a lot by her aunt, and she was indoctrinated so much that she could no longer bear it and was foaming at the mouth...

After sorting out my thoughts, I temporarily recovered from the pile of settings thrown on my face.

Let’s not care whether Aunt Huangquan’s words are true or false, how much of it is reality, and how much of it is her own opinion, but in the end, in all the worlds, time and space, and countless parallel earths, Pangu is awesome, and the rest are The central theme of "garbage" will not change.

As for Li Pan personally, there is actually no choice between whether to eat or be eaten, whether to stand up and break the law of heaven, or whether to accept money from the company and become Pangu's dog.

Because he had no choice at all.

Yes, join the company and hang out with Pangu, you are all bugs, we are the king of heaven, of course it is cool, you can be the protagonist in Pangu's reincarnation game, dominate, and do whatever you want.

And if you ask yourself, Li Pan doesn't have much ambition. He just wants to be the general manager, have dozens of small goals in his account every month, and have sex happily with a group of girlfriends and little pets. That's enough.

But the problem is that the road has been taken away by mules.

The final end, the final end, all heavens and all realms will be ended by the mule.

Once you become Pangu's dog, this is the destined ending.

Then you can only be a human being.

But it’s so hard to be a human being.

Fight against the company, fight against Pangu, fight against the mule, fight all the way to the end, even if you recruit the remnants of the legion to form a team, the chance of victory is still slim.

That Li Fan has evolved all the way to the end of time, exhausted the avenue of time and space, but still has no way to get rid of the mule. You can imagine how difficult this road is.

To be honest, Li Pan didn't know what to do at the moment, so he let his mind go and drove SUPREME on the beltway for a while.

The maglev supercar runs along the Yeshi Dam, looking at the waves of the Pacific Ocean, the water droplets beating against the window like steel needles, crossing the sea of ​​solar cells, looking at the reflection of the Tower of Night in the sea of ​​molten chlorine salt crystals, and passing through the rows of pigeons. Dongtongzi Tower, smashing through the neon virtual AR billboards, looking at the car lights, street lights, starship trajectories, and the countless rays of light projected by the light-polluted metropolis, like light and shadow flying in front of my eyes, like a revolving door of life passing by quickly. In front of you.

Finally, he drove off the highway and cruised aimlessly. When he came to his senses, he realized that he had subconsciously returned to the original starting point and got off the public rental apartment building that belonged to 'Li Pan'.

Home, sweet home, warm nest.

Maybe no matter how humans evolve, how they mutate, how extraordinary they become. Nothing can erase the desire for a warm and safe harbor written in the genes, and the yearning for the birthplace of life where the soul can rest in peace.

Perhaps the 'cosmic people' on Earth 1 have gone through so many reincarnations and time and space, but they have never been able to move towards the sea of ​​stars. They have left this planet in the solar system behind and are reluctant to part with the womb that gives birth to human beings. , back to our true home.

But the mule is different.

Just like Huang Quan said, it has really crossed a new lower limit and moved towards the next stage.

Abandon everything, devour everything, relatives, kindred, warm nest and mother planet that gave birth to itself, all of them will become extinct.

Just like the first ape climbed down from the tree and grew into a man.

The mule also abandoned the earth and headed towards the deep void and darkness, towards the endless unknown.

Never look back.

Mule, I'm afraid he is no longer a human being...

Li Pan was silent for a moment, got out of the car, walked downstairs to the apartment and looked up. The lights in his apartment were not turned on, and he didn't know who had allocated this time and space to someone.

Then he turned around and saw that the wonton stall was still open. There was a big-eyed student girl squatting behind the stall, putting her face in front of the LED display screen of an old desktop terminal produced in a junkyard, and swiping test questions.

"...Azhen, let's have a bowl of wontons."

Well, Azhen Wonton Shop...

The student girl raised her head and said, "Hey, okay. What kind of stuffing is it?"

"Pork and green onions."

The student girl quickly scooped up a big bowl for him and went back to answer the questions.

"Use it slowly."

Li Pan chewed the scallion-flavored wontons made from underground synthetic meat and low-quality seasoning powder. He felt his body temperature and sanity gradually revive with the taste of meat in his mouth and the hot soup, just like a soul floating in the cold night rain. , being enveloped by the steaming aroma of the hot soup, slowly stuffed back into the body.

This is the smell, mixed with industrial detergents, flavorings, preservatives and low-quality industrial salt. This is the taste of home.

Yes, why are you thinking so much?

What do Pangu's calculations, the Legion's conspiracy, the world's strife, and the birth of the mule have to do with him, Li Pan?

He, Li Pan, is just a commoner born in Tongzilou. He doesn't understand those grand narratives. As long as he has a bowl of hot wontons to eat every day, is full of food, and has enough energy to sleep, he will have the motivation to continue living every day. enough.

Just let nature take its course, do the best you can, and survive.

After finishing the wontons in one bite, Li Pan also cleared his mind and regained his composure, and then suddenly an idea flashed through him.

Mad, fool her...

Even though Aunt Huangquan, Bala Bala, talked a lot about it, the key thing is about the dried squid, what is this thing for? The most important thing is that it was not revealed at all!

Li Pan was also speechless and immediately became wary.

TheM company is not a comedy company. They will not drop a dried salted fish out of nowhere.

From people to objects, that company is full of thrilling and curious settings. Belemnite and sword stone fossils are specially kept in the universe and specially air-dropped to support military monsters. Moreover, as soon as they landed, they attracted a large group of legions to snatch them. I know he is definitely not an ordinary guy.

Maybe, that's a 'pen/powerful expulsion level' holy object, not necessarily a 'squid's holy sword'...

Now that Huang Quan has brought the dried squid back to the headquarters, it is not a wise move to break into the company and steal the dried fish. Although Li Pan was on duty, the company headquarters was raided by enemies at every turn. It was just like a public toilet. You could come and leave whenever you wanted. Go, but actually the company has quite a lot of seals, barriers, special defense equipment and so on. There are various security systems that turn on and off lights, open and close doors.

And according to Li Pan's estimation, once the door is hit, it will be a bit over the line, threatening the 'Guardian of the Door' and the 'Microphone', and the deviation value is estimated to be off the charts.

I'm afraid that by then, not only the main force of 0791 Company that is currently tied up in Yingzhou, but also reinforcements from other companies will come over for business trips. By then, a large number of Pangu's hounds will have gathered in the Night City, which will give Li Pan something to do... …

But we have to be careful about the dried squid...

After much deliberation, Li Pan felt that he should join forces with the Legion. Well, or you can push the legion behind, use them as cannon fodder, test the company, and test the power of the dried squid, so as not to be suddenly slapped in the face during the BOSS battle and be caught off guard.

But first we have to find the legion's magician. It seems that we need to use some positioning or divination magic.

In fact, this week, Li Pan has been trying to avoid using magic as much as possible.

After all, he knew it since he saw Pangu take action in the last reincarnation and easily wipe out the Elf Empire.

Everything is under Pangu's control.

After all, the essence of magic is to call magic elves, that is, NANOBOTS and nano-robots in the air, to recompile and write code based on the magic network application permissions given by Pangu or other prototypes to achieve light and shadow special effects that transcend the laws of physics.

Well, this is actually an application in the movie and game industry. It is not so much magic as magic, a trick based on scientific principles and nanotechnology.

In other words, any magic was actually performed under Pangu's eyes. Therefore, no matter how hard the magicians fight, they will never be able to defeat the God who created magic itself.

Therefore, although Li Pan mastered a large amount of advanced magic, he was careful to only use ninjutsu and never used power beyond his character. He was afraid that the ubiquitous GM would find out that he was cheating.

But now that the legion has appeared, cheating is not a big problem. If you snatch the legion's magic meter, you can blame the legion. Moreover, this thing is a magic collector. Even without Pangu's permission, Now you can probably use 'Sicarius' to behead anyone you want.

So Li Pan drank wonton soup, took out the magic meter and studied it, and found that the structure of this thing was quite simple.

This thing not only looks like a pocket watch, but is also similar in structure. It was probably originally improved from a mechanical watch.

Everyone knows the working principle of a mechanical watch. In short, it is manually wound or an automatic rotor winds the movement, provides power and energy storage for the watch, converts it into the elastic potential energy of the spring, and then slowly releases it.

In this magic meter, there are many designs similar to watch movements, such as springs, barrels, escapements, balance rods, and even jewel bearings. And the main difference between the two is probably the gem.

For ordinary mechanical watches, in order to reduce the friction loss of the movement during movement. Each part inside the movement requires countless rotations and swings, and the friction caused will shorten the life of the movement. Therefore, in order to extend the service life of the movement, it is necessary to equip the interior of the movement with high-hardness artificial gemstones to replace the bearings connecting the gears to reduce friction loss and reduce friction and wear of the movement. At the same time, gemstones can also withstand very high pressure, which can prevent movement parts from being deformed and worn due to too much pressure.

The gems used in the magic meter are ultra-high-concentration NANOBOTS crystals, in other words magic crystals, or high-energy magic stones that can be called "philosopher's stones". At the same time, the escape wheel's shaft, escape fork, balance rod, pointer gear, etc. have all been replaced with customized materials, and have been precision inscribed and enchanted.

The clockwork made of rolled steel sheets was also replaced with mithril or some magical metal. The clockwork coils were densely engraved with magic patterns, just like a magic scroll, a metal magic book page curled together.

In this way, when the clockwork is wound, the magic power, or magic spirit, will be accumulated in the magic gem through the winding dial needle and specific circuits. Normally, the magic meter can also be used like a pocket watch, slowly releasing it through the elastic potential energy of the spring. The turning of the pointer rubs the magic gem to release the stable magic elves, ensuring that the magician is in a high-magic environment ready to cast spells at any time. middle.

At the same time, this magic meter is also equipped with a special latch mechanism. As long as you press the pick to connect the built-in magic metal plug-in to form a stable magic circuit, you can directly activate all the magic stones and release the huge magic power in one go. , along with the escapement and transmission system, are transferred to the magic scroll in the clockwork, thus completing the singing of the magic scroll instantly.

Use "Avalon's Great Flash", "Crooks' Thunderstorm" and other forbidden spells to sweep away the entire field, instantly release them, and start with a super kill.

From a small perspective, it can be seen from a small gadget like a magic meter that the magical civilization of these octopus heads has probably reached a considerable level.

It's a pity that in front of Pangu and his loyal dogs, it is indeed useless.

After figuring out the principle, Li Pan also adjusted and tried it, and found that it might not work very well...

It's not a problem with the magic meter or legion technology, it's mainly because there is too much magic power stored.

There are at least thirty-six diamonds in this magic meter, and the magic power of the thirty-six Philosopher's Stones. I'm afraid that the yield of the small fireball is the same as that of a nuclear bomb...

If he were to cast a spell, even if it was just a magic detection, I'm afraid the movement would be too big, and the detection range would be too small to be meaningless. But if it were made larger, all the magicians in the City of Night would have small lightning bolts running from their foreheads, and they would be overwhelmed. The electricity was as electric as an epilepsy, and the movement was too loud, which did not fit with his low-key tactical style.

But it’s not a big problem, just find another person.

"Hey Zhen, where do you plan to take the exam? Dongda University?"

Azhen shook her head,

"The threshold of Dongda University is too high. I took the Yeshi Polytechnic entrance exam for independent admissions. If I can get a scholarship, I will go there. If I can't get it, I won't study."

Well, that's true. The threshold for places like Dongda is indeed a bit high. They are all the children of academics. Your father is an academician and my father is a professor. Generally, there is no help from family. Even if you put a few SCI articles in your resume, you can't get into the SCI interview. In your head, If I don't insert some comments about Maeba Chisuke, I can't even understand the question.

Relatively speaking, Ye's Institute of Technology does need to be more friendly to civilians. After all, Ye's Group is new here and has a serious shortage of human resources. Therefore, various universities have indeed expanded their enrollment in recent years and have admitted a lot of researchers, engineers, and programmers. It also offers full-service student loans to poor people in the suburbs outside the outer ring, like Huang Dahe. As long as you pass the exam, the school will provide you with tuition fees, equipment, and prosthetics, and you can work directly in Ye's to repay the loan.

Of course, the competition is very intense, you have to work hard, you are eliminated at the bottom, and there are also some young workers who want to mess with you... But no matter what, it is one of the few single-plank bridges for the weak to achieve a class jump.

"Oh, work hard then. I'll pay for the wontons."

"Okay, thank you, go on your way."

"By the way, let me say, do you want to make some extra money?"

Azhen's eyes became sharp and she looked Li Pan up and down.

"Why, I'm a student, not a chicken."

Li Pan was speechless, Zhen, you have changed. It was clearly not like this when he used Li Fan's face...

"...I'm not calling chicken, I'm asking you to do me a favor."

Li Pan opened his palms to reveal a pocket watch-like magic meter, and Li Pan projected another line of words,

"Hold your pocket watch, read these words, and I'll pay you one hundred thousand."

Azhen was a little hesitant, but then looked at the sports car that drove to the door to pick people up.

"One hundred thousand...is it really just that?"

Li Pan sent money directly,

"When the tax bureau investigated, they said it was a midnight snack ordered at the construction site."

Azhen hesitated for a moment, but the other party had already paid the money, so she still reached out and held her pocket watch and read,

"'Blood Demon Eye', 'Magic Detection', 'Vision Sharing'...ah!!"

The pointer of the magic meter started to spin, and A-Zhen exclaimed, her eyes instantly flushed with blood, and her eyes were filled with red.

Li Pan also scanned the city through vision sharing, checked the magic network and magic curve of the Night City, and quickly checked the areas where the deviation value fluctuated too high.

Well, most of the magicians gather in the Tower of Night. They should all be court magicians of the blood clan. There are also some onmyojis in Edo City, but they are just miscellaneous fish. The area of ​​the company is dark, but Aunt Huangquan's magic power is not small, so it should be It was blocked by a magic barrier. As for the spiritual veins in Chiyoda Prison, they are also sealed, so there is no problem.

Then the remaining areas that are obviously abnormal are...

Huh, are you really hiding there? Thinking about it, there is indeed a spiritual vein hidden there, and there are sufficient human resources.

"Okay, thank you very much."

So Li Pan took back the magic meter, patted Azhen on the head, and deleted his own face.

“Don’t be afraid, just let Ye’s magicians come over and check.

You have the talent to become a magical girl, and now that you have awakened your magic power, it should be easy to get a student loan.

You don’t have to sell wontons anymore. "

Looking back at his home again, Li Pan got into the sports car.

"To the industrial area."

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