I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 395 Partners of the Legion

The City of Night is equivalent to the big stage of the entire theater. It is the gathering place of the essence of 0791 Earth and Heaven and Earth. There are really many spiritual hubs. It's just that most of those places already have owners, either sealing one or suppressing that, and are strictly monitored by the company.

The legion has just arrived, and due to the characteristics of magicians, they have to arrange magic circles, build magic doors, and build magic workshops. Of course, they have to find an unowned land to settle down, so there are not many suitable base camp options.

The Collectors Association in the last time and space chose the Pacific District to build the workshop, but this time without Li Pan to cause trouble, the Ye Group became unprecedentedly powerful, and the Pacific District was designated by the Fabius family as its focus in the next century. The basic base is that a lot of civil engineering projects and business plans have not yet been completed and are still full of vitality. The construction site is in full swing. Naturally, water cannot be poured into this place.

However, Li Pan still remembered that Brother Duan later took over the place and developed it into a paradise. He unexpectedly discovered that there was a tributary of spiritual veins that led directly to the bottom of the corpse cremator of the Whirlpool Gang, and a back door was opened there.

But this time through the 'magic detection', Li Pan discovered that the tributary was 'missing', and the magic elves on the Whirlpool Gang's territory were surprisingly quiet, as if half of the city was insulated from the pulse of magic. I guessed that in all likelihood, the legion had played some trick and was hiding here secretly.

Of course, a supercar like SURPEME cannot drive directly into the Uzumaki Gang's territory, otherwise in less than half an hour, not even a single fender will be left. So Li Pan let the sports car navigate back to the garage and sneaked into the industrial area by himself.

In fact, there is no need to 'sneak in'. Coming to the Uzumaki Gang's territory is as familiar as going home. Li Pan walked around the industrial area twice, looking here and there, and he was basically sure that not only the Uzumaki Gang's territory has already Being taken over by the Legion, the Maelstrom Gang itself probably cooperated deeply with the Legion.

Maybe the guys who sell kidneys and eyeballs in the Uzumaki Gang don't have much left in their bodies that belong to humans. These semi-mechanical pieces of flesh that have been taken away by mainstream society and cruelly thrown into the garbage dump have become the same as those of the Legion. The remnants have a common language. The legion monsters seemed to be quite happy to hang out with the Whirlpool Gang.

Don't tell me, mixed with the wasteland punk style of the Uzumaki Gang, where humans are neither humans nor machines, nor ghosts nor ghosts, the extra-human shapes such as octopus heads, lizard men, and insect men can be naturally integrated into it. .

At first glance, it looks like some kind of crazy fantasy generated by a psychotic AI, a picture of an abyss and a demonic realm, with weird people communicating and cooperating, working together, and actually getting along happily.

And that’s not the weirdest thing about the inhuman harmonious relationship between the Whirlpool Gang and the Legion. The most ridiculous thing is that Li Pan discovered that the legion’s magicians not only surrounded the garbage dump, but also built a huge magic barrier with a large number of residents in the industrial area, Tongzilou, using The illusion magic circle disrupted satellite reconnaissance and turned the residential buildings into huge mazes.

Those dense industrial buildings were transformed like dungeons, equipped with various traps, monsters, magic illusions and alien space gaps. This means that Li Pan can see through all kinds of tricks and can come and go freely. Even if he were replaced by Gao Tianyuan, a professional infiltrator, he would inevitably fall into the labyrinth trap of these residential buildings, making it difficult to escape. In the end, the infiltration failed, and the plot entered into the demon-sealing ninja trap. And the Uzumaki Gang, the Sealed Demon Ninja and the Octopus Tentacles, the Sealed Demon Ninja and the Lizardmen, the Sealed Demon Ninja and the Insect Swarm, etc...

And through those residential building dungeons and magic circles, deep into the core of the Whirlpool Gang, you can see a huge military camp.

The aliens from the legion are distributing all kinds of alien weapons that have never been seen before to the Uzumaki boy, such as the magic cannon with special effects of light and shadow particles, and the armor modified from junkyard waste, which is as colorful as if it is enchanted with fluorescent agents. All kinds of red and green magic swords, axes and sticks.

Under the guidance of the mimic bugs and lizard elders, the whirlpool boys learned the tactics and techniques of using these alien equipment and quickly formed a group. The whirlpool bosses also discussed tactics with the legions and taught them various local folk technologies. , take out the art of mine and machine gun RPG forging and share it with your friends.

Well, it seems that everyone is going to fight for the rest of their lives to overthrow the corporate tyranny...

But don't mention it yet. This whirlpool army made such a big move under the eyes of everyone in the City of Night, but maybe it really won't attract the attention of various companies.

After all, the NCPA did not dare to go deep into the territory of these thugs to patrol. Although the three-headed dog led a team to launch raids to arrest the Uzumaki boy every three days, it was essentially to complete public security targets and make extra money by doing programs with TV stations. Recently, the media The heat is all on the Battle of Sekigahara, and the deep web is full of bloody battlefields leaking out their influence. Probably no one will pay for this kind of house-playing SWAT bomb-proof team first-person perspective of Mewtwo who sweeps gangsters for a while. .

And looking at the weather, it's getting hotter. The annual air-conditioning riot is a routine, and the large-scale operation of the Uzumaki Gang and the preparation of a robbery gang are also expected, so the company may really be caught off guard.

No, it will definitely be 'caught off guard'. To put it bluntly, even the large-scale riots and robberies carried out by the Uzumaki Gang every year are tacitly approved by the company. While they can release the Uzumaki Gang and wipe them all out, they can focus on cleaning up these pests and scum that pollute the environment. This can be used to adjust the safety deviation value of each community and then re-implement municipal planning.

Yes, in terms of municipal planning, you should also know that in a high-end community with complete properties, safety and environmental protection, the housing prices, land prices and property fees are much higher than those in places where gangsters rush in and rob them.

In this way, the Whirlpool Gang can buy for zero yuan, the company can inflate housing prices, and it can also promote circulation in the civilian goods market after the riots are suppressed. Adding a wave of consumption tax is also a win-win situation...

But since when did these lunatics from the Uzumaki Gang become so easy to talk to?

Li Pan has also done things like flag-raising and rebellion. At first, he thought about leading his brothers into a group, but he didn't expect that the Whirlpool Gang was very smart. They would rather pick up garbage and fuck people than be enemies with the company head-on. Why is this time and space so revolutionary? What deviation happened?

Wearing a raincoat and sneaking all the way, Li Pan successfully reached the depths of the Whirlpool Gang factory. As expected, the Mega Industry mechanical robot and MIMR super giant industrial robot in the super factory were also repaired by the legion. Those strangely styled equipment came off the assembly line in batches from the ruined super factory.

Theoretically, as long as there are sufficient resources to operate, an advanced assembly line at the level of MIMR can produce various equipment ranging from screws to cruisers based on blueprint designs.

Originally, the entire industrial zone served this production line, but due to the company's sanctions and in order to show sincerity in surrender, MIMR was abandoned by Gao Tianyuan, abolished its productivity, and honestly bought goods from the space people.

But after all, MIMR is also the tear of the times. There are also many rebels in Gaotianyuan who maintain objections. In the end, the board of directors was reluctant to dismantle the entire line, so they only cut off water and electricity, and took the initiative to go bankrupt. The Uzumaki Gang was able to destroy this cockroach easily. Found a place to stay.

Probably for this reason, the Ye family never completely wiped out the Uzumaki Gang, deliberately leaving them in the industrial zone to create a buffer zone to prevent duplicitous people like Takamagahara from secretly using MIMR to rebel.

However, the calculations between these companies gave the Legion an excellent opportunity. It seems that they have used magic and other means to provide energy for MIMR again, completed the repair of the production line, and with the garbage collected by the Whirlpool Gang, now Production capacity has been running steadily, and an army has been armed under the company's nose.

After sneaking into the factory to investigate for a while, Li Pan successfully discovered the leaders of these legions.

Well, you can tell at a glance that there is an elf among a group of monsters...

"Your Highness Ludwig, we have completed the modification and testing of the Magic Knight's module, and now locals can also use it."

The handsome elf boy with black hair and eyes looked at the mecha knights with satisfaction and made a speech to his subordinates.

"Well done, these magic knights are a lost technology from the legion era. Although our country has preserved the blueprints, it does not have the productivity to reproduce them.

But with this factory and the huge amount of resources the company wastes, an army can be established in no time! When the decisive battle comes, we will be able to give the company a heavy blow from the heart!

Victory will be ours! "

"Hi! Hi! Oh!"

Magic knight? A mecha from the magical world?

Li Pan went up to take a look and found that this thing looked a lot like a heavily armored canned knight. It was basically an exo-metal powered skeleton. It was slightly larger than the SBS and slightly smaller than the civilian SMS like the Type 3, but it was completed. The accuracy is quite high, and there are not as many module accessories as engineering SMS.

What's even more surprising is that this metal armor does not have any precise control circuit. The energy of the whole machine actually comes from the magic meter. Yes, you can directly insert the pocket watch into the magic pattern loop interface in the heart of the magic knight, and use those gems to The magic power drives the actions of the Mecha Knight, directly serving as the core of power.

Not to mention, the production process is really rough, the structure is much simpler than a supercar or something, and it doesn't use any imported chips, so it has skipped the sanctions imposed by Zhutian Company. And with the magic meter's equivalent output of thirty-six diamonds at every turn, it might be possible to hit a super-powerful critical hit from a ship-based weapon turret, and it might not necessarily catch the companies off guard.

The octopus-headed guard said beside the elf,

"Your Highness Ludwitch, it is a pity that all the rangers sent by our army were destroyed. I am afraid it was the hands of the guardian of the gate.

Moreover, I noticed that a magician has used wide-area magic detection. I am afraid that our whereabouts have been exposed, and this place may become a battlefield. You might as well avoid it first..."

But the elf with black hair and black eyes didn't care.

"No, leaders have to go first! The only people who are qualified to kill people are those who have the consciousness of being killed!

Mother, give me this opportunity! I want to prove that I'm better than Clovis! Let’s start the battle here! "

"Yes, as you wish."

Oh, by the way, this guy is probably the concubine prince of the huge Elf Queen in the Elf Empire. But it's so miserable, there isn't even a serious elf knight guard around me.

Li Pan was not in a hurry to take action, so he secretly followed the elf prince to see what he was capable of.

Then Li Pan was shocked.

This guy actually knows the soul method!

Well, it may not be right to say that Yuan Shen Magic is some kind of 'mind control magic'. Ludwig possesses some kind of magic eye magic. By looking at each other, he can emit strong bioelectromagnetic waves from his pupils and pass through the retina. and optic nerves affect the human brain, and then give strong suggestions to ordinary people and perform some kind of mind control magic.

Although it looks similar to the Moshan brainwashing technique, it is actually much weaker and closer to a one-time spell that forcibly instills one's will and affects the target's spirit. It may be okay for low-intelligent creatures, but it may not be good for intelligent creatures. will be particularly effective.

After all, if the target is a magician of the same level or stronger, this kind of magic will naturally not have much effect. It will most likely be resisted by the mage's various protective magics and props. Even if it is not a magician, it can still rely on willpower to resist after being attacked. , and the magic power will naturally become ineffective when it is exhausted.

However...the Uzumaki Gang, a group of mentally ill patients with abnormal brains, are not just a group of low-intelligence creatures...

Moreover, all the narcotics, stimulants and hallucinogens flowing in the veins of the Uzumaki boy are probably a critical hit bonus. This magic may be completely distorted from the personality level, and he has mentally succumbed to Ludwig's instructions.

Tsk tsk, that’s it. No wonder these wild dogs from the Uzumaki Gang can be tamed by him. Mind control is really a cheating plug-in.

Of course, such a little trick alone is not enough to challenge the company, let alone affect those octopus lizard bugs that are physiologically completely different from humans.

But the trump card of intelligent creatures is always wisdom, and Li Pan quickly saw that the real ability of Ludwig was not the magic eye, but the vast amount of knowledge and technology he had mastered through long years as an elf, especially It's those lost Legion technologies!

This elf prince is not a combat magician, but a standard alchemist.

Yes, this MIMR was almost restored by him alone, and the equipment blueprints of all these ancient legions were reproduced entirely through his own research.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this time and space, the company was completely unprepared for the actions of the legion, and did not even notice their existence at all. This is because so far, the magicians of the legion really do not need to use such exaggerated force.

So far, solely relying on Ludwig's personal ability, he has silently controlled the entire Whirlpool Gang and quickly transformed them into local legion collaborators, reorganizing a group of drug-addicted lunatics and psychopaths into the Whirlpool Legion.

It is precisely because of his outstanding performance that although the personal combat capabilities of those octopus lizards are far stronger than Ludovic, they are willing to obey the command and leadership of this 'young man'.

It is indeed the measure of a king.

However, it is very dangerous for the king to be too close to the battlefield. From this distance, he can be killed instantly with one blow...

"You can show up now."

Ludwig, who came to the basement alone, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Li Pan.

"Although I don't know what kind of invisibility magic you used, even the fluctuations of the magic elves can be hidden.

But the magic meter is a mechanical product that vibrates periodically and rubs gems to emit magic power. There will be a slight noise.

And our family is very sensitive to the vibration of sound waves. "

"...Tsk, your ears are amazing."

Li Pan appeared and faced the elf prince who showed no fear.

"However, being brave is indeed more remarkable."

"Is it a ninja..."

Ludovich was curious to see the other party's local costume, and thought for a moment.

"Although I've seen it in tokusatsu movies, I didn't expect that your stealth can be so powerful. I thought it was just a simple optical camouflage..."

In fact, it can be considered correct. The invisibility technique should be to use true energy to condense small water droplets around you to refract light...

"Hey, you're quite leisurely. Aren't you afraid that I'm here to take your head?"

Ludwig shook his head,

"As you can see, I have no power to restrain the chicken. The magician has been sneaked into such a close distance. Even if I am afraid, it will be useless.

It would be better to say that your Excellency has not confiscated my head yet. Are you planning to join us and become a companion of the legion? "

Tsk, you cunning boy secretly used your magic eyes on him... But that's okay...

"Okay, since you asked sincerely, then I will generously join the legion."

Ludwig was stunned for a moment. Frankly speaking, he really didn't expect this move to be successful right away.

"...Really? Since you have chosen to join, can I ask you about your identity and purpose?"



This guy didn't fall for the trick at all...

"So, now that we are companions."

Li Pan took out the magic meter from his waist and waved it in front of Ludvich's eyes.

"Belemnite, the sword stone, you sent people to steal it, right? What's the use of that thing?"

The guardian of the door...but it doesn't seem like it...

Ludwig was silent for a moment;

"It's a sacred skeleton. The guardian calls it a monster. To us, it's a magic prop. In short, it's a necessity for magic rituals. You can use that thing to summon beings from other worlds."

Li Pan frowned, "Summoning... a squid from another world?"

Ludwig shook his head,

"It's not a squid, it's a cosmic creature that swims in the star sea. It evolved from the sword stone. You guys call it Leviathan, and we call it the great fleet of whales in the star sea."

"Wow, a fleet of squids... So can you squids shoot machine mines? Can you spit out electron cannons? Can you shoot gamma ray bursts?"

Ludwig shook his head,

"Although the Star Sea Whales evolved into biological reactors through self-evolution, and are great creatures that can travel around the Star Sea through controllable internal circulation nuclear fusion, they are still just living creatures. They have certain intelligence, but they have not yet formed a civilization, let alone A race born for fighting, summoning them here is just for bait.”


Ludwig nodded,

“Yeah, just like fishing, it’s bait.

After all, Jianshi has been a major component of the food chain in the ancient ocean since the Devonian Period. "

Li Pan narrowed his eyes,

"You guys want to catch something?"

Ludovich smiled;

"Isn't this the wrong question? Your Excellency should ask, what exactly are those gate guardians trying to catch out by preparing such a feast?"

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