I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 410 Contrary to the Truth

"Jingle Bell"

Li Pan opened his eyes again as the phone rang.

I thought I would go to the end, or arrive at the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, he returned to the general manager's desk.

"Jingle Bell"

The landline is still buzzing.

Li Pan, who hadn't recovered yet, subconsciously raised his hand to take it, only to find that he was holding a glass of coconut juice in one hand and inserting the other into a gray cube box.

This is……

By the way, the box of desire, the box of pain, Schrödinger's box...

Then the microphone was brought to his ear, and Li Pan opened his mouth and said "Crooked?"

"General Manager, this is a serious matter!"

The landline screamed,

"0791 was invaded by the Legion! The company has fallen, the gate has fallen, and the Stargate is invading! Apply for an emergency restart! Apply for an emergency restart!"

"Oh, 0791 was..."

Li Pan opened his mouth, then realized something was wrong, so he turned to look at the receiver and found some black, snake-like tentacles wrapped around the receiver and holding it to his ear.


So Li Pan turned around and looked along the tentacles, only to see that the tentacles were actually extending from his shadow, from the 'head' area. The light source of the projection comes from behind him, from the star shining with white light outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the manager's office.

Li Pan was distracted for a moment. He walked to the window and saw only one star emitting white light in the deep sky outside the window.

A white dwarf star is a star that has entered the end of its life. The burned-out star core remains. Since there is no longer material inside for nuclear fusion reactions, the star no longer produces energy. At this time, it is no longer supported by the heat of nuclear fusion to resist gravitational collapse, but by the electron degeneracy pressure generated by extremely high-density matter.

The material that was thrown away from the star body became a nebula like a veil of clouds. The white dwarf star shrouded in the mist of this nebula emitted the last cool light, while the hydrogen, helium, and plasma ejected from the core of the star and dust, continue to spread outward, like morning mist, blowing morning wind in the universe.

And it wasn't until the spreading and stirring stardust reached the edge of the dark vacuum, as if it hit some invisible invisible mirror, and the waves hit the coast, stirring up layers of colorful stars and ripples, that Li Pan discovered this. The 'universe' actually has boundaries.

It is a mirror composed of countless atomic-level meshes, um, or a solar sail, or a solar panel... In other words, this is actually the 'inside' of a Dyson sphere.

So... if there is no second Dyson Sphere in the world...

This is ‘Zhuanxu’.

That white dwarf star,

Is it the sun?

"General Manager 01, please give me your instructions on how to act."


Li Pan came back to his senses and looked at the man in formal clothes reflected on the glass.

It's Li Pan, his own face.

Looking at the large intestine-like shadow on the ground, he gradually understood.

The shadow of Taixu Immortal.

He is one of those clones in the heavens and worlds who have cultivated to the Taixu realm and been assimilated by the demon...

Then he is actually...

"01 General Manager?"


"I'm very, very sorry. It seems that he has been deleted."

"Yeah...just do whatever you have to do."

"Uh, yes, yes!"

So Zhushou hung up the phone, and Li Pan lowered his head to look at his shaking shadow under the light of the white dwarf star. He pulled out his hand from Schrödinger's box, made a fist, raised the coconut juice in his hand, and drank it all in one gulp.

Why is it as light as water...

Li Pan couldn't figure it out for a moment, his mind was filled with confusing memories of Li Pan and Broom Head, so he stood up and walked out of the office with his hands in his pockets.

Of course, it is different from 0791. This head office office is packed with people. There are company dogs in formal suits in front of every desk. Regular workers holding folders and files are walking in a hurry, and the phone is ringing and the fax machine keyboard is beeping. The ticking bell kept ringing.

Then all this hustle and bustle disappeared the moment Li Pan opened the door and entered the office area.

All the company dogs were so shocked that they looked at Li Pan, who was walking through the corridor with his hands in his pockets. They all stood up and bowed, almost bending their waists into a sharp angle, like wheat stalks swept by a strong wind.

"Good morning! General Manager!"*N

"It's morning now..."

Li Pan looked at the white dwarf outside the window and shrugged.

"Do what you have to do."

So everyone sat down, just like a mouse seeing a cat, their voices dropped an octave in their throats.

Li Pan wandered to the elevator lobby and saw a group of company dogs waiting for the elevator with briefcases. Seeing Li Pan approaching, they all stood up and bent forward. Howling at the top of your lungs,

"Good morning! General Manager!"

"Okay, okay, which floor are you going to?"

"Uh... go, go to the bottom floor and restart 0791..."

"Oh, let's go, let's go together."

"Yes Yes……"


The elevator has arrived.

So Li Pan blended into the crowd, followed a group of sweaty company dogs and squeezed into the freight elevator. The freight elevator door was closed, the refrigerated warehouse was lowered, and then opened with a ding.

At the end of the warehouse, under the red indicator light of the 'emergency exit' in the distance, there is a door.

Li Pan walked ahead with his hands in his pockets. Before he even reached the door, the tentacle in the shadow stretched out like a third limb and opened the door.

Hearing the sound of chattering teeth behind him, Li Pan didn't bother to pay attention to them and walked through the door first.

Then, it was like breaking into a reflection in a mirror.

Li Pan walked out from under the 'emergency exit' sign again.

Just on this side of the door.

In front of the fire safety door, the pale human skeleton was still blocking the door.

The left hand holds a ‘mess’.

The right hand holds the 'Holy Grail'.

Well, it seems to be 0791.

Without another glance, Li Pan said to the company's employees,

"Do what you have to do."

So he crossed the skeleton and walked to the freight elevator. The company dogs who followed behind him left the two of them behind and carefully put the monster into the briefcase. Others hurriedly caught up and followed Li Pan into the freight elevator.

‘Ding’ ‘ding’ ‘ding’, the freight elevator stopped from time to time, and the two of them went out to collect the monsters on each floor.

When the freight elevator finally reached the elevator room on the top floor, Li Pan was the only one walking out with his hands in his trouser pockets.

When I stepped out of the elevator, I was greeted by a gust of cold wind. In a blink of an eye, I saw that the building that had been cut in two by the sword light had collapsed.

In the sky above their heads, dozens of manta rays appeared from the void, spreading their wings and soaring. Their huge wings were connected together, covering the starry sky of the Night City. And spit out a large number of fairy boats, flying swords, and magical beasts and birds from his mouth, constantly airdropping troops from other worlds.

And in the distant sky, countless meteors and light showers are also chasing and fighting, shining brightly and exploding stardust.

It was a sword fairy from another world flying through the air, raining down swords of light, and fighting fiercely with a swarm of drones that rushed back from the local Sekigahara battlefield, spraying metal storms, and raining ion cannons.

"Boom boom boom" "biubiubiu" "bang bang bang"

On the ground, under the arrangement of the security system, the spider fleet, SMS and armored units that arrived on emergency maneuvers also rushed into the city, projecting rows of rain of fire and throwing millions of tons of steel and explosives into the sky. Towards the earth, trying to cover all evil spirits with pure steel rain.

Then there was a loud, earth-shattering sound that resounded throughout the night city, like a beast roaring or a dragon roaring. The super ion rays that swept across the entire map swept across the earth, sweeping away the skyscraper's steel city, bursting it, turning it into molten steel, and igniting it into a hell of fire!

The armored group on the ground was instantly destroyed by this overwhelming high-energy strafing. Amidst the blood, fire and gunpowder smoke, hot wind swept across, and it appeared that it was coming ashore from the southern port area. A giant beast with a height of 100 meters poked its head from above the Night City Dam. , a giant tyrannosaurus sea beast that looks like Godbera, overlooking the human city and squeezing the Night City Dam.

Oh, is it the company's fishman clone? It has grown so big. It's so fast to level up by eating garbage.


There was no time to be shocked by this monster! Fenrir! Rush to the battlefield!

A wolf-shaped monster with Sif's head in its mouth swoops out! Sif's head shrieked like a banshee! Sweeping his paw at the formally dressed company dog ​​in front of him! Trying to tear him to pieces!

But Li Pan still put his hands in his pockets, looking at Dao Xi rising into the sky in the west, while his shadow stood up, grabbed Fenrir's throat with his left hand, and beat him back and forth with the vampire prince. The seventh-level enhanced person is holding it in mid-air with one hand.

Fenrir was thrashing about like a mad dog, swinging his fists angrily and striking randomly. The punches he made made loud bangs, and even produced sonic booms. Not to mention the human body, if it hit the frame of the battleship, it would probably be shattered like pieces of paper.

However, this powerful fist was blocked by the shadow, but it could not even reach the corner of Li Pan's clothes. It was all empty and passed through the shadow, unable to cause any damage.

"Magic Gun!!"

Sif screamed angrily, sprayed out a shining magic spear from her mouth, and pierced the shadow's chest.

However, this blow that penetrated the stardust seemed to be thrown into the universe, flying into the shadow like falling into the starry sky, and gradually moved away, and finally disappeared.

Li Pan glanced at her, and the shadow took hold of his hand and pinched Fenrir's cervical vertebrae. Then the black shadow, like an infected strain or asphalt, spread along Fenrir's skin and blood vessels, blending the entire werewolf into the night, into the darkness. In the shadow.


The giant god Bira roars again! The giant beast opens its mouth and sprays! Ice blue ion flames came with a blast! Right in the middle of the company building! The surging and sputtering plasma slurry spread out in all directions! Burn and melt all the surrounding residential buildings!

But it's no use!

This earth-shattering shot, a super powerful energy shock wave! The shadow raised his right hand and blocked it! The direct fire from the battleship's main gun was like a sprinkler gun!

Centimeter! none! egg! use!

No, it’s not completely useless! At least it occupies one of Immortal Shadow's hands!


Emei’s big white-haired baboon! Escape in the air! The void flashes! Both palms come out! A palm with 100% of the Heavenly Silkworm Skill hit Li Pan's vest!

However, this self-sacrifice strike, a full-strength palm strike, was blocked by a flat, almost useless shadow.

It was as if the whole person was thrown into the black curtain of light and shadow, and even a clear and distinct human shape appeared on the thin screen.

However, from the shadow screen, several arms clearly stretched out and grabbed the arms, legs and waist of the Emei baboon. They tore it apart and tore it into six pieces. They fell into the curtain and were wrapped in the shadow. No bones were left. .

Li Pan also raised his right hand from his trouser pocket, raised his right index finger, and pointed at Ge Bila in the distance.


Then the plasma light cannon suddenly went out, and the huge fish head was chopped off with a knife. The giant beast fell on its back and fell to the sea. The blood spurted from its neck dyed the port and dam red like a red tide.

There was silence for a moment, and Fenrir was slowly swallowed into the shadow. Li Pan turned his head and looked at a large group of elderly tourists from Xuanmen and another world standing densely in the clouds, staring at him.

"What are you doing, looking for death?"

The Xuanmen gods looked at Li Pan, counted with their fingers, then you looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all shook their heads, and neatly turned into a nine-color rainbow, and scattered away to pick some soft persimmons to pinch.

Gee, these old guys are still smart.

Li Pan was too lazy to pursue. He took out the silver key from his formal suit, opened the door, and came to the newly built SIDE1 spaceport at the Sun-Earth Lagrange point L1. He walked to the outer wall of the space station, stood in the bright sunshine, and looked up. Stargate.

Zhuyin, that huge dragon is using its huge Tao body to wrap around the ring-shaped star gate, implanting its purple python-like scale claws deeply into the alloy ring-shaped star gate, as if it wants to combine flesh, blood and alloy , blending into one, the thick and hard iron is wrapped with purple pulsating tendons, just like a...

"Yes, the Ouroboros of reincarnation, the Möbius strip."

Li Pan turned his head and looked at the Taoist priest, who was bathing in the same sunlight and carrying a sword on his back, whose face he couldn't see clearly.

"I originally wanted to say... forget it, so are you Li Fan? Or Li Qingyun?"

The Taoist priest on the opposite side bowed his head.

"The poor Taoist Li Qingyun is here to die today."

Li Pan looked at him and then at the Ouroboros in the sky, as if he suddenly understood.

"Oh, so, if I kill you at this point, the previous reincarnation will begin, right...

But doesn’t your future end here? does it worth? "

Daozi, standing in the sun with his face hidden in the shadows, seemed to smile and then nodded,

"There is no way to destroy heaven with man, no way to destroy life for reasons, no way to gain fame and death, so be careful and don't lose it. This is to go against the truth."

Li Pan was silent for a while, sighed, nodded, and shook his head again.


Then Daozi took advantage of the sunshine and stabbed him with his sword.

And Shadow waved his hand.

Li Qingyun, his blood, and his sword were split in half by the Shadow Blade.

Then the candle shadow wrapped around the star gate cracked, and the blood of the candle dragon spilled out, soaking the star gate.

Under the final sacrifice, the time machine was turned on.

The ring-shaped star gate and the snake body with our tail shine in the dragon's blood, refracting all kinds of light together, forming a Möbius strip, like a water mirror in the vacuum, even reflecting the moon in the distance. shadow.

Li Pan looked at the door that probably led to the Final Battlefield.

Just as he was about to step forward, he suddenly hesitated for a moment, retracted his steps, turned around and opened the silver key door.

On the other side of the door, a woman was running in the gravity training room. When she saw Li Pan pushing the door open, she snorted and ignored him.


Li Pan looked at her from behind for a while,

"Why did you want to date me in the first place?"


Wei raised her eyebrows and glanced at him with a look that said, "There's nothing wrong with you, right?"

Li Pan looked at her quietly,

"I suddenly couldn't remember."

Wei couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said angrily,

"Because at that time you were a low-level piece of trash with no money, no education, no future, no ambition, and all you could do was eat and drink and watch TV series and play games all day long."

Li Pan, "..."

Wei saw that he was not angry, and felt that it was boring to argue after they had been together for so long. She curled her lips and turned her head.

“…But as it happens, I’m the same as you.

Because both of us are trash without any future or possibility.

So only by your side, I will not be jealous, uneasy, or feel inferior.

So as long as you are by my side, I can happily degenerate without any psychological burden.

So I feel that a future where two people are together forever, with no other possibility, is really so happy. "

"Yes, are you happy..."

"...Hey, why are you crying so hard? You look like you want to be fucked by a group of people. Do you want to play games together tonight?"

But when Wei wiped her sweat and turned around, the man was no longer there.

At the same time, Li Pan, who was transformed into the shadow of Taixu Immortal, stepped through the door and returned to the end.

A bunch of guys are waiting for him. Some of them are familiar to each other, and some of them don’t know which corner popped out. But in short, those who can stand in front of the final boss and form a group must at least be above the realm of 'refining the gods and returning to the void', otherwise they probably won't be able to deal even white damage.

Li Fan, Master Xian, Black Pharaoh, Blood God Son, Brother Duan, Fat Woman...

Well, of course he is indispensable. The leader of the team, the broom...

Li Pan frowned and stared at the fat man who was wearing ancient armor and standing at the front of the team. He suddenly felt that his memory was biased.

"Who are you? Where is the broom head?"

What was in front of him was not some empty Bodhisattva, but a powerful man in black armor that he had never seen before, a fat man dressed up like an old general on the stage.

This fat man is padding his belly, and he doesn’t know whether it’s fat or heavy armor. He has eight flags on his back, with the Eight Diagrams of Heaven and Earth painted on them. He holds a nine-section whip with nine thunder talismans engraved on the whip bone. Li Pan saluted,

"Young man Mo Shan Zheng Jian, on the order of the ancestor, came to help with the boxing."

Li Pan ignored him and looked at the crowd.

"Li Fan, where's the broom head?"

Li Fan hid behind the general and showed his head.

"There is no such thing as a broomstick. In other words, you are the broomstick."

Li Pan frowned,

"what are you saying."

Li Fan smiled,

"You are Li Pan, the 001 of Zhutian, the general manager of Guiyi. In the end, you swallowed Zhutian and transformed into the prototype of a mule.

The broom head is just a dream of yours, Li Pan.

I know that a mule cannot be stopped, and every one of you will eventually become a mule after passing that singularity.

So you will never use Schrödinger's eyes to observe yourself who was once weak and powerless and finally lost everything.

But if you know that at that singularity, there is an unprecedented possibility, you will definitely not be able to help but watch it!

Therefore, ‘Broom Head’ is a dream I send to you.

A beautiful dream in which you can coexist with us without destroying all the heavens and eating up everyone.

How about it, it’s not bad to have relatives, friends, and dreams of desires.

How about we stop fighting and kill each other, just like in the dream, let's all be happy together and be happy forever. "

Li Pan frowned, thought for a while, and shook his head.

"No, you are lying. If it was a dream, Wei in this time and space would have been dead long ago.

There is another me.

There is a broom head.

Hand him over. 0791 is for you, I don’t care. "

Li Fan smiled,

"You use the life and death of a woman to decide the survival of the world. Isn't it biased?

But how do you know Vi is not dead? Did you go to see her? Have you relented? "

Li Pan didn't speak anymore, but the shadows under his feet stood up one by one and turned into Fenrir, Emei Baboon, Gobira, Li Qingyun...

Zheng Jian was so nervous that he turned to look at Li Fan.

"Ju, Juzi! This, this is different from what was promised! Didn't it mean that this time it was the Immortal Shadow? Will he stand still and let us fight? Why, why did he suddenly appear as a clone!"

Li Fan hid behind him, took a wine bottle from his robe and stuffed it into him to calm his shock.

"Oh, okay, okay, Xiao Zheng, you can do it! Use your ancestor's madness! We have rehearsed it for many rounds, no problem!"

The result showed that the teacher simply coughed, escaped, and transmitted the message thousands of miles away.

"Ahem, Juzi, I suddenly feel cold and feel unwell. I'll go back and get some elixirs. I'll go back as soon as I go..."

"I look old! Everyone! Everyone, look up to me!"

When Li Fan saw that the morale of the army was wavering, he quickly raised his hands and gave everyone a firm look.

"Don't worry, everyone! Everything is under my plan!

Now the mule has fallen prey to my Moshan brainwashing technique! Confused self-perception, unable to distinguish between dreams and reality! Already a psycho!

Xiao Zheng will hold the Boss later, and we will all deal damage together to hold him down! Fight to death! Beaten to the point of dizziness!

The personalities of the broom-head brothers have a chance to gain the upper hand! Jedi comeback! We have a chance of winning!

But everyone, please pay attention. Except for the main T, everyone else comes one by one. In the wheel battle, be sure not to attack him together. If you go together, he will get PTSD. If the T can't hold it back, he will go berserk! "

Li Pan narrowed his eyes,

"Hey, you think I'm deaf."

Li Fan sighed and turned to look at him.

"Li Pan, actually you're doing pretty well. It's all the world's fault that you're forced to be like this. I really want to take advantage of you..."

As a result, before he could say a few more words, Zheng Jian, who was drunk in one gulp, turned red in the face, jumped with his left foot, turned with his right foot, and spun like a top, talking nonsense and yelling indiscriminately.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Eight heavenly dragons protect my body! Nine divine thunders protect my body! Master Kongkong comes up to me! I will beat you with a steel whip in my hand!! Moshan gymnastics! Seven hundred and eighty heavy Gang Fist !”

Then it comes out like a cannonball! The feet are dry! Fist to shatter the void!

One move to destroy the friendship! Blast through the curtain of shadow! Knock Li Pan out!

open! Strange!

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