I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 411 Where the Stars Go (Complete)

Li Pan opened...


"Damn, what's going on..."

This time, before Li Pan even opened his eyes, he received a big blow. It was like dreaming of going back to the military academy, sleeping until midnight, and suddenly being hit on the head with a dumbbell. It felt like half of my face was broken, stars were shining in my eyes, my mind was buzzing, my vision was blurry, I was paralyzed on the ground, spinning, and I was crawling for a long time. Can't get up.

Then someone rushed up and lifted him up with his arms. Li Pan immediately counterattacked by lifting his vaginal leg and giving him a headbutt.

But at this time, he found that his hands and feet were tied up with something like bandages. He could only kick the opponent's instep with one kick, and his headbutt could only break the opponent's lips. Not only was it weak, it also aroused the opponent's anger. The punch hit Li Pan's lower abdomen, causing him to spit out sour water.

"Cough cough cough, cough cough cough..."

The man stopped and dragged Li Pan away on his shoulders. He seemed to be dragging out of some cell or dormitory. He passed through a long corridor, then passed an elevator and a series of iron doors, and finally took him to a clean room with plenty of sunshine. Inside, put him on a folding chair.

Li Pan sat on the folding chair and breathed for a while. Although his mind was still in a mess, his senses gradually recovered. With the pain, his vision, smell, and hearing gradually came back. Send the smell of blood, disinfectant, and grass into your brain.

From time to time, footsteps and soft conversations could be heard outside the door, but the guy who gave him a slap in the face seemed to be staying behind and not leaving. The body was very weak and its muscles were severely atrophied. Li Pan had no strength to look back, so he had to squint his swollen eyes and take a look.

It is surrounded by white tones, with desks, hospital beds, medicine boxes and some electronic equipment. It seems to be a place like a medical office. The sun is shining brightly outside the window, with blue sky and white clouds, lush green mountains and green trees, and there are faint clouds in the distance. You can see the snow-capped mountains. It seems that the earth is doing a good job in environmental protection.

Then there were footsteps, the door opened, and the thug behind him stood at attention with a snap.

"Easy, what happened to him?"

"Report to the chief, 0791 attempted suicide."

"Suicide? How can you commit suicide when you are tied up like this?"

"He rolled off the bed and hit his head on the ground, almost breaking his neck..."

"All right……"

Then the 'chief' wearing a white coat and black-rimmed glasses walked up to Li Pan, took out a flashlight pen and shined it into Li Pan's eyeballs.

"0791, how are you? Do you recognize me? Are you dizzy? Do you want to vomit?"

Li Pan looked at his face and then at his collar.

"Colonel Li Fan."

The other party was stunned and happy,

"Hi? Do you remember me? Looks like you really hit your head."

Li Pan stared at him,

"So is this Mewtwo calculated by Pangu? Are you a personality simulation or role-playing?"

The other party had a smile on his face, pressed the pen, took out a pamphlet from his coat and started writing.

"Okay, let's do an MRI first and prescribe aripiprazole..."

"I'm not mentally ill."

Li Pan turned his head and looked around, glared at the guard who was staring at him nervously, as if he was ready to come up with a friendly fist at any time, and then looked at the snow-capped mountains.

"So...this scene is a research institute developing AI prototypes, right?"

Li Fan sighed, and while writing the prescription, he shook his head with regret.

"AI? No, it's our radar."

Li Pan was stunned.

"Radar? Are you sure it's radar? Not QVN quantum communication?"

Li Fan glanced at him in surprise and stopped writing.

"There are also communications-related projects, but what is QVN?"

Li Pan looked at him suspiciously,

"Quantum virtual network? A quantum virtual network that connects the heavens? Haven't you heard of it? Isn't it Mewtwo..."

Guard: "Chief, this guy is a crazy man. Do you want to get a shot of diazepam first?"

Li Pan glared at him.

Li Fan made a gesture of "Wait a minute, I'll see if he has anything else to say." He picked up a folding stool and sat down in front of Li Pan.

"Tell me more specifically, how does this QVN achieve quantum communication?"

Li Pan glared at him with the look of "you ask me, I ask who", but seeing the guard gearing up and eager to give it a try, he had to recall the communication principle that someone mentioned,

"It seems to be something... based on trapped ion entanglement and simple quantum algorithms, through the joint measurement of quantum entanglement pair distribution and Bell state, the information transmission of quantum states is achieved..."

Li Fan adjusted his glasses and laughed.

"You mean Quantum teleportation? Quantum teleportation? Did you read it in some novel?

The unknown quantum state to be transmitted and one of the particles of the EPR pair are jointly measured based on Bell. Due to the quantum non-local correlation characteristics of the EPR pair, all the quantum information of the unknown state will be 'transferred' to the second particle of the EPR pair. On the particle, as long as an appropriate unitary transformation is performed on the quantum state of the second particle of the EPR based on the Bell basis measurement results transmitted through the classical channel, the particle can be placed in exactly the same quantum state as the unknown state to be transmitted, thus The unknown state is reproduced on the second particle of EPR.

A virtual network is not point-to-point, but it realizes the quantum calibration of all nodes like the Internet, connects every moment, and builds a neuron network like the Internet.

This concept is too advanced, and current human technology is unable to achieve that kind of 'super-time and space transmission'. Not to mention the Internet, even point-to-point ‘dial-up’ will take another hundred years, haha. "

Li Pan couldn't help but secretly glance at the guard with dull eyes, and felt a little relieved after confirming that everyone was the same idiot.

Ahem, but then again, people can't dream about things they haven't seen, and Li Pan couldn't understand a word of the above paragraph, so this must not be a dream he imagined.

But if it’s not a dream…

"Are you sure you are Colonel Li Fan? You are not working on AI, but on radar?"

Li Fan simply took out his work ID card from his coat and showed it to Li Pan.

Wow, it’s still the AD year...

Li Pan was silent for a while,

"Then I don't care what you are doing, why are you tying me up?"

The guard looked sympathetically at a lunatic.

Li Fan had to take a look at Li Pan with great interest.

"It seems that your condition has recovered well, at least you have rational thinking, but your memory is still missing, so let me explain it again.

Simply put, what we are doing is a kind of bio-radar. "

Oh... gone? Hey, it’s too simple!

Then Li Pan saw the other party raise the pen in his hand and point at himself.

Li Pan slowly frowned.

"I am...a biological...radar?"

Li Fan nodded and drew casually with a pen.

"Well, it may not be accurate to say that it is radio detection and ranging, because it is not positioning through 'radio', but EEG, Electroencephalogram, which is brain waves.

By enhancing and coordinating the electrical signals generated by the activities between human brain neurons through equipment, and coordinating resonance on specific channels, basic communication transmission can be carried out with fixed base stations, and a human radio station can be realized for military emergency use.

And to go one step further, it will be upgraded to form a bioradar with the human brain as the basic detection unit.

In wartime, when the full-band ECM of the space-based orbiting satellite system is paralyzed, individual soldiers can immediately serve as frontline reconnaissance and fire positioning, and establish a temporary theater command network.

If you go one step further, it will be upgraded to a single soldier base station and HQ, which can use brain waves to remotely control all weapon platforms, from drones to warships, aircraft and strategic missile units, and call for fire support at any time.

In theory, once this technology is popularized, in the near future, it will not only be limited to military use, but also extended to civilians. Computers and mobile phones will no longer be needed, and the human brain can be directly used to control circuits and electrical equipment. The road to brain-computer integration will be opened. . "

Li Pan and the guard, "Wow..."

Li Fan pointed at his head with a flash pen.

"Of course, the human brainwave band is only 0.5-30Hz, so some surgery is needed here, and some things are inserted to assist, in order to barely meet the needs of the military.

And 0791, you are the No. 1 unit of our project, the first active human radar to successfully install the 'receiving', 'output' and 'frequency modulation' functions.

So objectively speaking, your problem does stem from physical changes in the brain structure, which may be bioelectrical interference, or misjudgment of received clutter, resulting in various cognitive confusions and memory errors.

At present, it seems that the main sequelae is split personality. It is most likely caused by excessive power of the intracranial plug-in, leading to organ inflammation, local lesions, and damage to the brain lobes. "

Li Pan understood, and then got angry,

"Oh shit! Human experimentation is okay! Do you want to get my consent by inserting your brain into my brain?"

Li Fan nodded,

"Of course there is. Do you think you can just grab anyone on the street to make a profit? This kind of key confidential project is selected internally by the military. Applications are voluntary and repeated political review and screening. Everyone's identity is strictly confidential. I don't know. Woolen cloth.

Of course, I don’t specifically care about personnel transfers. If you really can’t remember, you can apply to retrieve the files if you have any questions. After all, if you participate in the project, you will be given third-class merit. If there are casualties, pensions will be paid to the family members as martyrs. The process must be legal. legally. "

Li Pan, "..."

Li Fan also looked at him,

"Then do you want to apply for retirement? I can approve it. In your current situation, it is impossible to return to normal life. You should be arranged to retire in a military nursing home or something like that.

Although I don’t know what kind of mood and awareness you had when you applied to join the project, those who dare to face the unknown and make sacrifices for the people are worthy of being called heroes, even if they have lost the memory of the past. , cannot erase your determination and passion.

But 0791, I still advise you to keep persisting. After all, we have the technology and equipment here. Maybe the project will make breakthrough progress and be able to cure you again. "

Li Pan thought for a while,

"Biological radar, perceptual positioning, memory confusion... Then yours should be a Temporal Core Augmentation, a temporal lobe enhancement core, inserted in the hippocampus."

Li Fan was stunned.

"Huh? You can say that."

Li Pan smacked his lips,

"Having auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, confused memory, a little impaired taste... maybe it's a little bit inflamed. You should have saved the video of the operation. Show me where I installed it wrong. Also, if you have hibernation mixture, mix some for me." ”

Li Fan and the guard looked at each other.

"Hibernation mixture? What is that..."

Li Pan frowned,

"Have you never heard of hibernation mixture? Isn't this timeline too early? It's a nerve-sustaining release drug prepared by NASA for astronauts.

Is it not the age of space development yet? Then you have to make it yourself, luckily I remember the molecular formula..."

The guard couldn't help but complain,

"The space agency you are talking about is not from our opponent, is it? We call it the space agency here..."

Li Fan also complained,

"Can you still prepare your own formula based on the molecular formula?"

Li Pan sighed,

"A long-term illness can lead to a cure. I can tell you the formula and you will know if it works."

Colonel Li Fan obviously didn't believe the crazy words of the mental patient, but he agreed to go through the process first and show Li Pan the video of the operation. Of course, the premise is that Li Pan must agree to receive treatment and stop going crazy and committing suicide.

"...So I was a psycho before?"

Li Pan asked the guard, who responded with "Aren't you right now?" ’ His eyes squinted at him.

“Besides committing suicide and attacking other people, uh, attacking you, sorry, I mean what else specifically have I done?

Did I say anything? Say something incomprehensible like today? Or completely abnormal behavior? "

The guard looked suspicious, but after thinking about it, he did have memory impairment, so he shared some specific symptoms with him.

"It was fine at first. It was normal for half a year before and after the operation. However, after all the prosthetics were implanted a few days ago, I don't know whether it was pain or something else. I started crying very loudly at night and felt manic during the day. He would hit anyone he saw, and then he would seek death. Now he seems to be a completely different person.

The chief said that every time he tried to emit bioelectrical signals, you had a violent reaction. It might be that you were stimulated by the received radio waves. However, the project plans were approved in advance and could not be changed. They could only temporarily put you in the basement air-raid shelter. It might be better to have lead plate concrete as a barrier. "

As the guard said this, he led Li Pan towards the basement. The door was opened according to his face. It seemed that 0791 did have the right of passage. He was not locked in a cell and tied up like this just to avoid another headbutt from him.

Li Pan thought for a while,

"When is the next trial?"

The guard didn't even hide it from him.

"At night, it's usually when the moon is full. I heard that the antenna has the strongest response to signals sent to the moon, and other people receive the clearest information. I don't know the specific reason yet."

Li Pan stared at him,

"Anyone else?"

"Of course there is. You are already 0791. After many rounds of surgeries and experiments, the test was successful even for you, four boys and one girl. But their reaction was not as great as yours, and of course their progress was not as fast as yours. Let's do the test upstairs now. But I can’t let you go to meet me, so as not to get infected or something.”

"Psychosis is not contagious, okay?" Li Pan asked curiously, "What is the specific test?"

"You have forgotten this. It is probably daily physical training, physiological monitoring, memory, logical thinking and intelligence training. The most important thing is brain wave signal sending and receiving, long-distance communication and so on.

Receive the radio waves sent by the main station, confirm whether what you see is blue or red, count the suit points of the poker in your hand, transmit the brain waves to the person across the table, and so on. Just like the superpowers in the TV series. "

Li Pan looked at the guard's longing expression and said, "You also signed up, right?"

The guard nodded and showed Li Pan the surgical opening on the back of his head.

"My project failed the first time. The implant didn't work and I couldn't receive anything. However, it didn't have any real impact. The confidential unit couldn't be easily transferred, so I stayed to help."

"Is it……"

Back in the dormitory, the floor was already covered with thick quilts. Li Pan hesitated for a moment.

"Do we know each other? What's your name?"

The guard is alert,

"Don't make excuses. You sent me here to watch because the others were beaten away by you. Just stay here and I won't let you go."

"You can let him go."

Early the next morning, Li Fan came with the procedures to release him.

Naturally, the guard had nothing to say. He saluted and released Li Pan from his restraints, but still followed him closely to prevent him from committing suicide.

Li Fan was not worried at all. After all, researchers only believed in observed facts.

The fact is that 0791 not only suddenly recovered from madness and provided the formula for hibernation mixture, but also...

"It's surprising that not only our tower, but also other test personnel have received the message you sent."

Li Pan looked at the papers handed to him and wrote, "I am Dongguai Gouyao. I am now regarded as mentally ill and imprisoned in the Abnormal Human Research Center. As long as you give me one million, I will come out." I'll pay you back a hundred yuan. ’ note.

"Yes, congratulations, your research was successful. But I thought you would hesitate for a few days..."

Li Fan shook his head,

"There's nothing to be happy about. I can only receive messages from you all night, and we can't finish the experiment. Besides, we don't have time to waste on 'doubts'.

To be honest, our progress can no longer be regarded as "innovation", but "replication", and the results are expected.

It would be better to say that your success story has not appeared until now, and it is even a bit late, at least three stages behind others. The first phase of actual combat applications has been implemented there, and now they are trying to link special combat groups and battlefield drones. "

"Huh? Over there? Oh, yes..."

Li Pan also remembered that this was an era before the unified security committee appeared, Earth 0, the technological singularity, that is...

On the eve of the war...

"So the situation is already tense, right?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly and took Li Pan upstairs.

“More than just being nervous, I just heard that AI has really been developed over there.

By the way, what you said to me before was reported to the three agencies, and immediately received a positive response from the intelligence department. The matter of AI and hibernation mixture also confirmed many of their guesses, and they immediately sent people over.

So now the think tank above speculates that you probably happened to link to the channel there during the experiment and intercepted this top-level confidential information. Nowadays, the development and research of EEG is actually in the initial stage, and the possibility of such backdoor interference cannot be ruled out.

From now on, you are the only and strongest radar on our side. "

Li Pan secretly asked the guard,

"Oh...what are the second and third places?"

The guard sighed,

"The second office is the staff office, and the third office is the confidentiality office."

Li Pan understood,

"It's a dog-day security bureau, right?"

The guard stared at him;

"I'm from the Third Office!"

"Oh? Is your surname Chen?"

The guard ignored him again, okay keep it a secret.

Li Pan didn't have time to pay attention to him for a while, because people from the second office quickly took a helicopter and came to the research institute close to the valley of the snow-capped mountains.

The two military coats didn't waste any time. They got off the helicopter and went straight to the topic.

"Your senior colonel, your institute has intercepted intelligence on the enemy's AI?"

Li Fan scratched his head, "Technically speaking..."

Li Pan also has no ink marks,


The two people in the two places looked at each other,

"With only one name, it's difficult for us..."

Li Pan shrugged.


The second agent opened his mouth.

Li Pan continued,

"HOHENHEIM, SERAPHOENIX, Galaxy Queen... Of course, the progress of these is a little slower, especially after the decision to establish Terra Holdings there, most of the resources have been coordinated and allocated, and all resources related to AI development have been concentrated on the MELCHIOR project Go up."

The two looked at each other and rushed out, "Hey, hey, hey!" They had to make a phone call.

Li Fan, "Wow..."

Li Pan, "It was him who said a name was not enough."

Li Fan looked at him curiously,

"Those just now are all foreign AIs, right? What about ours? What is it called?"

Li Pan shrugged.


Li Fan frowned like an old grandfather...

In short, at this point in time, the Iron Curtain of Cybersecurity has quietly descended, and one step behind will be doomed. Li Pan's previous 'cases' were all written off, and he immediately invested in the 'radar monitoring' project.

And Li Pan had only one request.

"Aren't you planning to commit suicide by jumping off the building again?"

The guard carefully checked the distance from the roof of the institute to the bottom of the building.

Li Pan was lying on the roof and smiled at him.

"You can catch me, dear."

The guard glared at him and pushed the door open.

"Put another layer of mat down."

Li Pan shrugged and lay alone on the rooftop, waiting until night fell, waiting for the stars to shine, and waiting for the full moon to hang high.

When the signal transmission started, the ionized ozone dyed the sky light blue.

Li Pan closed his eyes and concentrated on the bright moon in front of him.

No, slightly off. To be precise, through the reflection of the moon, his brain waves are projected to the Sun-Earth Lagrange point and through the door...


"Hey, hey! Broom head! Can you hear me!"

Opening his eyes, Li Pan saw Li Fan's face growing out of the moon and smiling at him.

"Is it going well, our ultimate family-changing battle?"

Li Pan said, "Fuck, my face is so big. It's so disgusting. I feel like I'm going to vomit."

Li Fan, "Don't, don't, don't, hold on for a while, I don't know when I can contact you next time!"

In short, we have the mule under control here! You must reverse the singularity! Change the future! "

Li Pan, "You mean 'past', right?"

Li Fan, "No! It's the future! You have to create a new future! I know that even a mule can't do it, but you can do it with a broomstick!"

Because you are another possibility! You are the one we choose, another future! So we all believe in you! come on! effort! "

Li Pan was speechless,

"Fuck, give me all the support except help... Please, they are going to fight three wars here soon. I'm panicking."

Li Fan, "Don't worry, everything is under my plan. You will not be left alone. I have sent the most awesome one among us to help you!"

"The most awesome? Aren't you the most awesome?"

Li Fan smiled,

"Thank you for taking a high look, but I'm here to plot against you. I haven't used my sword for many years, so I can barely make it to the top ten...

Ahem, anyway, you believe me! This time Master Dao really took the risk! I have given you all the trump cards that I have hidden in my hand that always guarantee three and compete for one! I don’t believe it’s not enough! "

Li Pan was a little curious when he said that.

"Who is that? Teacher Xian?"

"Uncle Patriarch! Help! If you don't take action, I will be beaten to death by him!"

"Wow, hold on! It's the end! Anyway, you'll know when I see you! What else is going on? I'm about to collapse!"

Li Pan actually had a lot more questions that he wanted to ask, but as the words came to his lips, they finally became,

"What's the name of Mule's AI?"

"What? AI? Are you talking about a chicken? Now we are fighting against the Legion, not to mention that we have so many descendants of the three major sects, how can we not support it! Don't worry, everything is planned by me..."

"Uncle Master!"

"Fuck! Hold on! Brothers, hold on for me!! Watch me fuck the stars back to their correct position..."

So communication was cut off.

Well, it seems that changing the future may not be as difficult as imagined.

Li Pan shrugged and continued to lie down, staring at the night sky in a daze, his mind was in a mess and he didn't know what to do.

At this time, Li Fan here also climbed up to the roof, handed over a bottle of coconut juice, and sat with Li Pan.

"Thank you...can I ask you a question, Colonel? I've been holding it in my mind for a long time..."

"Huh? Excuse me?"

"What on earth are you here for?"

Li Fan was baffled.

"What are you doing?"

Li Pan patted the roof,

"Why on earth do you appear here, at this moment, here?

Could it be that you also have a passion for protecting your family and country?

Or do you have the ambition to save the world?

Or is it dedicated to watching over the survival of mankind? "

Li Fan laughed,

"What are you talking about... I'm just a mortal, there are so many high-ranking people.

The majors here are matched, the unit is divided into housing, and there is also a staff. I was assigned here as soon as I graduated. "

Li Pan, "...What about the future? Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?

To win at all costs?

What about after victory? Continue the cycle of reincarnation over and over again?

What kind of future do you want to create? "

Li Fan thought about it seriously,

"I understand what you mean, you mean the ultimate vision and goal of life, right?

I couldn't answer for a while, so I just climbed up to look at the stars. "

"Looking at the stars?"

"Yes, this starry sky is pretty good, isn't it? Because our experiment needs to be far away from densely populated cities to avoid all kinds of communication clutter, so it is built in this deep mountain and old forest. It is not usually affected by light pollution, so it is very suitable for stargazing. .

Of course, due to confidentiality regulations, communication in the institute is usually silent, and the Internet cannot be accessed, so there is nothing else to do..."

"What's there to see in the stars..."

Li Pan frowned and looked at the starry sky above his head who knew how many years ago.

In fact, he has always been afraid of the universe, this dark and empty abyss of nothingness.

Even he himself didn't know, specifically because he was afraid of the countless inexplicable and terrifying unknowns hidden in that vacuum.

It was the mule who created that void, the more terrifying one.

But one thing to say, the starry sky in front of me is indeed quite beautiful.

In this era, humans did not damage the earth, nor did they have time to fill the orbit with garbage. The sky is full of the Milky Way, and the stars and the sea are all visible.

So in the refreshing evening breeze of this starry night, Li Fan stretched out his hand and held it towards the stars in the sky.

“You see, a planet like the Earth cannot produce heavy elements.

The iron in your body comes from the brilliant supernova explosion.

The zinc in the blood comes from dust ejected into the universe after two neutron star collisions.

That tiny amount of copper is needed to witness the death of a white dwarf star.

Even the tiniest bit of cobalt originates from nebulae billions of light-years away.

Therefore, it is normal for humans to be curious about the stars. "

Li Pan, "Damn it... you intellectuals are really... I only know one thing: "Damn it, the stars are so bright..."

"Oh, it was Dr. Sagan from NASA who said it. I mean, you can only understand it by looking at the starry sky like this. A long time ago, the monkey lying in the canopy of the same land and looking up at the same starry sky , the feeling of suddenly wanting to reach out and touch the stars.

Of course, the monkeys don’t know that the stars in the sky are the brilliant fusion of countless light-years away, the burning of eternal flames, and the creations like us who were born as stardust, responding to the call of the original mother body.

What it could see in its eyes might just be gems, fireflies, or something delicious, right?

But the important thing is not what it is chasing, but that it chooses to leave its home and tribe for that unattainable dream far away in the horizon, and sets out towards the stars, stepping into the fearful and unknown darkness, to Chase your own dreams.

It goes against the nature of living things to be comfortable with the status quo, nor does it passively change to adapt to the environment, or escape in order to survive in the world.

Simply because of my own curiosity and desire, I mustered up the courage to take the first step into the unknown. And then it never stops.

Perhaps this is the origin of mankind. "

Li Fan took back his hand, stretched out, and looked at the stars in the sky.

“Being a human is not about being born as a human being, nor is it about knowing what it means to be a human being. It is about running for the starlight in your heart that you can constantly break through the darkness, continue to see the unknown, and you can gradually grow into a human being.

One day, we will leave the warm and comfortable womb, leave the tree that protects us, leave the earth that gave birth to us, and move towards a broader and more boundless world.

Because we are human beings.

From the beginning of our birth, we are a group of people who are chasing our dreams, chasing unprecedented possibilities, chasing hopes even if they are only as big as stars, and running towards the unknown with all our strength.

If one person is not enough, there will be one generation; if one generation is not enough, there will be ten generations.

One day we will go out, towards the Milky Way, towards the universe, to witness the vast limits of the galaxies and seas, and to witness the vicissitudes of the vast universe.

Because sooner or later we must return to the stars.

Because we are the children of the stars. "

Li Pan looked at the stars and let out a long breath,

"The road to the stars...is also a future that has never been seen before."

So the two men lay side by side on the roof.

Watching the starlight from hundreds of millions of years ago, passing through the atmosphere, finally condensed on their retinas and engraved in their minds.

From tranquility to intoxicating brilliance, joy to melting warmth, it is a kind of loneliness that belongs to Han Xing.

Brilliant, distant, and brightly visible.

The book is finished

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