I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 80 Under the Cherry Blossoms

The last transformation came out instantly, but this time the process is slower, just like the emergence of an insect chrysalis. Starting from the sixth turn of the Nine Yin Refining Form, the true body inside the skin is obviously undergoing some kind of shocking evolution and drastic change. .

So Li Qingyun also hurriedly entered into meditation, while silently reciting the Jiuyin Manual repeatedly and silently, while recalling the true form of the Zhu Jiuyin that he saw at the beginning, as strong and majestic as a mountain, guiding the transformation within the body to avoid this sudden change. Out of control, the whole person went berserk and turned into a pile of cysts and flesh and blood with genetic disorder.

But it's okay, I can still hold on. I don't know if you have ever seen a snake shed its skin. Anyway, Li Qingyun is in the same state now. His head is still a human head, and his neck suddenly turned into a snake-like body. The body of Zhuyin slowed down. It slowly took shape and arched out from the humanoid skin.

The feeling of crawling on the ground with no legs or feet and relying only on waist strength is quite novel, but fortunately, the Jiuyin Shen Gong is practiced like raccoon flipping and snake walking. Now it is easier to twist the spine. I tried to get familiar with it, and soon there was no obstacle. , you can wander around the beams of Shangzhen Temple.

However, he had already looked around the Shangzhen Temple and found nothing interesting, so Li Qingyun swam to the beach and looked at the pieces of fish and meat lying on the ground. He felt hungry and thirsty, so he opened his mouth and swallowed a few pieces of fish. I felt that the taste was not bad, so I was not polite and swallowed all the fish meat directly. I also swam into the Xu Xing Sea myself, opened my mouth and released the real dragon to smash the strange fish around, and swallowed the meat.

I have to say that this world is really a treasure land for cultivation. Not only the elixir of Shangzhen Guan, but also these random-looking sea monsters and the pitch-black sea water can help Li Qingyun's cultivation. The zhenqi that had been scattered by the thunder before, and after eating a full stomach, the energy, essence and blood jumped up. Compared with 0791's body, it was a world of difference.

The area where Shangzhen Temple is located seems to be the deep sea of ​​Xuxing Sea. The farther away from the island, the bigger the sea monsters become. Li Qingyun didn't swim far. After eating fish and playing for a while, he returned to the island.

Well, after all, the pot hasn’t been finished yet...

By the way, although the "Nine Yin Divine Art" has not been completed yet, the "Nine Yin Refining" has reached the sixth level, and you can practice the "Nine Yin Dafa".

Li Qingyun doesn't dare to say that he has learned a lot now, but after reading so many books in Shangzhen Guan, he also knows that what is taught in "Dafa" is the so-called escape method.

For example, the various talismans and spells taught by Master Xian, as well as the "Burning the Heaven and Transforming the Earth Nine Stars to Destroy Demon Embers, Burning and Killing Nanming Lihuo", as well as the magical passage methods and spell skills commonly seen in the settings of general fairy novels, such as The thirty-six techniques of Tiangang and the seventy-two techniques of earth evil can be included in this list.

To understand simply, "Magic Skills" are internal and external kung fu and physical skills, while "Dafa" are spell skills, which require mana to read.

Moreover, these "Dafa" are not taught to you and you can master them. There are also various hidden conditions, such as thunder methods and so on. Some people can master it with just a little bit, and some people just can't learn it, so there are only true secrets. It’s useless. If the law doesn’t work, it means the law doesn’t work.

But fortunately, Li Qingyun's qualifications were pretty good. He spit out "Nine Yin Dafa" and took a glance at it. He read the first spell in the book and remembered it. After thinking about it once, he understood it and read it once.

So he transformed into a young man with a round head and a back like an ape and waist like a wasp, which was exactly what 'Li Pan' looked like.

Yes, this first call is 'the fetus changes shape and the Nascent Soul returns to life'.

To put it bluntly, it means changing into a human being.

However, not everyone can change, he can only become himself, and he can only use it after he has survived the thunder tribulation and transformed into the true form of the Nascent Soul. But you can choose whether you are fat or thin, and how young you are. As long as you are Li Pan, your naturally created human body can change over time.

Looking at his current body shape, he also felt and compared the difference in the internal organs of the 'Li Pan' meridians on both sides, as well as his skill level.

Well, the combat effectiveness has indeed increased by a hundred million points, probably to the extent that he has not learned Kaio Fist.

Of course, this comparison is just a rough intuitive feeling of physical strength. Considering that the rules of each plane are different, the "Magic Skill" also has bonuses, and various props and methods, the actual gap will only get wider.

Come on, why do you compare yourself to a cultivator? The more you compare, the sadder you become. There is no comparison at all.

So Li Qingyun turned around again, changed back to his Taoist appearance, and then picked up "Dafa" and flipped through it.

Most of the spells in "Nine Yin Dafa" are quite practical, except for racial talents such as flying in the clouds and mists, turning rivers and seas, and shaking mountains and earth. There are also more classic immortal skills such as Qimen Dunjia, Five Elements Magic, Heaven and Earth, and Illusion Clone.

There are even inexplicable tricks such as support, fortune-telling, invisibility, clairvoyance, walking through walls, hypnosis, brainwashing, and poison... Speaking of which, the combination of skills is not right. Who is the author of "Nine Yin Manual"? Occupation...

But in general, "Nine Yin Dafa" is limited in length, and it is not as many professional textbooks on alchemy, weapon refining and formation in Shangzhen Guan Dao Zang, but it is quite all-inclusive with so many tricks.

And one of the moves is quite special. You can tell it apart from other skills in the same series just by looking at its name. It's called "Time Travel Escape".

Li Qingyun looked at it briefly. To put it simply, after nine rounds of Jiuyin refining, he can transform into the form of a candle dragon, launch a super warp speed jump, travel through time and space, and travel through the multidimensional universe...

Well, physical FTL, faster-than-light travel...

No, is this really cultivating immortality? Although everyone is bragging, you may have gone too far! ?

You might as well say that I can step on the Milky Way! Punch through the void! The sword shatters the stars! Dominate the heavens! Then it would be better for everyone to accept it!

But if you take a closer look at the opening chapter, you will see that Nima is actually teaching engine modeling, space collapse, warp field positioning and jump simulation!

Hello! Everyone is drunk and blowing their pussy to cultivate their sentiments! You are just playing for real when you step on the horse!

No, do you alchemists really understand warp speed jump? Don't you call me that?

Li Qingyun carefully studied the "Time Travel Escape Technique" and tried to discover its flaws.

Results Hey! They are really playing it real! This really doesn’t seem to be a theory of ‘although the author has only practiced to the eighth level, but I guess I can still do it in the future’, but a step-by-step operation manual!

Because they clearly stated the requirements in a clear and logical manner, and sounded like I had tried it and there was no problem. I even understand to what extent it can be used!

In addition to requiring physical strength, reaching the ninth turn of "Nine Yin Refining Forms", and achieving great success in "Nine Yin Divine Skills", it also requires that the internal strength of "Nine Yin Manual" must reach at least the later stage. In addition, one must also have considerable attainments in "Escape Body Escape Method".

A lengthy calculation shows that only when the "Body Escape Technique" is completed and the light escape method can reach at least a quarter of the speed of light, can the "Great Escape Technique" be used and enter the first level of warp speed, which is the speed of vacuum light, and then the speed can be further improved. It increases exponentially, and finally accelerates to a warp speed of more than 10! Shatter the void! Dash towards the ‘door’!

I'm in a trough...wait, wait...

Warp speed above 10? Sprinting towards the ‘door’? No, the 'door' you are referring to is not the 'door' you are referring to, right?

Open the parallel plane channel, connect the multiverse, the 'door' to the planes of the heavens!

Moon wormhole! Hyperspace Quantum Accelerator! ?

no! You are serious!

This is really about physically traveling through time! Travel through the heavens! ?

Li Qingyun was simply drunk. He really didn't know which of these two worlds was the madman dreaming, or was it not a dream at all and could really be connected?

Immortal Da Luo can really pass through the gate in the physical body! Traveling to the world of cyberpunk?

But, but, people who have specially studied this kind of "Dafa" must have thought about it, right?

If you can really get through it...

Even judging by his current skill, they are all ants over there...

The shock brought by "Time Travel Escape" was so huge that when Li Pan came to his senses, he had not yet recovered.

Well, it’s back to Li Pan from 0791 again

But he doesn't seem to be awake yet.

It might be a dream within a dream, or some other illusion.

Li Pan stood in the courtyard of Green Field Manor, surrounded by cherry blossoms in full bloom. They were as red as blood, as pink as lips, and as gorgeous as the sunset on the horizon. What was particularly eye-catching was not the flowers, but the trees.

The trunk of this cherry blossom is like a beautiful body of a woman, the flaring branches are the soft limbs of a woman, and the roots buried deep in the ground...are intestines, densely packed intestines, or plant roots, intertwined and twisted together, buried deep Underground, it spread, covering the entire Green Field Manor.

Li Pan looked indifferently at the female Sakura who was smiling happily at him. Although the scene in front of him was extremely stunning and beautiful, his emotions were calm. To put it bluntly, he had seen too many big scenes. , and there are other things on my mind, and I have become numb to the scenes of these female ghosts, female corpses, and female trees.

Is it true...isn't it...the great escape method through time and space...the warp engine...

And talking about this thing, it seems that it was also on the list of the Science Ethics Committee at the beginning, and now it is also the trade secret of a few aerospace companies. Even if there are complete calculations and engine blueprints in Jiuyin Dafa, he has no way to verify it. Is it true? Fake...

So the people around him smiled at him, and Li Pan walked into the forest with his thoughts on his mind.

After walking for a while, he heard the war cry of um um ah ah, and then took a closer look.

Found, company employees, Kiriko Shiranui and Kotaro Seimai.

At this time, they were in the center of this cherry blossom forest, in front of the largest cherry blossom tree.

If the trees on the outside are all pretty girls in their mid-twenties, JK's age. Then this is their grandma. She has big arms and a round waist, with three adults hugging her. She looks like a very mature Obasan, and I can't bear to look at her.

Shiranui Kiriko's condition is very bad. It seems that she has been defeated in the BOSS battle. She was beaten until she was naked, and she was directly dismembered by the roots of the vine trees. Her torso was tied and hung on the treetop, and she was unconscious. There are also many tree roots piercing her abdomen, transforming human skin and internal organs. It seems that they intend to plant her down and make her a member of this cherry blossom forest.

But Kotaro's experience is a bit weird. After all, he is not a real JK, he just sneaked in in disguise, so he was taught by the fat intestines as thick as his arms, ahem, tree roots. And the ‘power of the devil’ is being continuously absorbed from his body.

Judging from the traces of fighting around them and the large pieces of broken cherry blossom trees that destroyed the female body, the two people may have fought a little bit, but in the end they overturned and could only surrender to the intestines, tree roots, and let the mermaid flesh .

Li Pan casually glanced at the surrounding situation, twisted his waist and dodged out, avoiding the binding of the tree roots and sneak attack, raised his hand to grab the intestinal tree roots that came from behind, trying to hang him by the neck, and a Nine Yin True Dragon Breaker Hit it back along the root of the tree and destroy a root.

Looking at the sea of ​​trees rolling like a swarm of snakes in front of him, Li Pan also knew that he couldn't fight hard, so he suddenly started running, swaying left and right to avoid the attacks of tree roots, avoiding the embrace of cherry blossom branches, and rushed across the sky. The sea of ​​flowers on the ground rushed in, rushing in front of the Obasan cherry tree.


Obasan smiled and spit out a red cloud, opened his thousands of arms to Li Pan, like a giant centipede with flowers, folded his belly and hugged him.

Li Pan looked at the wrinkled bark of Obasan and shuddered. He touched his formal pocket. He originally wanted to use the handkerchief as a white glove, but he touched something hard.

Li Pan took it out and saw that it was a pen with five crosses drawn on the barrel.

So Li Pan held the pen and struck the real dragon with one blow! bump! I have to punch Sakura Obasan in the navel!

Obasan's stomach exploded instantly, and his intestines ejected like a giant python, knocking Li Pan away!

In an instant, the entire cherry blossom forest erupted with tragic screams!

The female body tree became manic, struggling and twisting secretly!

On the trunks of those cherry trees, young faces seemed to have come alive from a dream of forgetful sleep, terrified, and screaming hysterically! It seems like they are trying desperately to break off their own roots, break free of their own skin, and wake up from this horrible nightmare!

And the vines all over the ground started dancing like wild pythons! Like a whip, it whipped the surrounding cherry blossom trees violently, and at the same time, it gathered into a terrifying wooden dragon and rushed towards Li Pan! The whole cherry blossom garden is rolling! The grass is like a turbulent sea! Wooden dragons kept coming out of the ground and charging towards Li Pan!

Tsk, I'm afraid I can't open it without a key.

Li Panshe dodged a few bombardments while walking, and found that he couldn't push in from the front, so he didn't worry anymore.

It's fun to cheat for a while, and it's always fun to cheat!

Get the key!

I have a key, I have a handkerchief, the handkerchief plus the key!

Masked Rider! Transform!

have to! Gotta, gotta, gotta! Got it!

Then the masked human figure stood up on the ground!

Okay, it's a bit too cool, but the style is indeed that style.

The large group of wooden dragons that were about to be killed seemed to be shocked by this style, and they stood still for a moment.

Of course, it's not really still, but the movement has obviously slowed down due to the gap in perception. It was as if the air was filled with thick glue, instantly blocking their movements.

But a certain masked knight in formal clothes was different. Li Pan had tried this transformation twice before, and he could see that the monster handkerchief, either a living thing or a non-object, had a unique spatial characteristic.

It seems to be able to find gaps that can quickly pass through in this glue-like world filled with various gases, liquids and solids. The film from outside the dimension can be brushed over and passed over. In this state, basically Everywhere we go we start at Mach 5, no matter what bike we need.

So, does this count as warp speed? Or a jump? Or a different dimension jump? Alas, the cutting-edge physics textbooks are all controlled, so there is no chance to learn them.

So Li Pan put his hands in his pockets, thinking wildly, strolling through the rolling waves of the wooden dragon's intestine sea, and walked past Sakura JK with a ferocious face, twisted posture, and crazy grief and anger.

He came in front of Sakura Obasan, who was disemboweled and belly-broken by him, and was still in Yanyi.

Then he pulled on his gloves, stretched out his hands to open Obasan's intestines, rummaged around, and found a handful of wakizashi from the depths of his intestines and stomach.

Was Caesarean section popular among local people in ancient times? This kind of knife was used to commit suicide by Caesarean section. No wonder it’s always difficult to get through the intestines. Judging from the gilt-plated family crest on the handle, it must be a family treasure of some Chinese family. However, there are quite a few people who use this emblem, and it is difficult to tell which family crest it belongs to.

But from the black smoke as thick as water on the blade, it can also be judged that the so-called resentment, ghosts, gods, and supernatural powers that created this forest should be residing on this blade.

Li Pan pulled out the wakizashi, and red cherry blossoms immediately bloomed from the wound in his intestines. No, it was not cherry blossoms, but flames. It was absorbed into Sakura Obasan's body. The power of the knife that transformed the cherry blossom forest was lost. Under the control of Wakizashi, he is quickly losing control and sweeping everything away, burning this cherry forest and this dream!

Is this solved?

Li Pan looked at Sakura Obasan, who had a distorted face and was slowly screaming. He turned his head and suddenly looked at Kotaro.

He woke up at some point and was staring at Li Pan, or rather, at the wakizashi in his hand.

"So you're here for this? Huh?"

Li Pan suddenly came up to him and looked at the four masked knights reflected in his eyes.

"Why do you have double pupils?"

The next moment, Li Pan opened his eyes and looked at the Green Field Club dormitory arranged for him by the Security Bureau.

Well, it looks like Kotaro has woken up as well.

So Li Pan picked up the knight's sword, opened the door and walked out.

The security agent on duty immediately appeared from the corner and blocked the stairs.

Li Pan ignored them, holding his pocket in one hand and the back of his sword in the other, patting his legs, opening the door of the manor and walking out into the cherry blossom forest.

The cherry blossoms in the garden are withering, withering, withering, decaying, and all dying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Pan walked all the way into the forest, sniffing the smell all the way, and suddenly smelled the familiar smell of herbs. With a swing of his hand and a sword, he chopped down a cherry blossom tree. He pointed at the roots and said to the agents who came behind him,

"Here, dig down."

Agent T looked at the drastic changes in the woods in surprise and frowned upon hearing this.

"What's the point of digging up those dead people now..."

"Who said they are dead? They are still alive. If you delay a little longer, you will really be buried alive. Dig! I will pay if you can't dig!"

Agent T hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and immediately the maid and gardener robots came over and uprooted the tree. He opened up the soil and dug out a large vat sealed with yellow talisman paper.

Agent T stepped forward and opened the can, and screamed "Ahhhh!" in fear.

Li Pan stepped forward to take a look and saw that Shiranui Kiriko had been made into a human pig and soaked in some kind of medicinal liquid. However, it seemed that the time was limited and it was not a complete human pig. It was just a human stick cut off and tied with a thread. The eyelids and lips were sewn shut. There was another skeleton in her arms, which was also a human pig. It was probably the previous owner of this vat, but it had been completely soaked in corpse water. And the large clumps of cherry blossom tree roots coiled around them like poisonous snakes, sucking nutrients from the jar.

"Yes, he is my man, just give it to our company. Thank you."

This was regarded as rescuing one. Li Pan searched the pit and walked around, but he didn't see the wakizashi or Kotaro. The initiator was not found either.

Probably transferred in advance.

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