I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 193: Shi Xiaolu【2/3】


Wu Qingsong picked up a case file from the desk and threw it to Lin Fang, saying: "This is the information, you can take a look at it. Don't put all your attention on this case, the main focus is on paying good body..."


Lin Fang happily agreed and picked up the case.

The office area of ​​Wu Qingsong's assistant, secretary and others was near his office. Lin Fang walked over to find a vacant seat and sat down, opened the case and started to read.

The plaintiff of both parties is named Shi Wencheng, and the defendant is named Tan Youqin.

The two sides compete for the focus of Shi Xiaolu, who has just turned fourteen and is only in the second year of junior high school.

Because of the issue of child support, when Shi Xiaolu was seven years old and just started elementary school, the two sides fought a lawsuit.

At that time, Shi Wencheng had just lost a job that he had worked for eight years, and he lost the lawsuit due to lack of stable financial resources. The court, on the basis of the principle of benefiting the growth of the children, awarded Shi Xiaolu to Tan Youqin to raise him.

Today, seven years later, Shi Wencheng has remarried, and his career has also turned around and ushered in the second spring, making his fortune again.

But for many years, he has been worried about Shi Xiaolu's daughter, and after communicating with her daughter, he finally summoned up the courage, hired a lawyer, and filed a second lawsuit.

At present, this case is still in the early stage of preparation, that is, the stage of investigation and evidence collection. For Lin Fang, it is quite suitable.

The main materials listed in the case are divided into two parts. One part is the failure of Shi Wencheng to fight for the custody of Shi Xiaolu seven years ago. As an appendix, a copy of the court judgment at that time is also attached.

The other part is the proof of some of his assets provided by Shi Wencheng, which is mainly used to prove that he has the financial conditions to raise Shi Xiaolu. Among them, the medical certificate of Shi Wencheng's current wife who was found to be infertile is also used as a material. in.

When Lin Fang was about to open the case, a man in his thirties came over. He knocked on Lin Fang's desk, and when Lin Fang looked over, he said, "Lin Fang, Wu Lu and I Say, you also want to participate in Shi Wencheng's case?"

"Yes, Gulu."

Gu Pengfei waved his hand and said, "There's no need to be so polite, I'm just a small lawyer in Wu Lu's team. If you don't see anything, just call me Gu Ge. Then what... let's go, let's go to Tan Youqin's side first. Find out."


Lin Fang agreed, put away the case, and got up to follow.

"The materials prepared by Shi Wencheng are quite sufficient. Basically, there is no need to add anything. Our main work falls on the investigation and evidence collection of Tan Youqin's situation..."

The two chatted while walking. When they arrived at the underground parking lot, Gu Pengfei had basically explained all the issues that needed attention to Lin Fang.

Many of the details are easily overlooked by newcomers to the law firm. If no one teaches in these places, it is easy to make mistakes.

"Thank you Brother Gu, thank you so much! I'll treat you to a meal when I finish my work later!"

"You're welcome! It's not a unique skill. Even if I don't say it, you can summarize it yourself. I'm just saving you a little time. You can eat, but I have to pay for it."

Gu Pengfei greeted Lin Fang to get into the car, waved his hand and said, "Anyway, I'm your senior, how can there be any reason for you to pay for a treat? Besides, you are an intern, and the internship salary is pitiful, save it and buy some good ones. The tonic body has got it! So, I please!"

But...I have money...

Lin Fang scratched his head, just as he was about to say this, Gu Pengfei had already driven his car out of the parking lot.

He patted the steering wheel and said, "Have you seen my car? Haval H6, domestic product, hundreds of thousands, bought with loan. Do you know why not? Because I just bought a BMW X5 for your sister-in-law not long ago. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, what is it to treat you to a meal?"

"Brother Gu, you are so kind to your sister-in-law, this is true love!"

"What a true love!"

Gu Pengfei laughed at himself and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, anyway, few people in the law firm don't know that I'm afraid of my wife. In fact, I can't say I'm afraid, just because I've been together for a long time, I'm used to it, and I can't bear it. If you want something, you just have to get it, if you don't buy it for her, she will make a mess..."

Can this be done?

Lin Fang thought about the girls he met, even Xiao Yumeng, who seemed to have no such problems.

In such a comparison, Gu Pengfei seems a little pitiful...

"Forget it, what did I say she did?"

Gu Pengfei laughed at himself again, and said, "I haven't started drinking yet, so I can't keep my mouth shut. To put it bluntly, I also have resentment in my heart, and I'm not open-minded enough!"

"Brother Gu, I'll accompany you for a drink when you have dinner that night. But first, I'm not good at drinking, so I can only drink a little."

"It doesn't matter if you drink too much, as long as you are willing to listen to my nonsense!"

After chatting, Gu Pengfei drove the car to the vicinity of No. 7 Middle School, and stopped the car at the temporary parking position opposite the school.

Lin Fang flipped through the case and said, "Brother Gu, is this Shi Xiaolu's school?"

"That's right!"

Gu Pengfei nodded and said, "We want to investigate Tan Youqin's situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's useless to just follow her. We have to start with Shi Xiaolu to see how her usual living conditions are. Let's see how Tan Youqin usually treats her."

"But Brother Gu... Isn't it summer vacation now?"

"It's summer vacation, but their school has an IELTS training class, which is usually held during winter and summer vacations. No. 7 Middle School is also called International No. 7 Middle School. Many parents want their children to attend this school and go abroad."

As school approached, the number of cars at the school gate slowly began to increase.

Not long after, the school gate opened, and a group of boys and girls in school uniforms walked out of the school gate. Most of them were picked up by their parents. After saying goodbye to their classmates, they got into the car and left.

There are also some children who are not picked up or go to the platform to wait for the bus, or sweep on a shared bicycle and ride all the way home.

There is a girl with long hair and a Mickey Mouse hairpin on her hair, carrying a large schoolbag, walking slowly along the road alone.

The case in Lin Fang's hand kept on the side with Shi Xiaolu's photo. When he saw the lonely girl, he quickly said, "Brother Gu, is that Shi Xiaolu?"

"It's her, let's follow."

Gu Pengfei started the car, turned around and drove to the other side of the road, slowly following Shi Xiaolu in front.

Shi Xiaolu, who was walking in front, didn't know anyone was following her. She kept her head down and didn't look at the road. She occasionally kicked the stones under her feet. Her whole body revealed an air of carelessness and aimlessness.

"Pay attention to taking pictures, there is a camera in the glove box, use that to take pictures."


Lin Fang took out a digital SLR from the glove box and took two pictures at Shi Xiaolu until she stopped in front of a fast food restaurant.

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