I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 194: Fake Stamps【3/3】

Shi Xiaolu hesitated for a long time at the entrance of the fast food restaurant. After walking back and forth for at least ten minutes, he made up his mind to enter.

"Go, keep up!"

Gu Pengfei had already found a spot to park the car, greeted Lin Fang, and followed behind Shi Xiaolu into the fast food restaurant.

This is a fast food restaurant specializing in fried chicken and hamburgers. For some unknown reason, it was almost noon. There were not many people in the restaurant, and the salesperson was a little listless.

"I'm going to ask for two drinks, you go and find a place to sit first."

Lin Fang agreed, took a few steps behind Shi Xiaolu, and sat down in a place.

Shi Xiaolu sat across from two young men, one of whom was in his early twenties, wearing a black T-shirt and blue denim, with short shaved hair and a stubble at the corner of his mouth.

The other boy was very young, about the same age as Shi Xiaolu. He wore a pot head, but he was not wearing a school uniform. He was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt and black cropped trousers.

"Why are you so slow? It's dawdling! It took you a long time to come!"

Seeing Shi Xiaolu sitting down, the boy in the pot cover impatiently stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it here!"

"I...I didn't bring that much..."

"Why didn't you bring so much?"

The boy with the pot cover patted the table, stood up with a rub, picked up the Coke in front of him and wanted to pour Shi Xiaolu on him.

Just as Lin Fang was about to stand up, he was held down by Gu Pengfei who brought two drinks.

"No need, he doesn't dare to splash it."

"Brother Gu, can you see this?"

"Because I'm a lawyer..."

Gu Pengfei pointed to his eyes and said with a smile: "In our line of work, it's not enough to just have a good mouth, and keep your eyes open. You know, because of the interests, the parties are very easy to get emotional. If the eyes are not bright enough, it is easy to be accidentally injured!"

For this, Lin Fang has not experienced it personally, just nodded.

Sure enough, Hu Stubble stopped the boy in the pot from pouring his drink.

"Xiao Shan, what are you doing? Sit down!"

"Brother Qing..."

"I'll let you sit down!"

Hu Stubborn waited for the pot-covered boy to sit down reluctantly. Then he looked Shi Xiaolu up and down and said with a smile, "Little sister, how much did you bring?"

"I...I only have so much..."

Shi Xiaolu opened the schoolbag, took out the banknotes bit by bit and put them on the table, slowly piled up into a small pile, there were parts and pieces in it, and finally put a few coins on it, and then patted the schoolbag. , indicating that it is empty.

There is no need to count, just swipe it at random, Hu Stubble Man roughly estimates that the pile on the table is less than 500 yuan.

"Little sister, are you kidding me?"

Hu Stubborn's face suddenly turned very ugly, he said: "Take out your mobile phone, let me see how much money you have in WeChat!"


Shi Xiaolu shook his head in a panic and said, "Wechat transfers are not allowed, I am bound to my mother's card, and she will receive a text message when transferring money!"


Hu Stubborn patted the table, and said angrily, "Then what do you say? The stamp you spent is worth tens of thousands of dollars. If you only pay 10,000 yuan, it is already very cheap for you. You just take out so much? Where are you sending the beggars?"

There was only one vacant seat, and Hu Zhanan didn't deliberately control the volume. Gu Pengfei and Lin Fang sat next to each other and listened to the whole thing clearly.

Gu Pengfei gestured to Lin Fang, stood up, walked over, and said, "Friend, extort other people's property, if the amount is relatively large, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or public surveillance, and a fine. Ten thousand yuan is enough. It must be a large amount!"

"Who are you?"

Hu Stubborn glared at Gu Pengfei, and whispered with some sternness: "I can warn you, you'd better meddle with your own business, otherwise my knife won't have eyes!"


The boy with the lid next to him took out a switchblade from his pocket, slapped it on the table, and said viciously, "See, it doesn't have eyes!"

"Get to know Gu Pengfei, a lawyer from Ding Tai Law Firm. Whoever intentionally harms another person's body shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. If you stab me seriously, it will not be less than three years, but three years. More than ten years."

Gu Pengfei took out a business card and put it on the table, hehe smiled, and said: "Even if he stabbed me, as an instigator, you can sentence him how he wants, but I think he is about fourteen years old. , Your behavior is enough to meet the strict and severe standards!"


Hu Stubborn slapped Guojiatou with a backhand, and said sternly, "Put the knife away! Who told you to take the knife with you? Did I say that when we come out, we must convince people with virtue? Try not to use your hands; if you can, don't use the knife!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Dude, you didn't say that just now!

"Brother Qing..."

"Brother what brother? Let you put it away! Stand aside!"


The head of the pot, who was slapped again, put away the switch knife aggrievedly, got up and shrank to the corner and stood up.

Hu Zhanan kept staring at the head of the pot, and then he turned his head, smiled dryly, and said, "This... Lawyer Gu, look, I didn't mean to blackmail this little sister~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Is it always true that she spent my little brother's stamps?"

"What stamp, take it out and let me see."

"Stamps...stamps are with me..."

Shi Xiaolu took out a stamp album from his schoolbag, opened one page, and carefully pulled out a 2-cent chrysanthemum stamp sheetlet.

It may be for the purpose of protection, the stamps are specially wrapped in plastic, and then stuck in the stamp album, which has double protection.

Even so, there is no way to hide the traces of ink stained on the stamps.

The ink appeared to have been wiped, but it had penetrated into the interior of the stamp, leaving an unsightly stain.

Gu Pengfei took the stamp, glanced at Hu Stubble with a strange expression, and said, "How much is this stamp worth?"

"It's tens of thousands!"

"To be precise, how many tens of thousands?"


Hu Stubborn hesitated for a moment before saying, "Fifty thousand! This stamp is very expensive, it's worth 50,000!"

"you sure?"

"I confirm!"


Gu Pengfei took out his mobile phone and said: "Our law firm often needs to deal with various cases, so we maintain a good relationship with experts in various fields, and there are those who are good at authenticating stamps, you wait for me to call ask..."


Gu Pengfei couldn't start making a phone call, so Hu Chaonan grabbed the stamps and shouted, "Forget it, since the stamps are here, let's take them back, so you won't lose it! Xiaoshan, let's go! "

"Brother Qing, are you leaving now?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Seeing Hu Stubble running away with a hood, Shi Xiaolu was stunned for a while, then stood up and bowed deeply to Gu Pengfei and Lin Fang.

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