I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 236: mask of life

Gu Pengfei had a smile on his face, an embarrassed but polite smile.

He felt like he shouldn't be sitting here, or even coming.

Where is this interview with the client, this is being forced to eat dog food one bite at a time!

At such a time, Gu Pengfei was very fortunate that he was married and had a wife.

Although I was forced to eat dog food, I was not really a single dog.

At most...the married life is a bit boring...

Thinking of this matter, Gu Pengfei felt annoyed and even more uncomfortable in his heart.

He took out the cigarette and wanted to light it. He looked at Shi Xiaolu who was sitting beside him, and Liu Shiman who was sitting across from him. He sighed to himself, got up and said, "I'm going out for a cigarette, you guys can talk for a while!"

"Brother Gu, don't..."

Gu Pengfei was still here, and Liu Shiman's half-truth attack had already made Lin Zhang feel a little overwhelmed.

It doesn't matter if he goes out to smoke, but what should he do?

In case Liu Shiman really wanted to pounce, with such an exaggerated figure and such a soft body, who could stand it?

Especially when Lin Fang thought of his poor self-control, he didn't want Gu Peng to fly out.

"Don't worry, I trust you!"

Gu Pengfei didn't see the retention in Lin Fang's eyes, and thought that Lin Fang didn't believe in his professional ability to handle divorce cases alone, he smiled and said, "This kind of case is generally not complicated, just be careful, don't give it to the defendant. It's easy to leave too many holes to drill. I'm sure you can handle it alone!"

I also believe that I can handle the case well, but I don't believe that I can handle the relationship between men and women!

With Liu Shiman still beside him, Lin Fang couldn't make his words too straightforward, but Gu Pengfei didn't understand his hints.

He could only helplessly watch Gu Pengfei leave the private room and smoke somewhere else.


At the moment when the door was closed, Lin Fang vaguely felt that a certain bottom line for men and women that he was sticking to seemed to be loosened a bit.

"King, are you afraid of me?"

Liu Shiman drank the tea in the cup and gently placed it on the sea of ​​tea, while pouring the tea, he casually asked questions.

"How can it be?"

In terms of the real rank, Lin Fang's scum from Liu Shiman's explosion was not a single piece left.

Lin Fang worried that if she saw through his own truth, in this private room, at this moment, he would be swallowed alive by Liu Shiman.

what should I do?

Lin Fang's brain was running at high speed, trying to think of a way.

If Fu Hao hadn't paid so much for him, and if he hadn't had a relationship with Fu Hao, if Liu Shiman really did something, Lin Fang would have just given up.

Lin Fang actually didn't know whether he liked paying more or was grateful for paying more.

In his two lives, no woman has ever treated him so well. If he hadn't accidentally learned the news from Lu Meijuan's mouth, Lin Fang wouldn't even know that Fu Hao paid so much for himself.

Thinking about what Fu Hao looked like in front of him, and thinking about her silent sacrifice behind her back, no matter how strong Liu Shiman's temptation was, Lin Fang couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

It's just that Lin Fang didn't know how long he could hold on.

He really wants to stick to this relationship and doesn't want to become the scumbag that others call it.

But this feeling of floating in the air was not particularly strong, and Lin Fang felt that his self-control had dropped by a level after only one day of not paying good affection to him.

Lin Fang didn't dare to seriously think about what he would become if he didn't see him for a long time...

Got it!

In a hurry, Lin Fang thought of a way to not only divert his attention, but also avoid being affected by Liu Shiman's charm (fa) power (sao) halo.

Lin Fang coughed lightly and said, "Sister Charmaine, can you tell us about your daughter's situation? I think this may help our case!"

"You mean Xiao Jiu?"

Liu Shiman held the teacup for a while, then withdrew her fingers and hugged it to her chest.

Although because of her action, the curve on her chest has been squeezed out into a more exaggerated shape, but her attitude has become somewhat conservative and closed.

Liu Shiman maintained this movement and was silent for a while, before he sighed softly, put his hands down, and said, "My daughter's name is Pan Shuang, also known as Su Qiu, her nickname is September, she was born in September, I Also called her Xiaojiu.

Su Qiu was the name her grandfather gave her. Although it was also another name for September, I felt that this name was too desolate, and I didn't want her to follow my old path when she grew up.

When I registered for the account, I took a trick and borrowed Mr. Qiubai's real name and named her Pan Shuang. She is nine years old and is in a boarding school that I sent her to last year.

When we first separated, Xiaojiu and I were constantly harassed by Pan Yunsheng, which made me feel very embarrassed, and my work and life were a mess. After the first lawsuit for divorce was lost, I was overcome with pain, and I didn’t want to go on like this anymore, so I transferred Xiaojiu, did boarding, and moved my own house…”

Liu Shiman seemed to be telling someone else's story, with an indifferent expression and a calm tone.

After a year or more of harassment, even work and life were messed up. Thinking about that time, Liu Shiman had a particularly miserable life, right?

In the "Jincheng Wingman Group", Lin Fu looked through the group entry records of each member, focusing on those who had had offline contact.

He remembered that Liu Shiman was a group that moved forward a year.

Thinking of this, Lin Fang took out Liu Shiman's divorce case file, flipped through it, and was struck by surprise.


The time when Liu Shiman joined the group happened to be the time when she first sued for divorce, lost her lawsuit, transferred her daughter, and moved herself.

That is, during that time, Liu Shiman's crazy output in the group, the explicit words, the bold style, the male members in the group were simply fascinated.

Thinking of this, Lin Fang couldn't help but thank QQ members for the message roaming function.

Otherwise, the information from more than a year ago, the computer and the mobile phone do not know how many times he has changed, it is impossible for him to see these records.

Liu Shiman glanced at Lin Fang, noticed that the cup in front of him was empty, got up to help him refill it to eight points full, then sat down and said, "When I just separated from Pan Yunsheng, Xiao Jiu was always arguing. To see dad.

Later, Pan Yunsheng came to harass more and more times. Slowly, Xiaojiu didn't want to see him at first, and later was even afraid to see him. I can tolerate Pan Yunsheng bullying me and affecting my life, but I can't tolerate him bullying Xiao Jiu and affecting Xiao Jiu's growth!

Originally, he cheated on him first, and he allowed that woman to be arrogant in front of me, but he still did some disgusting things in front of Xiao Jiu! Even in the ancient times when men were allowed to have three wives and four concubines, would he be regarded as favoring concubines and destroying their wives? Oh... what a rotten person! "

That is to say, at this time, Liu Shiman's face showed some fluctuations.

After hearing these words, Lin Fang was a little silent.

Even if he is also a man, it is easy to think from the perspective of a man, Lin Fang also thinks that this Pan Yunsheng is not a thing.

It's just that the flags are fluttering outside. It's a bit too much to get a concubine to destroy his wife.

Lin Fang waited for a while, and seeing that Liu Shiman did not continue to speak, he said: "Sister Shiman, do you have any evidence that Pan Yunsheng and his mistress cheated? If so, bringing it to the court will not only prove that the relationship between husband and wife is completely broken, but also You can also prove that he is at fault, and let the court make a judgment in your favor in terms of child custody, property division, etc."

Liu Shiman shook his head and smiled bitterly: "At that time, I was dizzy, I just wanted to divorce Pan Yunsheng, I just wanted to take Xiao Jiu away from him, how could I think so much?

If I had thought of this step earlier, when I filed for divorce for the first time, I would not have lost the case so easily! "


Lin was relieved, but she was negligent. If Liu Shiman already had evidence of Pan Yunsheng's derailment, then she could sue for divorce smoothly, and she didn't have to wait until a year later to sue again.

"I'll discuss it with Brother Gu later to see if we can collect evidence in this regard."

"Your lawyers are also part-time private detectives? Shouldn't these jobs be done by private detectives?"

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile when he heard Liu Shiman's doubts, and said, "Sister Shiman, you may not understand that private investigators have no corresponding legal basis in our country, so they have no legal status. The evidence they obtain is usually illegal. , which is different from the evidence we have.

Even if the channels are the same, the evidence we get can be used as evidence in court, and the evidence they get can only be used as circumstantial evidence, perfecting the chain of evidence, which is very different. "

Liu Shiman suddenly realized, nodded, and said, "So, I really found the right lawyer this time!"

While talking, Gu Pengfei knocked on the door first, and this time he pushed the door and walked in.

What he saw, he didn't see the messy scene in his imagination, nor did he see anything unusual on the expressions of Lin Fang and Liu Shiman, and then turned to look at Shi Xiaolu, who was quiet like a quail, Gu Pengfei knocked. He knocked on his head and cursed himself for being an idiot.

He felt that when he just left, he should take Shi Xiaolu with him.

So, when Gu Pengfei looked at Lin Fang again, he gave him a slightly apologetic look.

It's my brother that's wrong, this time my brother didn't do it right!

Next time!

Next time, brother, I will help you tidy it up!

Gu Pengfei couldn't tell what his psychology was. On the one hand, he envied Lin Fang, and on the other hand, he hoped that he could have something beyond friendship with other women.

Sometimes I think about it, Gu Pengfei doesn't know if his wife always refuses to have **** with him, and he is too repressed in his own aspect, and has a tendency to be perverted.

Going out to find a ragged young lady to send warmth, Gu Pengfei was reluctant to give up the money, so he spent time and energy on the Internet. The key is that it is easy to be noticed by his wife.

Gu Pengfei had chatted for a while before, and felt that his wife had found signs and blocked it in time, thus avoiding a divorce battle.

But think about yourself, a 40-year-old big man, when the demand in that area is strong, but he can only pretend to force it with his bare hands, just like the song sings:

The left hand and the right hand are in slow motion, the right hand and the left hand are replayed in slow motion, and give yourself happiness...

Thinking about it, it's a bit too sad...

Life is so boring!

It's not my fault, it's life!

The more Gu Pengfei thought about it, the more he felt that his mental state was fine, and he couldn't be healthier.

He returned to his seat and sat down, looked at Lin Fang, and then at Liu Shiman, and asked with a smile, "How is it, how is the conversation between Ms. Liu and my assistant?"

"It was a good talk, thank you Gu Lu for your concern."

Liu Shiman smiled lightly, and put on the gentle and charming mask again, which looked particularly attractive.

If Lin Fang hadn't just seen Liu Shiman's self-closed side, his indifferent and calm side, his affectionate side to his daughter, and his deep hatred for Pan Yunsheng, he might think that Liu Shiman at this moment is her truest side. .

People, even if you have money and looks, your life may not always be satisfactory.

Lin Fang looked at Liu Shiman in front of him, and a flash of insight flashed in his heart.

In just one month, Lin Fang felt that during this period of time, he had gained more than what he had gained in the first 30 years.

Especially during the period of internship at Ding Tai Hang, I have only been exposed to three cases, and I have seen too many different lives.

Perhaps, observing other people's lives so closely is the biggest gain of joining the law firm!

Lin Xin turned his thoughts around and interjected, "Brother Gu, after I chatted with Sister Charmaine just now, I found a problem that was not mentioned in the dossier. The defendant, Pan Yunsheng, had cheated on her marriage, and she had shown up at Charmaine many times with her mistress. in front of my sister.

I think we can consider focusing on collecting evidence in this area, and then when filing a lawsuit in court, we can help Sister Charmaine fight for more rights. "

Liu Shiman refused: "I don't need to consider financial issues, I don't need any compensation from Pan Yunsheng. As long as I can divorce him, as long as I can get the custody of Xiao Jiu!"

Gu Pengfei nodded. There are not many clients like Liu Shiman, but they are not too few.

However, it is usually men who are more willing to pay a higher financial price for divorce.

Female clients usually care more about economic gains and losses~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the gains outweigh the losses, even if they are exhausted, their husband cheats, and they suffer cold violence, they can hold back until the conditions are met.

Gu Pengfei thought for a while and said, "Ms. Liu, I think Xiao Lin's suggestion is very good, and we may spend some effort on this in the near future. These evidences are not only for the court to consider giving you more financial compensation.

It also makes it easier for you to get a divorce and get custody of your daughter. In addition, even if you settle out of court and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce, the divorce agreement can still help you! "

Liu Shiman hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Having lived with Pan Yunsheng for ten years, she knew very well how rascal this man was.

She didn't know how much she wanted to end this nightmare as soon as possible. She didn't care about financial gains and losses, but it would be better if Pan Yunsheng had scruples and agreed to divorce earlier.

After persuading Liu Shiman, Gu Pengfei and Lin Fang communicated alone for a while, and then they had a targeted chat with Liu Shiman for a while. After feeling that the situation was almost under control, they said goodbye.

When he just left, Gu Pengfei was the only one left, Lin Fang was left behind, and Shi Xiaolu pretended to be Xiao Transparent and stayed behind.

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