I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 385: real world

At this moment, a black paw clawed on the door frame.

Immediately afterwards, a bloodshot eyeball suddenly appeared above the paw.

Just like that, the screams of the red clothes directly increased by an octave, and then stopped abruptly.

The fear picture hit her threshold, knocking her out.

Bai Xie was also screaming, but fortunately, she was still a little sensible, thinking about saving herself, and trying to open the window. Although it was dark outside, she couldn't see anything, and she was on the third floor, but she could save her life.

Maybe people can always display unexpected abilities when they are afraid. It only took a few seconds for the white clothes to open the window, and she jumped and jumped...


The white clothes hit and felt dizzy, and was bounced back.

She got up with a confused look on her face, tried to touch the window, and almost didn't scold.

The dark piece outside the window was not the outside scene at all, but a brick wall that was deliberately painted black.

The windows of the ward have long been sealed tightly.


Outside the door, there was a strange whisper.

In the heart of the white clothes, there is despair.

If she had a choice, she would be a little timid because she was stunned like the red clothes, and she was unwilling to endure this kind of torture.

Who can help me……

When Lin Fang rushed to the vicinity of Ward 307, he only saw a hunched figure against the door.

He was half-holding the door frame, and only put one eye toward the door of the ward.

As if seeing something interesting, he couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice.

The wretched laughter echoed back and forth in the empty corridor, and I didn't know what was going on. It sounded a little weirder out of thin air.

Lin Fang didn't want to think too much, he stepped over with one step, and the elbow was just one click.


The man who was holding the door frame was completely unguarded, but Lin Fang forced him to fly out.


After flying a few steps, the man fell to the ground again, and happened to land on an empty soda can? There was a harsh sound.

Lin Fang stopped at the door? He took time to look inside, and the red clothes fell to the ground with his head tilted? The situation is unknown.

White clothes with dull eyes? Duck sits aside.

Apart from these two people, there was no one else in Ward 307.

Seeing this scene? Lin Fang breathed a sigh of relief, although it was a bit late? The two young ladies' clothes looked torn? But seeing that their clothes are still intact, there shouldn't be a big problem...

However, I was afraid that I was a little frightened.

"Are you two alright?" Lin Fang thought for a while, but asked again.

The eyes of the white clothes gradually focused? Seeing Lin Fang standing at the door? I wanted to pounce and seek a little comfort, but I felt grievance, fear, despair, and dissatisfaction and disappointment with myself...

All kinds of emotions were mixed together, and Bai Xie subconsciously roared: "Do you think we are all right? Xiaohong fainted! I almost died! You bastard! How did you come here! You @*#&..."

"It seems to be fine."

Lin Fang nodded slightly? He took the initiative to shield the venting fragrance behind the white clothes and walked towards the hunched figure.

"Don't go!"

Seeing that Lin Fang was going to leave, Bai Xie panicked and struggled to stand up? But her feet were weak, even if she could barely stand up while supporting the old and dirty hospital bed on the side, she couldn't move.

"Lin Daochang? I'm sorry? I was wrong, save us!"

Thinking of the weird scene she saw before, Bai Xie looked around in a panic. She really found the signature pen, but saw that the signature pen was lying down on a piece of A4 paper, and there was nothing unusual.

It's just that the white clothes firmly believe that this pen is weird.

One time is wrong, the second time can not be wrong!

She didn't want to stay any longer, she just wanted to get out of this terrible place as soon as possible.

But she obviously couldn't do it on her own, so she could only beg Lin Fang.

Lin Fang listened without listening, confirmed that they were all right in the white and red clothes, and no longer paid attention to them.

He stared at the rickety figure that was slowly getting up from the ground, ready to do it again.


The ricketed figure climbed up from the ground, bared his big yellow teeth, tossed his messy hair, belched a wine belch, and exhaled a mouthful of alcohol, his shoulder blades on both sides bulged high, and he made a big big slap. Peng's wings-like action.

click! click! click!

There was a burst of sound from the ricketed figure's body, and the originally slightly hunched back straightened up as if it had been opened up.

"Interesting. Unexpectedly, the legend is actually true. Meditating in a special place, you can actually come here!"

The hunched figure didn't even look at Lin Fang, just looked around, or took a deep breath and reached out to touch the wall.

"Tsk tsk, it's real! It's so real, it's not like a world of bee- (silence) at all, Xia Bee- (silence) how on earth did she do it? If I could find her beep in this world- -(Silence) Take her beep-(Silence), can I be the bee of this world-(Silence

The rickety figure spoke unscrupulously, and he didn't carry Lin Fang behind his back at all.

But he didn't know what was going on. When he mentioned certain keywords, it suddenly turned into a harsh sound. No matter how hard Lin Fang tried to listen, he couldn't hear anything.

Forcing to listen will only make the eardrum tingle, as if it may rupture at any time.

Lin Fang took a deep breath, he felt that he might have touched some kind of reality.

He never imagined that the task of opening the door for the detective agency would actually crash a small drug factory.

I thought this was exciting enough, but I thought that this was just an appetizer. What was really exciting was that he actually saw an unknown change happen in front of him.

Also see with my own eyes, the world shows itself a real page.

As early as when the world was crossing, Lin Fang had doubts, but what happened later made him tired and slowly accepted everything.

At this moment, the change in the rickety figure made Lin Fang feel a biting chill.

In the end, is the world in the previous life real, is this world real, or is it... the place where the hunched figure came from, is the real existence?

Lin Fang turned off the tracking device and threw it aside.

He actually didn't know that his actions were all superfluous.

As early as when the rickety figure let out a smirk, a large snowflake appeared on the follow-up device, and the sound was intermittent, distorted into an inexplicable sound.

Lin Fang stood three steps away from the rickety figure and asked, "You... from the outside world?"


The hunched figure stopped touching the wall, turned back suddenly, looked at Lin Fang with ecstasy, and said, "You are Xia Bi—(silence) Bee in this world---(silence), right? No! You are not her. Then you are her beep—(silence)?

right! Must be you! only you! Are you that Lin Fang? Xia Bi - (silence) What kind of identity has been arranged for you? Shouldn't he be a playboy? Beeping outside - (silence) everything that can't be satisfied will satisfy you here, isn't it cool for you? "


For a moment, Lin Fang couldn't help but feel a little bit of self-doubt.

He didn't understand why the rickety figure seemed to know him, but he didn't know anything about the rickety figure.

Could it be that there is also a Lin Fang in that world outside?

Does he come from the outside world with the same rickety figure, or the earth in his memory?

Or, he is actually a native of this world, and the earth in his memory is a false existence?


What do I want to do with these?

Lin Fang was taken aback.

In the case of insufficient conditions, to think about these questions that are destined to be unanswered, and what will happen in the end, Newton has already made the best example in his later years.

Even Newton, whose wisdom stood at the top of the world, whose knowledge overwhelmed his contemporaries, and became a generation of physics giants, chose to fall into the arms of the gods after thinking about those problems, and eventually went crazy.

Lin Fang didn't think that he could be any better than Newton at the moment.

He took a deep breath, smiled at the rickety figure, and said deliberately, "Even if you recognize me, what can you do? Is it possible, what can you remember when you go out?"

This was a tentative question, but I didn't expect this sentence to stimulate the other party fiercely.

"Sure enough, you son of a bitch... If I can find Xia Bi- (silence) and take away her bee- (silence), I can still bee- (silence) even if I go out!"

The rickety figure was furious at first, and then said with ecstasy: "No! Since you are Xia Bei-(silence)'s bee-(silence), you must also have some bee-(silence), if I kill you, I should be able to grab some beeps—(silence), and even if I go out, I can still beep—(silence)!”


Not to mention the rickety figure is furious, even Lin Fang is furious now.

Although the other party revealed a lot of things, every time he reached the key place, he was covered by a harsh whistling. It seemed that because of some authority, Lin Fang was deliberately unable to hear.


A bright light flashed in Lin Fang's mind. The rickety figure said something like a fog before. At this moment, a considerable part of it was lit up.

The hunched figure wanted to find someone and take away TA's authority in this world, while Lin Fang, in this world, seemed to have some authority because of his special relationship with TA.

So... this world is not real?

Lin Xin was shocked, feeling that his three views and his cognition were facing a huge test at this moment.

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it.

The rickety figure rushed over with gnashing teeth. During the process of running, he seemed to want to produce some kind of change. His limbs and shoulder blades were all giving birth to a certain bulge, but in the end there was no change.

He ran towards Lin Fang crookedly, Lin Fang didn't dodge or evade and stuck to it, his hands clenched and tightened.

Right click!

Left Shan!

Right click!

Wipe your neck!


It's three hands for Hades!


After this set, the hunched figure threw himself to the ground, and with a "wow", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He struggled to remember, but couldn't get up.

"I didn't expect... wow... You still have those old bangers' beeps-(silence), it's already a long time, just need a little beep-(silence), you can easily break through the beep-( Silenced), turned into a beep—(silenced), and was still guarding a pile of junk! Ha! What’s even more ridiculous is that I was a beep—(silenced), and you were actually beaten it up with a pile of junk! Wow… "

The rickety figure was already about to die, yet there was still a spirited laughter.

While smiling, he revealed the information that Lin Fang desperately wanted to know, but every time he reached the key point, it turned into a whistling, which made him extremely mad.

The ricketed figure stared at Lin Fang, spit out another mouthful of blood, and grinned: "Don't think that's it, if I can come in once, I'll definitely be able to come in for the second and third time!

Even if I go out and beep—(silence), but beep—(silence), it means my success!

Hahaha... yes! That's it! Then as long as I follow the previous method, I can definitely come in for the second time and the third time! At that time, the world beeps—(silence)! Hahaha... ugh..."

At the end, the ricketed figure vomited violently, spit out what seemed to be shards of internal organs, and fell to the ground with a smile, without making a sound.


Lin Fang silently looked at the silent, hunched figure, without the slightest discomfort in body and mind.

In Lin Xin's mind, although this person is dead, he is not really dead.

According to the other party's statement, he seems to have mastered a certain skill, and he will come again for the second and third times in the future.

Although he regretted that he could not get more news from the other party's mouth, he did not regret that he was too ruthless.

If the rickety figure really comes from the outside world, from a higher world, no one knows what kind of means he has, what kind of terrifying skills.

For the sake of his own safety, no matter how ruthless he is, it is not an exaggeration.

Another world...?

Although Lin Fang's eyes were looking at the hunched figure that fell, his mind was already like a marquee. He replayed the memories of the Earth in his previous life and the experience of this life in just a few months.

At a certain moment, Xia Xuejian's abnormal behavior suddenly jumped out of these memories, and Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded like a sound.

She reminded herself to expose herself to some life sciences and electrical engineering.

She also abruptly acquired Hanhai Biological.

She even invested in an Internet company a long time ago.

Everything, like beads, were tied together by an invisible rope, and an answer flashed in Lin Fang's mind.

Does it mean that Xia Xuejian also touched the reality of this world and noticed some abnormalities?

At this moment, Lin Fang especially wanted to appear before Xia Xue and tell her what he had experienced tonight.

He wanted to know even more, was Xia Xuejian's acquisition of Hanhai Biological really wanting to recreate a virtual world, or was it to find an exit to the "upper realm"?

Now Lin Fang can be sure that there really is another world.

A world that may be far more developed and higher than this world.

It is even possible that it is the God Realm and Immortal Realm in myths and legends!

Thinking of all the possibilities, Lin Fang only felt numb and shivering.

"Lin Daochang!"

Just as Lin Fang was swimming in the imaginary ocean, an undisguised cold drink containing anger sounded behind him: "You, a big man, stood there for a long time, when will you be willing to help?"

Lin Fang turned around and saw the lady in white supporting the unconscious lady in red, leaning against the door with difficulty, gnashing her teeth and panting hard.

Are they real?

Lin Fang at the moment, because of the great impact on his cognition, is actually very uncertain about some things.

Lin Fang can think that the earth when he came here is real, and he can also think that the other world where the rickety figure came from is real, but the world in front of him has been put a big question mark in his heart.

If the world is not real, then what is the difference between everyone living in this world and NPC?

Miss Baiyi saw that although Lin Fang turned back, she still looked at herself silently, without any intention of helping, she suddenly became furious: "Lin Fang, don't go too far! Aside from the gentleman's demeanor, you But they charged us! If you don't help, be careful that we give you bad reviews!"

This reaction, this demeanor, really couldn't make Lin Fang equate the lady in white with the virtual AI intelligent NPC.

He temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, walked quickly to the lady in white, and silently took over the lady in red.

"Don't think that if you take it now, I will forgive you. I can tell you that today's matter, we are not finished!"

The anger of the young lady in white did not subside, she half complained and half scolded: "We shouldn't play any game of pen fairy, who would know that playing pen fairy in this ghost place can really attract monsters and ghosts, and you will be thrown at you. Such an irresponsible guy, we really have blood mold!"


Lin Xin shook his head, looked at the lady in white, and asked, "You just said... You guys are playing pen fairy, did you really attract something?"


For no reason, it felt like a yin wind was blowing, and the young lady in white felt a chill in her heart and a chill down her spine. She chose to deny it, and she deliberately opened the topic and said, "Where are they now? What should I do? ……Oops……"

In order to avoid Lin Fang's question, the lady in white can walk in front. She thought that she was tripped under her feet and almost fell. She looked closely and saw a rickety figure lying in a pool of blood under her feet, her eyes were round and her teeth were yellow. , with a grin on his face.

This scene was so exciting that the lady in white couldn't hold back, she screamed and fell to the side.

If it wasn't for Lin Fang's quick eyes and quick hands, he caught her, I'm afraid that this time he would have thrown her out.

Strange to say, after the hunched figure was knocked down by Lin Fang, the affected area seemed to have returned to normal.

Lin Fang's camera-following device was taken off by him and turned off, and threw it aside. The set of the lady in red was still in ward 307, but the set of the lady in white was worn by her.

Even when she helped the lady in red to come out, she didn't leave it behind.

So, at this time, after trying many times, Xiong Miaomiao's voice finally came out through Miss Baiyi's follow-up device.

"Xiaobai, Xiaohong, Lin Daochang..."

Xiong Miaomiao called in turn, and finally called Lin Fang. Lin Fang looked at himself, one in his left hand and one in his right. There was no spare time, so he shook his head and smiled, and helped the two girls back to Ward 307 first.

In this room, there are cardboards they laid out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The floor is relatively clean, so Lin Fang put them down and took the camera equipment to answer.

(For fear of being scolded, let me explain it. Recently, due to some reasons, the state is not very good, and I don’t want to write a romantic drama, so I deleted a large part of the plot, and then directly put the content of the third volume in the empty space. It's connected. The attentive friends of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who actually announced it earlier should be able to see some clues.

I just don't know if everyone is satisfied with this turning point. I feel that it's okay, at least I haven't let myself down too much. In fact, the names of the three volumes should be: Volume 1: Memory. Volume II: The World. Volume Three: Reality. If I just write it out in advance, I am worried that there will be less suspense and interest, so I will not write it.

Due to some real-world reasons, the author was hit hard and really didn't have the energy to write too many emotional dramas, so he deleted the outline that could probably write more than 500,000 words, and connected some of the content of the third volume.

I can only redouble my efforts to make this story look better and try not to disappoint everyone. If you still have confidence in the author, please continue to subscribe to this book! I believe that the story behind it will be far more exciting than the previous one. If you don't have confidence, just scold you, I'm actually ready to be scolded. above! )

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