I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 386: soul view

The two girls were safely handed over to Xiong Miaomiao, and the police almost arrived at the scene.

Wang Ergen and the white coat were taken away by the police directly. The situation of the hunched figure was special, and it was not enough to explain the situation on the spot. Lin Fang had to go to the police station for a period of time and wait for more detailed investigation results.

Fortunately, Xiong Miaomiao responded very quickly. After settling down the three companions, he immediately retrieved the situation of several tracking devices, and obtained strong evidence to prove that Lin Fang was a legitimate defense.

At the same time, Wang Ergen and the white coat, after the initial denial and avoidance, were also broken through the psychological defense line in the presence of video evidence.

Both of them admitted that the rickety figure was their accomplice. This person had some perverted hobbies and a more dangerous aggressiveness, and it was very likely that he would attack Lin Fang first.

The results of the on-site investigation also proved the attacking intention of the rickety figure.

Under all kinds of evidence, after thanking Lin Fang, the police sent him out of the police station.

The next day, Lin Fang contacted Xia Xuejian and made an appointment to meet.

In the coffee shop, after the two met, Lin Fang went straight to the topic: "Xuejian, do you want to create a virtual world or find another world when you acquired Hanhai Biological?"

Xia Xuejian was silent for a moment before smiling, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is!"

"Then tell me, what's the difference?"

Lin Fang said as a matter of course: "What we have created is a virtual world controlled by a computer program, but another world, it must be real!"

Xia Xuejian smiled slightly and asked, "How to prove it?"

Lin Fang thought for a while, and said, "The world we create is simulated by AI, whether it is creatures, buildings, or indigenous people, they are all fake, just need a command to destroy them, or make them Lost memory, and even changed into another appearance!"

Xia Xuejian glanced out the window and said, "The world in front of us? Isn't this the case? Typhoon, tsunami, earthquake, car accident, accident, vegetative state? Degeneration, growth, old age? How can you guarantee that someone you know? Ten Years later, will he still be him?"


In the face of Xia Xuejian's rhetorical question? Lin Fang was speechless? His heart was shocked and he wanted to deny it, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Lin Fang thought of a possibility, he took a deep breath and said, "You mean? Our world is also false?"

Xia Xuejian shook his head lightly and said with a smile, "No, our world is real. If I integrate the companies under my name, they can create a virtual world? That world will also be real."

Lin Fang frowned slightly and said, "This is impossible!"

Xia Xuejian smiled and said, "Why is it impossible? Do you think that we humans? Shouldn't have the ability to create the world?"

Lin Fang nodded: "That's right, our current technological capabilities? It's impossible to do this!"

Xia Xuejian smiled playfully and said: "Then let me ask you? Novels created by novelists, movies made by directors, games released by game companies, with background, plot, world view, and character conflict, did they create the world? ?"

Lin Fang thought about it and said, "It doesn't count?"

Xia Xuejian asked back, "Why not? It's just because we can't go to those worlds? Because we don't know, we don't think it counts and doesn't exist? Maybe, after these worlds are created, they already exist. ?"

Lin Fang shook his head and said, "It's just a fantasy, of course it doesn't really exist!"

Xia Xuejian changed the subject and asked, "Then how do you think the creatures of the vast sea will change the world?"

Lin Fang was slightly excited. He said, "I've heard about this. There are rumors on the Internet that Hanhai Biological has made a major technological breakthrough, and intubation at the back of the head will soon be possible."


Xia Xuejian sneered, shook his head and said, "Why do you want to intubate the back of your head?"

Lin Fang scratched his head, recalled the information he had recently consulted, and said: "Probably because the back of the head is where the spinal cord and the brain are connected, and various nerves are relatively rich. After intubation, the human spirit can be introduced into the virtual world. Bar?"

Xia Xuejian denied: "This statement is very wrong, we are not following this path. In fact, the ancestors of Taoism have already pointed us in the direction. You know that the eyes look at the nose, the nose looks at the heart, reflect What is the saying of the gods?"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "I know that the eyes look at the nose, the nose looks at the heart..."

Xia Xuejian chuckled lightly and said, "Then try to do it."

Lin Fang stared at his nose for a while, and found that he had a tendency to cross-eyed, so he stopped quickly and said doubtfully, "What's the use of this?"

Xia Xuejian glanced at Lin Fang and said, "It's not like that. You follow me, look at your nose, and when you feel the between your brows are different, and something seems to be condensing, don't look at your nose, and concentrate on feeling. eyebrows."

Lin Fang tried to do as he did, and sure enough, after a while, he felt the strangeness between his eyebrows. At this moment, his concentration, memory, and even his perception of the outside world were improving wildly.

He was startled, and suddenly left that state.

But I can't forget the feeling just now.

Lin Fang tried again, it wasn't so easy this time, but after a while, he experienced the strangeness between his eyebrows again.

"Xuejian, what's going on?"

"I feel it, right?"

Xia Xuejian chuckled lightly, tapped his forehead, and said: "This is the spiritual platform that the Taoist ancestor said, the square inch, the heart, the third eye, which is where the soul is. The major discovery is about here!"

Bullshit you!

Lin Fang's first feeling was disbelief. As a human being, whether it was the education he received, the information he received, or what he knew and saw from reading, surfing the Internet, and reading newspapers, he had doubts about the existence of the soul.

It cannot be proved that it does not exist, but it cannot be proved that it exists.

And it basically exists, it should also be in the brain, how can it be in the eyebrows?

How big is the place between the eyebrows?

Xia Xue saw through Lin Fang's suspicions, smiled, and added: "I know you don't believe it, let me give a simple example. Take the computers we use every day, do you think that from a hardware perspective, CPU Is it important, or is the hard drive important?"

Lin Fang blurted out, "Of course the CPU is important."

Xia Xuejian smiled slightly and said, "Then tell me, is the brain a CPU or a hard drive?"

Lin Fang didn't even think about it, and said, "Of course it's C..."


If the brain is the CPU, where is the memory stored?

Then if the brain is just a hard drive, then the CPU...

Xia Xuejian smiled and said, "You've thought of it, right? That's right, the brain is the hard disk, and the CPU is the pineal gland, which is the position between our eyebrows and the third eye. You see, with the hard disk, there is also the CPU. , there must be an operating system, right?"

Lin Fang argued strongly: "What about the memory? Can it be turned on if you only have a hard disk and CPU?"

Xia Xue smiled and said, "Then let me ask you, human consciousness, why is there a difference between subconscious and conscious? Is the subconscious equivalent to a hard disk call? Is the conscious equivalent to resident memory?"

What the hell!

Lin Fang took a deep breath and looked at Xia Xuejian. Although he didn't want to admit it, he found that he was faintly persuaded by Xia Xuejian.

He actually really believed that the brain is just a hard drive and memory for storing memories, the CPU is the pineal gland, and the operating system...is the soul?

Lin Fang thought for a while and asked, "You said that the creatures in the vast sea have made a major discovery about the soul...is this what you mean?"

Xia Xuejian nodded slightly, shook his head again, and said, "This is just a part of it, it's not important. What they found that really mattered was that they depicted the shape of the soul!"


Lin Fang couldn't sit still any longer, and stood up suddenly: "This is impossible!"

Xia Xuejian smiled and said, "Calm down! Calm down! You sit down first. When I first heard about it, I didn't think it was possible. I'll take you to the Jincheng Research Center later, and you can see it with your own eyes."

Lin Fang was startled again, and said, "You mean, Hanhai Biological moved the research center here?"

Xia Xuejian nodded and said, "That's right, I've been planning this for a while. Just two days ago, the whole thing was relocated. Now they're in that city, and there's only an empty shell left."

Lin Fang stood up again and said, "Then what are we waiting for? Take me to see it!"

Xia Xue glanced at Lin Fang angrily, and said, "Look, you are in a hurry! There is something I haven't said yet, so wait a moment."

"Then speak up!"

Xia Xuejian said sternly: "Hanhai creatures have discovered through research that the human soul has two forms, gathered like sand grains and scattered like smoke.

When a person's attention is extremely concentrated, his thinking is active, and his creativity is the most brilliant, his soul is reunited between his eyebrows and other parts of the body, and almost no external information can be perceived.

On the contrary, if a person is in a daze, eats and waits for death, and the soul is lazy, it will spread to the whole body, and the body is more sensitive to the outside world, but it is better to sit than to sit, and it is better to lie down.

In extreme cases, a person's soul enters a thinner state, and some will leak out. At this time, a person will enter a state of coma, suspended animation, and a vegetative state. If it leaks completely, he will never wake up again and will be brain-dead. "

Lin Fang took a deep breath and stared at Xia Xuejian. He thought of a possibility, and suddenly asked without thinking, "Xuejian, are you from the outside world, from a higher world?"

Xia Xue laughed, got up and touched Lin Fang's forehead, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! If it weren't for the issues we just discussed, I would have thought you were complimenting me! Humph! I also think that I am a fairy, but unfortunately, I let you down!"

Lin Fang hurriedly held Xia Xuejian's little hand and said with a smirk, "No! No! Not disappointed, not disappointed at all. Then let's... go to the research center now?"

Xia Xuejian withdrew her little hand, gave Lin Fang a blank look, and said, "Let's go! You're so stubborn, if you don't take you there, I'm afraid you will blame me!"

Lin Fang laughed twice, and explained a little weakly: "How is it possible? No! No!"

Xia Xuejian ignored Lin Fang, took him into the car, and drove to the High-tech Zone.

As early as Longxia Group announced the overall acquisition of Hanhai Biological, the Jincheng government contacted Xia Xuejian urgently, discussed with her the possibility of Hanhai Biological moving into Jincheng, and promised a series of extremely favorable conditions.

Xia Xuejian had long planned to relocate the research center of Hanhai Biological, but it was difficult to evade it. After going back and forth, he won more and better conditions from the city government, and then the whole relocation came like lightning.

There is a scientific research building in Jincheng High-Tech Park that was just completed. It was originally intended to attract a scientific research institution with a national prefix, and it was directly given to Hanhai Technology.

This scientific research building has 18 floors above ground and 8 floors underground, a total of 26 floors. It was expensive to build, but it was given to Hanhai Technology for free.

However, this free use is also conditional, that is, Hanhai Technology cannot move out for any reason within ten years, and there must be at least one major scientific research achievement within five years, and the importance of this achievement must not be lower than the previous achievements of Hanhai Biological.

Hanhai Technology is a technology company recently registered in Jincheng by Xia Xuejian. It has two subsidiaries, Hanhai Biological and Yinhe Electronics. Hanhai Biological is newly acquired, but Yinhe Electronics is an Internet company that Xia Xuejian has been supporting.

Not long ago, Galaxy Electronics also acquired an electronics manufacturing company and a machinery manufacturing company.

It is precisely because of Xia Xuejian's series of actions that the Jincheng government sees the possibility of Xia Xuejian turning to the high-tech field in an all-round way and taking root in Jincheng.

Today, Hanhai Biological has moved into a scientific research building called New Start, and its most important laboratory is located on the fifth underground floor.

Lin Fang received a badge and changed into a white coat like Xia Xuejian. After several layers of security, he had the opportunity to take the elevator down.

The elevator is normal until the third underground floor, and then you need to verify the iris before you can transfer to another elevator to the fifth underground floor.

Because of Xia Xuejian's advance notice, the chief researcher of the laboratory was already waiting at the door.

He was about forty years old, about 1.7 meters tall, not tall, but with a big forehead. At first glance, he was a smart man.

"Mr. Xia, our soul import module has been completed, when will we be able to carry out the packaging and testing? Galaxy Electronics is too slow. After a long time, we still can't fix the virtual warehouse. Otherwise, we will also give this piece to us. It's gone!"

Xia Xuejian hadn't spoken yet, so the other party hurried to talk.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Shen, I will urge you again!"

Xia Xuejian gave Lin Fang a wry smile and introduced to Lin Fang: "Lin Fang, this is Dr. Shen Yibo Shen, he is the one who led the drawing of the soul view, and it is he who has completed the research on the soul import module. Uh...how to explain this thing... "

Shen Yibo rolled his eyes and said, "Have you read the online game novel? Do you know about virtual helmets? Even a normal helmet, as long as you add our soul import module, you can instantly turn into a virtual helmet!"

What the hell!

Has it come this far?

Lin Fang looked at Xia Xuejian in amazement. He really didn't expect that Xia Xuejian, who was silent, actually led so many things out.

Xia Xuejian spread her hands and said, "Don't look at me, I just found out! Originally, Dr. Shen told me that this thing will take at least three years to get out, or I won't promise the city government. There will be results in five years.”

Shen Yibo muttered: "We just made it. When we did the experiment yesterday, a small circuit was abnormally short-circuited. We originally thought the experiment had failed, but we didn't expect that the short-circuited soul import module actually passed the verification.

We imitated the short-circuit module and trial-produced several identical soul import modules, but all of them passed the verification...

So President Xia, when will the human body test I applied for with you this morning pass? "

Yesterday, unusual...

Hearing these two key words, Lin Xin shook his head.

He unconsciously remembered yesterday's experience, the collision between himself and the rickety figure, and the other party's clamoring for a second and third time.

The abnormal infiltration of the world on the upper level made the creation of the world on the next level possible?

Matryoshka doll?

Xia Xuejian rubbed his eyebrows and said perfunctorily: "I will apply as soon as possible! Dr. Shen, you know that there are many things to consider in human experiments, and we can't apply for success casually. Besides, you also said that Galaxy Electronics The progress over there is too far behind, so let's just wait, okay?"

Shen Yibo said in a dull voice, "I've said before that Galaxy Electronics can't do it. If it were all handed over to us, it would have been completed long ago! Okay, then I'll wait, but during this time, I can't be idle. Mr. Xia, I have applied for another biochip experiment, or will you approve it? Anyway, I am idle if I am idle!"

Xia Xuejian couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows again.

It can be said that the reason why she insisted on the acquisition of Hanhai Biological, and also had great confidence in this research institute, was not because of other things, but because she had great confidence in Shen Yibo.

This man is a rare genius, and especially amazing is that he also has amazing luck.

Many times, his experiments are successful, and there are always some unexpected factors in it.

There was a soul view before, and now there is a soul import module, it can't be said that Shen Yibo's efforts can be successful.

Behind these many advantages, there is a question that makes people unable to say whether they should be happy or worried~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is that Shen Yibo is a person who can't be idle. He is either researching or on the way to research every day.

If he is not allowed to study, it is very likely that he will not do it.

Xia Xuejian sighed helplessly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you the approval when I turn around. For now, let's take a look at the soul view!"


When the request was satisfied, Shen Yibo's face became much better. He happily agreed and took Lin Fang and Xia Xuejian to the laboratory.

Forty minutes later, Lin Fang got down from a giant machine, sweating profusely, resisting the temptation to continue watching, holding on to the machine and gasping for breath.

Looking directly at the soul is not without cost. Under normal observation, it takes an average of five minutes to change people.

People like Shen Yibo who can persist in observation for half an hour are already the top talents in the laboratory.

Lin Fang surpassed this number silently, which made all the researchers, including Shen Yibo, gleamed as if they had obtained a treasure.

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