I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 387: soul grit

The scene just now was vivid in my mind, and it kept reverberating in Lin Fang's mind.

He never thought that he could really observe the existence of souls!

Even through this huge and bulky tool in front of you, it is still shocking.

"Dr. Shen! Can you invite this Mr. Lin to temporarily cooperate with us and act as our observer? With his help, our efficiency in mapping the souls of all species can be increased tenfold!"

"It's useless for you to ask me, you have to ask Mr. Lin..."

The researcher under him asked, somewhat impolite.

But Shen Yibo didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all. He also had such a personality.

The researcher who asked the question was shocked. In his opinion, Shen Yibo did not refuse, that is, he agreed. As long as he could get Lin Fang to participate, the drawing of the soul map of all species would not only increase tenfold?

You know, it was the first time that Lin Fang used a soul drawing instrument. Even if he didn't have any operations, he just used the machine to observe and look directly at the soul of the realization creature, and the machine itself would draw the soul view of the experimental creature.

Here, Shen Yibo actually dug a hole for Lin Fang.

Ordinary people without training can't use the soul drawing instrument at all.

Basically sit up for a few seconds and be bounced off without seeing the soul of the experimental creature.

Shen Yibo is also the first person in charge of the research center, the main researcher of the Soul Atlas project, Xia Xue asked him to act as Lin Fang's **** after seeing a phone call.

Feeling unhappy, Shen Yibo didn't call the stored 3D soul view at all, and directly let Lin Fang sit on the soul drawing instrument.

Unexpectedly, now there is an unexpected harvest.

Lin Fang used the Soul Drawing Instrument for the first time, and he actually lasted for more than forty minutes, which was more than ten minutes longer than Shen Yibo, who had the highest soul intensity in the entire center.

But Shen Yibo only has one. After he developed the soul drawing instrument, drew the first soul view, and built the foundation of the soul map? His research project has been changed.

Continuing the work of mapping the soul? He has already passed it on to the other researchers under his command.

Shen Yibo's latest research result is the soul import module.

His groundbreaking research? No other researcher can replace it.

So no one dared to speak? Let Shen Yibo put down his research work and help draw a map of the soul.

The soul import module looks inconspicuous? It is less than one-third of the lithium battery used in mobile phones, but it is the cornerstone of creating a new world.

As long as it has it? Humans enter the virtual world? It's just a matter of time.

Just the drawing of the soul map is also very important.

Once drawn, it will be an epoch-making discovery.

At the same time, it will also prove that myths are not nonsense, and legends are not nonsense!

At this time? Lin Fang has recovered from the huge impact of looking directly at the soul? He has a faint feeling that after looking directly at multiple souls, he seems to have some unexpected gains.

It's as if... own soul has increased!

The bulging between the eyebrows is the proof! It seems to be telling Lin Fang that he has eaten himself up!

Can the user absorb the souls of other creatures through the Soul Painter?

Lin Fang didn't know if it was just for himself or for all users.

If all users can use the Soul Painter to absorb the souls of other creatures, this is terrible!

Even if Lin Fang is not clear yet? What is the use of a strong soul, but one thing? He is very sure.

A person with a strong soul, entering the upper world? There will definitely be a great advantage!

In order to prove that it was not his own delusion? To understand the confusion? Lin Fang decisively said to the researcher, "I can cooperate!"

"Lin Fang! You don't have to do this for me!"

Xia Xuejian looked at Lin Fang with a moved face, and said softly: "Dr. Shen told me that this soul drawing instrument is not perfect, there are huge flaws, after long-term use, it will cause certain damage to the soul. Therefore, every time A researcher is limited to using the Soul Mapping Device up to three times in a year. So I don't agree with you!"

Lin Xin's head moved slightly.

Saying so...

Shen Yibo explained: "Mr. Xia, in fact, it doesn't necessarily cause damage to the soul. As long as the strength of the soul exceeds ten, there will be no damage to the soul."

"Ten grains?"

Lin Fang couldn't help but look at Shen Yibo and said, "Dr. Shen, is this a measure of soul strength?"

Shen Yibo smiled and nodded: "That's right! According to my research, the gathering of souls forms sand, and the dispersal is fog. The number of grains of sand in the condensed state of each life's soul is different. High, the number of soul sand grains will be more, my soul strength is ten grains.

This machine did no harm to me, and even after using it a few times, I felt that the grains of sand in my soul still tended to increase, and I don't know if it was my illusion. "

I see!

Lin Fang was already certain at this time that the feeling of fullness between his eyebrows was not his own illusion.

Using the Soul Painter will really enhance your soul strength!

It just makes Lin Fang feel a little strange that Shen Yibo has a vague feeling after using it many times, and he has a very strong feeling after using it only once.

Could it be that the strength of his soul is inherently much stronger than ordinary people?

After thinking so much, Lin Fang suddenly thought of a possibility.

If the world does not pass through, but comes from other worlds.

Then the Lin Fang of this world is his own self.

This he and I were first replaced by someone in the upper world, and then replaced by myself.

Perhaps, he just accepted their inheritance, so his soul strength is naturally different from ordinary people, or...three times that of ordinary people!

It is precisely because of the strength of his soul that the Soul Drawing Instrument cannot absorb his soul, cause damage to himself, and even feed himself back to help himself improve the strength of his soul!

The more Lin Fang thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. When he looked at the soul drawing instrument again, light almost came out of his eyes.

Good stuff!

With the help of this thing, the strength of one's soul can always be improved.

The improvement of soul strength, at present, the biggest benefit is to improve wisdom.

However, Lin Fang knew that the benefits of high soul strength were more than just that.

As for how it is, we will need to do more development in the future.

So, Lin Fang smiled and said to Xia Xuejian: "Xuejian, you should be at ease now, right? Dr. Shen said that if there are more soul sand grains, there will be no problem. I have more soul sand grains than Dr. Shen. , it'll be fine, let me try it!"


Xia Xuejian hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but look at Shen Yibo.

Shen Yibo nodded and said, "Mr. Xia, rest assured, Mr. Lin can hold on for more than 40 minutes, and the number of sand grains in his soul will definitely exceed mine, and a conservative estimate may even exceed the astonishing number of 20, which has exceeded the upper limit of normal people. See, he's the best person to use the Soul Mapper."

Xia Xuejian was not shy either. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I agree. Lin Fang, during this time, you will have to work hard!"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "It's not hard work, I also want to see the birth of a new world sooner!"

Seeing a look of longing in her eyes, Xia Xue nodded and said, "Yes, the new world!"


That afternoon, Lin Fang checked into the researcher room temporarily assigned to him and joined the project team.

From the second day, Lin Fang officially started his exclusive observer career.

In the past, the users of the Soul Mapping Instrument were all temporary, with the researcher of the project team making a cameo appearance, and almost every researcher was assigned an observation task, without exception.

The arrival of Lin Fang completely freed them.

Because of Lin Fang's high soul strength, his observation effect is fast and good.

The researcher had said before that the addition of Lin Fang would make their project team draw the soul map ten times faster.

Now it seems that he is still too conservative.

Not only is it ten times faster, it is almost fifty times, a hundred times faster!

Lin Fang is completely free from the restriction that a researcher can only use the machine three times a year, and even, sometimes, Lin Fang does more than three times a day!

And as he slowly got used to the machine, Lin Fang could observe the soul longer and longer.

In other words, his soul strength is getting higher and higher!

At present, except for the researchers who volunteered as experimenters, the soul strength is generally five or seven grains of sand. Among other creatures, the highest soul strength is actually a pig!

The average pig soul strength is about three, and the best of them is four.

There are no more than four so far.

Other creatures, such as dogs and orangutans, have a general soul strength of two, and the best of them only has three.

There are also some life forms that don't even have a single grain of soul sand. Even if the soul gathers, it is in a flocculent shape.

And these life forms use fish as the dividing point, and the smartest among the fish has a grain of sand.

Others, such as arthropods and mollusks, are already flocculent.

Even worse, it is not even flocculent, it is directly foggy.

Often this kind of creature will die after being observed without exception!

When not observing, Lin Fang would stay in his room reading a book or go to the fitness center to practice boxing.

Every day is regular and fulfilling.

During this period, Xia Xuejian also came to see Lin Fang several times.

Every time I come and go, I can't stay for long.

Lin Fang knew that every achievement made by Hanhai Technology, once announced, would shock the world.

The reason why Xia Xuejian kept it a secret was because he was holding back a big move, after he wanted to create a virtual world, he launched it in one fell swoop.

It's just that these results could not be concealed from the above, or in other words, Xia Xuejian did not intend to conceal it, and reported the relevant index to the Chinese Academy of Sciences early.

As a result, the security level of Hanhai Technology has suddenly been raised to an astonishing level.

Even Lin Fang was affected. Not only was he required to do a political review, but he also entered various data such as iris, fingerprints, sound waves, DNA, etc., in order not to be penetrated.

It is no wonder that the above-mentioned mobilization of the public, soul view, soul map, soul import module, the emergence of this series of things, once made public, will cause a world-annihilating earthquake to all existing disciplines.

The body is just a vehicle, the soul is the foundation.

Does that mean that as long as the soul is endless, human beings can live forever?

It doesn't matter if the body is old, use the soul to import the module and change the body!

Even Shen Yibo himself would never have thought that the soul import module he invented was originally just for the convenience of entering the new world imagined by Xia Xuejian.

And after some people get the relevant data, the first thought is that this thing can make mankind immortal!

Of course, it now appears that immortality is just a pseudo-concept.

Because the soul will also age, with the passage of time, even if the strength of the soul is higher, it is difficult to maintain a condensed state for a long time like the peak period.

Even, as the age increases, the soul gathering will become more and more difficult.

And this process is irreversible, unless a person's soul strength can be continuously improved, and new soul sand grains replace the old soul sand grains.

Remove the turnips and save the greens, remove their impurities and take their essence.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed, except for the unobservable objects whose soul strength is too low and will die once observed.

The existing small-sized creatures in the world that can be transported to the laboratory, including animals, plants, and minerals, have all been observed by Lin Fang.

Surprisingly, but reasonable, plants and minerals have souls!

If this result is revealed, I am afraid it will cause another uproar.

Because this means that ancient myths may not be just myths, but some kind of lost history of mankind.

Perhaps in ancient times, various forms of life once coexisted on the earth.

During this time, the tutor Qian Hongkang called Lin Fang and asked about his progress in his homework. Although Lin Fang was in the research center, he did not give up his studies, even though law was no longer important to him.

After some answering, Qian Hongkang was very satisfied with Lin Fang's progress and mentioned the matter of graduating early again.

Lin Fang hesitated for a while, then agreed.

He originally planned to enjoy campus life, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

The infiltration of external creatures, the creation of a new world, and the appearance of these things made Lin Fang no longer have time to enjoy leisure.

Being able to graduate early with a doctorate can be regarded as an explanation for the parents of this world.

In the detective agency, Lin Fang no longer plans to open it.

Lin Fang himself could not have imagined that the first task of the detective agency was actually the last task.

One day, Xia Xuejian found Lin Fang and took him to a room. In addition to Lin Fang, Shen Yibo was also there. Besides him, there was an old man with all white hair, a middle-aged soldier.

All five of them have status and can sit around the table for a meeting.

Other researchers could only sit in rows against the wall and listen.

Shen Yibo glanced at Xia Xuejian and Lin Fang, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, everyone is here, then, please take a look, this is the biological chip I invented Pangu No. 1."


Lin Fang fiercely turned his head to look at Xia Xuejian, and after getting a positive answer, he couldn't help but be full of lies.

How long has it been since Shen Yibo applied for this program?

It's full... less than a month, right?

Is this off the hook?

Do not!

Even if it's open, it can't be so fierce!

How did Shen Yibo do it?

Shen Yibo smiled slightly and said proudly: "Everyone may have heard that it has just been twenty days since I applied for this project. Yes, the real world is twenty days, but some places... more than that!"

The middle-aged soldier asked with a shocked expression: "Dr. Shen, do you mean that you have created a virtual world?"

The white-haired old man was also shocked. He asked more excitedly than the middle-aged soldier, "Dr. Shen, can I go in and have a look?"

Shen Yibo shook his head slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm disappointed everyone, I didn't create a virtual world, I just created a virtual laboratory. In this laboratory, time can pass a hundred times. My thinking speed can even increase quick

In your opinion, I have only been working on biochips for twenty days! But in fact, I have been researching for ten years! "

The white-haired old man was still very excited: "That's already amazing, can you take me in to see it?"

Shen Yibo shook his head regretfully and said, "In the very beginning, I tried to bring researchers in, but when I brought in other intelligent creatures, it failed. This virtual laboratory is based on my brain. Built from the ground up, no one can use it except me.

But...I can publish the method and let everyone build their own virtual lab. However, what I want to remind is that when the soul strength is not enough, it is best not to try it lightly, otherwise it may cause irreversible consequences.

What's more, even if the building is successful, I can't guarantee that there will be other adverse consequences. I can only say that I haven't found it yet, but I can't guarantee that there will be no! "

Everyone in the room looked at Shen Yibo in surprise.

This person is really not ordinary bold!

The human brain is the most sophisticated organ in the world. Even the best brain doctor in the world would not dare to say how much he knows about the brain.

How could Shen Yibo dare to attack his own brain so easily?

Fortunately, the current results are not bad, but who can guarantee that after the virtual laboratory is built, there will be no adverse consequences?

Therefore, even if Shen Yibo said that it could be announced, no one present dared to try it easily.

However, among these people, Lin Fang was not included.

He wants to try.

Shen Yibo's virtual laboratory, two days outside, one year inside.

Even if Lin Fang can't do this, one month outside is one year inside, which is enough to make his heart move.

What Lin Fang lacks the most right now is time!

To create a new world, for Lin Fang, the desire is not strong.

But the threat of the upper world is real.

The guy who descended on the rickety figure once said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that he would come to this world for the second and third time.

Even if Lin Fang can kill him completely, there is no guarantee that there will be no second or third visitor from another world.

The threat is always there. If he can take more time and prepare more, Lin Fang will have the confidence to repel these intruders and even invade their world in reverse.

It's just that all of this takes time.

Shen Yibo glanced around and said disappointedly, "Does anyone want to know the method?"

Lin Fang stretched out his hand and said, "I think so."

"Lin Fang!"

Xia Xuejian pressed Lin Fang's arm almost immediately, shook his head vigorously and said, "No! If Dr. Shen has a solution, it must be very dangerous!"


If you are unwilling to take this risk, what will you do when those otherworldly visitors come again with stronger means?

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