I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 408: 9 Lingzhu, tiger demon

Lin Fangan stepped into the car, seemingly slow and fast, and in a short while, he arrived under Shiquan.

Shiquan is located in the center of a mountain wall, nearly three meters above the ground below.

A very fine spring water is slowly flowing out from the mountain wall.

The speed of the water was so slow that the stone plate, which was a meter high from the natural bulge from the ground, was full the moment Lin Fang noticed it, but until he approached, the spring inside did not overflow.

Lin Fang glanced at the stone plate. The diameter of the stone plate was slightly larger than that of the washbasin. The spring water in the plate was about two knuckles deep.

The spring water is very clear, and a little dust blown by the mountain wind has long since settled to the bottom of the plate.

Occasionally floating dead branches and broken leaves hover around the edge of the stone plate, and will roll down if you are not careful.


Just as Lin Fang was about to take out the container from the inventory, decorate it with spring water and bring it back for a test, a pungent stench blew, and a colorful tiger the size of a bull swooped in.

"Good beast, can't you finally bear it?"

Lin Fang scolded with a laugh, raised his hand, and the weeds and vines under his feet broke out of the ground, fell into his hand and turned into a two-meter-long dark green whip.

With a wave of his hand, he hit the tiger's **** with a whip.



The fierce tiger screamed, and the tone of his voice changed.

It jumped up and away from Lin Fang, its eyes were fierce, and it grinned at him.

"Come again!"

Lin Fang hooked his hand, but the tiger was not fooled. It walked around Lin Fang, roaring from time to time, and poised to the ground, as if it was about to make a move, but stopped abruptly. , go around to the side.

"Good beast, quite cunning!"

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Lin Fang couldn't help laughing and scolding again. When he landed, he noticed that there was a fierce tiger around Shiquan, as if he had marked the area around Shiquan as his own territory.

That is to say, no one has realized the benefits and value of this stone spring. That's why this tiger who didn't know where to hide and escaped the claws of human beings came to dominate here.

Anyone who knows that this stone spring was the eruption node of the first aura recovery, it is very likely that there is a crystal of spiritual energy inside, and even this seemingly clear spring has a high concentration of spiritual energy. I am afraid that it will be stepped on. into white.

Lin Fang also couldn't bear to be slaughtered by this fierce tiger, so he moved with compassion, so he dealt with it for a while.

Otherwise, if you shoot straight at it with a sword, this fierce tiger will have been disemboweled long ago and will die.


The tiger circled around for a long time, thinking that he had a plan, looking at a gap where Zhong Lin Fang had his back facing it, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed over with a loud roar.

But I never thought that this flaw was originally sold to it by Lin Fang on purpose.

When the tiger jumped into the air, the dark green whip in Lin Fang's hand was like a spirit snake, and he wrapped it directly around it.


A ferocious tiger the size of an adult bull fell from the sky, making a muffled sound, and just smashed a big hole in place.

Countless splashes of dust.

Lin Fang grabbed a piece of "Fresh Breeze" and swiped it at random, and the dust that was blowing from his face was rolled back, and all fell on the tiger.

The breeze blew, and even led Lin Fang all the way, and the grass seeds, dust, and fallen leaves on his body were also taken away.

Lin Fang spread out his hands and looked at it, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​washing his hands with the spring water in the stone plate.

However, he still took out two empty mineral water bottles, pressed them into the stone plate, and filled the two bottles with a grunt.

The tiger was tied to the ground, but its head was not restricted from moving. As soon as it looked up, it saw Lin Fang fetching water, and couldn't help roaring at Lin Fang again.

Lin Fangli ignored it, put the two bottles filled with spring water into the inventory, and touched the mountain wall again, found one of the key holes, took out the Qingming sword (Jindan) and stabbed it inside, left and right. One turn, dig out a stone.

There was a flash of fluorescent light inside, and a strong spiritual energy flowed out like smoke and mist.

"Ah woo! Meow... ah woo..."

When the tiger saw the aura, his nose twitched again and again, and he couldn't be in a hurry.

It sensed something was wrong, and the tiger's body shook, and after a while, it almost let out a tiger roar.

Even if it was tightly bound, it still couldn't suppress its thirst for spiritual energy. It was just like a pupa and pupa, and it moved towards Lin Fang with all its strength, even if it could only move a few centimeters at a time, an inch or two inches. It also refuses to give up.

Lin Fang glanced back at Tiger, couldn't help but smile, and said, "A little profit is worth your nervousness?"

He said so, and with his left hand, the smoke-like aura seemed to be attracted by something, and it fell into Lin Fang's hand.

This sub-aura seems to be endless. No matter how Lin Fang can absorb it, it will never end.

Lin Fang raised his brows slightly, the Qingming Sword (Jin Dan) in his right hand held a sword flower, and he stuffed it into the stone cave dug by Feijian. He poked it inside and moved left and right, It seemed that he had hit a bump. He gently picked it up from the bottom, then pushed it hard, and finally pulled it out.


A strong spirit that was almost condensed into a stream of water poured out, but all of them were exhausted in Lin Fang's hands.

At the end of the spiritual tide, a bead the size of a peanut flew out.

Just about to fly out, the bead tried to escape, but there was no time.

Lin Fang himself has already represented the upper limit of power in the Taiyi world. He sends out tasks and experience to people everywhere. It is not just boring, or he is generous.

The purpose is to improve one's own realm as much as possible, and to beat all dissatisfaction.

The tide of aura recovery in Taiyi World will not be managed by Lin Lin. Every eruption means an increase in the limit of the world.

Lin Fang doesn't need to worry about it, he just needs to keep up with the pace of the world and directly push himself to the current level limit, realm limit, and strength limit by issuing tasks.

Isn't that?

But if Lin Da was a little more careful, he rose to 50 or 60 levels, and the Foundation Establishment Realm came over to find excitement, and this Spirit Orb could take the opportunity to escape.

However, he just managed to reach level 100, and he was promoted to Jindan Consummation. He didn't hesitate to spend 1 creation point to take out a Qingming sword (jindan), and came to a full-level large-scale abuse.

As soon as the Lingzhu flew out, it was shot backwards by Lin Fang's sword, and hit the mountain wall. Before it could react, Lin Fang dropped the Qingming Sword (Jindan) in his hand and squeezed Live in this bead.

"Round or not, flat or flat, it's not that great! I really don't want it!"


Lin Fang took the Lingzhu in his hand and complained, but he heard a hurried howl from a tiger not far behind.

The amazing thing is that this time, Lin Fang actually understood what the tiger was saying: "If you don't want it, you can give it to me, give it to me, give it to me! Don't waste it! No... no... lose it, throw it here , throw it into my mouth, that hateful human being, throw it away!"


Lin Fang glanced at the Spirit Orb, which was trembling in his hand, as if he was trying to break free, and then glanced at the Tiger who was still trying to hire him. He couldn't help but smile, and he casually condensed the Spiritual Qi and Spiritual Tide in his left hand into one. Tuanling Balloons have been put into the inventory.

"Items obtained: Concentrated Aura (Nuan Ying), which can be swallowed. After swallowing, it will be upgraded to the Yuan Ying stage. Note: For some reason, it may explode and die after taking it. It is recommended to split it. It can be divided into Concentrated Aura (Jindan)????3."

While stuffing the aura into the inventory, Lin Fang received a prompt.

He couldn't help but curled his lips. For some reason, it was clearly the limitation of the master mind.

It is said that it is possible to explode, but if it is swallowed, it is not possible, but 100% certain to explode.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a concentrated aura that can reach the Nascent Soul stage is a panacea. It would be a waste to split it into 3 golden elixir.

However, Lin Fang held a spiritual bead that could spit out spiritual energy and understand animal language, so he was not afraid of wasting it.

He casually put the Spirit Orb into the inventory, and as expected, he also got a prompt.

"Items obtained: Jiu Lingzhu (Ji).

Function 1: Psychic, no need to equip or wear, just hold this item, you can communicate with all sentient beings in the world.

Function 2: Gathering spirits, each natural day can produce a group of aura (qi training), or accumulate to produce a group of aura (foundation) every seven days, or accumulate to produce a group of aura (jindan) every month , or accumulated to produce a mass of spiritual energy (Yuan Ying) every year. "

Jiulingzhu (Ji) has few functions, only two, but it is very useful.

Needless to say, psychic, Lin Fang doesn't need to hold the Jiulingzhu (Ji) in his hand, as long as he puts it in the inventory, he can understand what the big cat who has been **** with five flowers and has given up continuing to chrysalis is mumbling. .

The usefulness of gathering spirits is not small. It can produce a group of golden elixir aura in a month. Even if Lin Fang is useless to use it to please Xia Xuejian, it would be excellent for her to mass-produce elixir masters.

This is much easier than when he keeps sending people tasks every day, and he can take advantage of it by lying down.

But think about it, the main brain is also quite dark.

It takes 12 months for Jiu Lingzhu (Ji) to produce a ball of Nascent Soul Spiritual Qi, but when he split the ball of Nascent Soul Spiritual Qi, he could only split 3 groups of Jindan Spiritual Qi, which is equal to 9 groups, a quarter of The benefits of the three are corrupted by the mastermind.

Lin Fang snorted secretly, walked to the big cat who was still forcing Lai Lai to scold him, squatted down, put his hand on its forehead, stroked its head and said, "Big cat, who did you just scold? ?"

"Meow...meow...just scold you, what's the matter? You **** human! Where did you get my beads? If you have this bead in your hand, Ben cat... bah bah! King Ben Hu, at most half a year, You can change shape and become a great demon of golden elixir! It's a shame, you actually hid it for me, hurry up and hand it over to me! Wait... how dare you touch me? See if I won't kill you..."


Lin Fang retracted his hand, let the big cat bite in the empty space, and slapped it on the face, saying, "What is your bead? Do you know what this bead is called? It's you. Besides, is your name written on the bead, when you call it, does it promise you?"

"Meow! It's mine! It's mine! You **** human, not only robbed me of beads, but dared to beat me, I'll kill you! I'll kill you! No...you...how can you understand what I'm saying? What? Oh my god...youkai!"


Lin Fang slapped the big cat on the forehead, laughed and scolded: "What are you yelling, I'm a human, you are a monster! I said, cat demon, do you want to play with me? If you play with me, I can reward you every year. A bunch of this... um..."

With a flash of light, he took out the Nascent Soul Aura from the inventory, and Lin Fang changed his words: "I mean, the annual salary is a little worse than this aura, and this kind of energy will not be paid for ten years. Salary, only have the opportunity to get it.”

The big cat glanced at Lin Fang's left hand with disdain, but after staring for a while, his eyes could no longer be moved.

Although the Jiu Lingzhu (Ji) is good, after the spiritual energy it has accumulated is taken away by Lin Fang, in addition to the benefits of "psychic", you can feel it now, and the benefits of improving your strength will take time to accumulate.

But with the aura in Lin Fang's hand, the big cat can now greatly increase his cultivation and become a big golden elixir.

"Meow! I want it! I want it! Give it to me! Give me that ball of aura in your hand! I will **** with you, as long as you give it to me, I will **** with you!"

"It's beautiful to think about!"

Lin Fang turned it over, put the aura into the inventory, and said with a half-smiling smile, "This is a ball of Nascent Soul aura, and it's your ten years' salary, and I'll give it to you now. What if you change your mind and run away midway? ?"

"Meow! Our tiger clan keeps our promises, and we keep our word. We are not as cunning as you humans, and we always go back on our word!"

Lin Fang stood up and said, "Unless you recognize me as the master now, or else, even if you say something hype, I don't believe it."

"Ding! The foundation-building tiger demon (unnamed) was convinced by your amazing charm and tried to recognize you as the master. Do you accept it?"

Lin Fang: "..."

What about your manners?

Lin Fang glanced at the big cat that was still tied up, a little unconvinced that he had received a tiger demon so easily.

However, if you think about it, it's nothing more than building a foundation. It's understandable that Lin Fang's palm was suppressed just when he wanted to stab.

The animal world is the most realistic, but I can't beat you. As long as you don't eat me, I will join you.

Even if the tiger demon is a demon, he still can't get rid of this habit.

"Okay. Seeing your sincerity, I'll accept you."

After Lin Fang's confirmation, the tiger demon roared, and a little tiger with golden light flew out from its brows. It fluttered at Lin Fang, and there was an extra pet on his panel.

Foundation-building stage tiger demon (unnamed): the owner Lin Fang.

Lin Fang casually renamed the tiger demon "Big Cat", and then said to it: "The energy of this group of aura is too high, the aura is too abundant, you can't digest it, even if it is given to you, you can only watch it. If you go down, you will explode and die. You follow me first, and I will give you a group of spiritual energy with low energy next month, which is regarded as drawing your salary for one year in advance."

The tiger demon cat struggled twice, trying to run to Lin Fang's feet to rub against it, but it was still strapped with the long whip, and it was only a little bit closer to Lin Fang, and it couldn't rub it at all. to Lin Fang.

"Master, can you help me loosen first?"

Seeing this, Lin Fang couldn't help laughing dumbly. With a wave of his hand, the aura on the whip was dissipated. The whip naturally decomposed and turned into weeds and vines scattered all over the place.


The tiger demon cat shook its body, and with a ferocious light in its eyes, it wanted to pounce on Lin Fang, but there was a sudden sharp pain in its forehead, and it couldn't help screaming.

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile and said, "You big cat, you are really wild and untamed, and you still want to attack me! Well, let's make you suffer a little bit."

Half an hour later, the tiger demon cat was completely exhausted, and it begged for mercy: "Master, forgive me! I dare not! I dare not anymore! Whatever you say is what you say, I dare not be greedy anymore!"

Lin Fang said, "Get smaller first. Your body is too big, so it's not convenient to take it out."

The tiger demon cat rolled on the spot without saying a word, and turned into a kitten that was only as big as a palm and could be stuffed into a cup.

Even if it looks like a cockroach, it is no different from a one or two-month-old kitten.

After the tiger demon recognizes its master, it can be put away long ago if it is replaced by a normal game.

But after this mutation, virtual games with a bit of real world meaning do not provide this function.

If you want to put it away, it is not impossible. You can make a spirit beast bag with materials and put the spirit beast in it. Otherwise, you can only become an immortal and an ancestor, open up a world of heaven and paradise, and carry the spirit beasts with you. Put pets in.

It is not cost-effective to make a spirit beast bag, and it will be pitted by the master brain to create a world.

Opening up space, Lin Fang can only think about it. Now the limit of the world allowed by the main brain is the Jindan stage. He has no shortage of exercises, and no lack of merits, but as long as he dares to upgrade, the exercises will be in vain. In other words, it is to use merit and virtue to forcibly give one's own level to the hard top that exceeds the limit of the world.

In the end, it turned into a splendid fireworks, turned into a spiritual energy, and fed back to this world again.

In this seemingly real but illusory world, the biggest lesson Lin Fang has learned is: if you don't have the strength to overturn the table, you can only do your best to gain benefits for yourself under the rules set by the other party.

Lin Fang grabbed the tiger demon by the neck, lifted it up and held it in his hand, UU reading www. uukanshu.com went out of the mountain.

The tiger demon struggled for a while, but was unable to break free, so he could only resign on Lin Fang's palm, and asked in a milky voice, "Master, where are we going?"

Lin Fang glanced at the tiger demon strangely, why does this guy's voice change when his body gets smaller?

Before, he had a rough voice and couldn't tell the male and female. Now that he has become smaller, he can hear it. It is a soft and crisp loli sound. Could it be that this is still a tigress?

Lin Fang deliberately raised the tiger demon's tail and looked at its male and female. He also felt that it seemed a bit wretched to look at a creature with spirituality and ability to talk. He hesitated for a while and then dismissed the idea.

"Go down the mountain."

"What is there to go down the mountain, there are people everywhere, they are bad, they often frighten people, and they want to take me away!"

"That's because they haven't seen you as you are now, and now they just want to **** you!"

"What do you mean by licking me? I just don't like the word!"

"like this!"

Lin Fang casually slapped the tiger demon twice, but he couldn't help but meow and purr.

Tiger Demon: "..."


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