I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 409: apprentice

Halfway down the mountain, Lin Fang stopped.

People came quite fast.

It's a little out of line when it goes on like this.

Lin Fang threw out the Qingming Sword (Jindan), jumped, and landed gently on the flying sword that was getting bigger and bigger.

In the past, Lin Fang saw that Li Jianfeng had played a 3D Xianxia game in which the characters in the game could also control the flying sword, but the flying sword was a normal size and could not be made larger or smaller.

The characters land on it and fly, and the scene is extremely funny.

It felt like an adult playing a child's skateboard, and the skateboard was cut a few times, so it was thin and brittle.

It always gives people the impression that this person is not a sword fairy, but a clown, who will fall from the flying sword at some point.

Thankfully, the mastermind of Taiyi World is not so brainless. Any type of flying sword can be enlarged or reduced. People stand on it, with their hands behind their backs, their sleeves fluttering, their clothes and belts flying, and they have a fairy-like atmosphere.

Lin Fang stretched out his hand, and the flying sword under his feet soared into the air, bringing out a sword whistle and flying down the mountain.

"Meow! Meow! Meow!"

It just didn't fly a few times, the tiger demon hugged Lin Fang's arm, the tiger's eyes were closed, and it screamed again and again.

Lin Fang had no choice but to slow down, and asked it in a funny way, "It's just taken off, what do you call it?"

The tiger demon said: "Master, can you let me down? The speed of the sword is a little too fast. I think I am a little dizzy and afraid of heights..."

"What's the use of you?"

When Lin Fang mentioned the tiger demon, he wanted to throw it out, but this guy used both hands and feet to hug Lin Fang's arm tightly.

It howled miserably and said, "Master, we signed the contract, I was born to be yours... I was born to be your tiger, died to your dead tiger, you can't leave me alone, master!"

Lin Fang was very angry and funny, but he didn't expect that this tiger demon is still a lazy person, and it really needs to be cleaned up.

If it weren't for the fact that the foot of the mountain was already full of people, and they were discussing whether to go up the mountain, Lin Fang really wanted to take care of this stuff.


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Lin Fang casually pointed his finger, the green light on his fingertip flashed, and with a flick of his finger, a blue-green translucent shield was propped up in front of him.

Only then did he say: "With this 'Wind Repelling Mantra' standing in front of me, I'll keep you safe, let it go!"

The tiger demon opened his eyes and glanced at the green and green round shield in front of Feijian, and couldn't help muttering: "Master, when you cast spells, it's either green or green, do you like grass so much? "

Lin Fang: "..."

If I hadn't known you were just a young tiger demon, I would have thought you were driving!

No...is that the point?

Lin Fang threw it hard and threw the tiger demon, which was stuck to his arm and refused to come down, onto Feijian, making a muffled sound.

The size of this tiger demon has become smaller, but the weight is still solid.

Lin Fang didn't care about it, he stretched out his hand, the flying sword flew into the air, and went straight down the mountain.

The huge whistling sound of the sword pierced through the sky, bringing up a straight cloud wave with extremely fast speed.

At first, the tiger demon subconsciously wanted to scream twice, and also tried to climb onto Lin Fang's body along Lin Fang's trouser legs, but it soon realized that there was no more gust of wind on the flying sword.

It also no longer felt the dizziness that was almost suffocating at the beginning. It lowered its head and looked at its feet. It was also high in the sky, and the scenery under its feet was changing rapidly, but it only found it interesting and no longer feared.

The host is such a dick!

The tiger demon rubbed against Lin Fang's leg, expressing his respect, and then continued to lie on the edge of the flying sword, bowing his head and admiring the lofty mountains passing by under his feet.

The mountain that it crawls all year round is relatively steep and has complicated terrain. Except for the drones flying from time to time, and the occasional ALICE hiker, few people will disturb its tranquility.

It's just that he encountered a few experiences of being almost caught by others when he was a child. The tiger demon has great vigilance towards people, and is easily reluctant to approach people's places.

Especially after the first tide of aura recovery, some water would flow out from time to time in the stone spring at the top of the mountain where it was located. The water was clear and sweet, and drinking it made it feel more comfortable than being hit by the tide of aura.

It is more willing to stay on the mountain and refuse to go out easily.

Now following Lin Fang, the tiger demon had to go out, only to find out that the scenery at the foot of the mountain seemed to be better.


Lin Fang Yujian flew to the foot of the mountain, only to find the crowd pretending to be, suddenly raised the flying sword height, and made a gesture to fly away.

Sure enough, the players gathered at the foot of the mountain, the ordinary NPCs, and even the Emperor Mingwei during the time of the robbery, all kept Lin Fang noisily.

"Immortal Master stay, I beg the Immortal Master to accept me as a disciple!"

"I don't know where the Xianshi Mountain Gate is, and if I need a few servants to sweep, I am strong, I eat less and do more, and I do things swiftly. Please show me your acceptance!"

"Master Sword Immortal does not lack a wife? As long as you say something, Immortal Master, I will be yours tonight!"

"Go away! Go away, ugly, don't contaminate the eyes of the immortal master, even if the immortal master lacks a wife, he has to accept me into the harem!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, don't fight, the immortal master has immortal methods, and the ten daughters of Ye Yu are no problem, you can be together!"

"Who said it doesn't matter? Do you think your surname is Li?"

Lots and lots of people.

With this opening, you can say anything.

Aboriginal NPCs still need to talk about the basic law, and there is a moral bottom line set by the master.

Those players, whether male or female, are full of filth when they speak, their mouths are full of fragrance, and they are unbearable!

If Lin Fang didn't have permission to mute words...


I'm at the peak of the Golden Core Stage now, so it's not easy to be banned from speaking?

Lin Fang flicked his fingers, and a blue-green aura popped out of his hand. As he chanted the mantra, a huge word for "quiet" rose into the air, enveloping everyone down the mountain.


As the "Silent Curse" exploded, no matter how noisy the people at the foot of the mountain were, they opened and closed their mouths one by one, but not a single note could come out.

In the blink of an eye, the scene where tens of thousands of people gathered, became eerily quiet.

Within the range shrouded by the "Silence Spell", there was not a single sound.

Now, even the slowest person knows that the noise of his group annoys the Immortal Master.

If there is more nonsense, the immortal master will get angry, and the flying sword will go around in a circle, and everyone will be separated and die on the spot.

I don't know who reacted first and covered their mouths with their hands. Others followed suit.

Some people covered it with one hand, some with both hands, and some people felt that this was not sincere enough. They took out the cloth belt on their body and wrapped them around their face several times, wrapping themselves like a mummy. of.

Lin Fang didn't even have to look at the map signs, but if there is no limit to these, those who make sand sculptures must be the fourth natural disaster... players!

Fortunately, these people have been in the game for a few hours, which is equivalent to several months in the game, and they will no longer do some stupid things that damage the environment.

Otherwise, even if Huang Mingwei in the hidden crowd didn't make a call himself, these people would be caught by the police station and locked up for a few days.

The imperial police are not as unreasonable as the police in reality, they also pay attention to civilized law enforcement.

For this kind of damage to the environment, it is roughly equivalent to a sand sculpture that destroys the vitality of the master's brain. The first treatment after containment is a violent beating.

Dissatisfied? If you don't agree, continue to fight.

There is a particularly hard-core sand sculpture player who doesn't believe in evil. Now he is still locked up in the police station and beaten every day, and he has no chance to go to the shelter.

Looking at it, he was about to be beaten into a fool.

Lin Fang glanced at the crowd, pointed at a few people, and said, "There are so many people talking, I don't know what you are shouting about. You, you, and you, the three of you are listed as representatives, and tell me what you want to do. "

Anyone who was pointed to by Lin Fang had a magic formula on their bodies.

All the people standing in front of them were shoved away by an invisible force, staggering to the sides, and just in front of these three people, they gave way to a wide road.

Lin Fangxuan's three people, one is a sand sculpture player, one is an ordinary indigenous NPC, and the other is Huang Mingwei, which is also his intention.

With such a big movement, Lin Fang naturally had a purpose.

It's so boring to always be in one place and send quests to players.

Moreover, it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive to search the entire Taiyi world with Lin Fang alone.

He simply took advantage of this opportunity to come to Jibei to search for the Nine Spirit Orbs to show a little bit of Taiyi World's top combat power.

For this moment.

Collect a bunch of tool people and ask them to help him search for strange things and explore the secrets of Taiyi World, isn't he fragrant?

And what Lin Fang paid was nothing but the wool of the mastermind... a bunch of useless experience points!

At most, the strange things collected by these tool people are too cherished, or the secrets are too valuable, Lin Fang's conscience can't handle it, and he spends so much 1 creation point, and takes out a little thing from the authority space as a reward. .

It was something Lin Fang casually leaked out of his fingers. Whether it was the player, the NPC, or the Emperor Mingwei, who wasn't overjoyed?

Lin Fang smiled and looked at the three... people who walked in front of him, his face full of relief.

Those eyes were like seeing his own leeks growing up, with an old father-like relief and joy on his face.

"The Immortal Master..."

The player who walked up to Lin Fang was named Xiao En. He was 1.8 meters tall. He was very impressive when he opened his mouth. His strong regional accent really made people laugh.

Lin Fang stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, tell me what you want first."

The person pointed by Lin Fang was an ordinary NPC, his name was Zhao Tangjing, and the person said excitedly, "Immortal Master, will this disciple come first? That disciple Zhao Tangjing is very welcome!

The Immortal Master is on top, whether it is asking the disciples to serve tea and deliver water, clean the courtyard, or go through fire and water, the disciples will never frown! The disciple has nothing to ask for, but asks the immortal master to include the disciple in his sect, even if he is a named disciple and a servant of the outer sect, that is the grace of the immortal master! "

I'm a jerk!

Sean turned his head to look at Zhao Tangjing with a dull face. He thought he was shameless as a player, but the guy in front of him, at first glance, was not a player, and he didn't have the breath of sand sculpture. There is no bottom line than the player.

People, you can't be so shameless!

Lin Fang was very satisfied with Zhao Tangjing's remarks. This shot was considered a success.

He originally wanted to use some means, throwing a puppet bug or the like to make the other party be more obedient.

Unexpectedly, this Zhao Tangjing is really a good flatterer. Even if Lin Fang cuts his head and thinks about it, he can't think of it.

Lin Fang smiled lightly and said, "I see your sincerity. It would be too aggrieved to only accept you as a registered disciple, so let's be an outer disciple first!"

Zhao Tangjing was overjoyed, knelt down on the spot and bowed to the ground three times and said, "Thank you, Immortal Master... Thank you for your grace!"

After the ceremony, Zhao Tangjing walked behind Lin Fang and deliberately kept a distance from Feijian under Lin Fang's feet, which could not only highlight Lin Fang's C-position image, but also show himself.

When he found the best position, he pinched his waist with both hands to go to that station, looking forward to it, as if he considered himself a big disciple in the sect.

With Zhao Tangjing's triumphant appearance, the eyes of the players in the surrounding crowd were dripping with blood. He was too jealous, and a little too annoying!

How could an ordinary NPC be given the lead?

This is Taiyi World, but a virtual online game, but the world of our players!

Lin Fang had a panoramic view of the reactions of the players, and felt even more satisfied, feeling that he had made a good move.

Immediately, Lin Fang looked at Sean and said, "What are you asking for?"

After all, it was the player's mentality. Sean couldn't hold back and said, "Immortal Master, can I ask for anything? Can I ask for longevity?"

Lin Fang glanced at Sean with a smile, the breath of the real person from the peak of Jindan fell on him, and directly pressed Sean on all fours, slamming into the street like a toad, almost suffocating to death.

At this moment, Lin Fangcai said softly, "The law is not spread lightly, and the Tao is not sold cheaply. Before you enter my door, you will live forever before you have achieved an inch of merit. Then where do you put my disciple Zhao Tangjing?"


As Lin Fang spit out the last word, a ripple landed on Sean, directly pressing a big hole in place.

Whether it was the NPC, Huang Mingwei or the players present, they all gasped.

Especially Huang Mingwei, they are backed by the empire, they have the largest and most complete information base, and they have a more macro and detailed understanding of the entire empire after the rejuvenation of spiritual energy.

Looking at the whole country and even the whole world, someone like Lin Fang, who can cause such huge damage with just a few gestures, is really the number one in the sky.

In addition to regret, Sean, who was lying in the deep pit, was also ecstatic.

Right now, it can be considered that he has personally experienced the methods of the Immortal Master. He has not received a hint of being PKed, which is enough to prove that the person in front of him is a genuine high-level NPC.

There are still some concerns about worshiping a player as a teacher, Sean, but worshipping an NPC as a teacher is a great benefit.

Just like the goddess who soaked it, how unbearable it was at the beginning, and how violent it was after getting it.

As long as it's an NPC, as long as he dares to show his health bar, he's a saint, and I'll cut it down for you!

Xiao En's thoughts changed, and he shouted wildly: "Xianshi spare your life! Xianshi spare your life! It's because the kid Xiao En is too greedy and not educated, I don't know there are so many rules in Xianmen. Remember the deeds of the villain, record the entry of the disciple, no matter what the dirty work, how difficult the task, you can ask the disciple to do it. The disciple only wants to worship under the sect of the Immortal Master, nothing else!"

Lin Fang said lightly, "Really?"

Sean nodded vigorously, and found that his head was actually relaxed, and immediately said frantically: "Really! Seriously!"

Lin Fang said: "Okay, then I'll accept you as a handyman in the door. Tang Jing, this person will be handed over to you in the future."

Sean's face was sullen.

Zhao Tangjing's face was ecstatic.

The different treatment of the two also made the crowd raise their hearts.

The Sword Immortal in front of him seems to have a bad temper...

Lin Fang looked at the last person. This person was from Huangmingwei. It was none other than Hu Lan from the Shicheng Security Bureau.

He hurriedly hurried, finally caught up with the last train, and followed the crowd to the foot of the mountain, barely blocking Lin Fang.

Hu Lan was originally standing at the outermost edge of the crowd, so she couldn't squeeze in at all.

Who would have thought that, Lin Fang pointed a finger, and the crowd naturally separated. He actually stood at the innermost part of the crowd with Zhao Tangjing and Xiao En, only one step away from Sword Immortal.

As an avid fan of online novels, Hu Lan doesn't think the same way as the average Emperor Mingwei NPC.

In the novel, all kinds of authors have opened their minds, and they have already described the disasters that may accompany after the recovery of the spiritual energy.

Hu Lan is convinced that there is no love for no reason, and behind the recovery of spiritual energy, there must be a great disaster hidden.

It's ridiculous, Huang Mingwei and the emperor who sits high on the dragon chair are all thinking about control and mastery. They want to control all the power beyond ordinary people in their own hands.

But they never thought that there will always be some people, some forces, more powerful than they imagined.

For such a person, such a force, should focus on attracting and cooperating, instead of thinking that it is the dominant force in the world and trying to grasp all power.

Times have changed!

Hu Lan knew that at the moment, whether it was Huang Mingwei or the emperor who held the highest power in the empire, he was no longer the most powerful person.

For example, Lin Fang, who was hovering in front of him with his flying sword on his feet, was so powerful that he had already formed an army of one person, comparable to a powerful country!

In the face of such extraordinary power, no matter how many people there are, even if it is a hot weapon to wash the ground, what can he do?

"it's your turn."

Following Lin Fang's soft words, Hu Lan quickly retracted the distracting thoughts in his mind, crawled on the ground, and said, "Immortal master, disciple Hu Lan, has such a small amount of connections and a small amount of money. No matter what the mountain gate needs in the future, the disciple You must go all out, take the mountain gate as the first, go through fire and water, and do whatever you want! Seek the Immortal Master, and include the sect!"


Unexpected joy!

Lin Fang deliberately chose a member of the Imperial Guard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it was just a random word. I wanted to see how the three groups of players, ordinary NPCs, and the Imperial Guard would react differently.

Unexpectedly, these people created by the mastermind, whether they are ordinary NPCs or Huang Mingwei, are all human beings, and they are more like real people than the sand sculpture players!

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Okay. It's rare that you have this kind of filial piety, so I'll accept you and let you be a disciple of the outer sect, only under Zhao Tangjing. If you make enough credit, you will go straight to the top. The inner door is just a small matter."

Hu Lan did not have any dissatisfaction, but thanked him with great joy: "Thank you, Master, for your grace!"

Having accepted two disciples, a handyman, and a pet, Lin Fang's trip to northern Hebei has already exceeded his mission.

Immediately, with a flick of his hand, he rolled the three of Zhao Tangjing onto the flying sword together, and said, "I started a sect in the Snow Mountains of Western Sichuan. If you want to apprentice, you can go there on another day."

Immediately, he rode the flying sword straight into the sky and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

(Write a few chapters of details, outline the Taiyi world, and it will be a transition soon. Thank you for chasing now and tolerant of my willfulness. It is really that the urban plot in the early stage is too annoying, and the content of the later stage is moved too early. Out, there is a lot less content in the middle, there is not enough foreshadowing, and it looks a bit stiff. I will try my best to write it well, everyone will take it slowly.)


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