I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Tateyamamon

When Lin Fang accepted his disciples, he threw a small "silence spell" at the tiger demon and bound it in the middle.

So that when the atmosphere is serious, it suddenly meows a few times, causing the whole section to collapse.

Now that the matter is over, the flying sword is in the air, and Lin Fang naturally removed the "silence spell" that was caged on the tiger demon.

Sure enough, Lin Fang removed the "Silence Curse", and the tiger demon jumped out of Lin Fang's hands immediately and landed on the flying sword, "Ow, ooh" kept screaming.

It's just that it's very small at the moment, and it doesn't reveal its true body. It doesn't have the slightest deterrent effect when it roars. When others hear it, they only feel the milky voice, which is very cute.

The two NPC disciples, Zhao Tangjing and Hu Lan, looked at each other, but Zhao Tangjing grabbed the opportunity and licked it decisively: "Master, this cat you have raised is really extraordinary, and it screams like a tiger and a mighty cat. Ordinary tigers look imposing."

The player handyman, Sean, squinted at Zhao Tangjing, couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his friend to complain: "Brother, can you believe it? We players, the fourth natural disaster, Shameless, actually lost to NPC!"

The friend waited for a while before replying to him: "I believe it. I am being touched by an NPC. Let's not talk about my brother for now. In terms of shamelessness, I don't think I can beat him. My brother doesn't accept it. Wait. what!"

Sean: "..."

It's really a sand sculpture, what is it compared to an NPC?

Sean just turned his thoughts, looked forward, and his body froze.

It's easier said than done, but if it can be done... the concubine can't do it!

Lin Fang listened to the two NPC disciples under his command take turns praising the tiger demon that it looks like a tiger and has the appearance of a spirit beast, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Are these people really created by the master mind?

Could it be that it captured a bunch of souls from somewhere, loaded it into an empty shell, and was born a real person?

Lin Fang at the Hanhai Research Center had such doubts.

The human body can only live for more than one hundred years at most, but the human brain can easily be more than two hundred years old.

Before Shen Yibo discovered the soul, there were long questions in the scientific community.

Why is there such a huge difference between the human body and the brain?

But until now, no one has been able to give an answer.

In Microvision, there are often some folks who advocate the theory of evolution, and then label all those who doubt the theory of evolution as "ignorant" and then mock them wildly.

What they don't know is that Darwin, who they regard as the originator of the theory of evolution, just wrote the book "The Origin of Species" and put forward the hypothesis that organisms may evolve.

A hypothesis is always just a hypothesis until it is confirmed by evidence, and it cannot be falsified as an unquestionable truth.

Using a hypothesis itself requires evidence to falsify it, but these people dare to use a hypothesis directly as evidence, emmmm... Lin Fang can only say that they are awesome.

In particular, there are always some people on the microvision who try to prove that humans are transformed from chimpanzees, saying that the genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees is 99%.

It's just that these people don't even know that the data they used as an argument came from an article in science in 1975. The author compared the partial protein structure of human and chimpanzee and obtained the similarity of human and chimpanzee genes99 % conclusion.

How much did he compare? 43.

The wonderful thing is, how much protein is there in the human body? The answer is 250,000 to 1 million.

This is like the classic passage in the blind man touching the elephant, someone who touches the trunk of the elephant says that the elephant and the snake are the same ancestor, and someone who touches the leg of the elephant says that the elephant is actually a big tree. How ridiculous.

In fact, in 2001, the entire human genome was assembled, and in 2005, after the chimpanzee genome was sequenced, the comparison of human and chimpanzee genes had a real data basis.

And what is the final result?

Surprisingly, 72%! The similarity between human and chimpanzee genes is only 72%!

After excluding the rudeness of the algorithm and the angle of the algorithm, as far as possible to round the so-called common sense that people are changed from chimpanzees, the results are still unsatisfactory, and the similarity is still only 88%~89%.

If you dig deeper, you will find something terrifying.

Humans do not seem to be native creatures of this world.

Many people know that oxygen is necessary for the human body.

What most people don't know is that human aging itself is a slow oxidation process.

That is to say, if a person does not breathe oxygen, his lifespan can be greatly increased, and his face will remain youthful for a long time.

For humans, oxygen seems to be a necessity, but it is also a poison.

Is there a possibility that the human body is actually just a temporarily assembled container to adapt to the earth?

In other words, the human body is only the first-generation product, similar to the Qinling Type 1 that Lin Fang threw to the military.

After all, ignoring the match between the human soul and the brain and the body, just looking at the match between the brain and the body gave Lin Fang a feeling that the CPU speed was too fast and the hardware was a drag.


The human body drags down the performance of the brain.

Most people spend their entire lives, the brain usage rate hovers around 10%, not to mention the peak, even just the beginning, because of the decline of the body and the lack of hardware support, the brain is supplied with oxygen and blood. All kinds of deficiencies, plunged into chaos and unknown.

If it is discovered that only 35 milligrams of soul sand can be created and designed by human beings, it will become increasingly doubtful.

Lin Fang shook his head, not thinking about this issue for the time being.

If you put aside the strangeness of the location in Ward 307 of Qingcheng Hospital, the threat of alien visitors may come again at any time.

Lin Fang is really willing to think more about some issues in the Taiyi world.

An hour outside, a month here, plus there are so many sand sculpture players and shameless NPCs around, I don't know how happy and happy I am living.

It's a pity, no matter how good this place is, it's not my hometown.

Ever since he knew in the original world that his father had a problem with his gallbladder, Lin Fang never wanted to return to the real earth, where his soul came from.

It's just that there is no clue about everything, forcing Lin Fang to take it slowly.

First help Xia Xuejian to create a virtual world, if the timing is right or by coincidence, you can get more permissions in this world, and then follow the trail of the 307-day alien, travel backwards, and go to the world where he lives to take a look .

As long as you work hard, you can always find a way back to your hometown.

Maybe the place where the soul comes from is not so beautiful, but in the end it is his hometown, and there are people he cares about.

It's just that Lin Fang buried all these thoughts deeply in his heart and never revealed them to anyone.

In this world, he is just an outsider after all.

I don't know if it's because Lin Fang took a Emperor Mingwei as his apprentice. When the flying sword was flying, Lin Fang let go of his senses and swept around, but unexpectedly found that when the coming time was gone, that A strange feeling of being locked in by something.

In other words, this time, the imperial military gave up the radar lock on Lin Fang.

Since this is the case, Lin Fang will no longer be polite.

At this moment, I will turn to Shicheng and take a plane to Xichuan. There is no line of sight. It is better to fly over with a sword, and it is refreshing.


After flying for a while, Lin Fang felt that the sound of the long sword breaking through the air was too harsh.

If it rings for a while, it's a platoon, but if it keeps ringing, it's noise.

Especially the people on the ground only need to listen for a moment, but the people on the flying sword need to listen all the time.

Lin Fang simply threw a "silence spell" on the Qingming Sword (Jin Dan), causing the flying sword to pierce the sky without making a sound.

Thousands of miles away, it would take two hours by plane, but with Feijian, it took less than ten minutes.

This is still Lin Fang is only in the golden core stage, and he also uses the relationship between the golden core and the flying sword.

If he goes a step further and reaches the realm of distraction and even Mahayana, from Xingtai to Xichuan, it may only take an instant, and thinking about it is very beautiful.

In the primordial world, Lin Fang held the power in his hand, the same distance, only one thought was needed, but Lin Fang did not feel happy at all.

There seemed to be many people there, but it was just a reflection of his memory, with no thoughts and no thoughts, just empty shells.

There is no way to compare it with Taiyi World. Whether it is a player or an NPC, it is equally interesting.

Lin Fang rode the flying sword and headed straight to the western Sichuan Snow Mountain, which is the highest peak of the western Sichuan plateau.

The whole mountain is covered with snow.

There is no one in the area for thousands of miles, how can it be so desolate.

Zhao Tangjing and Hu Lan looked down, swallowed unconsciously, and looked at each other with a bit of bitterness on their faces.

The immortal master is strong, but this mountain gate is too desolate, right?

And apart from a dozen snow-covered hills, there is not even a single building, whether it is accommodation or food, it is a problem.

There are various Taoist spells, many seemingly inconspicuous small spells, used in different places, always have wonderful effects.

Lin Fang took in the expressions of the two disciples, a servant, and even the pet tiger demon, but he did not expose them. He rode his flying sword to the top of the highest mountain and flicked his fingers.

A "Cut the Mountain" was about to descend, and when the top of the highest mountain moved, it made a rumbling sound, as if countless invisible knives and axes had fallen on it.

The top of the uneven hill was cut off abruptly, and the entire top of the hill became an extremely flat platform with a radius of several thousand meters and an extremely wide area.

The side of the mountain facing the sun was completely cut off, and the mountains of thousands of meters went straight up and down, showing the high cliffs and stalwarts of the mountain.

On the sunny side, there are stairs one after another, from top to bottom, descending one step at a time, spreading all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Afterwards, a mountain gate rose from the foot of the mountain, with the word "Yu Xu" shining on it.

Since he has inherited the name of Yuanshi, Lin Fang naturally wants to pass on the Taoism of Yuxu's lineage.

Lin Fang waved the method of cutting mountains and rocks like a child playing with mud, and fell into the eyes of the three people on the flying sword.

Master is awesome!

The Immortal Master is awesome!

The master is awesome!

However, it was too early for them to be surprised.

For Lin Fang, cutting the mountain was just the first step. Then, he pointed down again, a yellow light fell, and countless dirt flew from a distance and landed on the mountain, surrounding the top of the mountain, wrapping it thickly. 's layer.

The three people next to him, Yihu, felt that they couldn't understand.

Seeing Lin Fang flick, countless seeds flew into the soil.

Then he waved his hand, and a piece of blue and green sprinkled down. "The Art of Vitality" fell along with "The Art of Spring Breeze and Rain". Qi, turned into a spiritual rain.

So, a piece of green grew rapidly, but in an instant.

Not long ago, apart from the white snow and stones, there was not a single green desolate rocky mountain, and it was immediately surrounded by green, verdant.

Immediately after, Lin Fang waved his hand, and a piece of jade was scattered by him, and a dozen rays of light flashed one after another.

A "Five Thunder Biochemical Magic Array" that locks the four seasons, locks the spiritual energy, and traps people in the invisible sky rises.

When the thunder of the sky is at the four seasons, all things are born.

Landmines give birth and nourish the five grains.

The mines calm the storm, and sometimes it is sunny or rainy.

In the killing intent of Divine Thunder, the shock kills the evil spirits.

She Lei condensed air transport, felled mountains and destroyed temples.

The five thunders are condensed, and biochemical methods are used, supplemented by illusion techniques. Although it is only a golden core-level formation, it is used to protect Yuxu Mountain, but it is enough.

It's just that this kind of formation was not a method that Lin Fang learned from books. It was exchanged for Creation Points from the authority space. It cost him 5 Creation Points.

After doing all this, Lin Fang passed on the formation technique to the three and one tiger, and only then did they reach the top of the mountain.

A few people who thought this Yuxu Mountain was extremely desolate before, no longer had that thought in their hearts at this time.

They all looked at Lin Fang eagerly, waiting for him to use his mysterious means.

Not wanting, Lin Fang glanced at the three and one tiger and said with a smile: "The mountain gate has been established, it is time to find something for you to do. The first thing is to build a house. There are trees on the mountain, so choose the taller ones. With the cooperation of the two of you, build a disciple's shrine first to live in. You don't need to worry about the main hall."

Zhao Tangjing and the others looked at each other and secretly said, "It's bitter!"

It's just that a few people didn't show their faces, so Qi Qi agreed.

On the other hand, Sean had a happy expression on his face.

He is a player, and the panel is different from those NPCs. As soon as Lin Fang finished speaking, he received a quest prompt.

Just to build a house, you will have tens of thousands of experience. If you build more bases, the experience value will not be enough, and it will soon rise to the level of the immortal master?

So, among the three, it was Sean who agreed the most readily.

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Zhao Tangjing and Hu Lan couldn't help but glance at Xiao En, secretly feeling strange.

After assigning tasks to the three disciples and servants, Lin Fang let go of the tiger demon and let it roam freely in the mountains without his own call, so he didn't have to follow him all the time.

The tiger demon was very unhappy, not because it wanted to follow Lin Fang too much, but because it was worried about its own food, and couldn't help saying, "Master, what should I do with my meal?"

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile and said, "This mountain is full of spiritual energy, plenty of rain, and there are five thunder biochemicals. Are you still worried that there will be no food? Look... Isn't this coming?"

Sure enough, the birds in the sky were the first to come.

They chattered into the mountain protection formation, and under the guidance of Lin Fang, they were not fascinated by illusions, and they escaped the bombardment of the five thunders, and each found a satisfactory branch.

Immediately afterwards, the beasts on the ground swarmed in, attracted by the aura of Yuxu Mountain, and came to the vicinity, Lin Fang let go of the great formation, and let these beasts get in.


The tiger demon cheered, and without Lin Fang's instructions, he rushed out, as if he was patrolling his own territory, running around the huge Yuxu Mountain with joy.

Whether it's a bird or a beast who just came in, at first, the tiger demon was disdainful.

How can something so small be a threat.

Even a grass eater can step out with one foot because of his size. The ground trembles, and he despises the tiger demon.

Even a bird on a tree can chase the tiger demon and fly a few times and peck at it a few times.

At first, the tiger demon only cared about Sa Huan, but he didn't care.

They chattered into the mountain protection formation, and under the guidance of Lin Fang, they were not fascinated by illusions, and they escaped the bombardment of the five thunders, and each found a satisfactory branch.

Immediately afterwards, the beasts on the ground swarmed in, attracted by the aura of Yuxu Mountain, and came to the vicinity, Lin Fang let go of the great formation, and let these beasts get in.


The tiger demon cheered, and without Lin Fang's instructions, he rushed out, as if he was patrolling his own territory, running around the huge Yuxu Mountain with joy.

Whether it's a bird or a beast who just came in, at first, the tiger demon was disdainful.

How can something so small be a threat.

Even a grass eater can step out with one foot because of his size. The ground trembles, and he despises the tiger demon.

Even a bird on a tree can chase the tiger demon and fly a few times and peck at it a few times.

At first, the tiger demon only cared about Sa Huan, but he didn't care.

They chattered into the mountain protection formation, and under the guidance of Lin Fang, they were not fascinated by illusions, and they escaped the bombardment of the five thunders, and each found a satisfactory branch.

Immediately afterwards, the beasts on the ground swarmed in, attracted by the aura of Yuxu Mountain, and came to the vicinity, Lin Fang let go of the great formation, and let these beasts get in.


The tiger demon cheered, and without Lin Fang's instructions, he rushed out, as if he was patrolling his own territory, running around the huge Yuxu Mountain with joy.

Whether it's a bird or a beast who just came in, at first, the tiger demon was disdainful.

How can something so small be a threat.

Even a grass eater can step out with one foot because of his size. The ground trembles, and he despises the tiger demon.

Even the birds on the tree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can chase the tiger demon and fly a few times and peck at it a few times.

At first, the tiger demon only cared about Sa Huan, but he didn't care.

They chattered into the mountain protection formation, and under the guidance of Lin Fang, they were not fascinated by illusions, and they escaped the bombardment of the five thunders, and each found a satisfactory branch.

Immediately afterwards, the beasts on the ground swarmed in, attracted by the aura of Yuxu Mountain, and came to the vicinity, Lin Fang let go of the great formation, and let these beasts get in.


The tiger demon cheered, and without Lin Fang's instructions, he rushed out, as if he was patrolling his own territory, running around the huge Yuxu Mountain with joy.

Whether it's a bird or a beast who just came in, at first, the tiger demon was disdainful.

How can something so small be a threat.

Even a grass eater can step out with one foot because of his size. The ground trembles, and he despises the tiger demon.

Even a bird on a tree can chase the tiger demon and fly a few times and peck at it a few times.

At first, the tiger demon only cared about Sa Huan, but he didn't care.

(There is a difference of a few hundred words, so please change it first, and you don’t have to worry if you see any repetitions later.)


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