I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 412: world class impact

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Sean's voice is not an exception.

It seems that overnight, the wind direction of the entire Internet has changed.

The hot sale of Taiyi helmets has spread to the whole people from the group of gamers.

Especially the thirst for the top version of the Taiyi helmet is surging.

The deluxe version of the helmet is already very easy to use. The price difference of 20 times makes many players unable to help but have doubts and then stay away.

But when people know that the top version of the helmet is more easy to use, it can even change lives.

Price is no longer a problem at once.

What is the purpose of making money?

Isn't it just for a better life?

Buying a house, buying a car, buying an RV is all to improve the quality of life.

Buying a helmet is just for playing games. Even if it is a game that can change the world, for many players, spending 200,000 yuan is still too expensive.

Many people questioned that the price of the top version of the Taiyi helmet was inflated and not worth the price. For this reason, there has always been a lot of controversy on the Internet.

However, when this helmet is equated with the improvement of the quality of life, and the quality of life is improved at such an obvious speed.

Even if you are reluctant to give up the money, you have to scrape it together.

Even players who bought the deluxe version have begun to show great interest in the top version of the helmet.

And when a dismantling video at station B spread quickly, the whole world was in an uproar.

When the helmet is disassembled at the beginning, it is normal. The shell, head display, headset, and even the integrated soul import module, when disassembled, there is no problem.

Until the UP master disassembled it further, he said to the camera: "Everyone, please see, what I will disassemble next is the core component of this 200,000-dollar top version Taiyi helmet, that is, the location of the processor. I will take everyone to reveal the secrets to see if the chips they use are foreign chips or self-developed products, please wait and see!"

The integrated soul import module was further disassembled, and the Pangu chip just showed the tip of the iceberg in front of the camera. Suddenly, it degraded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lord Up was stunned on the spot, and he said slyly: "It's a big trough, who can tell me what happened just now? What kind of supernatural event is this? The one that melted just now is a chip, right? It must be a chip, right? "

After a while, the up master sat in front of the camera, held the tablet to the camera, and showed a very blurry photo, saying: "Everyone, please look, this is the photo captured by my camera, and the video you are seeing now is Edited, you may not know how much effort I spent to capture this photo. This chip is melting too fast, I can only do this step!"

Immediately afterwards, the owner of the up showed a screenshot of the chat and said: "As for the question of whether the melted object is a chip, I consulted the industry leaders. I have already asked the boss if they need to code, and got the boss's approval, so , I will not code. Yes, the real name of the hardware boss Meng Xiaoshan told me that the melted object is a chip, and it is a biological chip!

How fast it runs is unknown at present, but according to the fidelity of Taiyi World and the AI ​​value of NPCs in the world, Mr. Meng Xiaoshan gave me an amazing estimate. Don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it. He actually said that this small biochip is likely to have a computing speed close to that of a supercomputer. This is ridiculous! "

Later, the master of up began to summarize: "Anyway, the chips used in the top version of Taiyi helmets are self-developed by Hanhai Technology. In addition, we need to remind everyone that the top version of Taiyi helmets and the deluxe versions of Taiyi have been hammered. The biggest difference between the helmets is the presence or absence of this chip. It’s just the addition of this chip. I’m full of energy every day now. The top version is too easy to blow up! Well, the dismantling video in this issue is about Come here, see you next time!"

Below this video, there is chaos.

In the comment area, there is a lot to say.

If the bullet screen is opened, the dense bullet screen will cover all the pictures, and you will not be able to see anything at all.

Some people scolded the UP main video for being fake, some people exclaimed that Hanhai Technology is awesome, and some people sneered at Hanhai Technology's selfishness. They don't share such awesome technology, and they watch other friends get stuck by foreign chip manufacturers.

But anyway, because of this video, the debate on whether the top version of the Taiyi helmet is inflated has finally settled.

Just relying on this biochip, the price of 200,000 is not even a sky-high price.

At the same time, foreign newspapers and media have also commented on the recent excitement caused by Taiyi Helmet and Taiyi World.

"Wall Street Journal": "Recently, there has been a so-called virtual reality technology problem in China, a country that the majority of netizens are concerned about. Our reporter consulted a number of top 3A manufacturers, and they told me without hesitation that it was impossible. The existing software and hardware Technology is simply not enough to support such a huge amount of computation. You can rest assured that the so-called virtual reality and virtual games are all fake news!”

"The Sun": "A helmet in Huaguo sells for a sky-high price. There are two versions of this helmet. The low version is priced at 9998, or about 1,125 pounds; the high version is priced at 199,998, or about 22,520 pounds. Oh, mygod! A helmet used to promote sleep sells for such a high price, this is simply a naked IQ tax, Chinese people, how pitiful!"

"Bild": "The base camp of traditional chips, Intel and AMD have not made biochips. The giants of mobile phone chips, Apple, Qualcomm and Huawei have not made biochips. An unknown laboratory has made biochips. , and it was successfully mass-produced and launched, but it was finally mounted on a sleep aid helmet, which is really dumbfounding. People can't help but doubt its authenticity!"

"Yomiuri Shimbun": "Whether we want to believe it or not, our neighbor across the sea, the sleeping eastern dragon, has begun to spread its wings. Whether it is high-speed rail, 5G, UHV power transmission, pure magnesium implantation Into matter, liquid metal, super rice, quantum communication, artificial sun, super steel, laser or 3D printing, they have all come to our front, the world is leading, even monopoly! And the scary thing is, we have no idea about it Just recently, virtual reality technology even appeared in China, creating a second world!"

If it is said that the major newspapers in the world still use their usual arrogance to examine the country of China and disapprove of the appearance of Taiyi World, the public opinion on the foreign network has already been surging.

A well-known player, PDiePie, posted a video on YouTube, complaining: "My friends in China have been talking to me about how incredible the 'taiyi' helmet is. I tried to ask him to buy one for me, but after going through customs It's really sad that I was detained at the time of the game. The newspapers keep telling me that Huaguo didn't make a virtual online game, no biochips, and the 'taiyi' helmet is a scam, so please tell me why they say The export of inferior helmets is actually prohibited? Not even purchasing on behalf of others!"

Another well-known Internet celebrity, Pton, started the live broadcast almost on the same day. He showed his position in the camera and said with a show off: "Dang! Dang! Dang! Surprise or surprise? Guess what? Where am I now? Yes, I'm in Huaguo! You must ask me why I'm in Huaguo, of course it's for... this! Oh my God, why are there so many people in line?"

In the video, there is a shot of the Taiyi Helmet Experience Store. There is an amazing long queue at the door. When you look at it, you can't see the head at all.

Pton laments: "I was wrong, I was so wrong! I guessed the popularity of the 'taiyi' helmet, but I didn't expect it to be so popular! I'll have to figure out a way to see if I can get it earlier.' taiyi' helmet, otherwise, it might take me days just to line up!"

After a while, Pton in the camera negotiated with the buyer at the front of the team and bought his position for 200,000.

He tried many times before and after, and almost no one was willing to sell it.

He is also increasing the price all the time, until it reaches the price of a top-equipped 'taiyi' helmet, which is considered to be his wish.

After Pton entered the team, he said to the camera while queuing: "Friends, I bought a position for 22,520 pounds. This position is not bad. It was shot at No. 15, and I can get my favorite soon. The long-lived 'taiyi' helmet, and then I'll have to pay another £22,520 to actually get it! Hope it doesn't disappoint me, after all I paid double the price!"

The team moved forward very fast, and it didn't take long before Pton walked into the Taiyi helmet experience store.

The clerk glanced at Pton in surprise. It was the first time he met a foreign buyer. According to the plan, he immediately asked Pton, "Sir, are you from China? Do you have a Chinese ID card?"

Pton shrugged, shook his head and said, "Of course I'm not Chinese, I'm British, I have a passport, which is universal!"

The clerk smiled politely and reminded: "Sir, I need to remind you that for some reasons, Taiyi helmets are prohibited from exporting, and you can only use them in China after you buy them. For safety reasons, too Yi Helmet is equipped with a positioning chip, which will lock the position when necessary. If you mind privacy, please purchase carefully. If you leave China, you can bring your helmet to our experience store for discount recycling. The current discount The concession price is fifty percent!"

Pton couldn't help shouting: "This is a violation of my personal privacy! I want to complain!"

The clerk smiled politely and said, "Sir, if you mind, you can not buy it, are you sure? If you are sure, please give up the position and don't affect the next buyer!"

Of course it was impossible for Pton to give up his seat. He said, "Of course I...don't mind! But my Chinese visa is a short-term visa. What if I forget to send it back when I go back to China, or I don't have time to send it back?"

The clerk said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, the parts of our Taiyi helmets are quite special. When passing through customs, the police will automatically alarm. You can put the helmet directly at customs, call our after-sales number, and we will pass the fast pass. The channel helps you recycle. Because this will cause us to increase a certain cost, the recycling price is only 20%!"

Pton disagreed, nodded indifferently and said, "Okay, I see, get me one!"

Soon, pton got the Taiyi helmet, he opened a room in the hotel, showed the Taiyi helmet in front of the camera, and said: "There is a section in the middle where filming is prohibited, I can only describe the process. I'm afraid you can hardly believe it. , I just bought a gaming helmet, and the security check is even stricter than when I went to see the queen! All the six invisible cameras I hid on my body were checked out, and there was not one left! Gan!

They also took my fingerprints, iris, voice, blood, and I almost gave up! The reason they gave was that these were necessary procedures for device verification to keep my helmet property safe. I can't believe it at all!

Okay, everyone, please take a look, this is the Taiyi helmet that I spent a lot of money to buy. It looks...not bad, full of futuristic feeling, and I personally like it very much. By the way, have you noticed this pattern? This is provided by myself, friends who are familiar with me must see it, yes, it is the tattoo on my body, hahaha, cool? "

After a while, pton said, "Okay, I'm going to try the helmet next, I hope I won't be disappointed!"

Pton in front of the camera quickly fell asleep, and the picture was frozen on his figure lying on the bed.

In pton's live broadcast room, netizens came and went, but only a few were watching.

Many netizens came in and asked directly: "What happened to pton today, is he sleeping on the live broadcast?"

A netizen who has been guarding replied: "No, pton is in China. He live broadcasted the experience of buying the 'taiyi' helmet, and now he is experiencing the effect of the helmet."

The netizen couldn't help but asked: "It's a lie, isn't this just sleeping on a live broadcast? At most, sleeping with a helmet on! What is the use of this helmet?"

Someone shook his wit and said: "It is said that it can promote sleep, not to mention, pton sleeps really fast!"

In the blink of an eye, the next day came.

After pton was kicked out of the game by the system, he took off his helmet and was stunned for a while before realizing where he was.

He frantically rushed to the camera and yelled at the camera: "ohmygod! ohmygod! This is really crazy! Incredible, simply incredible!"

Pton frantically grabbed his hair and walked around. After a while, he regained his composure, returned to the camera, and said, "You guys won't believe what I've been through! This is not a game, this is definitely not a game I went to another world, and I lived in that world for eight months! You can't imagine where I went!

It was a country that was almost identical to China, a huge empire called the 'Daxia Empire'! ohmygod! You guys really have to buy a Taiyi helmet, I'm totally obsessed with this helmet, no! I am completely obsessed with another world! This is horrible, this is not a game, this is a time machine, or a time travel machine that transported me to another world and brought me back! "

Netizens who have been waiting in front of the computer for a long time, seeing pton like this, almost thought he was crazy.

Someone couldn't help but said: "Pton, are you kidding? Are you hypnotized? In fact, this helmet is not a game helmet, nor a hypnotic helmet, but a hypnotic helmet. He took you into an illusion. in a dream!"

Pton immediately retorted: "Impossible! I really felt everything about the Great Xia Empire. I really listened, watched, and felt! I can even tell in detail every Chinese food I've eaten in the past eight months. For example, I ate a grilled fish yesterday, wow...you can't imagine how delicious the grilled fish in Huaguo is!

Suliu... I'm drooling for what I said, no... I didn't eat it yesterday, let me take a look. I slept for eight hours in total until I was kicked out of the game. One hour is equal to a month in the game, and one day in the game is equal to... Forget it, I can't figure it out, in short, not long ago, if you had the opportunity, you must come to China, and you must buy a Taiyi helmet!

No, I'm starving. I want to enjoy Chinese food first! "

Leaving such a sentence, pton hurriedly stopped the broadcast.

However, the aftermath created by pton is far from subsided.

Some people think that pton was bought by Hanhai Technology and cheated during the live broadcast.

Some people also think that Taiyi Helmet is a scam, which is just a money-making game of Hanhai Technology.

But the one with the highest recognition rate is a statement in the pton live broadcast room, that Hanhai Technology has embedded a hypnotic command in the Taiyi helmet by some means.

All buyers will enter a similar dream.

Of course, some people think that pton is crazy.

Only a small number of netizens believe pton's statement that Taiyi helmets are really awesome and can really bring people into another world.

Among this small number of netizens, there are many activists.

They even contacted each other, organized a tour group, and ordered a ticket to China as soon as possible, preparing for an "adventure trip to another world".

That's right, in their opinion, after purchasing Taiyi helmets, they can't take them out of China and must return them, so that they, non-Chinese people, can only own Taiyi helmets for a short period of time.

This is actually a trip.

An adventure that can enter another world!

Whether it is the hot sale of Taiyi helmets, the exposure of Pangu chips, or Taiyi World gradually showing the tip of the iceberg in front of people all over the world.

Lin Fang doesn't care about all these things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He only knows one thing, that is, more and more players are pouring into Taiyi World, and the tide of aura recovery in Taiyi World is getting more and more occur at a fast frequency.

Every time the spiritual energy is recovered, it means that Lin Fang can reach a higher realm, and it also means that he knows more about the Taiyi world.

Yuxu Mountain is also in the tide of aura recovery again and again, and it turns out to have a fairy-like atmosphere.

Originally, there were only a few shabby disciples' residences scattered here and there, but slowly began to be replaced by the whole row upon row of well-carved disciples' temples, and in the center, large halls rose from the ground.

Yuxu Mountain, unknowingly, has become a holy place for cultivation in the minds of players and NPCs.

With the accelerated recovery of spiritual energy, all kinds of monsters and ghosts began to appear.

For players, this is exactly the gaming experience they dream of.

No matter how real the previous ordinary life experience is, it is just another reality. It may be a little fresh at the beginning, and it will get tired after a long time.

The appearance of demons and monsters is just at the right time.

(It’s been a tough year. My mother just finished the operation a few days ago, and she twisted her lumbar vertebrae again yesterday. The old man couldn’t bear the toss. Hey, it’s really hard to get back to the creative state of the past few years because of everything.)


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