I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Another kind of creation

The second spiritual qi recovery in Taiyi World came, and Lin Fang arrived at the distraction period for the first time. At this time, he found that he could create a clone with a wisp of distraction.

Even if he quits the game, he can still feel the existence of his avatar, and he can enter the game at any time.

At this time, it is no longer important to carry a helmet with you.

The helmet was originally a medium for accessing the Taiyi world, and what played the biggest role was the soul import module designed by Shen Yibo.

In other words, the average player's soul sand is too small and the strength is too weak to enter the Taiyi world independently, and must use a medium to enter the Taiyi world by logging in the game.

Lin Fang's soul sand is enough and strong enough, it is said that he can log in to Taiyi World anytime, anywhere without the need for media.

It's just that he has too little understanding of the soul, and the accumulation of information and related knowledge is not enough. There is no treasure mountain, and there is nowhere to start.

Until he was promoted to distraction in Taiyi World and created a clone.

Lin Fang also made a mark in Taiyi World, so he could log in and log out at any time.

Even if he quits, it doesn't affect him manipulating his clone and making waves in the Taiyi world.

With this harvest, Lin Xinxin gave birth to a sense of enlightenment.

This idea needs to be confirmed in the original world.

But before that, Lin Fang still needs to make some preparations.

He first found Shen Yibo and learned about Shen Yibo's team's analysis of Taiyi World.

Shen Yibo scratched his head and smiled bitterly: "Dr. Lin, according to our calculations, Taiyi Supercomputing simply cannot store enough information in Taiyi World, but the current situation is that it not only saves, but also has sufficient margin."

Lin Fang asked suspiciously: "When you were designing the main program, didn't you also say that the computing power of the ethereum supercomputing, even if you run more than ten virtual online games of the same size at the same time, there is no problem?"

Shen Yibo sighed: "When we designed it, we thought it could be done. But Taiyi World is different, it's a bit beyond our imagination... It's a little too large, it doesn't look like a virtual world... You see there No? That pile of Nuwa super memory stores all the Taiyi World data we tried to back up..."

Lin Fang turned his head to look, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

It's more than just a stack, it's just a wall!

Lin Fang asked, "What is Nuwa's memory?"

Shen Yibo said: "It is a super high-speed read and write storage device developed by our team, a supporting device for Pangu chips. You can see how amazing its storage capacity is if you equate its storage capacity with the computing power of Pangu chips. But such a storage device, we have used so much, we have not been able to back up Taiyi World, and what is stored in it is only the tip of the iceberg of Taiyi World!"

Lin Fang: "..."

He couldn't imagine what he had done.

When Taiyi Chaoshou was taken out of the original world, what kind of interaction happened with the real world, and what kind of mechanism was used to cause this accident, Lin Fang knew nothing about it.

Perhaps, the enlightenment he gave birth to when he created a clone in Taiyi World can give him a glimpse.

Lin Fang couldn't wait to go to the original world, so he said, "Dr. Shen, can you give me a copy of this data?"

Shen Yibo pointed to the super storage wall and said, "It's all inside, you can take it as you like!"

Lin Fang took a copy according to his words, then said goodbye to Shen Yibo and returned to his room.

Shen Yibo's team, the main public relations goal at present, is to feed back itself by analyzing the operation mechanism of Taiyi World, AI generation and control mechanism.

In their view, the uncontrollable nature of Taiyi World is always a hidden danger.

Only when a fully controllable virtual world is launched can we say that human beings have mastered the manufacturing technology of the virtual world and truly become the creators, even if it is a virtual creation, it is a creation!

But now, the uncontrollable world of Taiyi makes Shen Yibo's team completely unable to say such words.

In this regard, Lin Fang raised his hands to support it.

He also hopes that Shen Yibo's team can research something, which is also very beneficial to Lin Fang.

Not to mention whether it can help him find his way home, even if it is possible to use this analogy to get a glimpse of the secrets of the real world, it would be excellent.

Lin Fang took a piece of Nuwa memory and entered the original world again.

He still came to the lunar experimental base. As soon as Qin Long approached, he threw a handful of soul sand over there.

Qin Long, who had just completed his evolution, didn't even have time to show off his new body to Lin Fang, so he swallowed the soul sand and fell into a deep sleep again.

Lin Fanggu showed enough Pangu chips to build a new supercomputer, which he named Taichu.

Then, Lin Fang connected to the Nuwa memory he brought.

In a split second, Lin Fang was ejected.

He looked left and right, and was surprised to find that he had returned to the real world, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

But then, something that surprised Lin Fang even more happened.

Four perspectives appeared in front of his eyes at the same time, just like monitors, pointing to different pictures.

The first point of view points to his room, which is where he is now.

The second point of view points to Taiyi World. He is sitting on Yuxu Mountain, the original hall, and is opening an altar to the disciples in the door to teach the Fa.

From the third perspective, pointing to the primordial world, he is sitting in the lunar laboratory, staring at the brand new supercomputer Taichu in a daze.

The fourth perspective, however, points to the interior of the very beginning, and points to another possibility of creation.

In the picture, two dragon heads and snake bodies, similar to the creatures Lin Fang saw when he evolved Taiyi World, are sitting opposite each other.

Lin Fang couldn't see where they were or what was around them.

It seems that they are surrounded by a piece of void, surrounded by stars twinkling.

Beneath them were pure white patches, exuding a faint shimmer of light.

The two dragon-headed and snake-shaped creatures are huge, even if they are small from Lin Fang's perspective, but to Lin Fang, they are indeed huge.

These two creatures with dragon heads and snake bodies, one male and one female, or a male and a female, Lin Fang didn't know why he knew it, but he just knew that they were of different genders.

The two creatures with dragon heads and snake bodies are communicating, or they may be **.

One of the creatures with dragon head and snake body spurted a white rainbow from the eyebrows, while the other creature with dragon head and snake body on the opposite side spurted a mysterious light.

Bai Hong and Xuan Guang were entangled with each other, and soul sand grains emerged from it.

These soul sand grains show opposite colors, the soul sand grains in the white rainbow are black, and the soul sand grains in the mysterious light are white.

In the process of entanglement between Bai Hong and Xuanguang, these soul sand grains of different colors are also paired in pairs, following a certain rhythm with each other, entangled, rotated, and released.

I don't know how long it took, the creatures with the two dragon heads and snake bodies seemed to be a little tired, and they took back the white rainbow and the mysterious light.

In the middle of the two creatures, a black and white ball was slowly expanding.

At first, it was only the size of a dust particle, but gradually, it grew to the size of a bean, and then to the size of a fist, until it was almost the size of a dragon's head, and then it stopped expanding.

The black and white colors on the ball slowly fade away, and green, blue, and yellow slowly emerge on the sphere.

Then, a small glass box suddenly appeared in the hands of two creatures with dragon heads and snake bodies, or maybe it wasn't glass, just because the material was transparent, giving Lin Fang this feeling.

In a small glass box, there are countless creatures the size of ants.

Some are terrestrial, some are aquatic, some are crawling, some can fly, and some can walk upright.

The creature with two dragon heads and snake body opened the door of the glass box, dumped it on the black and white ball, and threw the creatures inside randomly on different positions of the ball.

Then, they put away the glass box.

The black and white ball began to spin slowly, and Lin Fang faintly felt that the ball seemed to be breathing.

Lin Fang wanted to see the breathing rhythm of the black and white ball clearly. As a result, his fourth angle of view was really close, and the black and white ball was magnified in front of him, big enough for him to see clearly.

When the ball exhales, the air flow goes from west to east, like a westerly belt.

When the ball inhales, the air flow goes from east to west, like an east wind belt.

When the volcano erupted, it was sneezing.

Earthquakes and tsunamis are turning their bodies over.

If you compare a small ball to the earth, doesn't it mean that a habitable planet is habitable only because it is a life itself?

What are those creatures living on the little ball?

Lin Fang zoomed in again from the fourth perspective, and he saw the daily life of the creatures on the little ball.

Hungry to hunt for food, thirsty to drink water.

When spring comes to courtship, the offspring are born after mating, and they die in old age.

Year after year, day after day.

Those upright creatures that resemble humans, use tools, speak a certain language, hunt cooperatively, and pick fruit for a living.

What surprised Lin Fang was that these creatures were also dragon heads, just like those who fell from the sky when Taiyi World evolved.

Slowly, I don't know how many years have passed, the creature with the head of a dragon and a human body has become the body of a snake with the head of a human being, and the body of a human head.

From tribes to dynasties to unified empires.

thriving and fighting each other.

It's like a cycle of history, a historical picture that has been programmed.

Lin Fang thought for a while, then zoomed in from the fourth perspective to see the ball from a height.

He was surprised to find that after any creature died and was buried, something seemed to be absorbed by the pellet.

This situation is very subtle, and it is difficult to find it if you are not careful.

However, when a large-scale war broke out, Lin Fang could clearly see it, even if he didn't have to be careful.

It seems to be the smoke condensed by the soul, which is sucked away by the ball.

The little ball seemed very happy, and the speed of rotation increased a little.

Whenever a war broke out, the land in that year was often extremely fertile.

The weather is good, and the output of the land seems to be more than in previous years.

If there is no war all the year round, then the land will be dry, extreme weather will appear, cold, extreme heat, earthquakes, tsunamis, all kinds of disasters will always come endlessly, until a large number of creatures die, and countless soul smoke is sucked away by small balls.

It seemed that it just smiled happily, and slowly put away its temper.

Next year, the weather will be good again, and the land will be fertile.


Lin Fang couldn't help but swallowed and took a deep breath.

I don't know if it was Lin Fang's inhalation action, which caused a chain reaction. The two dragon-headed snake-body creatures were quietly observing the small ball, and at the same time they looked up at Lin Fang.


Lin Fang's fourth angle of view, like a glass lens that was violently beaten by external forces, cracked and shattered.

Then, Lin Fang felt a sharp pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, causing him to fall to the ground, screaming and rolling.

The severe pain lasted for a long, long time, but Lin Fang locked the room, and the sound insulation was so good that no one noticed until he passed out of pain.

After a long time, Lin Fang woke up from the coma, and his perspective had returned to normal.

He couldn't even contact the clone from the second perspective, which made Lin Xin feel a little flustered.

He got up first, poured a glass of water, and drank it in one breath. Lin Fang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and simply sat on the ground, trying to enter the primordial world.

The entry this time is far more difficult than before.

Before entering the primordial world, it was just a matter of Lin Fang's thoughts, as simple as drinking water and eating.

And this time, as if he was separated by a floor, he needed to push open a heavy wooden door.

Fortunately, despite the difficulty, Lin Fang still opened the wooden door and came to the original world.

Lin Fang appeared at the location of the lunar laboratory, but only saw a void.

Not to mention Qin Long, Taichu Supercomputing, Nuwa Memory, and even the entire moon has disappeared.

Countless cold sweats appeared behind Lin Fang, and he looked at the earth in panic.

This world is presented by the soul sand reflecting his memory, and it also represents his memory.

The moon is gone, and his knowledge of the moon, even the memory of Chang'e, Guanghan Palace, and Yutu in ancient myths, seems to have been gently erased by someone with an eraser.

He disappeared from Lin Fang's brain at a very fast speed.

He could feel this kind of cognition disappearing out of thin air, so he grew more fearful.

Fortunately, the earth is still there!

What disappeared was only the moon, only Qin Long, and just the beginning.

Lin Fang quickly returned to the original earth and returned to his home. As soon as he arrived home, he heard his mother's nagging.

It's still the same her, still a familiar smell.

Dad was still sitting on the sofa, listening to her nagging with a smile.

Fortunately...you are still here!

Lin Fang closed his eyes, feeling that something wanted to escape from his sockets.

He smiled and withdrew from the original earth.

Back in the real world, Lin Fang went to his room. He first took a shower, changed his sweat-soaked clothes, and found Shen Yibo again.

Shen Yibo and his team were still in the laboratory, and the wall-like stack of Nuwa memories did not disappear.

Seeing this, Lin Fang breathed a sigh of relief, casually greeted Shen Yibo, turned around and left.

A researcher couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Shen, what's the situation with Dr. Lin? He came back after a while, his face was pale and lost, and he didn't say anything. He came in and looked at it and left again, tsk... Really... …”

Shen Yibo glared at him and said, "Do your job well! You talk too much! If you can create a world of Taiyi, you can come in and take a look and leave!"

After scolding his subordinates, Shen Yibo looked back at the door, thoughtful.

Lin Fang left the laboratory and immediately contacted Zhang Ruohan by phone. As soon as the call came through, he couldn't wait to ask, "Is there any problem or accident with Qinling Type 1?"

As soon as he finished asking, Lin Fang felt his Meng Lang.

He still remembers the Qinling Type 1, so how could something happen?

He just doesn't remember how he made the Qinling Type 1, as well as the drawings of the Qinling Type 2, Type 3, and three fighter jets, but he can still draw it if he draws it.

Sure enough, Zhang Ruohan asked unexpectedly: "What could happen to the Qinling Type 1? You suddenly called me. Could it be your design? Is there any serious flaw?"

Lin Fang naturally denied it, he said, "How is it possible? I just asked casually, is there a verification machine on Jinfei's side?"

Zhang Ruohan was more surprised, she said: "Didn't I tell you about this long ago? Of course they are doing it, what happened to you today? It's upside down?"

Lin Fang said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, then I have no problem, I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" Zhang Ruohan immediately shouted: "Lin Fang, you must be hiding something from me! You'd better explain honestly, otherwise, I will kill you at your research center, and I will say that I am pregnant with your child. !"

Lin Fang: "..."

If there is no reason that can be said, maybe Zhang Ruohan can really do such a thing.

Lin Fang was helpless, so he simply made up a reason and said, "There is a problem with my virtual laboratory. Now I have to work hard to get in, and I have no ability to bring things out. I don't know what's going on. So I'm worried that there is something wrong with the Qinling Type 1."

"Ha!" Zhang Ruohan said disapprovingly: "I thought it was a big deal, if that's the case, then it's no problem! I've already reported your case. The expert team thinks that you can bring something out. It should be some kind of observer effect of quantum entanglement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now that the observer effect has disappeared, you naturally can't take it out, don't be nervous! It's fine!"

Well, now even Zhang Ruohan has found the reason for himself, and Lin Fang naturally admitted it.

Lin Fang pretended to be annoyed and said, "So that's what happened. I thought I could always bring things out of the virtual lab! What a pity, I should have brought more things out!"

Zhang Ruohan sneered: "You should thank you for not being so greedy. The expert team estimates that you don't take things for nothing, and you must pay the price of your soul. I advise you, it's better to go back and see your own. Soul situation, see if there is anything less!"

Lin felt relieved and moved his head.

He does not mean that.

The scene observed from the fourth perspective was too shocking for Lin Fang to say, but it was still necessary to look at his own soul.

Thinking of this, Lin Fang didn't have the heart to continue chatting with Zhang Ruohan, he said decisively: "Okay, then I'll do an examination to see if there is anything missing in my soul. Hang up!"

"Hey! Wait...I..."

Toot! beep! beep!

Facing the busy tone on the phone, Zhang Ruohan wanted to curse.


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