I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 420: The boundary between true and false

Approaching the pool table-like machine again, Lin Fang received a message reminder again.

He hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Check it out."


A figure appeared beside Lin Fang out of thin air, it was a pretty figure.

She was wearing a red slim fit dress, a white lab coat, flat glasses, and neat short hair. Her face was seven-pointed and similar to Xia Xuejian's.

The woman in front of her is not a real person, but a virtual projection, a pre-recorded naked-eye 3D video.

She faced the camera and said: "Linghuang, this is a permission-encrypted video, and the viewing permission is set to Xia Wanxue and Lin Feng. Activate all weapon defenses and activate optical deception. No matter who they are, once they try to log in to Earth, Era, all obliterate!"

"The Emperor Ling received it, it has been confirmed."

Xia Wanxue made preparations, waved at the camera, and said, "hi, Lin Feng, long time no see, if you can see this message and I'm not in the lab, then something may have happened to me. They are here. Now, we are not their opponents. I can't find any other way other than uploading my soul and hiding in the small cage of the Earth Era."

Is it a cage, not a game?

Lin Fang stared at Xia Wanxue, who looked like a real person, thoughtfully.

Xia Wanxue's image continued: "I'm sorry, Lin Feng, I deceived you. There's something I haven't told you... Actually, you're not my colleague, not the Spirit Race. You are actually from the first The Earth of the Third Age was cultivated by me. In a sense, you are actually my child... I have been worried that if I tell you the truth, you will not be able to accept it... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Wait, the amount of information is a bit large, and my head hurts a bit.


Lin Fang tentatively gave a command, but he didn't have any hope at first. Unexpectedly, Xia Wanxue's actions and expressions that were about to continue were all frozen at that moment.


Lin Fang breathed a sigh of relief, walked in front of Xia Wanxue, reached out and touched it, his hand easily penetrated into her image body, and at the position where he and her contacted, part of the image dissolved.

When Lin Fang couldn't take out his hand, he and Xia Wanxue were like a pair of conjoined twins.

Lin Fang touched it a little, and then retracted his hand.

He felt that his body was not quite right. Lin Fang lowered his head and glanced at himself, and shook the soul sand. He was surprised to find that the soul sand was wrapped in a layer of things, and it was not easy to get out.

But if you really want to come out...

Lin Fang's soul clumps together all over his body, and with a slight jump, he jumped out from the position of Lumen.

He looked back and saw that his body was standing there, with his eyes closed at the moment, standing there motionless.

Lin Fang immediately visualized the void, and saw nothing in the void.

Somehow, the body he had thrown into the void was pulled out.

During the ascension, only the soul cannot resist that kind of distortion.

You have to be one with your body and mind, and you have to be fully equipped to resist that kind of power.

With this kind of enlightenment born in his heart, Lin Fang couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

If it is not for the physical body to be stored in the void, and only for the convenience of the transformation of the soul and the body, then this journey of ascension may be the last long journey in his life.

Lin Fang simply walked around the room. He found that the room was very large, and the layout of the whole room had a strong nostalgic atmosphere. It didn't look like the future style of high-dimensional civilization, but it had a feeling of the Republic of China.

There are flower stands in several corners of the room, with blue and white porcelain on them.

One of them, against the wall, is a pair of ancient frames, on which are placed a guqin, a few jade bottles, and some gold and silver ornaments, all of which are more elegant in style.

Next to the Bogu shelf is a mahogany desk on which several ancient books are randomly stacked, with a pen holder on top, a ceramic pen washer on the left, and a sheet of rice paper spread out in the middle, pressed by a paperweight.

Behind the mahogany desk is a bookcase full of books.

Lin Fang always felt that Xia Xuejian was the identity used by Xia Wanxue in the Earth Era, but when he saw the furnishings in this room, he suddenly became a little unsure.

Xia Xuejian's image of a capable female president doesn't go well with this room.

The owner of this room is more like a lady of the Republic of China.

Lin Fang looked back at the frozen Xia Wanxue projection, walked over, and tried to pick up a book on the mahogany desk to see what was going on. Wherever he could think of it, his hand went straight in, just as he was trying to touch Xia Wan. The same as when snow is projected.

This is actually a projection!

At this moment, Lin Fang is the body of the soul, without the burden of the body!

But this projection, even his soul can be deceived.

Except that there is no real touch, this projection is no different from reality.

In a sense, even more real than real.

Lin Fang turned his head to look at the other side of the room, where the vegetation was lush, and flowers of different seasons appeared at the same time, and a garden was actually planted in the room.

Needless to say, it's also fake!

Except for the machine in the center of the room, Lin Fang was already unsure how many things in this room were real.

He turned around, got into his body again, and said to Xia Wanxue's projection, "Go ahead."

Xia Wanxue took off her glasses, rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighed, and said, "Maybe, you already know some truth. I found that your situation is getting more and more wrong. When we were conducting the Quaternary Epoch experiment, you would What I did is a bit out of line. I reminded you, but you are getting more and more excessive. Lin Feng, I am not your enemy, it is absolutely unnecessary for you to guard me like this... Ling Huang, pause the recording, I have to deal with some things first ."

The projection screen suddenly disappeared, and after a while, Xia Wanxue suddenly appeared.

This time, her expression became disappointed and solemn, "Lin Feng, you are so disappointed in me. Have you contacted them? They lied to you, their purpose is to take everything from us! No matter what! It's our body, our soul, or the civilization of our entire race! Although you are from the third era of the earth, you are also my tribe!"

Xia Wanxue rubbed her forehead, and a chair suddenly appeared under her. She sat down and sighed: "There was something wrong with the experiment. I found some traces of their intrusion in Era. Our experiment is obviously very hidden. There are still many supporters, they can't find us! No, I have to check again! Linghuang, pause the recording!"

When Lin Fang saw Xia Wanxue disappearing again in front of him, the expression on his face couldn't help but show a hint of solemnity.

It seems that the ugly bug is very likely to be one of the "them" in Xia Wanxue's mouth.

Come to think of it, how could worms and humans be of the same race?

Xia Wanxue is the creator of the Earth Era, the bug and the race behind it are nothing but a group of thieves and robbers.

After a while, Xia Wanxue's projection appeared again, this time her face was even worse, and her expression was still a little dazed, "Lin Feng, you...you don't always hide from me, okay? How can you be there? Era is so indulgent? I am very worried about you, you will fall into their trap like this, and your soul will sink because of it, if something happens to both of us, our plan will fail completely! Our soul upload attempt will also So failed..."

"Our experiment is not a romantic affair. I actually regret that I didn't stop you earlier. If you hide from me again, maybe I will start the plan in advance, use the permission to command the console to format the world, and let the earth era enter the sixth era! You! If you don't come out in time, your memory will be erased, and you won't be you anymore..."

Lin Fang touched his nose. No wonder he took over a bunch of girls as soon as he crossed into the Earth Era.

Feelings, this is a pile of romantic debts left by Lin Feng when he broke the jar.

Since it is called the fifth era of the earth era, it means that the earth era has experienced four major disruptions. Looking at the meaning of Xia Wanxue, it seems that it is preparing to start the fifth major disruption and let the earth era enter the sixth era.

It's just that this summer night's snow situation, why is it a little weird?

Lin Fang looked at Xia Wanxue's projection. I don't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Xia Wanxue's situation seemed to be worse.

Xia Wanxue sat in a chair in a daze for a while, and then said to the camera: "Lin Feng, I've been cleaning up their intrusion nodes for the past two days. After retrieving the data, I found that the Earth Era we created with all our strength seems to be There is a bit of distortion in space and time. According to the existing data, there is no way to match the number, and there is always a layer of key data missing."

She hesitated for a while, then said again: "You said, will it map another earth era in a distant dimension? Impossible, right? Yes, I must have made a mistake! What we created is only A mental prison is not the real world. How could it be possible to map a real world, it's ridiculous to think about it. Hey... I've been really stressed recently!"

Xia Wanxue rubbed her forehead, got up and disappeared for a moment, when she reappeared, she appeared with a cup of blood-red liquid in her hand, she shook the cup, and said, "I know, our Spirit Race should not drink this kind of liquid. Things, especially the spiritual experts like us, shouldn't drink this kind of thing that will paralyze the soul, but I'm really tired, and you're not by my side!"

pause! pause! pause!

Xia Wanxue drank the blood-red liquid in the cup in one breath, and then he took a deep breath and said, "If you see my message to you, remember to come and find me, and if you hold on like this, I will collapse sooner or later. Yes! The damned demon zerg, the worms of time and space, will be crushed into powder by the races of higher dimensions sooner or later!"


After the projection disappeared this time, it never appeared again.

It seems that Xia Wanxue is really under a lot of pressure. She may... have fallen into the fifth era of the earth, and can no longer leave soberly.

Or, the ugly demon zerg bug partially succeeded. Although it failed to steal the authority of the Earth Era, it also succeeded in making Xia Wanxue slowly become Xia Xuejian.

Xia Xuejian was not mistaken. On the other side of the distant time and space, there really was another era of the earth, a real earth, where Lin Fang came from and his hometown.

The only thing that Lin Fang is not sure about now is, where did Lin Feng go, isn't it... At the same time that he replaced Lin Feng and entered the Earth Era, Lin Feng also replaced him and returned to Earth?

If this is the case, it means that the earth era and the real earth have a deeper entanglement.

Quantum entanglement?

Can you travel through time and space, through dimensions, and let two different people on the other side of time and space replace each other's souls?

Lin Fang thought about it for a while, but there was no answer.

He walked to the console that looked like a pool table, reached out and touched it, and a light curtain rose up. This was the operation interface of the console.

"Check permission, check passed, permission level: next highest. All operations except XX (hidden) can be performed."

Lin Fang glanced at it, the characters on the interface were extremely ancient, and it was a kind of character that was very similar to Xiaozhuan.

He didn't know every word, but when his eyes fell, he could immediately understand the meaning of the words.

Now, he can completely control the Earth Era, making it move in different directions.

Whether it's war, exchange, trade or isolation, it's up to him to decide.

If he wants, he can also destroy the world, turn it into a white land, and make everything start over again.

It's just that all this means nothing to Lin Fang.

He simply checked and ignored all these operations, just looking for possible help files.

After searching carefully, Lin Fang was very disappointed.

The help file was not found, but it turned to a history about the Eldar.

The planet where the Eldar are located has a very unique location, exactly at the center point where the sixth and seventh dimensions intersect.

Strictly speaking, the Spirit Race has reached the peak of the sixth dimension and is about to ascend.

The arrival of the Demon Zerg is a disaster for their race, but it is also an opportunity.

The demon zerg has no fixed form, and is itself a kind of soul existence, a kind of spiritual dimension creature.

Although the Spirit Race claims to be the Spirit Race, it is the body that is stronger.

After 10,000 years of development and evolution, the Spirit Race has developed its own body to the limit, but it is still a little short, and it cannot reach the standard of dimensional upgrading.

In terms of soul, the Demon Zerg is actually very useful for the Eldar.

If the Spirit Race can absorb the advantages of the Demon Zerg and carry out targeted development, they may be able to break through a certain threshold, the world will be upgraded, and they can also become real seven-dimensional creatures.

It's a pity that the Eldar obviously failed to pass this test.

The demon zerg are the worms of time and space, and they are also the scourge of time and space.

They travel through dimension after dimension, occupy the body of civilized races, devour their souls, plunder their civilization, and when everything is digested, they will aim at the next target.

However, sometimes, if the target is too difficult to bite, they will change from swallowing to nibbling. First, they devour the souls of some target races and bear their faces, causing civil strife. When the target races are almost consumed internally, they will reveal their hideousness. Face, swallow this race in one go.

The Spirit Race where Xia Wanxue lives is a tough bone for the Demon Zerg Race.

At first, their aggression was not smooth, so they changed their strategy and concentrated on capturing the bodies of several key figures of the Eldar, which caused civil strife.

Now, the Eldar have been cornered.

The demon zerg are no longer hiding, they are pressing everywhere, and it is possible to launch a war of genocide at any time.

Under this circumstance, Xia Wanxue's proposal also won the full support of the remaining forces of the Spiritual Race. Her research, before the disaster, was originally part of the world upgrade plan.

But when the disaster came, it changed course and turned into a plan called "Refuge".

The Earth Era itself is a refuge, so Xia Wanxue called it a "spiritual prison".

She put all her energy on the Earth Era, and there was nothing wrong with her doing so, but the problem was that in the face of the fierce pursuit of the Demon Zerg, it was obviously useless to just avoid it.

Even if the Earth Era, where the souls of the Xia Wanxue people were stored, was not found by the Demon Zerg, they would at most survive for a while, until the resources of the entire planet and even the nearby star fields were consumed by the Demon Zerg.

The road in front of the Eldar is just a journey of death.

What's more, the Demon Zerg had already discovered the existence of the Earth Era, and they also used some means to locate it in the air, mixed sand in the Earth Era, and even penetrated into it several times.

Cuo Fei Lin Fang accidentally repelled the opponent once, and once intentionally went fishing, attached to the opponent and smuggled through time and space.

Maybe the current Earth Era has already changed hands, and the surname is no longer "Ling".

To make matters worse, Xia Wanxue has been doing research by herself for a long time. The emptiness and loneliness in her spirit have made her under great pressure, and she even abducted a person from the earth in the third era, as her work assistant, And help her resolve the spiritual emptiness.

It's just that Xia Wanxue is a little vague about this, and Lin Fang is not sure what kind of existence Lin Feng is.

Is it fake, or is it real?

This thought only existed in Lin Fang's mind for a moment, and he was extinguished by him.

He thought of the Taiyi world in the fifth earth era, and also thought of the real earth on the other side of time and space mentioned by Xia Wanxue.

At a certain level, the boundary between false and true does not seem to be very clear.

As long as there is a cognitive existence, even if it is false, at a certain time and place, a world may be born~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like the emergence of the earth era, it reflects the real earth.

The intersection of the primordial world and the earth era reflects the Taiyi world again.

In the original world, it was Lin Fang who visualized the star map of Zhou Tian and inadvertently linked to some kind of observation information in the world of Xinglong, which was born by this opportunity.

Here, Taiyi World seems to be false relative to the earth era.

Compared with the earth era and the real earth, the original world is another layer of falsehood.

But compared to the Eldar world, the Earth Era is a false spiritual cage.

So real, where is it?

Is it the Spirit Race world? Or is it true that the existence of the Demon Zerg is just another layer of falsehood.

What about the Star Dragon World?

Their clansmen are themselves a planet and a world.

Could it be that they are the real truth?

And all other existences are just illusions?

Cognition, observation, contact, interference, change, subversion!

Perhaps, only the soul is real, and everything else can be changed.


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