I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Sir, times have changed

Looking back at the console, looking at the magnified Jincheng, looking at the familiar or unfamiliar faces living in the city, Lin Fang was thoughtful.

How similar is the scene in front of you to the scene where researchers in the laboratory observe microorganisms?

Probably, this is God's perspective, right?

The more than half a year of getting along may not match Lin Fang's feelings for his hometown Earth.

He just continued to zoom in on the console, focusing on Dad Lin, Mom Lin, and Lin Xiaolei, on He Naibin, Luo Zhanglang, and Li Jianfeng, on Xia Xuejian, Hu Qingchan, and Fu Hao, looking at the picture in front of him. Zhang Familiar face, it is difficult for Lin Fang to regard all this as a game and a dream.

Forgetting the past means betrayal.

In Lin Fang's heart, they were all living people, not Xia Wanxue's creations.

If they are all creatures, what are they?

A creation mirrored by creation? Is there something more false than false?

Lin Fang couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, thinking about this kind of question is meaningless.

Descartes said: I think therefore I am.

It is also mentioned in "Zhuangzi: Equality of Things": Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly, and a butterfly dreams of Zhuang Zhou.

There is no point in thinking about whether you really exist. Existence itself is reasonable.

Lin Fang tried to visualize, trying to pull the Earth Era into the void.

Soon he found that he couldn't do it.

The Earth Age on the console doesn't exist, it's just an image.

It can be observed, influenced, interfered, and manipulated, but it cannot be directly entered or collected.

Because the earth era does not exist in this house, although it is only a mental cage, it also has real six-dimensional coordinates, occupying a real coordinate position.

That is to say, it is not this laboratory that the demonic worm really invaded, but the real earth era located in the six-dimensional coordinates!

You can't pull it directly, what about replacing it?

Lin Fang thought about the problem from a different angle. Without solving the security problem of the Earth Era, he really couldn't leave the laboratory with peace of mind.

He smuggled through time and space for this.

Replacing... with what?

Lin Fang quickly thought of the primordial earth in the void.

The existence of the primordial earth seems to be a coincidence, but it is not without the intention of the Star Dragon people.

Lin Fang visualized the star map of Zhou Tian, ​​and when the soul sand resonated, it happened to arouse the star field where the Star Dragon people were located, and then an incomparably real illusory planet was born.

What is even more terrifying is that the things in this illusory planet can actually resonate with the earth era. Once taken out, it becomes a real existence in the earth era.

In the past, Lin Fang could still keep the original Earth, but now...

Lin Fang thought about it, decisively visualized the original earth in the void, and then used the authority of the earth era to make the two resonate.

"Danger warning! The owner of the second highest authority, the earth era discovered an unknown resonance, and the six-dimensional coordinates are about to be exposed..."

"Red warning! The owner of the second highest authority, the earth era is moving and is about to deviate from the original coordinates!"

"Ultimate warning! The owner of the second highest authority, the earth era is about to fall into the unknown void..."


It seemed that something rang, but it seemed that nothing had happened.

The Earth Era phantom on the console flickered for a moment, and seemed to disappear for a moment, then reappeared.

Lin Fang took a closer look, nothing happened, everything was business as usual...


Lin Fang suddenly looked at the moon, the companion satellite of the earth, and found that the moon was gone.

This kind of thing seems familiar.

The primordial earth he owned was wiped out of thin air by an unknown force because of the relationship between the two star dragons he observed.

Lin Fang even forgot his cognition about the moon, but at this moment, his cognition about the moon came back, but the moon couldn't come back.

Encouraged by this, Lin Fang tried to do a zoom-in operation, Jincheng was zoomed in, and Dad Lin and Mom Lin were locked.

What excites him is that Father Lin and Mother Lin are no longer in the Qingcheng Sanatorium, but have reappeared in the home in his memory.

He Naibin and Li Jianfeng were already parents, but Luo Zhanglang was alone.

Xia Xuejian, Hu Qingchan, and Fu Hao did not exist.

Lin Fang stared at Jincheng in front of him, trying to issue an order to speed up time.

Jincheng time arrives at 0:00.

The phantom of the earth in front of Lin Fang's eyes flickered for a moment. He clearly saw Dad Lin and Mom Lin get up, and he heard their nagging clearly. The nagging sound was very familiar.

It was clearly a conversation between his parents across the wall before he traveled to the Earth Era.

Lin Ma said: "Old Lin, what do you think Fang Wen is doing all day long? He goes home after get off work every day, and he doesn't go out on weekends. He has no friends, no wife, and no social interaction. I see him going on like this. It's not much better than the monks in the temple!"

Dad Lin retorted on the spot: "nonsense! Occupation does not distinguish between high and low, monks are also a job, monks in the temple earn a monthly salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, have a house, a car and a wife, can our son compare? What if we don't have this set for him? house, let him live in a shack!"

Lin Fang: "..."

I really thank you, Dad! You are indeed my father!

Ma Lin couldn't help but sighed and said, "How about, let's talk about blind dates for him? Anyway, let him marry a daughter-in-law. If he stays at home like this, I'm afraid it will be abolished."

Dad Lin smiled and said, "Be bold, don't talk about whether you are afraid or not, he is already obsolete! I checked his computer while he was not at home, and the computer was clean, except for novels, games, even Zhang He doesn't even have a license plate. I've also counted his toilet paper usage, and I don't use as much a day for a week. I'm thinking, otherwise, let's have a second child and practice a trumpet!"

Lin Fang: "!!!"

This time, Lin Fang was really about to crack.

The day before the time-travel, he slept in a daze, and vaguely heard the conversation between his father and his mother, but except for the first sentence of his mother's louder voice, he remembered it more clearly. He covered his ears with a pillow afterward, and it was blurry. Not clear.

Who would have thought that Dad actually had plans to practice trumpet!

Mom Lin pushed Dad Lin a little embarrassedly, and said, "You old man who doesn't cultivate, don't even look at how old I am, can I still give birth to me?"

Dad Lin said disapprovingly: "Try it, what if? It doesn't matter if we don't give birth, we can make money when we give birth! I can tell you that our son is not interested in all kinds of teachers, so can you expect him to give birth? Don't worry, I can be sure that he has cut himself off and is infertile. If he doesn't get you a boyfriend back, we should be thankful!"

Lin Fang: "Cough, cough, cough!"

Such a shameful picture was really unbearable, Lin Fang decisively accelerated the console.

In a flash, Jincheng time 0:00 came again.

The phantom of the earth flickered again.

Lin took Lin Ma's conversation as before, and Lin Ma said, "Old Lin, what are you talking about Fang Wen's going on like this all day long..."

No matter how many times you speed up, the picture always loops back and forth in the same day.

The earth era has been replaced by the original earth.

Only now did Lin Fang know that it turned out that the original Earth had already been fixed on the day he left.

The original earth was really just a reflection of his memory, not another real world.

Coming to this conclusion, Lin was relieved, but also a little disappointed.

The way home is still far away.

Now that he has replaced the earth era with the original earth, those Spirit Race people in Xia Wanxue may still be dangerous, but at least, Xia Wanxue... No, maybe Xia Wanxue is no longer there, she is just Xia Xuejian.

At least, Xia Xuejian, Lin Xiaolei, Hu Qingchan, and Fu Hao are all fine, living in the era of the earth that replaced the original earth and hangs in the void, and is extremely safe.

With this step, Lin Fang's main purpose of smuggling time and space has been achieved.

Lin Fang also had a preliminary plan on what to do next.

The ultimate goal is naturally to return to the real earth. He must go back, bring a beautiful girlfriend home, and tell them in front of his father and mother that he can! own fertility!

What license plate do you want, do it, of course, do it for real, give them the whole trumpet at home!

Don't you want to practice trumpet? Practice, practice slowly!

Every day!

The idea is very good, but at least we have to wait until we can return to the real earth.

Before that, it was still a problem how to find the six-dimensional coordinates of the real earth in the infinite space-time dimension and the vast void universe.

If the six-dimensional coordinates are wrong, the difference is not only a matter of tens of thousands of light-years, but also a great paradox of time and space. Not in ten years.

He had to, and could only go back to the day of transmigration.

Although he is in his early thirties, he is still a middle-aged social animal.

But after all, there are his parents and his home there.

Lin Fang continued to check, and determined that there was nothing wrong, so he did not plan to stay in the laboratory.

He rummaged around in the lab and found a handheld smart terminal, something with a sci-fi atmosphere, similar to an arm guard, stuck on his left arm.

Press the start button, hold the smart terminal to activate, and his identity information pops up: "Phantom Federation Zixu City Citizen, Prawn Repair Factory Maintenance Person, Soul Credit Balance: 1392 Points. Warm Reminder: The end of the month, every month The fixed deduction of the Tiansheng Lord Glory Gold will be withheld, please ensure that the balance is sufficient!"

Lin Fang: "???"

With doubts, Lin Fang quickly pressed a few times.

The intelligent terminal has an extremely fast response speed, and is always on the Internet, Lin Fang quickly found the answer he wanted.

Xia Wanxue hasn't left the laboratory for a long time. Times have changed.

The demon zerg changed their usual way of invading, of course, this may also have a great relationship with the difference between the physique of the Eldar and the six-dimensional races they invaded in the past.

They changed the violent conquest to the soft policy, and started the mode of symbiosis and coexistence.

The so-called symbiosis is to collect glory gold from all existing Eldar people.

The reason is that the demon zerg has brought new glory and new glory to the spirit clan, and the shackles that bind the spirit clan to ascend to dimension are no longer there, and the spirit clan can completely join the **** clan to usher in the dawn of the world's ascension.

For this great goal, the Eldar people should and must make a little sacrifice, that is, to pay the Glory Gold on a monthly basis.

In fact, the Glory Gold can also be regarded as a poll tax.

According to whether there is working ability or not, those with working ability will be uniformly deducted 800 soul points per month, and the elderly and children who do not have the ability to work will be charged half, 400 points per person per month.

In other words, the 1392 soul points in Lin Fang's smart terminal are only enough for this month's deduction. Before next month, if they don't collect enough glory gold, they will be taken away by the demon police and forced to work.

In Lin Fang's opinion, this kind of oppression and exploitation is simply a retrogression of the times. Not to mention six-dimensional creatures, even in the four-dimensional earth, these are things that have long been abolished.

Facing this kind of injustice, the governance of the Demon Zerg is probably very problematic. The beacon of the Spirit Race people might have already shone through the entire Illusory Federation.

Lin Fang casually searched the smart terminal, rubbed his brows and fell silent.

The Tianmo Zerg has transformed into a heavenly noble aristocrat in the population of the Spiritual Race. They are born holy and naturally possessed of privileges.

The Spirit Race people are inferior people, an inferior race that sinks into the abyss and cannot be cultivated.

It is the Heavenly Saint nobles who are leading the entire Illusory Federation forward, leading the entire world to rise in dimension.

As a low-class person, the only thing the Spirit Race people can do is to work hard, don't think about what is wrong, obey orders, and pay Glory Gold on time every month is serious.

In a sense, Xia Wanxue's dream has come true. The Spirit Race people no longer have to face the threat of genocide. As a group, the Spirit Race people have no threat to their existence.

It can be considered from another level, the Spirit Race people have been driven into the abyss, they have become a Sudra-like existence, they will always be oppressed and exploited by the Demon Zerg Race, and there is no hope of promotion and success.

Help the Eldar to overthrow the exploitative rule of the Demon Zerg?

What a joke!

This thought only existed in Lin Fang's mind for a moment, and then he killed it.

Lin Fang just wanted to go back to the real earth, to his hometown. It had nothing to do with the oppression of the celestial beings by the celestial beings and the evil thoughts of the star dragons on the endless void universe.

Life is only a hundred years old. When the sky falls, there will naturally be tall people on it. At this time, I have nothing to do with the rain!

Lin Fang wiped his hair, pushed open the door of the laboratory, and walked out.

The door was pushed open, and outside was a dimly lit small repair shop. All kinds of machines and parts were placed in a circle around the factory. In the middle of the factory were two aircraft hovering in the air.

One is relatively old, and the other looks almost 80% new. Except for the new and old, the two aircraft look similar in style and color, so they should be the same model.

When Lin Fang looked back, the door closed by itself at some point. All he saw was a dilapidated wall without any shadow of the door.

He fumbled on the wall, and it felt no different from a real wall.

"The person with the second highest authority, do you want to enter the laboratory?"

It wasn't until a message from the console entered Lin Fang's mind that he gave up exploring.

As long as he can still enter the laboratory, he doesn't have time to care about anything else.

Lin Fang walked around the repair shop, and soon found a repair record on Guangnao near the gate of the repair shop.

"Customer: Yang Wei; Smart Speed ​​​​Model: Akao · Hao Zha 08; Failure: Damaged power core; Solution: Recycle a 50% new Akao · Hao Zha 08 and replace the soul power core; Recovery cost: 420 soul points; Maintenance cost: 980 points."

After flipping through the maintenance record, Lin Fang's eyes lit up.

"Not bad! This business is very simple, and the profit is quite high. It only costs 420 points to recycle one Chiao, and 980 points to Wang Wei, this one in and one out, the net profit is 560 points, although I don't know how the purchasing power of Soul Points is. It's like this, but it's so easy to double the profit and it's not bad!"

Lin Fang originally thought that the monthly head tax deduction of 800 points was quite expensive, but when he saw the profit-making efficiency of the prawn repair factory, he immediately felt that this was a small problem.

He looked at some precautions on the optical brain again. Lin Fang looked at the time above, and quickly clicked a few times on the smart terminal. He ran over to check the repaired Akatsuki · 咱咤08. Another piece of junk with the power core removed was pushed to the corner of the repair shop, and another piece of rag was used to cover it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Lin Fang finished his forefoot, someone was smashing the door of the repair shop.

He walked over to open the door, and a strong man with a height of more than two meters, covered with various tattoos from head to toe, rushed in in one step.

"Why so slow? How is my baby?"

The other party glared at Lin Fang in dissatisfaction. Just when he turned to look at the Red Tail 山夤 08, a disgusting bug swung from the back of his head and almost hit Lin Fang in the face.

Lin Fang's eyes narrowed, and he almost couldn't help squeezing this ugly bug.

Fortunately, Lin Fang responded in time and pretended not to see it.

This worm is similar to the worm that Lin Fang saw that took him to smuggle through time and space, but the worm that Lin Fang saw had hands and feet, and there were as many as eight in total.

The one in front of me, except for a mouth full of fangs~www.wuxiaspot.com~, has no limbs. It is about the same thickness. It is about the width of a finger, but it is much shorter. It felt like the guy in this guy's crotch was growing on the back of his head.

Lin Fang coughed lightly and said, "You are... Yang Wei?"

The other party glared at Lin Fang and said, "Otherwise? If I ask you what to say, what is the cost? I can warn you that my baby is going to participate in the competition after it has been repaired. If you waste my precious time, the repair fee will be 1 No points, I'm going to smash your broken place!"

Lin Fang touched his nose. He wasn't sure if Yang Wei knew that he had been parasitized by the Demon Zerg. He felt as if he didn't know...

However, with his attitude, Lin Fang was not interested in taking care of his life or death.

Lin Fang said: "Of course it has been repaired. Don't worry about our craftsmanship. You can't say that we will guarantee you to get the ranking, but it is definitely better than what you have repaired in other places! If you don't believe it, just get in the car and try it out. But this soul..."

Yang Wei nodded with satisfaction, but after hearing this, he said dissatisfiedly, "Don't ask me who I am? How can I reduce your maintenance fee?"

Lin Fang smiled, blocking Yang Wei's progress.

I don't need to ask, I'll just say this to you. If you don't pay, don't even think about picking up the goods!


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