I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Huaiyang Kitchen Help

Eat up!

Sister Hua rubbed her stomach with one hand, and supported the table with the other. She couldn't help humming.

Since she was sold into Goulan, she has never been hungry again. The last time she had enough food was decades ago.

She still remembered that the first day she was sold into Goulan Courtyard, she ate it, and the old mother in Goulan Courtyard pinched her cheeks with a smile, praised her for her good appetite, and told her to eat more.

At that time, Sister Hua was as thin as a firewood stick, and there was no meat anywhere. If it wasn't for her good eyebrows, she looked like a little beauty embryo, and no one would really want to buy her.

Sister Hua's good days of eating and eating were not over for less than a month, and it was over.

Her little face was as long as a balloon, and her body was still thin and thin, and her little face was about to turn into a bun.

The old mother was frightened, and immediately gave Sister Hua a death order not to eat too much.

Sister Hua was still young at that time, and she had just gotten rid of the desperate situation of dying of starvation. How could she control herself.

Seeing that the threats were useless, the old mother simply started the most commonly used violent method in Goulan Courtyard.

She was also worried that her red-card seedling, who could sell for a lot of money in the future, would be broken. The master turtle who was in charge of the action did not dare to beat people simply and rudely, and used special techniques with some skills.

One of the most cruel, and least hurtful, is "suffocation."

He took a stack of mulberry paper, a calabash water, tied Sister Hua to a chair and tied it up, pasted a piece of mulberry paper and sprayed a sip of water, asked if he would dare to eat too much afterward, and then pasted another piece of mulberry paper and then Take a sip of water and ask again.

This mulberry paper has been superimposed, and it can suffocate Sister Hua alive.

At that time, Sister Hua was still young, so she couldn't stand this kind of fright, so she cried and begged for mercy, shouting that she would never dare again.

Since then, it has become an unstoppable habit of Hua Jie Lei to eat seven or eight minutes full, and she has never eaten it again.

Even if Sister Hua saved enough Xian Dayang to redeem herself, she redeemed herself from the Goulan Courtyard, went to Shili Yangchang, and opened this "Zhihualou" by herself, she always kept the food for seven. Eight full eating habits.

The shadow left by her childhood was too great. Every time Sister Hua ate a little fuller, she would find it difficult to breathe. The near-death experience of dying step by step came to her mind instantly.

How could she have thought that she would eat so much without being careful, that she would endure it abruptly, and her body would not have time to make a conditioned reflex for breathing difficulties.

Now, Sister Hua can be considered to know why Lin Fang said that cooking is the capital of his life.

Thinking of this question, Sister Hua suddenly lost her composure. She couldn't care about her own discomfort, and pulled Lin Fang's clothes, saying, "Sir, your cooking skills are really not very good, for a month. Two dollars is too little, I'll give you more money!"

"Is it too fast?" Lin Fang smiled and looked at Sister Hua, "It's agreed that two dollars a month, I haven't finished my first day's work yet, Sister Hua, you will pay me more. It's not good to be known by others?"

"What's wrong?" Sister Hua waved her hand vigorously, "The whole 'Zhihualou' is mine. With your craftsmanship, we 'Zhihualou' don't sell our bodies or laughs. We can make a name for ourselves just by selling some food. Shiliyangchang."

"Okay." Lin Fang put the rice bowl in his hand aside and clapped his hands, "Then let's add it."

"Little gentleman!" Sister Hua recalled her taste, and couldn't help laughing, "Why does our conversation sound weird? It's always a helper who begs the employer for more money, why is my employer? Want to ask you for a raise in return?"

"It's okay not to go up."

"No! I'm just joking, I have to go up!" Sister Hua gave Lin Fang a blank look, "Sir, you have this skill, I don't dare to treat you badly. If you switch to another family, I won't have a place to cry. Cry! In this way, Chef Su of Laobanzhai will get 25 yuan a month in cash, Sister Hua, I'll give you 20 yuan a month in cash... Don't think it's too small, I'll give you dividends!"

"The guests who come to our 'Zhihualou' are all rushing to snuggle up to Hong Yicui and listen to Xiaoqu'er to find happiness. They don't care much about whether the food is delicious or not." Sister Hua was worried that Lin Fang was angry and explained: "You Give me some time, and I will definitely let the guests know about your skills. Sister Hua, I don't have any other skills, but you can count on the ability to hold people! As long as it is the dishes from the kitchen, I will give you 30%, and you are waiting to make a fortune. Bar!"

"Hua Jie decides." Lin Fang has no idea about the purchasing power of Ocean, from 8 yuan to 2 yuan, and now he has raised it ten times to 20 yuan, and he has no personal experience.

At first, Sister Hua thought that Lin Fang was not satisfied, but after thinking about it carefully, she didn't think so. She stared at Lin Fang with a calm expression for a while before finally confirming that Lin Fang really didn't care about money.

"Okay!" Sister Hua slapped her hands and said, "From now on, the little gentleman will be the master in charge of our 'Zhihualou'!"


One of the two doors of the kitchen is wide open against the door wall, and the other half is more than ten centimeters away from the door wall.

Before someone came in, he deliberately smashed the wooden door that was more than half open, and hit the wall with a loud jingle, deliberately frightening Sister Hua and Lin Fang, and only then did they cross the threshold.

"What is the master master? If he is the master master, then what am I?"

The visitor wore a small cap with melon rind, had gray hair and a goatee beard, and looked about fifty years old.

He was wearing a gold silk brocade robe embellished with rich and auspicious patterns, covered with a black jacket, and when he entered the door, he was aggressive. Immediately someone moved a bench behind him, and he sat down, actually quite imposing.

Lin Fang glanced at this man and lowered his eyes.

"Master Chen!" Sister Hua was making a promise to Lin Fang, but she didn't want to be overheard by her head chef, embarrassed, but also a little angry, "Go to the cashier to settle the wages! From today, you will It's not the master in charge of our 'Zhihualou', I would like to introduce myself, this Mr. Lin Fang next to me is the new head of our 'Zhihualou'!"

"Hey..." Chen Gui couldn't help sneering, and glanced at Lin Fang with his eyelids, "Just because of him? The hair hasn't even grown yet, and the piers haven't been full yet, so is he worthy?"

"Master Chen, please show some respect!" Sister Hua deliberately asked Lin Fang to show her hands, to shock Chen Gui, an old man, but she felt that this would inevitably bring down Lin Fang's momentum, she looked left and right, her eyes widened. Liang, picked up the small bowl on the stove, picked up a new spoon and scooped one into his mouth.

After chewing a few times, Sister Hua's eyes brightened. She threw the spoon aside, and threw a new one into the bowl. She rushed to Chen Gui and shoved it into his hand.

"Hey! There are still a few hands left here. Although they have cooled down and the taste is not so good, they are several times stronger than you!"

"Mr. Lu, you're a motherfucker! You're afraid you forgot to go to the main hall of our 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' and be so arrogant!"


Chen Gui didn't even look at the hand in the bowl, and directly threw the bowl to the ground, smashing it to pieces, "Master Chen is not afraid to tell you, how did you invite Master Chen, and now you have to deal with Master Chen. Send it back! You are such a stinky **** with thousands of people riding thousands of people, you dare to play with the father? Tell you, there is no way!"

"You..." Sister Hua was shivering with anger. She didn't dare to say that the name of Sister Hua, Lu Ying, was resounding in Shili Yangchang, at least in the streets around this "Zhihualou".

Whoever sees her should not politely call "Sister Hua"? No one dares to call her a maid in person, but who are they?

Which one is not a commander with tens of thousands of troops?

Just relying on him, Chen Gui, an eighth-grade chef who has been in the "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang" for decades and has not been a super-class chef, dares to insult her like this?

He even called her a stinky **** who was ridden by thousands of people!


Lin Fang didn't say a word, took three or two steps over, and slapped Chen Gui from the bench abruptly.

The bench under his **** was also turned over a hundred and eighty degrees, hitting Chen Gui heavily.

Chen Gui was slapped in the ring, and was hit on the head by a bench. After he screamed in agony, he regained his senses.

"Where did you come from, you dare to beat you Chen Ye? You probably don't know your position in the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang'! Do you believe it or not, Chen Ye had someone drive you out of Shiliyangchang? "

Lin Fangli ignored Chen Gui's howling, and turned to Sister Hua: "Sister Hua, don't be angry, you can't be angry for this kind of thing, it's not worth your while to be angry."

"It's okay, I'm not angry!" Seeing Chen Gui being slapped to the ground by Lin Fang, Sister Hua was relieved that she couldn't tell.

I don't know how many years there have been no men who have stood up for him. Since he no longer sold his body, no one is jealous of himself anymore. Sister Hua has not experienced such a scene for a long time.

Not to mention, it's pretty cool.

But when she was relieved, Sister Hua couldn't help worrying about Lin Fang.

"Little gentleman, although this Chen Gui is not a thing, he is right in saying one sentence, the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' has a great influence in our Shili Yangchang, but for any famous restaurant, if it doesn't follow the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' If you hire one or two famous chefs, they are not considered high-level. Although he is only a minor character in the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' who is less than a super-class, you have to look at the master to beat the dog. I am worried..."

Even if Lin Fang hadn't devoted himself to studying history, he had never heard the name "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang" on the real earth or in the era of the earth.

"There's nothing to worry about." Lin Fang smiled softly and comforted Sister Hua: "It's just a challenge to the door, the soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. If the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' is really as powerful as you said, Sister Hua, you It's time to be happy. That way, you don't have to worry about me quitting!"

"Puchi..." Even if the atmosphere was not right, after hearing what Lin Fang said, Sister Hua still wanted to laugh inexplicably. After she laughed out loud, she saw Chen Gui, who was being helped up from the ground, with a grim expression. He couldn't help but said again: "Little gentleman, where is the time to say such a thing..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Chen Gui had already issued an order to the two people following her, "Hit me! Beat me to death, beat to death or maim, don't be afraid, I'll take care of it! Master, I have raised you all for so long. It's your time!"

The two youths behind Chen Gui just hesitated for a moment before rushing out.

They rush out faster and fly back faster.

Lin Fang gave them a kick and kicked them back.

The two figures flew out from Chen Gui's side, frightened him and hugged him tightly, for fear of being bumped into it. When he found that his two rabbits fell at the door and rolled on the floor, he didn't go out to look, just Touch up and down to see if you're hurt anywhere.

Lin Fang took a step forward, raised his hand and slapped it again.

Don't want to, his palm actually failed.

As soon as Chen Gui saw Lin Fang approaching, he fell to the ground in fright, but just avoided Lin Fang's slap.

But it fell to the ground suddenly, and the fall was not light, especially Chen Gui was unlucky, his tailbone just knocked on the bench lying on the ground, he bared his teeth in pain, and his face turned blue.

Seeing that Chen Gui was so unlucky, Lin Fang lost his interest in continuing to teach him, and only spit out a word from between his teeth: "Get out!"

Chen Gui crawled out of the kitchen clutching his tailbone. After walking a little further, he dared to attack Lin Fang fiercely: "I don't know where the wild boy came from, why are you waiting for me! You Chen Ye but' People from the Huaiyang Kitchen Gang, offend the Lord, wait for the fish to be fed to you in the Huangpu River!"

Lin Fang rushed forward, and Chen Gui was frightened and staggered again, screamed, and ran fast, ignoring the two apprentices lying on the ground.

The whip on the back of his head looked even more dazzling.

In the Republic of China, there are still people who keep their whips and refuse to shave them off. No wonder they are so angry when they lose their jobs.

"Hey, look at the trouble!" Sister Hua watched Chen Gui flee, a look of worry flashed in her eyes, she gritted her teeth, took out a purse from her sleeve, and put it directly into Lin Fang: " Little gentleman, I still have some personal money here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can buy a ferry ticket and go. No matter where you go, it is better than staying in Shiliyangchang! If you stay, 'Huaiyang The kitchen gang' won't let you go!"

Lin Fang pushed the purse back and said with a smile, "Sister Hua, don't worry, I'm not afraid of them. If Sister Hua is worried that my staying will bring trouble to the 'Zhihualou', then I will leave immediately."

"Yes, I'm afraid of trouble!" Sister Hua's face turned cold, and she turned her back suddenly, "Go away! If you stay, we'll have countless troubles in Zhihualou."

"Is that so? Okay." Lin Fang nodded slightly and put down his sleeves, "Lin is saying goodbye."

Lin Fang didn't hesitate, and immediately stepped over the threshold.

As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, a dark shadow rushed over and almost collided with him.

Lin Fang helped the other party and stepped aside. The man didn't even pay attention to Lin Fang, and rushed into the kitchen to shout at Sister Hua, "Sister Hua! Sister Hua! It's not good! Chen! That dead old man Gui has taken away all the cooks and helpers in the kitchen, our kitchen is empty, and the guests are making trouble!"

Lin Fang paused as he left, turned around, and returned to the kitchen.

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