I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 442: 1 person's kitchen

Sister Hua swayed and almost fell.

The momentum of the "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang" is so powerful.

A small, eighth-grade old Youzi, relying on the name of "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang", can be so arrogant in Shiliyangchang.

Seeing Lin Fang returning to the kitchen, Sister Hua turned sideways to sort out her emotions, and then she turned back and was still indifferent: "Why are you coming back? Do you think we're not having enough trouble with Zhihualou?"

Lin Fang said lightly, "I will solve the trouble I caused."

"Why do you solve it? Half a day ago, you were still a beggar living on the streets!"

"One is worth a thousand by me."

"What are you bragging about?" Sister Hua almost laughed angrily. "Do you know how many kitchens, how many chefs, and how many help cooks we have in 'Zhihualou'?"

Lin Fang didn't answer, just looked at Wang Ergou, who came to report the letter, "Bring me the menu that the guest ordered. Can the guest eat spicy food? Are there any taboos?"


"Humph!" Sister Hua snorted and waved the handkerchief impatiently, "Give it to him!"

Wang Ergou quickly handed over a stack of menus.

"Now there are 3 tables of guests ordering, a total of 23 dishes. One table of locals has four dishes and one soup with light taste, one table of northerners has eight dishes and two soups with heavy salt and heavy oil, and one table from the southwest is six dishes and two soups with heavy hemp. Spicy."

"Okay." Lin Fang took the menu and glanced at it, "Five soups, eight cold dishes, and ten hot dishes, I ordered chestnut ginseng chicken soup for all soups, braised beef for cold dishes, shredded chicken with cold salad, and all hot dishes. I ordered shredded pork in Beijing sauce, braised lion head, and braised silver carp head, not too much. Tell them that the dishes will be served in ten minutes.”

"This... can it work?" Wang Ergou looked at Sister Hua with an uneasy expression.

"Is it okay? That's the only way. You go to appease the guests first, and I'll be there right away." Sister Hua chased away Wang Ergou and sighed, "Sir, you shouldn't come back!"

"Don't go, Ergou, help me serve the food later." Lin Fang stopped Wang Ergou and said to Sister Hua, "Sister Hua, don't persuade me. How can I just walk away from the trouble I've caused?"

"The 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang' is too domineering. It's not a day or two for me to endure them. It's not the trouble you caused."

"Then even if we cause trouble together, let's solve it together."


"Sister Hua, go do your work and leave the kitchen to me."

Lin Fang brought down the warm chicken soup on the earthen stove, ignited all the stoves that had been sealed off, and immediately got busy.

The six stoves are divided into large and small fires, and the soup and hot dishes that need to be boiled are made first.

Once on the stove, turn to cold cuts.

There is nothing else to say about this cold dish, but this dish of braised beef alone is not good enough in itself, and it needs to be sprinkled with dry chili and hot oil to enhance the flavor.

The three tables of guests are in different regions and have different requirements for chili peppers.

The locals have a light taste and can’t eat a touch of spicy food. The northerners can accept medium-spicy with heavy salt and heavy oil. The southwestern guests like to eat spicy food. This pepper is not only spicy but also sprinkled with pepper.

Lin Fang wandered around the kitchen, selected three types of dried chili peppers with different spiciness, and placed them on three different plates.

At this time, the hot sesame oil on the stove was just the right temperature, so Lin Fang picked up the wok and poured it down separately.

Zi la la!

The sound of the oil splashing the dried chili peppers rises together with the spicy aroma of the chili peppers being scalded by the oil.

Lin Fang picked up the large serving plate on the side, and put three plates of braised beef on top, "Er dog, serve! The three plates are different, the round plate is for local guests, the long plate is for northern guests, the oval plate is for guests from the north. The plate belongs to the guests from the southwest, so don't forget it."

"Lin Ye, don't worry, if I, Wang Ergou, can't even do this little thing well, I don't deserve to stay in the 'Zhihualou'!" Wang Ergou swallowed and couldn't help saying: "Lin Ye, you did this shit. The beef is so fragrant! Why does it feel different from the old thing Chen Ye... Chen Gui made?"

"The beef is still made by Chen Gui, I just adjusted the fragrance." Lin Fang smiled, "Hurry up and serve the food. After today's work is over, I will cook it again."

"Hey!" Wang Ergou agreed, resisting the urge to take a piece, and ran out of the kitchen with a large dinner plate.

Braised beef is just the beginning, cold cuts are the first dishes in Chinese restaurants, highlighting the word "quick".

If the cold dishes are not served after waiting for more than five minutes, it is easy for the guests to lose their temper.

Lin Fang rushed for time, and his movements were almost at their peak.

Standing in front of the chopping board cutting vegetables for a while, turning the spoon to the stove for a while, and adjusting the fire for a while, the afterimage was approaching.

"Lin Ye... My God!" Wang Ergou ran back happily and was about to announce the good news to Lin Fang, when he saw the extra large plates on the long table full of dishes.

All the cold dishes are ready, and some hot dishes that don't take time are already out of the pot.

Only the chestnut ginseng chicken soup is left, and the braised lion head and several time-consuming dishes are still in the pot.

Wang Ergou rubbed his eyes, not believing that what he saw was the real picture, "Lin Ye, how did you do it?"

"Without him, I only know you well." Lin Fang smiled and rushed out again, "Hurry up and serve the food, if you have any questions, let's talk slowly when we have some spare time!"

"Lin Ye, you really are!" Wang Ergou couldn't help showing his thumbs, and then he picked up the big dinner plate and ran out.

Wang Ergou returned to the attic with the meal ticket, and several tables of guests were still full of praise for the braised beef.

"The taste of this braised beef is not top-notch, but the fragrance is absolutely incredible!"

"It's really weird. There are so many peppers here. How can it be only fragrant and not spicy?"

"Why, do you still want spicy food?"

"No! No! Of course I don't want to, but I really didn't expect that beef with peppers can be so delicious!"

"Little Er, have you changed chefs at 'Zhihualou'? How do I feel that the special chefs of 'Xinbanzhai' can't produce your taste. Are you planning to change to 'Zhiweilou'?"

Wang Ergou happily served the food and said, "This guest officer, we have indeed changed the chef. The new chef is surnamed Lin, and he is very capable! Eat first, if you have any questions, call us to spend Sister, I will continue to serve a few masters!"

"Huh! My dear, this speed is okay, and the hot dishes are starting now?"

"Don't patronize the fast food, it's not cooked, right?"

"This look doesn't look like it?"

"Try it, try it all!"




Three tables, nine guests, after trying the hot dish Jingjiang Sauce Shredded Pork on this round, they immediately started a scramble for food.

If the braised beef is just excellent in flavor and average in taste, and has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to ordinary super chefs, this shredded pork in Beijing sauce, I dare not say that it is covered in the world, at least it is a must-have in the world.

The meat is smooth and tender, the sauce is delicious, and the saltiness is palatable. What is especially amazing is that the shredded green onion that was set aside before eating seems to have magical powers, which is hard to ignore.

When someone puts shredded green onion wrapped in shredded pork into their mouth, the slightly spicy aroma of raw green onion and the tender pork immediately sublime into a wonderful taste, which makes people want to drink and want to drink. After dinner, I want to wrap the cake and take a bite.

But whether it's wine or rice, as long as the next steps are complete, the sense of comfort and happiness will reach the extreme in an instant.

"Te mother's, comfortable!"

Among the guests from the north, someone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, looking at the shredded pork in Jingjiang sauce in front of him and exclaiming, "I'm old enough to eat Jingjiang shredded pork, too sweet, too bland, too salty, I I have eaten them all, but few can match my taste. Most of the time I order this dish purely out of habit, not necessarily to eat it. Sister Hua, your shredded pork in Beijing sauce from 'Zhihualou' must be this!"

Seeing the guests showing their thumbs, Sister Hua couldn't help laughing, "Award! Award! You can eat it if you like it!"

Another table of local guests was even more surprised, "Listen to the accent, are you from the north? We also ordered shredded pork with Beijing sauce. Our locals have a lighter and sweeter taste. You eat it right, and so does ours. , isn't that weird? Don't you think it's too sweet?"

"It's not sweet, how can it be sweet?"

The guests from the southwest also came to join in the fun. "We came from the southwest. We don't feel sweet or salty when we eat it. It's just right. It's very appetizing and delicious!"




All of a sudden, there were shouts of surprise, saying that it was the three table guests, and even the other guests became curious.

It's hard to talk about it, not to mention the huge difference between the North and the South.

Not to mention that there are eight major cuisines born in Chinese cuisine, there are more than 200 kinds of noodles alone.

There are as many as 20 representative ones.

There is a Zhihua Building in the district. At the same time, there are three tables of guests from the north, southwest and local. The tastes are quite different, which is representative enough. It is because of the representativeness that it is even more surprising.

After the three tables of guests looked at each other, they almost invariably picked up the shredded pork in Jingjiang sauce on their respective tables, and they all gathered together.

The plates of the three tables of guests are different, and it is almost clear at a glance which plate of shredded pork in Jingjiang sauce belongs to which table.

"I'm going, it's really sweet!"

"Ah! Why is this shredded pork in Beijing sauce so numb and spicy?"

"Hey, this shredded pork in Beijing sauce is so salty..."

After the three tables of guests tasted the shredded pork in Beijing sauce from the other table, their faces were all amazed.

"The same dish has three flavors, but it just fits the tastes of our three places. It's really amazing!"

"Sister Hua, where did you invite the fairy chef from? This skill is absolutely amazing!"

"I don't know this chef, can we meet?"

"Sister Hua, come and try it too, your chef is really amazing!"

Sister Hua couldn't push it. She took a pair of chopsticks and tried three shredded pork in Beijing sauce one by one. The more she tried, the more shocked she became.

From the outside, the three shredded pork in Beijing sauce are exactly the same, and there is really no difference.

But after trying it, I realized that the same dish can actually make three different flavors.

Sister Hua's taste is a little more mixed, and she can eat a little of the dishes from the north and the south. It is because she can eat it that she feels even more shocked.

Because these three shredded pork in Beijing sauce, with three different flavors, are all delicious!

That is to say, the guests at the three tables are more picky about their tastes. They can only eat the tastes of the corresponding regions. They are not used to the tastes of other places. tasty.

However, among the three tables of guests, one of them went to those famous restaurants to eat, and they were the kind of guests who were the most difficult to serve.

Going to three tables at the same time, no matter how you look at it, you are suspected of smashing the scene.

Now, all three of their guests are gathered in the fireworks and Liuxiang Goulan courtyard like "Zhihualou", which means that it is really intriguing.

However, these three tables of guests were all comforted by Lin Fang!

"How is it, Sister Hua, is it delicious?"

“Delicious! Really delicious!”

"I said it was delicious, right?"

"It's really delicious!" Sister Hua couldn't help laughing. Lin Fang was clearly the chef of her Zhi Hua Lou. Somehow, her conversation with the guests made her feel that the guests were Lin Fang's owner.

"Everyone! Let's let! Let's let! Chestnut ginseng chicken soup!"

Other dishes are coming one after another, the chestnut ginseng chicken soup is the last one.

"Come! Come! Taste, let's try this soup!"

The three table guests all returned to their seats.

“Very fresh chicken soup!”

"Strange, how come I didn't taste the ginseng, maybe I didn't put it... I went, but I put it, how did it happen?"

"Try this chestnut again, hiss...soft, waxy, fragrant, sweet, delicious! It's just too good for my appetite!"

The chestnut ginseng chicken soup was the last dish, and the three tables of guests have eaten almost all of them by now.

Basically, when ordering this dish, I want to drink a sip of soup and sew a little, no one really wants to eat chicken and chestnuts.

I really want to eat chicken. The cold dish with shredded chicken I ordered before is fresh and refreshing, and it is delicious.

It's just that some people start and say that chestnuts are delicious, and inevitably some people want to try this chicken to see if there is any difference.

"Chicken is not firewood, although it is not tender, but this moderately soft and hard taste has a unique taste!"

"Yes! It just makes you feel that you are eating stewed chicken. It's really fragrant!"

"Try this chicken skin, it melts in your mouth, it's full of fat, but it's not greasy at all, it's delicious!"

Ordinarily, the three tables of guests have eaten seven, seven, eight, eight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The last soup dish, each person drinks a bowl of soup, yo-yo seam is almost enough, but none of them can resist the impulse , everyone ate chestnuts and chicken.

The guests at the table for four were better. The four of them ate a chicken, and each of them ate only one-fifth of it. In the end, there was one chicken leg left.

The guests at the table for two are in trouble. They each ate half a chicken and drank the soup cleanly. At this moment, the two of them are holding the table and humming, and they can't walk. Moved.

When Sister Hua saw the three tables of guests who had all eaten, she was a little bit dumbfounded.

On the one hand, she is very grateful to Lin Fang. Today's troubles are said to be caused by Lin Fang, but in fact, it is not true. The conflict between her and Chen Gui has a long history. Even if there is no Lin Fang, there will be others. Chefs who do not belong to the "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang" will break out sooner or later.

On the other hand, she complained a little bit about Lin Fang, it doesn't matter what these guests eat, the girls spend most of their consumption. At this moment, the three tables of guests are all full and full, and they don't want to move. How can you think about it, girl?

If they are full and want to sleep and go home together, wouldn't they have missed a lot of money?

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