I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Pier promotion 1 (Happy New Year's Eve!)

"I'm not really a scumbag ( Find the latest chapter!

The two strong men stood up and walked towards Lin Fang from left to right, their faces full of badness.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then there is so so there is Qi Ruizhu screaming and rushing over to protect Lin Fang, holding a kitchen knife in his hand and waving it around."

The two strong men were startled, and they took a step back.

"Aiya! Aiya!" The brawny man who was stepped on by Lin Fang screamed, "Auntie, can you come down? If you step on like this, I'm going to die!"

This brawny man was unlucky. When Qi Ruizhu rushed over, he didn't pay attention to his feet at all, and staggered and stepped on him directly.

Especially when Qi Ruizhu was waving the kitchen knife, her footsteps were erratic.

From time to time, he stepped on the strong man's face a few times. He couldn't protect his face, but he couldn't protect his chest, and he couldn't protect his face.

"Stinky bitch, come down quickly! If there is anything wrong with our third child, I will kill you!"

"Damn bitch, you dare to step on our third child, you are courting death! I will kill you!"

The person who was trampled under Qi Ruizhu's words was considered polite, but the words of the other two were unpleasant.

"What a big breath." Lin Fang grabbed Qi Ruizhu, who was planning to go down. "Come on. Hurry up. I want to see what skills you all have. If you keep your mouth shut, you will die."

The two strong men's faces turned fierce, and each grabbed a bench and slammed it on Lin Fang.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Qi Ruizhu waved the kitchen knife again in fright. She was in the front row and could easily attract firepower.

"Don't panic, take a rest first." Lin Fang embraced Qi Ruizhu's rib, pushed her around, and turned her 180 degrees behind him with gentle force.

Then, Lin Fang slammed the dragon's tail on one of the chests, and with a hand, he pulled the bench in the other's hand over, put it under his feet, stepped on it, volleyed a foot, and slapped the other person in the face. superior.

When it fell, it was pulled again, and the bench in this man's hand was also pulled back.



At this time, the two strong men fell to the ground one after another.

Lin Fang put down the bench and piled it with another bench in the shape of "Lu", like a cage, trapping the strong man who fell to the ground first. , did not dare to speak.

There are many hawker and small shop owners on the street. They are gangsters, and it’s a basic operation to get a little bit cheaper and charge a little protection fee.

It's not that I haven't seen the iron-headed, but a few people surround them and punch and kick casually, and they can teach the other person to behave.

Where have I seen a ruthless character like Lin Fang, who knocked all three of them to the ground with three punches and two feet.

Lin Fang flicked the hem of his clothes and sat on the bench with Erlang's legs up.

"If you weren't worried that you wouldn't be able to pay for it, these two stools would have been broken long ago." Lin Fang hugged his arms and smiled, "Three, can we talk about compensation now in a calm manner?"

"Don't compensate! We don't want to compensate!" The one who was kicked in the chest was slightly injured, and he got up and smiled, "Master, you have a lot of adults. It is a kind of grace to let us go, how can you ask for compensation? That can't be!"

"You want to eat shit!" Lin Fang let out a laugh, "You interrupted my business and caused me to have no business for the whole morning just after I opened, so it's okay to not compensate me for my losses? Besides, you almost broke me just now. A table and two stools, I'll give you a 50% discount, and give me half of it to leave!"

Another strong man who was hit in the face by Lin Fang and only regained consciousness just now heard that he was going to lose money, so he resolutely continued to pretend to be stunned.

"Master, I don't have that much money..." The strong man groped all over his body, and found two dollars and a handful of copper, "Or... I'll mortgage my two brothers here first, I'll collect enough After the money comes back to redeem people?"

"You're out of money, what about them?"

"Yes..." The strong man was reminded by Lin Fang, his eyes lit up, and he decisively started to touch the man who was pretending to be dizzy.

"Brother, why are you touching me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, take the money!"

"No, brother, I saved this money to redeem Xiao Taohong..."

"Redeem your sister! When you save enough money, Xiao Taohong is already in her twenties, so it's better to use it to lose money first!"

The three strong men put together seven or eight together, even counting a pile of copper coins, and barely managed to collect five pieces of ocean.

"Okay, that's all." Lin Fang saw that a strong man was going to touch his shoes and wanted to dig something out, so he quickly stopped, "You three, get out of here, and then disturb my business and castrate you!"

Waiting for the big men of the three crocodile gang to leave in embarrassment, Lin Fang piled a few big oceans and a pile of copper coins that they had lost on the table.

After a while, there was still no one in the store.

Qi Ruizhu walked around in a hurry, fidgeting.

"Master, what should I do!"''

"What do you mean?"

"No one comes in for dinner! How about I go out and shout?"

"No need. Today's bean curd rice has been sold. Isn't the money here? Take it, it's yours."

"I don't want it! No merit and no reward!"

"Yo, you can still say this, it's amazing!"

"Master!" Qi Ruizhu's face flushed with anxiety, "I don't want to joke!"

"I'm not joking with you." Lin Fang smiled lightly, and put a piece of ocean into her hand. "Everyone who sees it has a share. This is your dividend. It's almost time, and we're going to close the door."

"Ah?" Qi Ruizhu looked at the sky, "It's almost noon now, even if you don't sell it in the morning, you can still sell it at noon!"

"No need, I miscalculated the time." Lin Fang glanced at the door, "Originally, these foods were not intended to be sold to these neighbors. When you go to the pier with me, I will go out to buy something. ."

"Oh!" Qi Ruizhu agreed, only to remember that he was still holding the ocean in his hand, "Wait a minute, the owner, your ocean!"

"That's your ocean!"

Lin Fang waved his hand, but didn't look back.

After a while, Lin Fang picked up a pole and came back with a small coal stove and a large wooden cabinet hanging on the pole.

I don’t know if I don’t go shopping, but at this time, there are already briquettes and small coal stoves specially designed to burn briquettes.

There is a handle on the coal stove, which can be lifted with a pole, or you can buy a bicycle and hang it on the bicycle.

Bicycles were too expensive to buy temporarily, so Lin Fang only bought a small coal stove and a wooden cabinet.

"Master, what are you doing?" Qi Ruizhu looked at the two coal stoves with a confused expression, "Don't we already have three stoves?"

"It's convenient, you'll find out later." Lin Fang smiled without explaining, and started to clean up.

He opened the large wooden cabinet to reveal the space below. The cabinet was divided into three layers. There was a round hole on the top layer of the wooden board, which was just enough to place a pot firmly.

Lin Fang first took out the heavy items he bought inside and piled them into the store, then took off the steamer on the stove, put the small pot in and put it away. Don't even shake.

Then he scooped the bean curd in, then stuffed the bowl and chopsticks seasoning tray into the grid under the wooden box, and finally stuffed the wooden barrel containing the rice into the bottom, and the preparations were ready.

After doing this, Lin Fang picked it up and tried it. The front and back weights were about the same, and there would be no situation where one head was high and the other was low when walking.

"Come on, close the door."

"Oh! Oh!" Qi Ruizhu understood it now, Lin Fang was planning to change to Jia as a businessman, and planned to sell it along the street!

"Master, let me do it!" Qi Ruizhu closed the store door a few times, trying to grab the pole from Lin Fang's hand, "How can the owner carry the burden and the guy is watching?"

"It's too heavy, you can't pick it up."

"I choose to move!"

"Okay, come here." Lin Fang didn't argue with Qi Ruizhu, he let go of the pole and stood aside to make room.

"Hey!" Qi Ruizhu tried it, but didn't pick it up.

"Hey!" She tried again, but she barely stood up, but the pole was swaying from side to side, and she was carried to the side. If Lin Fang hadn't been quick to pick up the pole, she would have beaten everything. flip over.

"I'm sorry, boss." Qi Ruizhu was anxious and angry, her eyes were red, and she almost burst into tears, "It's all useless for me, I can't even lift a pole! You...you won't drive me away, will you?"

"Will not."

"Master, I knew you wanted to drive me away!" Qi Ruizhu's eyes condensed with water droplets, "I eat a lot, I have little strength, and I don't know how to cook, so it's useless, don't drive me away, okay? I have nowhere to go!"

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Fang scolded angrily, "Eating so much, and giving me a piece of the ocean, I want to run without much work, I tell you, no way! If you dare to run, your legs will be interrupted! "

"Don't run! I won't run!" After being scolded by Lin Fang, Qi Ruizhu smiled instead, "Hey, boss, you are so nice!"

This stupid girl is really helpless!

Talk to her in a good voice, but she doesn't listen.

She had to be scolded before she believed it.

Lin Fang carried the burden and walked in front, while Qi Ruizhu followed behind.

Along the way, it attracted many children to follow.

However, most of them followed and ran a few steps. Seeing that they had no intention of stopping, they stopped chasing.

"Master, aren't we going to sell on the streets? Why don't we stop?"

"Who told you to walk the streets? I'm here to promote!"

"What is promotion?"

"Look for target customers, accurately locate them, and let target customers know where our store is and what we are selling!"

"Ah? Master, what are you talking about?"

"I'm going to go to the dock and let the boatmen taste our bean curd rice!"


Knowing where to go, Qi Ruizhu didn't ask any further.

Lin Fang said all the things she didn't understand, and the more she asked, the more flustered and inferior she became.

She felt like she might have hired a fake Mr.

The pier was actually not far away, and it took only ten minutes to walk. Even if Lin Fang walked a little slower in order to wait for Qi Ruizhu, he arrived at the place in less than twenty minutes.

When he got to the pier, Lin Fang suddenly realized why no boatman passed by that street today.

I don't know what day it is today, but many ships are docked at the dock.

The boatmen were laboriously unloading from the ship. At first glance, they went back and forth like ants moving house.

There are some small stalls and some hawkers on the pier, but the hawkers on the shore sell at most dry food such as biscuits and steamed buns. The ones that can really provide some soup are all stalls composed of small boats.

A boat is a temporary shop.

Some are selling noodles, some are selling porridge, and some are selling wontons.

Lin Fang came over with a burden, which attracted many people to look over.

A boatman who was resting came over and watched Lin Fang set up the booth. He couldn't help but ask curiously, "Shopkeeper, what are you selling?"

"Tofu rice. One bowl of tofu and two bowls of rice, 20 copper yuan."

"The price is not expensive. A bowl of big meat noodles costs 25 copper yuan, and plain noodles are also 15 copper yuan. I just don't know how your bean curd rice tastes. I have never eaten it before."

"Our family's bean curd rice is delicious!" Qi Ruizhu finally found a chance to speak, "I guarantee you eat one bowl and want two bowls, and two bowls and four bowls, and you won't want to eat anything else in the future!"

"Yo, the big girl is pretty, how can she lie?" The boatman bared his teeth, showing his yellow teeth, "If it doesn't taste good, can you not charge me?"


Lin Fang smiled, and directly scooped up a bowl of bean curd along with a dipping plate and rice on a tray and handed it over, "I'll treat you to this bowl, no charge."

"I'm so sorry..." The boatman rubbed his hands on his trouser legs and took the tray simply.

"I'm sorry, but the answer is very fast!" Qi Ruizhu was a little unhappy, whispered something, and said to Lin Fang, "Boss, you're doing business this way, it's too bad!"

"That's not necessarily true." Lin Fang smiled, "We are doing promotion, isn't it right for people to try it for free?"

"The owner said something that others don't understand!"

Lin Fang pretended not to hear Qi Ruizhu complaining~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not shout, but just watched the boatman eat bean curd rice.

This boatman is a little old, but he is a good eater. He knows that he needs to pick up the bean curd and dip it on a dipping plate, then put the bean curd into the rice bowl, wrap the bean curd with the rice, and put it in his mouth together.

After the first sip, his eyes couldn't help bulging.

The soft and smooth bean curd is wrapped in a spicy and delicious sauce to enrich the taste. It is a perfect match when paired with rice!

The fragrant rice neutralizes the last extra salty taste of the sauce, which is delicious and delicious.

Boatmen do heavy physical work on the dock, sweat a lot, and are most prone to lack of salt.

Too salty things can add enough salt, but it's not easy to swallow.

On weekdays, the boatmen can only bite the bullet and pour it into their mouths, and they don't dare to taste it carefully at all.

That is, when you get off work, find a cheap restaurant, ask for a plate of peanuts or a plate of spiced beans, sell a bowl of loose wine, and try to relax.

That time is usually the most enjoyable time of the day for them.

The old boatman did not expect that he could eat such a bowl of spicy and delicious bean curd rice for only 20 copper yuan.

The dipping sauce is just right, the bean curd is lightly wrapped in it, it is soft and refreshing, and it’s delicious!

Such a good thing only sells for 20 copper dollars, which is a big bargain!

"Everyone comes to eat bean curd rice, 20 copper yuan a bowl, cheap and delicious, but it's gone if it's too late!"

The old boatman roared, and the boatmen who were temporarily resting seemed to hear the assembly number. With a bang, they all crowded up, and the stalls of Lin Fang and Qi Ruizhu were immediately surrounded by water.

(I wish all the book friends who are still reading on New Year's Eve a prosperous year of the ox, arrogant and arrogant!)

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